HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-16 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission th MAY 15, 2003 Regular Meeting Minutes Roll Call Chapman, Nutter, Baxter, and Catron were present. Hartzell arrived late. Call to Order Chapman called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. Approval of Minutes th The minutes of April 17, 2003 were approved as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed Public Forum None. Bike Swap Chapman reported that former commissioner Lexi Rewcastle had agreed to manage the Bike Swap. Rewcastle added that the date st selected is May 31 at the Grove, 1145 East Main Street and asked whether all members could attend and bring 2 or 3 friends each. Catron stated that he needed to check on the availability of senior police volunteers. Catron stated that he would contact Rewcastle by Friday evening about the availability of volunteers. It was noted that volunteers were needed from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. There was discussion the money needed for advertising. Chapman/Nutter m/s to give the Bike Swap $250. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Proposal for the Operation of a Bicycle Taxi Service (PediCab Bicycle Taxi Service/Dylan Robbins & Edward Rodgers) Robbins explained that they were proposing to run a bicycle taxi service in Ashland. He discussed the city municipal code requirements to operate under a special vehicle permit, and hindrances that prohibit soliciting rides or delivering passengers to a point other than to their point of origin, in addition to restricted travel on certain streets, and he clarified that special vehicles were things like horse drawn carriages and pedicabs. Baxter noted that the special permit had meant that the horse drawn carriage had to start at the plaza, do a loop through the park, and return to the plaza. Robbins noted that they were proposing to shuttle tourists to and from the downtown and travelers accommodations, and to A Street Marketplace. Catron asked about the proposed route, and it was explained that the proposed route would encompass A Street to the Minute Market and to SOU. Catron questioned the timing of service and days of operation, and it was noted that Robbins and Rodgers were still determining what would work best. They clarified that the service would probably operate only during the summer months, May through September. It was noted that they would prefer to operate more like a taxi service, but this is prohibited under the municipal code. Robbins described the vehicle to be used and noted that he had operated a similar service in Austin. He noted that the fees typically involve the driver working for tips, and added that the sign would state driver works for tips or $50 per hour. Robbins added that the business would be insured, and he pointed out that several companies provide the necessary insurance. Robbins discussed changes he would like to see in the municipal code to address the operation of pedicabs, and noted that he had discussed these changes with the City Attorney and City Administrator and provided samples of other cities’ codes relative to pedicabs. Chapman inquired about Robbins’ experience operating in Austin, and Robbins stated that it was set up when he arrived. He noted that the drivers were required to get a chauffeur’s license, and drivers could take pedicabs on roads that were closed to motor vehicles. Nutter questioned if these cabs could travel in a bike lane, and Robbins stated that they did. Hartzell expressed concern that A Street is already extremely congested, and the city receives frequent complaints of drivers taking off mirrors when passing each other. Chapman suggested that even though on a bike, it was appropriate to take a lane there. Nutter agreed, and stated that it might be good to slow traffic. 2003-0515_Bike Min.doc Page 1 of 2 Hartzell asked if the cabs had electric motors to help on hills. Robbins responded that there are power-assist models available but they are not proposing to use them. Robbins explained that the models he had in mind were geared lower for hills. Chapman asked what travel speeds were likely to be, and explained that the Traffic Safety Commission will want to know this in determining whether the cabs are a potential impediment to traffic. Robbins recognize the need to balance being a traffic calming agent versus being an impediment, and he emphasized that he didn’t not want to impede traffic. There was discussion of the potential need for certification and training, and members suggested that there must be an Oregon chauffeur’s license that would be comparable to what was required in Austin. Members discussed concerns with traffic levels on A Street. Nutter noted that a pedicab takes up considerable less room than a car. Harris added that motor vehicles are not restricted from using A Street due to congestion, and she pointed out that city plans and policies call for multimodal equity. Nutter/Catron m/s to support the pedicab proposal and direct staff to draft a letter to the City Council and Traffic Safety Commission highlighting the key points of the discussion. Discussion: Robbins stated that he welcomed any input from members prior to his appearance at the next Traffic Safety Commission meeting. Hartzell asked that the staff letter mention the discussion of A Street traffic concerns. Chapman noted that there should be no time restriction on the pedicab operation as they would need to find out what works, and there was discussion of whether it was equitable to restrict taxis. It was noted that promoting this service would reduce automobile traffic. Use of the Central Ashland Bike Path was also discussed. It was pointed out that the issue of certifying drivers would have to be dealt with. There was discussion of other pedicab companies operating, and Robbins noted that his strength was that he has done this before. He emphasized that if he could maneuver in Austin traffic, Ashland traffic should be no problem. Members discussed the need to consider A Street and being equitable to multimodal transportation, and of the issues around stopping and unloading passengers along A Street. It was suggested that there should be no time restriction, or location or area restrictions in the name of modal equity. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Bike Lanes on North Mountain Avenue Nutter stated that bike lanes on North Mountain were a good idea. Baxter stated that he bikes on North Mountain every day, and that he is struck by how little parking is used on North Mountain outside of events at the temple. Hartzell suggested looking at parking solutions along Mountain near North Mountain Park. Chapman emphasized that bikes should not be displaced. He added that the greenway will be extended to this park and it will see an increase in bike traffic. Baxter/Catron m/s to direct staff to draft a letter to the Traffic Safety Commission expressing this commission’s support of bike lanes on North Mountain Avenue. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Crosswalk Enforcement It was noted that the first action resulted in sixteen stops, with eight violations and eight warnings. Catron stated that drivers should nd be triple fined. Members were informed of the next action, to be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 22. Baxter suggested that it be held along Ashland Street, either near Key Bank or at the Normal Street intersection. Agenda Items for Next Meeting Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M. Next Meeting th 5:00 p.m. on June 19, 2003 2003-0515_Bike Min.doc Page 2 of 2