HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-19 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission th February 19, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes Roll Call Members present: John Baxter, Chair Jack Christman Guy Nutter (late) David Chapman Richard Beaudoin Lexi Delgado Jack Catron, Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker Council Liaison: John Morrison (absent) Staff: Derek Severson, Account Clerk Tom Cook, APD Officer RVTD liaison: Dan Masi (present) High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: None Call to Order Baxter called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Approval of Minutes th Chapman/Catron m/s to approve the minutes of January 15, 2004 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum Chapman and citizen Brad who is helping him with the Bicycle Friendly Communities application inquired as to whether the city st supported National Bike Month in May. Brad stated that Bike Week was May 16-May 22, and that May 21 was Bike to Work Day. He asked if the commission was promoting any or all of these events; Baxter asked that this be an agenda item next month. 2004-2005 Budget It was noted that no money had been spent yet, and it was explained that some funds had been earmarked but not yet expended. th Severson noted that the fiscal year ended June 30, and stated that the commission needed to prepare its budget request at this meeting. Catron/Christman m/s to make a budget request in the same amount ($3,300) for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. Discussion: Delgado stated that she would like to see some further discussion. She added that if the commission had not spent it funds this year she did not feel it was appropriate to make the same request again. Beaudoin pointed out that the $1000 that had been budgeted for signage was picked up by the Street Department. Christman added that if the money were not spent, it would be returned to the general fund. Chapman suggested that the signage line item be replaced by neighborhood safety kits, printed materials, web postings, and traffic calming. Christman questioned the status of Keith Massey’s school project request. Masi noted that he had spoken with Massey and the RVTD Marketing Director and he stated that RVTD could provide bags, coupons, coloring books, bus passes, and safety materials as part of the packets for Massey’s project. He stated that Massey would just need funding to operate. Delgado added that the commission could likely provide some of the reflectors that were still on hand. Delgado questioned what the Walk/Bike $1500 item was to mean this year. Chapman noted the need to add Safe Routes into the budget. Baxter emphasized the need to provide some rationale for requesting and spending money. Delgado raised the issue of additional signage on the newly redesigned Siskiyou Boulevard. Chapman stated that the commission’s original plan included Siskiyou signage. Catron stated that he would like to see “No Bikes/Scooters/Skateboards” signage posted on sidewalks. Chapman and Baxter responded that such signage would not come from this commission’s budget. Delgado inquired whether the Bike Swap budget item could include the cost of a new banner. She stated that she was willing to recycle, but felt that some money to refurbish it would help. She stated that she would like $650 to cover potential costs for this year’s Swap. Chapman suggested the following: Bike Swap - $500, Educational Materials - $500, Neighborhood Safety Kits - $800, Bike Education/Safe Routes - $1500. Members expressed general consensus with this breakdown. Chapman clarified that the neighborhood safety item would be to create a resource to resolve typical neighborhood safety problems. He stated that the money could go to staff support, web design, printed materials for kits and handouts, promotional items. Beaudoin questioned whether the commission intended to continue working with the BTA. Chapman also questioned doing some kind or adult bike safety training. Baxter clarified that the commission could not hire someone or enter into a contract, but could provide funds to a group likes the Parks Foundation to fund such training. Nutter questioned if BTA was to be in the budget. Catron suggested that an increase was ill-advised, and noted that amounts within the budget could be reallocated as needed. Baxter agreed. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. 2004-0219 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 1 of 3 Subcommittee Report: Bike Swap th Delgado noted that the Swap would be held May 8 in the Grove parking lot. She stated that the location was approved and that they are working to reserve the Grove building itself. She stated that the subcommittee would be meeting following tonight’s meeting. Subcommittee Report: Education - Outreach Training/Safe Routes Catron noted that he had distributed an item that was proposed as an open alert sign to pedestrians. He added that Police Chief Bianca had approved the wording. He stated that the proposal was to distribute this alert in hand-outs, posters, ads and brochures. He requested commission approval for the subcommittee to work on final wording. Baxter presented a bicycling laws card he had as a sample format for distribution. Nutter stated that he liked the idea. Cook agreed. Chapman suggested using both the card and posters. Catron asked for approval to print and make the alert available under the commission logo. Baxter stated that he would support this, with the final product to come back for full commission approval. There was general consensus. Catron expressed concern with delaying this another month, and stated that he would like to distribute based on the subcommittee’s decision. Chapman/Nutter m/s to authorize the subcommittee to finalize wording of the pedestrian alert for production and distribution. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Subcommittee Report: Bicycle Friendly Communities Application Chapman stated that he was working on this item, and he added that staff work from Harris was the next step. He pointed out that th materials would be complete by the 27 and ready for submittal by the end of the month, two weeks early. Subcommittee Report: Neighborhood Safety/Safe Routes Chapman noted that he, Nutter and Hartzell were working on a packet and using it with the Nevada Street neighbors. He clarified that Hartzell was mediating the neighborhood dispute, and he added that they are now discussing things and have a plan to get to solutions. He suggested that they would hopefully come back to bump outs. He explained that they are preparing a packet as they go. Chapman went on to not that the work with the Nevada neighbors had lead to parents requesting funding for a Safe Routes program at Helman School. ndrd Pilot Bicycle Safety Education for 2 & 3 Grades at Helman School - Discussion Delgado explained that last fall, after speaking with the BTA, she had spoken to local P.E. Teacher Matt Damon. She stated that he had expressed interest in a Bike Safety program, and that she had again contacted him. She noted that he would like to get a self- sustaining program underway; she discussed the proposed program as a one hour per day, twice per week program that would require parent volunteers. Delgado recommended that the commission help in coming up with volunteers, and suggested that working with Carol Lee Rogers might be the way to do this. She added that Damon was finding out which students had bicycles and was hoping to use BTA bikes for the others. Delgado pointed out that the other item to address would be identifying curriculum for young children, and she suggested that the BTA program was too dull for the age group’s attention span. She noted that the first day would likely be conducted in the classroom without bikes for thirty minutes, and she explained that the program would fall under the school umbrella. Chapman confirmed that parents were interested. New Business Joany McGowan discussed the “In My Village” experience based on monthly meetings at the Old Ashland Armory. She stated that the meetings involved creation circles, and added that one of these was a transportation group. She noted that Andrew Bangsberg was bringing his shuttle service back to town and that they were also working to encourage people to get out of their cars. She discussed one such promotion which would be “Tickets to Ride”: $10 cash or coupons given to cyclists around Ashland ten to twenty times per month. She emphasized that there would be no prize obligation, but there would be an option to be included in a press release. She explained that they were also trying to include a fitness element that would involve before and after weigh-in’s and a fashion show. She noted the goal of the program was to get people out of their cars and reduce their vehicle miles traveled by 10-20% per month. She stated that they would provide tools to track money saved and that they are also planning a scavenger hunt/bike race in the summer. She noted that the office is at 33 Third Street downstairs and the website at http://www.tranzpo.com. McGowan suggested that the group’s mission was to decrease the number of one-three mile trips in Ashland, and that their method is to express what they would like to see happen and then take the steps to actualize that expressed vision. She pointed out that the group currently numbers 250 and is Ashland-centered. She expressed interest in having a booth at the Bike Swap. Nutter/Catron m/s to provide McGowan’s group with 15 lightsets for promotional giveaway (with some sort of credit to be provided to the commission). Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. 2004-0219 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 2 of 3 Chapman/Catron m/s to purchase fifty more lightsets. Discussion: Cook noted that there had been good sales for a while when they were advertised. He stated that sales had tapered somewhat. Baxter questioned Christman’s opinion of the program as a local shop owner, and Christman responded that he found the program to be OK for shop owners and worth the commission’s funding. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Masi noted that RVTD was seeking transportation her nominations. Chapman suggested getting the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to add bicycling questions on the driver’s test. Delgado and Baxter expressed their approval of the idea. Nutter suggested a letter to DMV. Baxter recommended contacting a state legislator. Masi suggested addressing this to the state’s bicycle and pedestrian group. Chapman added that it might be possible to go through BTA’s lobbying arm. Delgado asked if RVTD would help. Baxter stated that this would identify bikes as a legitimate part of traffic. Chapman noted that he was one of Ashland’s representatives on the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and stated that they were in the midst of updating the regional transportation plan to guide spending of transportation dollars. He suggested that the plan as it stands is somewhat scary and noted some of the goals which troubled him. He emphasized that bicycles and pedestrians were not adequately represented and were not scored in projects. He asked for members to help draft the plan, which is a twenty year plan for adoption in 2005. Baxter discussed concerns with the bikelanes on Mountain between the Railroad Tracks and Hersey, and stated that the striping has worn away. He added that there was a similar problem from B Street to East Main and at Walker and East Main. Chapman added that the crosswalks in the downtown also had fading striping. st McGowan questioned the possibility of eliminating crosswalk at East Main and 1, where the fatality had occurred in 2003. Chapman stated that it had been discussed in the Downtown Plan. McGowan stated that she would also like some sort of pedestrian signage. At the commission’s suggestion, this was referred to the Traffic Safety Commission. An audience member suggested that the pedestrian alert card being proposed by Catron should include some direction to look for the least likelihood of being hit in selecting a crossing point. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P.M. Next Meeting th March 18, 2004 at 5:15 p.m. 2004-0219 Bike & Ped Min.doc Page 3 of 3