HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-18 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission th March 18, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes Roll Call Members present: John Baxter, Chair Jack Christman Guy Nutter David Chapman Richard Beaudoin Lexi Delgado Jack Catron, Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker (absent) Council Liaison: John Morrison Staff: Maria Harris, Associate Planner Tom Cook, APD Officer RVTD liaison: Dan Masi High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: None Call to Order Baxter called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Approval of Minutes th Chapman/Beaudoin m/s to approve the minutes of February 19, 2004 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum None. Ashland Police Department liaison Tom Cook noted that it appears that the Department will receive grant funds to conduct sting operations from April through September of 2004. Incentive Program Funding - Discussion & Decision2004-2005 Budget Baxter questioned whether Massie would be making a presentation. Chapman noted that he would be presenting on Massie's behalf. Chapman noted that last month the Traffic Safety Commission had committed to funding half of the program. He stated that Massie's hope was that this commission would fund the other half, and he added that the hope was that as much funding as possible would come from outside sources like RVTD so that no money would be needed from the commission. Delgado stated that she was concerned with using bribes to encourage behavioral changes and with the possibility of getting more community support and donations. Christman stated that outside of gift certificates, there appeared to be $300 left in the budget. Delgado suggested a smaller request, and added that she would prefer that the money not be used to feed sugar to children. Christman suggested reimbursing the program as needed. Delgado/Baxter m/s to offer up to $500 in support for the project, with the recommendation that the funds be used for safety items like helmets rather than sugary treats like blizzards. Discussion: Nutter questioned whether lights and helmets were going to come from city stock. Chapman stated that he would vote against this motion, as he wouldn't want to second-guess his budget. Catron stated that he was uncomfortable with the unknown numbers. Delgado stated that she could amend her motion up to $760. Nutter expressed concerns that bike lights were not returned last year, and he questioned how this could be monitored. He raised the issue of who would own any products leftover. Catron suggested tabling this item until next month. Baxter pointed out that the program was scheduled to start in April; he suggested adding that the funds were to be dispersed by the school. Voice vote: Baxter, Delgado, and Chapman, YES. Catron, Christman, Beaudoin, and Nutter, NO. Motion failed 4-3. Nutter/Catron m/s to table the item until next month. Discussion: There was general consensus that the commission supports the program, was favorable toward helping to fund it, and would like Massie come back in April with a clearer request detailing how much was being requested. Delgado added that she would like to have answers to questions about accountability, ownership of items, and the possibility of earmarking funds to be spent on safety items. Nutter/Catron agreed to amend their motion to include these points. Voice vote: All AYES. Amended motion passed. 2004-0318 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 1 of 3 Subcommittee Report: Bike Swap Delgado noted that there had been a great meeting a month ago, with sixteen people in attendance. She noted that four more have committed since, and things are going well. She stated that they have been discussing entertainment possibilities and have met with the Parks Director Don Robertson who proposed the idea of the Parks Foundation co-sponsoring the Swap. She added that this idea th would be proposed to the Parks Commission at its regular meeting on March 19. She reminded members that the Swap was th scheduled for May 8 at the Grove. Masi noted that he would like to discuss the issue of a road capacity poster, and he suggested meeting with staff the morning of May 8 to make it happen. Baxter asked that staff check to see if the city can support the poster project and help to make it happen on May th 8. Beaudoin/Nutter m/s to indicate that the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission was in favor of a road capacity poster being th created May 8 in cooperation with RVTD if at all possible. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Subcommittee Report: Education - Outreach Training/Safe Routes Catron distributed handouts for the pedestrian and bike safety statement. He noted that these would be printed on business cards for police to carry and distribute, and could be placed on bulletin boards around town as well. He stated that he would like approval of the basic message, and he added that the target audience was the general public. Chapman/Nutter m/s to approve of the message as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Subcommittee Report: Bicycle Friendly Communities Application Chapman noted that the completed application was mailed last week. Subcommittee Report: Neighborhood Safety/Safe Routes Chapman stated that the subcommittee had not met lately, and he added that they have been working primarily to mediate for the Nevada Street neighbors. He stated that he hoped for some resolution of the neighbors' issues soon. Bike Month (May 2004), Bike Week (May 16) and Bike to Work Day (May 21) Baxter stated that May seemed like a busy month with the Bike Swap. Masi noted that an ad could be placed on RVTD buses for the cost of producing the sign, which he stated would be $150-$200. Delgado pointed out that the Bike Swap artwork was in production. th Masi added that the buses rotate through the entire system, and that if arranged now an ad could run through April and until May 8. He stated that the high end cost for a bus ad would be $300-400. Nutter stated that he supported doing a bus ad for both the Swap and for Bike Month. Chapman/Nutter m/s to draft an ad for a cost up to $400. Discussion: Delgado & Masi agreed to work on designing an ad. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. New Business Delgado discussed her conversation with Matt Damon at Helman School, and asked whether there was anyone who wanted to be involved. She pointed out that they were contacting BTA to gauge their interest, and that there were 17 bikes at the Middle School and 25 bikes available through Doug Staples. Baxter noted that these bikes might be too large for small children; Delgado stated that nd they would be 2 graders. Baxter explained for Catron that if he wanted to go to the printer he needed to work through the subcommittee and bring pricing and details back to the full commission. It was noted that Chapman and Delgado would be presenting the Bike Swap idea to the Parks and Recreation Commission on Monday. It was explained that the role of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission would be to run the Swap and the summer bike safety program and the Parks Foundation could serve as a financial umbrella and host to the events. It was also noted that the Parks Department is reevaluation programs and may be hiring an organizer. Baxter stated that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission could serve an organizational role, while the Parks Foundation could take in money, and hire a coordinator and someone to teach the classes. There was unanimous consent to bring this idea forward to the Parks and Recreation Commission on behalf of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission. 2004-0318 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 2 of 3 Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 P.M. Next Meeting th April 15, 2004 at 5:15 p.m. 2004-0318 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 3 of 3