HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-20 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission th, March 20 2003 Regular Meeting Minutes Roll Call Spear, Nutter, Reynolds, Beaudoin, Catron, Baxter, and Chapman were present. Matthew Barnes of RVTD was also present. Call to Order Chapman called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. Approval of Minutes th Reynolds/Baxter m/s to approve the minutes of February 20, 2003 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed Public Forum None. Crosswalk Enforcement Catron questioned whether this item was intended to address vehicles or pedestrians. He echoed his earlier concern that greater enforcement efforts are needed to prevent pedestrians from violating laws, such as crossing against walk signals. Reynolds noted that she rarely encounters people jaywalking when she is driving. Chapman suggested that foot patrols would be necessary for this sort of enforcement. Reynolds stated that she felt that this was a lower priority aspect of crosswalk enforcement. th It was noted that a sting operation was scheduled for April 18 at 2:00 p.m., and Officer Cook stated that a couple of volunteers would be helpful. Nutter and Chapman volunteered to assist in the operation, and agreed to meet cook at the Police Department for a briefing prior to the operation. Cook noted that there will be sting operations monthly during the coming months; he noted that the tentative location of the first operation would be at Lithia and Oak Streets. Nutter asked whether the police were looking for additional recommended locations. Catron suggested that the area in front of the Ashland Springs Hotel would be a good site for a sting. Cook noted that the entire operation takes about two-and-a-half hours. Chapman noted that the Traffic Safety Commission was looking at the intersection of Morton and Iowa Streets; he added that he stood at the intersection for 45 minutes and stepped into the crosswalk 31 times. He emphasized that only 9 of 31cars had stopped for him. Segway Human Transport (SHT) & Riding on Sidewalks Baxter passed out Segway specifications, and he noted that this issue has been addressed by a lot of major cities. He added that the Segway, which can travel at 12 mph, has been banned on sidewalks in San Francisco. He clarified that he thought the Segway was still allowed to be ridden in a bikelane. Baxter emphasized that he was not against the Segway, but he was unsure if it was appropriate for sidewalk use. Chapman concurred. Baxter noted that the Segway costs roughly $5000. Bike Swap Chapman noted that he had met with Malena Marvin prior to her leaving town, and she had given him her entire information packet on the Bike Swap. He explained that the proceeds, minus advertising costs and Marvin’s time, left $3000. Reynolds stated that this was a service to the community, but she recognized that the project was time-intensive. Barnes noted that RVTD had hired a new bicycle education person, and he stated that he would inquire whether they were willing to take this project on. Baxter noted that the last swap was more streamlined for the vendors, and he added that Marvin’s one-day format seemed to work better. Chapman noted that Marvin felt the event could be shortened even more by limiting it to just the first few hours of the day. Barnes confirmed for Spear that the RVTD bicycle education staffer was from Medford; Spear questioned whether this person might know of some local volunteers who could be contacted about this project. Chapman noted that there was a volunteer list included in Marvin’s materials. 2003-0320_Bike Min.doc Page 1 of 3 Reynolds questioned whether a motion was needed at this point. Catron suggested limiting the budget to the amount spent last year. Chapman added that he would like to see the event occur in June this year. Baxter suggested that May was a good time for the event. Beaudoin suggested contacted Jim Hartman at the High School to gauge his interest in being involved with the swap. Reynolds added that the main job was the time required up front for organizing the event, and she emphasized that this would require someone with a specific skill-set. Beaudoin questioned whether members were willing to set the event aside if the right person could not be found. Chapman stated that he would further explore options. Bike Lights Harris noted that Marvin had given away the 15 light sets she had for the commuter workshop ride. Harris stated that she would check with Rich Walsh in the Police Department about getting lights in patrol cars for distribution. Baxter noted that light sets might also be an item to sell at the bike swap. Reynolds suggested putting together a checklist of what a bike needs to be legal. Combining Commissions Safe Routes to School/Bike Safety Education Chapman and Reynolds noted that they had met with John O’Malley, Vice Principal at the Middle School. Reynolds reported that they have 13 bikes, but she added that the barrier was that while the PE Department was the logical place for the program the teachers in that department had opted out and interest in the program had collapsed. Reynolds stated that PE teachers found that the program was another time requirement when not enough was available to begin with, and that it came down to a decision between soccer or bicycle education. Reynolds concluded that the course needed some work, and at least 1 or 2 teachers who would be willing to try it out. She added that while the program was originally billed as something that would be turned over to the Middle School, it was not carried out that way and there was a perception that teacher input was not valued. She stated that getting the program underway this spring at the Middle School was not a possibility. Chapman noted that the teacher who worked best with Carol Lee Rogers was coming back next year. Chapman added that he had some suggestions for improving the program, including the need for smaller groups of people. Chapman explained that students had different skill levels and some had discipline problems. Reynolds noted that the PE teacher she had spoken to had a lot of suggestions as well. Reynolds emphasized the need to collaboratively design the program with staff. She reiterated that the Middle School felt that the BTA had not followed through on the original agreement for handing the program off to the school. Reynolds stated that the program has great potential, but she emphasized that it should be limited to the sixth grade only. Beaudoin questioned why the Middle School had not developed a program of its own. Chapman noted that O’Malley had expressed an interest in the Safe Routes program. Chapman added that he had met with Rogers and Bricker, and that the concerns were communication and the fact that the program was still being development. Chapman suggested that having Rogers teach spring classes at the elementary schools would be the best option. Nutter questioned whether it would be better to train teachers. Reynolds noted that the reduced school year (due to budget) might mean that the program was not feasible. Chapman stated that he would talk to Carol Lee Rogers and the new BTA person about continuing the program. Nutter suggested training teachers now. Chapman emphasized that there were two items to address – finishing this year nd training for next year. Chapman added that teachers might change between now and next year. Reynolds pointed out that it could take months to develop a new curriculum, and suggested that planning needs to begin now. Reynolds added that teachers want to teach the program, but don’t want a curriculum. She stated that the main costs would be for bicycles and maintenance. Reynolds and Chapman reiterated the need for expertise to design the program, and then once it is underway to find money for bikes and maintenance. Reynolds suggested that a logical first step would be a meeting between this commission, the BTA, O’Malley, and the PE teachers who will be involved. 2003-0320_Bike Min.doc Page 2 of 3 Beaudoin/Baxter m/s to continue the spring classes at the elementary schools. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Baxter questioned whether the Middle School was open to some BTA support. Reynolds/Nutter m/s to have Chapman contact BTA about using curriculum, and if the BTA was agreeable, to have Chapman and Reynolds would meet with O’Malley to set up the next stage. Reynolds clarified that this would be to develop a program for the Middle School. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Chapman stated that he would also speak to BTA about spring classes. New Business Chapman questioned when announcements for vacant positions would be going out. Nutter/Beaudoin m/s to direct staff to forward the request to the mayor that the vacancies not be filled until the issue of combining commissions was resolved. Voice vote: Nutter & Beaudoin, YES. Spear, Reynolds, Catron, Baxter, and Chapman, NO. Motion failed 5-2. Harris agreed to e-mail members a status update on where the Downtown Plan is on the priority list for the Community Development Department. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M. Next Meeting th 5:00 p.m. on April 17, 2003 2003-0320_Bike Min.doc Page 3 of 3