HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-15 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th April 15, 2004 Regular Minutes Roll Call Members present: John Baxter, Chair Jack Christman (late) Guy Nutter David Chapman Richard Beaudoin Lexi Delgado Jack Catron, Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker Council Liaison: John Morrison (present) Staff: Maria Harris, Associate Planner Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Tom Cook, APD Officer RVTD liaison: Dan Masi High school liaison: None SOU liaison: None Call to Order Baxter called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Approval of Minutes March 18, 2004 Catron noted that he had never discussed the handouts with the Police Chief as indicated in the minutes, only the original concept. Catron/Nutter m/s to approve the minutes as amended. Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum Doug Staples from the BTA introduced himself and noted that he has Walker and Lincoln Schools lined up for programs in the spring and Ashland Middle School and Helman set for the fall. th Tom Cook discussed the pedestrian enforcement operation at Normal and Ashland Streets on April 9. He explained that there had been 19 stops and 9 citations, and added that compliance had generally been much better than previous operations. Cook noted for Nutter than conducting these operations downtown is more difficult, but that it was likely one would occur downtown. Cook clarified that regardless of location, all such operations have the same distance requirements and in the downtown there are few sites that qualify that are not already signalized. Chapman suggested that somewhere near the library might be appropriate. Incentive Program Funding (Keith Massie, Discussion and Decision) Massie noted his last visit to the commission was in December. He explained that the program would be conducted in elementary schools two times each, starting with Bellview School. He noted that walkers or bikers with helmets would get a coupon for a Dairy Queen blizzard. He discussed the background of the program, and added that they would be beginning with two schools per week for four weeks and then visiting all schools again in the next week. He pointed out the cost for helmets and blizzard coupons would be approximately $2720 and that the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) had already agreed to fund the program with 50% of this amount. He requested that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission provide the remaining half. He emphasized that the goal of the program was to get more students walking and cycling, and he added that students not wearing helmets would be given one as part of the program and those not wearing properly fitted helmets would be shown how to adjust them. He concluded that the program could also use volunteer assistance, particularly during the 8:20-8:30 a.m. crunch time. He stated that principals had all been notified of the program, and that the school newsletters would be explaining the program to parents. Baxter asked for clarification of how much commitment was already in place from RVTD and the TSC. He also questioned what would happen at the end of the program if any money or materials were left over. Massie stated that he had met with RVTD and would be returning to meet with Ashland Police Department (APD). He stated that RVTD may provide coupons for Dairy Queen as well as reflectors. He noted that if there were volunteers, the results of the program would also be tracked but he indicated that this was a 2004-0415_Bike Min Page 1 of 3 secondary concern. He stated that $1360 was the amount being requested, but he recognized that the actual need might be less in implementation. Chapman asked and Harris confirmed that the commission could only reimburse expenses or issue purchase orders for future payment. Harris added that the funds would need to come out of this year’s budget. Beaudoin and Knickerbocker stated that they liked that some initiative was being taken, and they noted that some of the funding leftover from the signage budget could be used here. Catron/Nutter m/s to fund the program to a maximum of $1360, with the program to use funds from the Traffic Safety Commission first. Discussion: Delgado expressed her support for the program in concept but stated that she was against using sugar and fat to encourage children toward good behaviors. Hartzell added that a parent could opt to offer a different reward if they were able. Hartzell encouraged Massie to track results. Massie stated that the program would be applying for grant funding in the fall, and Baxter suggested a report for the May or June meetings to explain what had been spent and what the results were. Audience member Tracy Bungay noted that Willow Wind School does similar tracking, and stated that the children seem to like seeing the numbers. Massie stated that he was open to ideas for other program incentives. Baxter clarified that the motion was to allow the program up to $1360. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Bike Swap Delgado noted that the swap info line is 552-2263, and she stated that more information would be added. She explained how much she had enjoyed dealing with the Parks Department, and noted that they had a tent and use of The Grove in the event of rain. She added that the program had been adopted by the Parks and Recreation Commission, RVTD and the City of Ashland. Delgado clarified that proceeds would be used for bicycle safety education, and she noted that the next meetings of the subcommittee would be April 26 at 5:30 and May 3 at 5:30. She stated that the May 3 meeting was a mandatory meeting for anyone wishing to volunteer. Delgado pointed out that security workers had been arranged, and that artwork for display on buses was in the works. She noted that the Girl Scouts might be conducting a bike rodeo, and that there would be a safety ride and tire changing clinic. She also stated that the road capacity photo was not being done as previously discussed. Delgado called for volunteers to assist with intake, pricing, cashiering, sales, and etc. Hartzell suggested a flyer to the high school for inclusion in their daily announcements. Education and Outreach Catron read a statement clarifying the status of the hand-out cards/flyers. He noted changes that had been made since the last draft. There was discussion of the size of the card and the need for more whitespace in places. Catron clarified for Hartzell that while there was no way to measure the effect of distributing the cards, he felt that a change would be evident if it was working. Delgado suggested that staff be allowed to edit the card to find the needed whitespace. Members concurred. Catron/Chapman m/s to direct staff to make any necessary changes and get the cards and flyers sent to print. Discussion: Catron suggested 1000-1500 pieces be printed to begin with. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Bicycle Friendly Community Application Chapman noted that this item was completed and sent and no response had been received as yet. Neighborhood Safety Chapman stated that the subcommittee had not met. He added that the Nevada Street neighbors had held 3- 4 meetings since December, with another meeting slated for Monday. He explained that they have discussed traffic calming and surveyed residents and most believe they will see a negative impact from the development. He concluded that the project will move on to the City Engineer following the meeting with the neighbors on Monday. Bike Safety Class at Helman School in May 2004 thth Delgado stated that Helman teacher Matt Damon would be conducting these classes on May 18 and 20. She added that it was a commission goal to get such a program going and as such she encouraged members to volunteer to help. 2004-0415_Bike Min Page 2 of 3 Review of Bike Parking Requirements Harris noted that some bicycle-unfriendly parking had been mentioned on a local website. Harris explained the applicable planning requirements, and clarified that these requirements only come into play with changes that necessitate planning review of a site. Catron stated that he would approach the store manager where the parking was questioned, and Baxter stated that he would encourage other bicyclists to convey their opinions to the store relative to their bike parking. New Business Staples suggested that members refer to “Safe Helmets for Kids” on the internet for helmet fitting information. Chapman noted the letter in the packet from Jim Olson relative to the rejection of the city’s request to change the speed limit on North Main Street. He stated that the TSC had asked Olson to protest this decision to ODOT. Nutter/Catron m/s to go on record with the TSC in protesting the rejection of a speed limit reduction on North Main Street. Discussion: It was noted that there had been 36 accidents and 25 injuries on this stretch of North Main, with an estimated 55% of cars speeding. Chapman explained ODOT methodology and the logic that if the limit is lowered too much it will be ignored and thus actually increase violations. Chapman stated that he felt this was correct for a highway, but not in town. He noted that the intersection of Wimer and Hersey Streets also needed to be addressed. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Harris stated that she would prepare a letter on this issue, and she added that the initial recommendation to change the speed came from this commission with the support of the City Council. Harris noted that the city had received and ACTS OREGON Safe Routes grant to conduct a safe routes program in cooperation with BTA. She discussed BTA’s other successes with this program in Oregon, including their work in Bend. Harris noted that some lights might help as program incentives, and added that members might volunteer to solicit other incentives or prizes within the community. Staples stated that bike lights and water bottles were good incentives. Nutter/Catron m/s to donate 5 light sets to this program. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Harris stated that she need to order more lights. Harris thanked Baxter and Nutter for their service on the commission. She stated that replacements would be announced at the April City Council meeting. Catron noted that he would prefer not to be chair, but could continue to act as vice-chair. Beaudoin stated that he would be resigning from the Commission as well due to changes in his work situation. He stated that he would still be working on the Bike Swap. Harris noted that the first 45 minutes of next month meeting would be a training session on running meetings, rules of order, and state laws. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Next Meeting: th Thursday, June 17, 2004 2004-0415_Bike Min Page 3 of 3