HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-17 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission th April 17, 2003 Regular Meeting Minutes Roll Call Spear, Nutter, Catron, Baxter, Chapman, and Hartzell were present. Officer Tom Cook of the Ashland Police Department and Matthew Barnes of RVTD were also present Call to Order Chapman called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Approval of Minutes th Catron/Nutter m/s to approve the minutes of March 20, 2003 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed Public Forum Tom Boughton, a Southern Oregon University student working on a capstone project dealing with bicycles, transit, and alternative transportation, stated that he had done some research relative to the Siskiyou Boulevard redesign project, but stated that he was at a loss relative to city objectives beyond that project. Chapman discussed the Siskiyou Boulevard redesign, and Harris explained the bicycle component of the city’s Transportation System Plan, as well as the new bike trail along the railroad tracks from Laurel Street to Jackson Road. Harris also cited the Central Ashland Bikepath and the bicycle plan for the downtown included within the council goals that is in the preliminary stages of development and that would eventually connect with the redesigned Siskiyou corridor. Chapman noted further work is in store for the north end of town in the future, and he noted that bike signage is in the works. Chapman explained that the Bear Creek Greenway is in the process of being extended to North Mountain Park and is eventually planned as a connection all the way to Emigrant Lake. Chapman concluded that he is also hoping for an eventual bike route connection to the Ditch Trail. Crosswalk Enforcement Officer Cook provided members with a copy of statistics, as well as a press release and a Daily Tidings article announcing the 2:00 th p.m. crosswalk enforcement action scheduled for April 18, weather permitting. Cook noted that Nutter and Chapman were volunteering to assist and would be serving as scribe and videographer. Cook verified that there were no crosswalk violations cited in March, but he added that this would likely change with Officer Flynn’s return and the increased use of motorcycle patrols for traffic enforcement. Bike Swap Chapman questioned whether anyone present was interested in taking charge of this event. Hartzell suggested asking Lexis Packer, former member of this commission, about the possibility of her returning to the commission and chairing the Bike Swap. Nutter noted that Ed Mills might also be interested. Chapman stated that May would be a good time for this event. He suggested that the event should not be held up waiting to find someone who was interested. Harris noted that a staff member at the Grove had expressed some interest, but she stated that she hadn’t had further contact. Commission Vacancies Chapman stated that he had seen four applications so far for the two openings. Chapman stated that he would continue as chair until new members were appointed and an election could be held. Harris clarified that a new ad would be in the paper Friday announcing nd the vacancies. She added that the vacancies were posted on the city website, and that the deadline to apply is May 2. She explained that the four applications were on file and the applicants were no longer interested. Bike Lights Harris stated that she had nothing to report, beyond the fact that seven lights had been sold at the Police Department and fifteen were given away as part of Marvin’s commuter workshop. Harris stated she would look into statistics relative to light distribution by officers at bicycle traffic stops. 2003-0417_Bike Min.doc Page 1 of 3 Combining Commissions Harris explained that the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) had asked for a joint study session with commission members and council liaisons. She added that there was somewhat of a stall in finding a date that worked for everyone. Hartzell stated that she could work with Morrison to get this going again. Harris noted that while members were interested in continuing discussion, the TSC was somewhat apprehensive. Catron suggested a trial combining of the commissions to see how it would work out. Harris explained that combining required an amendment of the city municipal code. Chapman suggested that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission’s members simply appear at the next TSC meeting and bring up this matter in public forum. Hartzell suggested that a proposal needed to be prepared and presented, and areas of resistance identified. Chapman noted that he had attended the meeting where this was discussed before, but he had been unprepared to speak and did not feel that he had been particularly convincing. Harris added that a lack of members present from this commission may have also been a factor. Chapman stated that he would like to see the chairmen of both commissions, staff liaisons, and council liaisons get together for an informal discussion. He added that evenings or late afternoon would likely be the best time to meet. Hartzell suggested that the TSC is not totally opposed to this idea, but rather that they recognize issues that may well be valid. Catron reiterated that a trial combining should be acceptable to all. Safe Routes to School Chapman gave background to the guests who were present, and he noted that the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) had received a grant to use Ashland as a pilot site for its Safe Routes to School program. He reported that he had received no response from recent inquiries to BTA relative to the curriculum or the grant. Chapman pointed out that the Ashland Middle School vice principal wants to have more input in the curriculum, rather than simply relying on the BTA to provide a program. He emphasized that they would want to be able to be involved in the program development and that they hope to eventually take over the program. Chapman stated that he was waiting for the hiring of sixth grade P.E. teachers before pursuing things further in the school. He concluded that he hoped to hear from BTA and go back to the Middle School by May in order to be prepared to start the program in the fall. Harris recapped that at the last meeting, members were looking at a meeting with the vice principal, commissioners, teachers and the BTA. Chapman stated that he was still unsure of meeting timing, but he added that he might also bring Carol Lee Rogers for that meeting. Harris pointed out that BTA had received its grant, but she had not heard whether they had hired someone to teach the program. She stated that she would follow up on this, and find out if BTA was willing to work with teachers to develop curriculum. Hartzell stated that the commission could work with BTA and interested teachers to get them working together. Chapman stated that he would contact Vice Principal John O’Malley about the new P.E. teacher hirings and the other issues discussed here. Bike Safety Education Chapman stated that there was no word from BTA other than that Doug Staples had been hired to teach bike education for BTA and RVTD. He added that Staples and Rogers were approaching Helman and Bellview schools to schedule classes. Chapman questioned where Briscoe might fit in. Chapman suggested that a link needed to be formed between Rogers, Staples, Reynolds, and the Briscoe P.E. teacher who was interested in the program (Pam?). Catron noted that a call for volunteers went out in the city’s utility billing inserts. 2003-0417_Bike Min.doc Page 2 of 3 Signage Harris stated that she had no report. New Business Chapman noted that he had been invited to attend the transportation segment of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Public Advisory. Barnes explained that Ashland was a new MPO member based on the most recent census results. He added that the MPO decides on funding of transportation projects and needs citizen involvement. Chapman went on to note that there was a policy group, a technical advisory group, and the public advisory. Chapman suggested that others with an interest should apply for appointment and he added that meetings were bi-monthly. Harris noted that she and Pieter Smeenk from Public Works/Engineering were involved in the technical advisory group. Hartzell suggested using the RVTV commission spotlight program with Ann Seltzer to publicize the work of this commission. Harris noted an upcoming conference she would be attending. Barnes confirmed that RVTD would be sending staff as well. Hartzell thanked Spear for her contribution in serving on the commission, and members expressed their sorrow in seeing her depart. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 P.M. Next Meeting th 5:00 p.m. on May 15, 2003 2003-0417_Bike Min.doc Page 3 of 3