HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-05-20 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th May 20, 2004 Regular Minutes Roll Call Members present: Tracy Bungay Jack Christman Tom Marvin David Chapman Lexi Delgado Dylan Robbins Jack Catron, Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker Council Liaison: John Morrison (late) Staff: Paul Nolte, City Attorney Barbara Christensen, City Recorder Maria Harris, Associate Planner Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Tom Cook, APD Officer April Lucas, Assistant to the City Recorder RVTD liaison: Dan Masi High school liaison: Cory Lescher (absent) SOU liaison: None Call to Order Catron called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Approval of Minutes April 15, 2004 th Knickerbocker/Christman m/s to approve the minutes of April 15, 2004 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum None. Commissioner Training City Recorder Barbara Christensen and City Attorney Paul Nolte made a presentation addressing guidelines for conducting public meetings and ethics standards for public officials. Election of Officers Chapman/Catron m/s to nominate Delgado as Chair. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Chapman/Delgado m/s to nominate Knickerbocker as Vice Chair. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Knickerbocker/Chapman m/s to nominate Robbins as Secretary. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Subcommittee Reports Bike Swap – Delgado and Chapman discussed that there were roughly $8000 in sales, with 5-10% of that amount coming back to the group, and another $2000 in proceeds from the raffle and admissions. It was noted that Chapman and Delgado would be meeting with the Parks Commission to discuss the Swap, and would report back to this commission. Delgado recommended looking at the demographic shift from an Ashland event to an event with a valley-wide focus. Education and Outreach – Catron stated that he would speak to the Police Chief and Volunteer Coordinator to encourage the community police volunteers to distribute the handouts. Bicycle Friendly Community Application – Chapman presented the sign the city had received as a “bronze level” community for the period of 2004 to 2006. He stated that an event/public announcement of the award was in order, and he recommended this as part of the commission’s annual report to council. Harris stated that she would verify that the signs are to city standards. It was also noted that a local 2004-0520_Bike Min Page 1 of 2 representative of the League may be available to present the award on their behalf. He suggested looking at where to place the sign. Neighborhood Safety – Chapman stated that the Nevada neighbors concluded their meetings two weeks ago, and seven designs were forwarded to Public Works to bring back two or three final options for the neighborhood. He explained that once the neighborhood group decides, the plans will be available for review, leading to one design and the formation of a local improvement district. New Business Safe Routes to School Binders – Delgado gave background noting that the binders were prepared to provide schools, libraries and etc. with the resources to develop and conduct a self-supporting Safe Routes program. She added that they were used in a six-month trial at Lincoln School. Chapman noted that they might have value at Helman School given the developing interest there. Harris noted that the BTA had received a grant for a month-long program during the next school year. She added that volunteer energy will be needed to support the lone paid BTA staffer. Support Letter for ODOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Project Grant – Harris noted that Jim Olson was looking for a letter of support for a grant to fund railroad crossing improvements. She added that negotiations seemed to be moving ahead with the Railroad. Catron/Robbins m/s to direct staff to draft a letter in support of the grant application for signature by the chair. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Catron questioned the goals of the commission given the influx of new members and the changes in the make-up of the subcommittees. Delgado asked for a goal setting session, and requested that the next packet include information on the previous goals and the discussion of expectations of commitment from commissioners. There was discussion of fencing along the railroad right-of-way near the Central Ashland Bikepath (CAB). Harris clarified that a barrier is required along the tracks for safety reasons, and Morrison added that this is important as trains move with very little ability to stop. He noted that changes to anything dealing with the Railroad are difficult and tedious. Bungay discussed the incentive project Keith Massie had introduced. She noted the dates and times of upcoming events and that they had given out 12 helmets at the most recent event. Cook noted that the Police Department was nearly out of bikelights; Harris stated that she had spoken to Baxter and was looking for a new source of lights. Catron noted that he would be moving and may need surgery, and as such he stated that his future on the commission was uncertain. Morrison noted the need for an implementation strategy for the binders. He suggested that a subcommittee prepare a fact sheet for the school board and ask for their blessing. He stated that finding a point person would be more efficient. He concluded that he would be willing to assist with making a presentation to the school board. Agenda Items for Next Month Bike Swap report; goal setting and time commitment/expectations discussion; discussion of public meeting requirements relative to subcommittees. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. th Next Meeting: Thursday, June 17, 2004 2004-0520_Bike Min Page 2 of 2