HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-21 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission st August 21, 2003 Regular Meeting Minutes Roll Call Catron, Baxter, Beaudoin, Chapman, Delgado, and Knickerbocker were present. Hartzell arrived at 5:25 p.m. RVTD’s Matthew Barnes and Officers Steve MacLennan and Tom Cook of the Ashland Police Department (APD) were also present. Call to Order Chapman called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Approval of Minutes th Baxter/Delgado m/s to approve the minutes of July 24, 2003 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum There was discussion of humanitarian efforts to take bicycle parts to Cuba, and classes taught by Carol Lee Rogers and Doug Staples at Lincoln School. Crosswalk Enforcement Cook noted that the next pedestrian safety operation would be conducted next Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Chapman pointed out that one volunteer was still needed. Cook added for Knickerbocker that the operation would be conducted at the corner of East Main Street and Gresham, near the library. There was discussion of letters to the editor, and it was noted that the Acting Chief of Police’s letter was very good. Chapman asked Hartzell whether she felt a letter to the editor from the commission was still needed. Hartzell suggested that a letter was still needed to clarify the laws. MacLennan noted that on January 1, 2004, Oregon law changes so that drivers must stop for pedestrians anywhere in a crosswalk and must remain stopped until the pedestrian clears the crosswalk. He added that this will apply on all streets, with both one-way and two- way traffic. MacLennan questioned whether the commissioners wanted to do some sort of public education in light of the changing law. Hartzell asked whether someone from the Police Department could assist in writing a letter to the editor. Baxter added that he felt a letter should be published nearer to the end of the year, closer to the time the new law takes effect. Hartzell stated that she felt there was still a perception that the city was being overzealous with the enforcement of pedestrian laws. Delgado suggested that letters focus on the reasons behind the laws rather than simply stating the laws themselves. She also suggested that the basic rules be put on the city website. Harris noted that there are brochures available, and stated that she could speak with Telecommunications and Marketing Manager Ann Seltzer about posting something on the web. She also suggested putting brochures at banks, schools, and other locations around town. Catron suggested that brochures should also be provided at the Chamber of Commerce and its plaza information booth. Baxter agreed that web posting was important as commissioners could refer people to the website. Hartzell suggested contacting the state for more explanation of the ORS. Delgado stated that she felt that the brochures were pretty user friendly. Harris suggested a contact person be named on the website for people with more involved questions. Bike Safety Education/Safe Routes to School Baxter stated that he had spoken to John O’Malley, and O’Malley had reiterated his desire to get the bike education curriculum going th again. Baxter added that Scott Bricker from the BTA would be in town to meet with O’Malley on August 28 at 2:30 p.m. He explained that O’Malley is interested in developing a curriculum that integrates well with that the school is already doing and that can become their own. Baxter invited any commissioners who were available to attend this meeting. Baxter added that Bricker is willing to meet with anyone who is interested, and he added that he will also be meeting with Siskiyou Velo. Hartzell questioned whether Bricker was familiar with other curriculums; Baxter responded that he wasn’t sure. Baxter added that it was up to the Middle School to move forward now, with the commission’s assistance. He stated that he believed there are plenty of resources available. 2003-0821Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 1 of 3 Chapman noted that he had received e-mail from Carol Lee Rogers stating that Doug Staples would be conducting classes at two elementary schools in the fall. Delgado added that she had spoken to Todd Contreras, an elementary school P.E. teacher, and she stated that he was enthusiastic about doing classes. She added that she had also spoken to former commissioner Tom Powell and he was interested in having these classes as an SOU practicum. She noted that in the past, the times BTA set hadn’t worked for SOU. Baxter noted that he had the impression that one middle school teacher was opposed to the program, and he noted that this teacher was no longer around. Delgado questioned what the commission was aiming toward. Baxter stated that he thought things had evolved from the commission doing the program on its own, to a partnership with BTA that would lead to the program coming out of the schools rather than something that the commission had to take into the schools. Baxter added that BTA is willing to continue on its own. Catron stated that he thought the commission was going to focus on the Middle School. Baxter responded that the commission had decided to focus on the Middle School because the program was there before and because all Ashland students go there. Delgado stated that one issue was determining how to work with the BTA in the future, and how to address what is working and what is not. There was discussion of sending brochures home with children. Cook noted that ODOT may have separate brochures available oriented toward children. Barnes noted that RVTD has a fifty minute bicycle class that they present to second through seventh graders. RVTD Car Free Day th Barnes noted that the event would be Friday, September 26, and that bus service would be free district-wide. He added that RVTD was working with Minute Markets to provide free refreshments. He added that they would also be promoting the BTA Bike Commute Challenge. Hartzell noted that a parade had been discussed at the last meeting, rather than just a critical mass ride. Barnes stated that RVTD could not organize people in the street, but he added that could send a photographer. Chapman suggested that this could be done downtown, where it is easy to get up high for a photograph. Hartzell questioned who was interested in working on this item; Chapman responded that it sounded interesting to him. Delgado stated that she was interested, depending on the amount of time involved. Catron suggested finding a way to promote carpooling. Hartzell suggested having booths for kids to decorate their bikes, and she added that the parade/photo could be the culmination of the event. Delgado suggested focusing on a school and having the event during the day. Chapman suggested a pseudo-critical mass, with everyone who rides a bike riding as much as they could during the day. Chapman and Delgado agreed to work with Hartzell on this item. Chapman added that he would repaint the Car Free Day banner. Harris noted the need to get permission for posting the banner. Hartzell stated that she would like to see something fun and creative. Chapman added that people from outside the commission needed to be involved. Delgado suggested advertising in the Community Notes section of the Tidings. th It was agreed that there would be a lunch meeting in the Siskiyou Room on September 4. New Business Baxter questioned the law under discussion in Salem that would allow cyclists to do rolling stops at intersections. Hartzell asked about the light distribution program. Harris noted the upcoming ACTS Conference in Eugene in October. There was discussion of the North Mountain bike lanes and the upcoming improvements in the vicinity of North Mountain Park. Chapman noted that he had been appointed to an advisory committee of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and would be reporting back on their efforts. Agenda Items for Next Meeting 2003-0821Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 2 of 3 Bike Safety/Safe Routes, Crosswalk Enforcement, Car Free Event, Elections, Bike Lights, ACTS brochure, and Budget Update. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M. Next Meeting th 5:15 p.m. on September 18, 2003 2003-0821Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 3 of 3