HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-18 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission th September 18, 2003 Regular Meeting Minutes Roll Call Catron, Baxter, Beaudoin, Chapman, and Hartzell were present. Associate Planner Maria Harris, Communications Manager Ann Seltzer, Officers Steve MacLennan and Tom Cook of the Ashland Police Department (APD), and the Rogue Valley Transportation District’s (RVTD) Dan Masi were also present. Call to Order Chapman called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Approval of Minutes st The minutes of August 21, 2003 were approved as presented. Car Free Day Members reviewed materials that had been distributed by Harris. Hartzell questioned whether Friday worked for a photo shoot, or if another date would be better. Harris suggested that the commissioners needed to decide if they would support the shoot as planned or move ahead separately. Chapman questioned the costs involved. Seltzer explained that the necessary ads and flyers were being paid for by RVTD, and RVTD’s Dan Masi clarified. Hartzell noted that if the event were not done Friday, it could be done elsewhere, on a less busy street or in a parking lot. Masi noted that the photo shoot was intended as an event to be experienced as part of Car Free Day. He distributed sample poster ideas in the form of a card from the BTA. Hartzell suggested that since a subcommittee had already been formed and there was no money involved, the subcommittee could be retained, the commission could express its support for the event while continuing to look at options. Baxter questioned if Friday, September 26 was definitely off the table. He noted that he would be available to participate on this date. Chapman noted that neither he nor Delgado were available for this date. Catron suggested staggering the event, and Hartzell responded that the set-up and logistics made more sense if staged at one time. Hartzell suggested allocating some funding just in case unexpected expenses were incurred. Baxter noted that as the season progresses, it would be darker earlier and more difficult to find a suitable time. Members discussed lighting and event logistics. Seltzer stated that the concerns around traffic could be overcome. She emphasized that the preparatory work planning and setting up the event on “game day” were the issues to be concerned with. Catron questioned what specifically would be necessary. Seltzer responded that people to participate and people to manage and organize were the main requirements. Hartzell stated that she had thought out the organization of the event, and she felt that she and Delgado could organize. She suggested postponing the event at least 1-2 weeks. Baxter suggested considering a Saturday morning event to lessen the traffic conflicts as well as any difficulties people might have getting off work. Catron and Beaudoin concurred with this suggestion. Chapman summarized the discussion, and noted that the first issue to be decided was whether to go ahead with the event. He also noted that timing and money remained to be decided as well. Masi noted that the photographer that RVTD had lined up was available thth on the 27 and 28. Hartzell noted that the group might not be able to decide on a date tonight. She suggested that the only necessary decisions were whether to move ahead and whether funds needed to be allocated. Hartzell questioned who would retain the rights to any photo created. Masi responded that ownership would be shared jointly between RVTD and the City. He added that logos and information for both would be included on the prints. He also pointed out that RVTD would provide up to 2500 copies for the City, with the possibility of variations in groups of 500. 2003-0918Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 1 of 3 Hartzell/Baxter m/s to continue the subcommittee work and allocate $300 from the budget for use on this project. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. th Masi noted that October 8 is International Walk to School Day. Hartzell suggested including this in any Car Free ads. Masi referred commissioners to http://www.walktoschool.org . Chapman noted that he had repainted the banner to be placed on East Main Street. Elections Baxter noted that his term was expiring in April, and he added that he may not continue on the commission. He stated that he would reluctantly be willing to accept a nomination to serve as chair until April. Chapman/Beaudoin m/s to nominate Baxter as chair and Catron as vice-chair. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Crosswalk Enforcement Cook stated that there had been no operations in August due to road construction. He noted that in September, one operation resulted in 44 stops and 23 citations, and a second operation lead to 27 stops and 20 citations. He pointed out that a third operation would be th occurring on Car Free Day, September 26at the corner of Ashland Street and Normal Avenue. Chapman noted that he and Keith Massey were planning to volunteer to assist with this operation. Cook noted that this would be the last operation under the current grant funding. Chapman stated that he would like to see funding in future budgets to allow for frequently recurring operations of this sort. Cook added that the city could reapply for grant funding after January of 2004. Cook also presented an order form for pedestrian and bicycle safety pamphlets from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) in case members were interested in ordering materials for educational outreach. Cook discussed traffic enforcement in school zones that are occurring to coincide with the start of the school year, and noted the difficulties being experience around Bellview School relative to parking issues, bikelanes, and traffic. He requested that the commissioners look at referring this matter to the Traffic Safety Commission. Hartzell recommended that Cook take these concerns directly to Jim Olson. Bike Lights Cook reported that the APD front office has sold only three lights, and none of those have been sold since the beginning of summer. He suggested that the problem may be due to a lack of publicity. Harris explained that since learning of this situation, efforts have been made to promote the lights’ availability on the city website and in the City Source utility billing insert. Hartzell suggested that she would like to see efforts by APD officers and members of this commission to distribute lights to nighttime bicyclists, especially those that could not otherwise afford to buy lights. Seltzer noted that the Southern Oregon University Student Union would be a good place to publicize the lights. Hartzell stated that she would send a letter to APD to clarify the commission’s intention relative to light distribution. Seltzer agreed to prepare a press release as well. Hartzell and Baxter indicated that they would both like to be able to distribute lights where a need was observed. Harris stated that the lights are currently stored at the city warehouse, and she offered to bring some lights to the next meeting. Bike Safety Education/Safe Routes to School Harris pointed out that grant materials from ACTS were included in the packets. She noted that this grant has not yet been received by the city, but she added that ACTS review of applications has begun. Baxter questioned whether any contact with Ashland Middle School (AMS) had occurred to discuss the possibility of the grant. He expressed concern that the Safe Routes program could get lost in the shuffle given everything going on at AMS. Baxter suggested copying the grant materials to Dale and John, the principal and vice principal at AMS. Baxter clarified that the discussion at the meeting between commissioners, Scott Bricker from BTA, and representatives of AMS had lead him to believe that BTA would be focusing their bike safety efforts on the elementary schools and the safe routes program to be aimed at AMS students. Baxter added that only one P.E. teacher had attended this meeting, along with the vice-principal. He noted that Delgado would be taking the lead on this item, and he also stated that while the school appears interested they might not be able to integrate the bike safety curriculum into P.E. classes. He suggested that the safe routes program might be a better fit, and he added that bike safety efforts at AMS might be better-received if they were presented as an afterschool program or through a club, where other items such as bicycle maintenance could be addressed. Baxter explained that his sense was that teachers and administrators had gotten very burnt-out on the program as a P.E. class; he noted that it was seen as overwhelming and there were difficulties in that many students did not know how to ride a 2003-0918Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 2 of 3 bike and had to be split off from those who were able to ride. Masi noted that RVTD offers an interactive bike class that is presented as a 45-minute program in local schools. He stated that local schools can contact RVTD’s marketing director to schedule these classes. He added that RVTD does not normally approach the schools as the classes fill quickly without any outreach on their part. Baxter pointed out that Doug Staples, the RVTD interactive bike class instructor was present at the meeting with the Middle School. Hartzell questioned what the next step should be for this item. Chapman noted that there had not been discussions with the BTA relative to what would occur if the ACTS grant application was not successful. Hartzell noted her belief that bicycling is a core survival skill for everyone and as such should be taught in schools. Baxter suggested that bike safety might be best suited to the elementary level prior to the development of bad habits. Chapman inquired about the Siskiyou Wheelmen’s bicycling class. Baxter responded that locals had done it, and had even done a video on RVTV. Chapman stated that he would like to promote something like this, maybe in the form of commuter instruction. He stated that he would look further into the possibilities. Budget Update Harris noted that the commission has $3300 for projects, broken down as $1500 for Bike Safety and Safe Routes; $1000 for signage and maps; $500 for print materials; and $300 for the Bike Swap. New Business It was noted that several members would like to revisit commission goals for the next meeting. Hartzell suggested looking at the broader concept of alternative transportation and at possibly broadening the commission’s scope. She cited the book “The Party’s Over” as something to refer to in considering whether commissioners want to expand the commission’s scope. Baxter stated that he was definitely interested. Hartzell added that the recommendations of the Transportation, Transit and Parking Committee (TTPC) could be addressed under this broadened scope. Hartzell suggested looking at refilling Lynn Reynolds position, given recent attendance. Harris stated that she would contact the mayor to initiate the necessary proceedings. Seltzer suggested that members consider allowing at least 4 weeks for staff planning of a photo shoot. She also pointed out that considering the location, time and date for the least impact would be helpful in receiving a parade permit. She noted that paving of th Siskiyou Boulevard will begin on September 29 and stated that this could be an issue; she emphasized that the phased paving would create re-routing bottlenecks that would make receiving a parade permit difficult on some dates/times. She reiterated that the event could be carried out, but that it would take time and resources. She suggested keeping the final product and its message in mind. Harris added that both she and Seltzer should be scheduled for any subcommittee meetings. Chapman stated that he would speak to Delgado about spearheading this project. There was discussion of the League of American Cyclists bicycle friendly communities program. It was noted that this was a new program, with 14 communities across the country participating. It was suggested that staff review the website for this program and consider going through the application process. (http://www.bicyclefriendlycommunity.org) Baxter suggested looking at applications for new members. He also noted a recent questionnaire being distributed relative to banning bicycles from the skate park. He pointed out that the Pedi Cab previously discussed will be getting insurance in October. Chapman pointed out that a new, city-generated trail map was available for sale through the Parks Department. Agenda Items for Next Meeting Bike Safety Education/Safe Routes to School, and Goal Setting. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 P.M. Next Meeting th 5:15 p.m. on October 16, 2003 2003-0918Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 3 of 3