HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-21 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission st October 21 , 2004 Regular Minutes Roll Call Members present: Chair Lexi Delgado Julia Sommer Tom Marvin (late) Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker Dylan Robbins John Hinke David Chapman (absent) Tracy Bungay (absent) Council Liaison: John Morrison Staff: Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Tom Cook, APD Officer RVTD liaison: Paige West, RVTD/TDM Planner (late) High school liaison: Cory Lescher SOU liaison: None assigned Call to Order Delgado called the meeting to order at 5:17 p.m. th Approval of Minutes September 16, 2004 Severson clarified that the BTA request for funding was $750 per elementary school, and that last year the Bicycle & Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Commissions had each pledged $1500 to cover the four elementary schools in Ashland. He noted that Chapman would be approaching the Traffic Safety Commission to ask for similar support from them at their next meeting, and that he had contacted the BTA and expressed the commission's general support but requested the additional details (number of schools, timeline and specific action items) discussed in last month's minutes. He confirmed that when additional information was available, hopefully next month, the matter would come back to the commission with further detail. The minutes of September 16, 2004 were approved as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum New members Julia Sommer and John Hinke were introduced to the commission. Nevada Streeet LID Discussion Severson noted that he had verified with Public Works and Engineering, and that the Nevada Street LID public hearing had already occurred before the City Council and has been closed. He explained that the Council had made a decision, and Engineering staff had moved forward. He emphasized that the design is not at a stage where further changes can be considered and there is no mechanism by which recommendations can be made to the Council. He added that Engineering had submitted the final designs to a consulting engineering firm and was waiting for final construction plans to come back any time. Art Bullock/791 Glendower St noted that he wanted commissioners to be aware that their recommendations from last January addressing the entrance to the bike path at Helman and Nevada had not been incorporated into the final design. Car Free Day Expenditures Severson noted that there were two components to this item. First, that expenditures had been made by subcommittee members and come back to the city for payment without proper documentation. He explained that for future reference, city policy required that expenditures be made by a city employee so that proper purchase orders and account numbers could be assigned and proper payables procedures followed. He asked that any future expenditures be handled through him. Second, he noted that one expenditure ($225 for signage on RVTD buses) had also come back from the Bike Swap from last April. He explained that because this item was from a previous fiscal year that the city could not make payment without authorization by vote of the commission to pay out of this year's budget. Severson briefly discussed the current budget and distributed a report of expenditures so far for the fiscal year, and asked if members were willing to pay for this expenditure. 2004-1021_Bike Min Page 1 of 3 Robbins/Marvin m/s to pay $225 to The Sticker Dude for Bike Swap signage on RVTD buses from last spring out of this year's program funds budget. Discussion: West noted that the signs were reusable, and that RVTD would contribute some funding to the next Bike Swap to offset this expense. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Draft Downtown Plan Update - Bike Rack Standards Severson noted that as discussed in the memo, the Downtown Plan is being given priority by the City Council and Planning Staff will be moving forward with public process leading to the ultimate adoption of a new Downtown Plan. He advised that revisions have already occurred to the meeting dates schedule in the memo, and that he would make members aware when an updated schedule was available. He further explained that a specific element of the public process is planned to address downtown street furniture, which will include bicycle racks. Rather than proceeding with commission discussions of that issue, he advised members to participate in that element of the prospect to insure public involvement, continuity of elements within the downtown, and ultimate inclusion within the plan. West stated that she could provide vendor information for downtown furniture elements for consideration in that discussion. Marvin suggested looking at the installation of temporary bicycle lanes through the downtown while the Downtown Plan update is in progress. There was lengthy discussion on the feasibility of this item, with concerns noted due to cost and the possibility for creating disruption that would lead to increased objections to the plan proposals during the public process. Delgado and Knickerbocker agreed to serve as commission liaisons to the Downtown Plan update meetings. Severson stated that he would keep members up to date about the process and meeting dates. JPR Underwriting Severson noted materials in packet, stated that this had been an item brought forth by former member Jack Christman. Delgado questioned if there was interest in pursuing it further or anyone willing to champion the item. Members discussed the fact that a once a week Saturday spot during Rhythm & News was $56/month or $720 per year and noted the length and constraints on the 3-sentence spots. Members questioned whether use of public service announcements, news items, and interviews might be more effective and less costly; members also questioned whether any reduced cost might be arranged with JPR due to the nature of the commission. Hinke agreed to follow up and report back next month. Bike Shop Outreach/Community Relations Robbins noted that he had made contact, and that there was interest on the part of the bike shops in being kept up to date on commission work. Severson stated that all shops would be added to mailing list to receive agendas and minutes. It was also suggested that Siskiyou Velo and the Southern Oregon Mountain Biking Association be added to this list. There was discussion of who had jurisdiction for the trail system in the watershed. It was noted that while the city may not have specified jurisdiction, concerns could be brought to the commission and passed on to the appropriate body with commission support. Creating a Calendar Members discussed this as an on-going item to include city meetings and holidays, international events like Car Free Day and Walk to School Day, SOMBA and Siskiyou Velo events, RVTD items, and anything else of interest to the walking and cycling community. Severson noted that he would check into the possibility of creating a separate internet calendar to be linked off of the City's website just for the commission. Who Rides? It was noted that Knickerbocker had one article complete, and that a copy had been distributed. Delgado noted that she was nearly done with another item that would be distributed shortly. This project was briefly explained to the new members, and it was noted that the Sentient Times had agreed to publish these profile pieces. The possibility of using other media for distribution was also discussed. There was 2004-1021_Bike Min Page 2 of 3 also a suggestion that all pieces be combined to create a book that could be sold as a fund-raising item at the Bike Swap. West stated that it would be fairly easy to create small posters for display in RVTD buses. Members discussed former commission chair John Baxter and John and Dot Fisher-Smith as other potential profiles. Subcommittee Reports Robbins noted that he now had the SprocKids educational materials and would be reviewing them for ideas on how to implement part or all of the program in local schools. He invited other members to review the materials and provide input. Members discussed this as a possible senior project. New Business Severson reminded members of the Grand Opening Celebration for the Siskiyou Boulevard and Ashland Street nd redesign. He added that the festivities would be occurring between 4 and 5 on Friday, October 22 at the Fire Station. There was discussion of last month's Car Free Day. Delgado noted that the cards printed did not seem to have generated enough return to justify their use in the future. West noted that RVTD use was up 23% on the event day, and that bikes on buses had increased 34%. She stated that pledge card monitoring she did in Medford indicated that the event had resulted in a reduction of 100,000 vehicle miles being traveled. Members suggested a debriefing and discussion of ideas for next year at the November meeting. There was also interest expressed in closing the downtown for next year's event. Severson stated that he would follow up on the feasibility of such a closure and report back next month. Marvin suggested looking at city air quality monitoring for the Siskiyou Boulevard corridor. Morrison discussed air quality valley-wide noting that it falls under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Environmental Quality, and that non-diesel vehicles less than twenty years old within the valley air quality management area must pass emissions testing in order to renew licensing every two years. He noted that while there are some site-specific monitoring stations in Medford, there was nothing in Ashland to his knowledge. Marvin requested that staff look into the possibility of getting this equipment in Ashland. West encouraged anyone interested to attend the next meeting of the Jackson County Bicycle Advisory Committee th on November 8 at 4:00 in the Carpenter Room of the new library in Medford. Agenda Items for Next Month Bicycle Transportation Alliance bike safety funding request and Traffic Safety Commission interest in Partnering (with more details from BTA requested - Severson and Chapman); Car Free Day debriefing; additional info on JPR underwriting (Hinke); Staff to report back on numerous follow up items… Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. th Next Meeting: Thursday, November 18, 2004 2004-1021_Bike Min Page 3 of 3