HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-15 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission th January 15, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes Roll Call Members present: John Baxter, Chair Jack Christman Guy Nutter David Chapman Richard Beaudoin Lexi Delgado (late) Members absent: Jack Catron, Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker Council Liaison: John Morrison (absent) Staff: Maria Harris, Associate Planner Derek Severson, Account Clerk Tom Cook, APD Officer RVTD liaison: Dan Masi (present) High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: None Call to Order Baxter called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. Approval of Minutes th Chapman/Christman m/s to approve the minutes of December 18, 2003 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum None. Review of Nevada Street Traffic Calming & Pedestrian Improvement LID Project Harris provided brief background, and explained that the project rose out of residents getting together to address traffic and speed concerns related to the upcoming Billings Ranch development. She added that neighbors had reviewed a draft proposal and some controversy had resulted. Harris explained that city standards call for two 9-10 foot travel lanes, a 7-8 foot parking strip on both sides, a parkrow, and sidewalks and bike lanes on arterials and collectors. She stated that by state standards, where speeds are 25 mph or less and there are less than 3000 vehicle trips per day no bike lanes are required. Harris pointed out that the design proposed includes bump-outs for traffic calming, and she explained that presently 23% of vehicle trips are at over 30 mph. She emphasized that national studies show that traffic calming can reduce speeds by 20% or more. Harris presented the proposed plans, and noted that proposal address Nevada from Helman to the end of Nevada. She added that the current street is 36 feet wide with parking on both sides and no sidewalks, and explained that the proposal had sidewalks on the south side and a series of bump-outs, with parking to continue on both sides of the street except at the bump-outs. Harris discussed that the bump-outs are 11-11½ foot travel lanes, and that the parking rows are a standard of 7-8 feet. She emphasized that the bump-outs do not lessen the lane but change driver perceptions causing them to slow. She noted that the curbs would not be changing except where they were to be bumped-out. She pointed out that there are currently 1450 vehicle trips per day at Helman and only 427 at Cambridge, and noted that an additional 730 trips would be added by the new Billings Subdivision. Harris discussed the need to ensure emergency access by providing an adequate travel lane, and she noted for Nutter that the bump- outs leave just as much space as a 36’ paved street with parking on both sides. Baxter noted the limits of the commission’s role relative to this project. Nora Knox/276 W Nevada St stated that the Billings project initiated these changes due to its raising safety concerns over the increase in traffic. She explained that a core group of residents brought forth ideas to reduce traffic, ensure pedestrian safety, and calm traffic and met with the city and the developer. She added that they are still meeting in subcommittee and looking at draft plans. She noted that a crosswalk at Helman Street to the bikepath made sense to her, and she stated that the neighborhood group had discussed many options. Julie Young/240 W Nevada St stated that sidestreet neighbors have expressed concern that speed tables/humps would tend to divert traffic to their streets. She emphasized that the hope was not to divert traffic, just to slow it down. 2004-0115 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 1 of 4 Tony Kerwin/350 W Nevada St thanked Harris for her presentation and emphasized that bump-outs have been shown to work. He added that he would welcome any input from commissioners, and he agreed that a crosswalk at Helman was a good idea. Nutter questioned whether neighbors oppose tables and raised crosswalks. Kerwin explained that the noise is greater with tables and as such they find them to be inappropriate. Kerwin stated for Christman that he was willing to accept the draft proposal. Nutter asked if neighbors had considered planting to screen the street. Kerwin noted that planting would necessitate maintenance, and he added that neighbors would like to preserve the existing mature trees. Knox added that she hoped the center divider would have plantings. Both Knox and Kerwin stated that they would be willing to maintain such plantings. Knox added that because the sidestreets are narrow it makes Nevada Street seem like a freeway, and she stated that she would like some kind of buffer. Knox noted for Nutter that construction vehicles have been speeding and that neighbors have called the contractor to remind them to slow down. Harris stated for Beaudoin that the golf course to the west of the proposed subdivision is within county jurisdiction and will have vehicular access off of Jackson Road. Rewcastle summarized that the neighbors seemed to want more bump-outs for the existing trees, more plantings, and a crosswalk at Helman. Those neighbors present concurred. Baxter asked Cook about enforcement of speed limits for construction vehicles. Cook noted that the department had lost 50 hours of enforcement time due to the traffic officer being assigned to handle abandoned vehicles as well. Baxter noted that the commission is not often involved in LID design, but he echoed Rewcastle’s support for the Helman crossing. He recognized that there was some difficulty due to the placement of the driveway to the dog park. Knox pointed out that the crossing could be closer to Oak due to there being a grate on the other side of the intersection. She stated that students can already cross from the school to Randy Street, but she noted that they may not have a sidewalk all the way. Chapman suggested that the neighbors reconsider a parkrow as it would get kids further from the road and slow traffic. He also noted that in the present design the travel lanes are wider than on Siskiyou Boulevard. It was noted that putting the sidewalks further into the street would be difficult with the drainage system, and that some neighbors oppose parkrows. Harris explained that some elements could be peeled off for city standards and that others were neighborhood specific compromises. She added that while new streets require parkrows, retrofits like this are not always held to that standard. Harris clarified that the commission’s recommendation should be directed to council and staff and copied to the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC). She further explained that neighbors on LID’s have to cover the cost of street trees and irrigation when there is no homeowners association. Christman clarified that if a landscaped parkrow were recommended, neighbors would be responsible for maintenance. Knox stated that neighbors have discussed the issues, worked hard on getting improvements, and now sidestreet neighbors are coming forth in opposition. Christman pointed out that no one in opposition was present tonight. Kerwin suggested that the opposition was calming down. Nutter suggested that people oppose bump-outs. Knox concurred and stated that this was due to their being obstacles, their cost, and the possibility of their diverting traffic. Kerwin added that he did not think that the bump-outs would divert traffic. Harris demonstrated for the audience why the street width would not accommodate bike lanes. She emphasized that there was a trade off between slowing speeds and accommodating bikes. She added that if the speeds were slowed, it would be easier for bikes to navigate the road. She pointed out that the lanes can make the road seem wider and thus can increase speeds. She concluded that it was a livability issue for the neighborhood, and that the trips per day numbers tip the balance toward slowing speeds. Knox noted that she would not feel safe with her children riding bikes on a bike lane in the street. Beaudoin suggested bulb-outs near Helman for the full length of the school property. Harris stated for Masi that the minimum width for a travel lane was 9-10 feet. She added that there is roughly an extra 4 feet here and 10-12 feet would be needed for bikelanes. 2004-0115 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 2 of 4 Harris clarified that the commission was charged here with making a formal motion to council, staff and the TSC. Rewcastle/Beaudoin m/s to recommend looking at a crosswalk at the intersection of Nevada and Helman. Discussion: Nutter stated that he was in favor of bump-outs for their calming effect. He added that he would like to encourage more tree planting where homeowners were agreeable, and stated that he would prefer that these plantings be at city expense. Chapman asked for parkrows where appropriate. Rewcastle asked that the existing trees be preserved. Motion withdrawn. Nutter/Rewcastle m/s to recommend a crosswalk at Helman and Nevada to connect to the Greenway, to express support for bump-outs for traffic calming, to suggest plantings and looking at parkrows where appropriate, and to protect the existing mature trees with the use of sidewalks and bumpouts. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Harris stated that she would draft a memo to the council, staff, TSC and the Tree Commission. Discussion of Positive Reinforcement Program Harris explained that this item was a reward program to encourage children to cycle, and she added that materials were included in the packets. Baxter pointed out that there might be a possibility of a fund match from the TSC. Masi stated that RVTD has a bike program for kids as well, and he added that they have talked of partnering with Keith Massie on this program. He noted that RVTD has ice cream coupons and similar incentives, and that he would refer this to his Marketing Director as he feels the two programs may partially duplicate efforts. Baxter noted that the commission could offer lights as an incentive. Hartzell questioned whether the effectiveness of such a reward system was supported in any literature. Rewcastle stated that she was not comfortable with this means of motivation, and she added that it amounted to bribery rather than trying to create good habits. She suggested that at the very least, a more random reward system was needed. Masi suggested that a more event-oriented program would give children a taste of good behaviors. Baxter stated that he would prefer a longer timeframe with a larger prize at the end. Baxter added that he was reluctant to commit funding support until he knew what RVTD could do; he added that he would like to have Massie present to take questions. Christman suggested that Massie deal with RVTD and then resubmit his request to the commission. Rewcastle questioned whether the schools have already given their "buy-in." A Nevada Street neighbor in the audience suggested that parents keep their children from cycling due to safety concerns. Chapman discussed the commission's Safe Routes program as a response to these concerns. Rewcastle stated that she would contact Massie and report back at the next meeting. She added that she would invite Massie to attend as well. Crosswalk Enforcement/Periodic Focused Enforcement Cook explained that there was no new information on any grants becoming available. He stated that he has asked for a $5000 budget request in the next budget cycle, and he noted that there may be seatbelt and DUII enforcement funds available as well. He clarified that funds are typically earmarked for a specific area of enforcement, and additional funds or budget requests would address other areas. Baxter questioned how to best advocate for the budget request. Hartzell suggested letters to Administration, the Planning Director and Police Chief. Nutter moved to recommend a letter to Chief Bianca to request focused enforcement fund in the coming fiscal year's budget request. Discussion: Chapman asked how to get a third traffic officer. Cook stated that it would need to be requested of the chief. Motion withdrawn. Nutter/Christman m/s to draft a letter to Chief Bianca to request focused enforcement (pedestrian and speed) funding in the upcoming budget request. Discussion: Rewcastle noted the need to deal with the issue of trucks speeding down Nevada Street. Baxter suggested that calling the Police Department would bring the immediacy of the issue to their attention. Rewcastle stated that she would like to ensure that there was adequate staffing for needed enforcement. Chapman indicated that requesting "focused enforcement" was sufficient. Nutter stated that pedestrian and speed enforcement were the areas that need to be focused upon; he added that he would like three traffic officers. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Subcommittee Report: Bike Swap Baxter noted that this subcommittee had not met yet, but he stated that he had discussed using North Mountain Park and park staff were interested if a different date would work. He explained that the date currently planned would conflict with a softball tournament at the park. Baxter stated that he would like to continue planning for use of the Grove site, but he recognized that other dates could be 2004-0115 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 3 of 4 considered as well. Subcommittee Report: Education - Outreach Training/Safe Routes No subcommittee members were present; Harris noted that she had emailed a draft brochure. Subcommittee Report: Bicycle Friendly Communities Application Chapman noted that he and Brad, the citizen who suggested that the commission look at this application, were through Part 1 of the application. He clarified that Harris would review what they had prepared so far and then the application could be submitted on-line. th He stated that the deadline to complete Part 2 was March 19. He clarified that Part 1 amounted to providing cursory information about contacts, climate, population and density as a screening for Part 2, which will include specific information on engineering, education and enforcement. Subcommittee Report: Neighborhood Safety/Safe Routes Chapman stated that there was no report at this time. 2004-2005 Budget Harris noted that she had handed out a memo on this item. She noted for Baxter that the signage item had been completed without cost to the commission. She stated that preparing a budget request tonight would be preferred, but she stated that it would work to have the request come out of next month's meeting. She added that the commission has not spent any funds so far this fiscal year. Baxter stated that brochure money could be needed this year, and he added that the commission may want additional funds for the Bike Swap or other education and outreach efforts. Harris noted that the commission also has $1700 committed to Safe Routes with the BTA. Members agreed to bring ideas next month. Hartzell asked if neighborhood safety could be considered in the budget request. She cited the Nevada Street situation as an example, and stated that the neighbors are struggling with the process and could benefit from the expertise of the commission. She suggested setting aside funds to print a tool kit for people in similar situations. She added that the website could be used for information distribution. New Business Harris noted that new signals and bump-outs in the downtown would be installed beginning next month by ODOT. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:08 P.M. Next Meeting th February 19, 2004 at 5:15 p.m. 2004-0115 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 4 of 4