HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-21 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission st April 21, 2005 Regular Minutes Roll Call Members present: Chair Lexi Delgado Julia Sommer Tom Marvin Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker (absent) Dylan Robbins (absent) David Chapman Trace Harding Bungay John Hinke Council Liaison: Russ Silbiger (absent) Staff: Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Tom Cook, APD Officer(absent) RVTD liaison: Paige West, RVTD/TDM Planner(absent) High school liaison: Cory Lescher (absent) SOU liaison: Phil Clark Call to Order Delgado called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. th Approval of Minutes – March 17, 2005 th Chapman/Hinke m/s to approve the minutes of March 17, 2005 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum Art Bullock/791 Glendower presented information relating to the number of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian accidents at each intersection of the downtown. Emphasized that this information should be reviewed and addressed as part of the downtown planning process. He suggested that this commission request more up to date information on intersection accidents and take the lead on addressing these items. Egon DuBois noted that he had been hired as the new instructor for Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) programs in the Rogue Valley. Inquired about commission support for BTA programs, noting that the BTA intended to teach 7 classes in Ashland Schools this year at a cost of $850 per class. Also noted that there was a need for a bike storage site, and for a way to transport bikes between the storage site and the schools. Severson noted that the Commission had already pledged support for these programs based on a request from BTA last November. He stated that he believed the amount pledged was $750 per school for four schools for a total of $3,000 between the Bicycle Commission and the Traffic Safety Commission, and added that he would research the exact details and provide them to DuBois and Robert Ping at BTA via email. Members suggested that the BTA may wish to approach the Parks & Recreation Department about the storage and transportation of bicycles. Ideas to Assist AMS in encouraging children to ride on the correct side of the street This item was moved to a future agenda. Earth Day Bungay discussed event details, noting that the event would run from 11:00 to 4:00 and requesting volunteers to staff the commission table. She stated that the table would be next to the RVTD table. Bike Swap th It was noted that there was a meeting of Bike Swap volunteers on April 27 at 7:00 p.m. at the Grove, and it was noted that volunteers were needed especially for the early shift from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. Copies of flyers promoting the Swap were made available for distribution. Car Free Day Severson noted that he would handle the street closure request forms required by the City. Downtown Plan Members discussed how they would like to be involved in the Downtown Plan process. 2005-0421_Bike Min Page 1 of 2 Marvin moved to create a subcommittee to develop a bicycle and pedestrian friendly Downtown Plan. The motion died for a lack of a second. Hinke noted that he would like to see separate bike lanes similar to those that exist in Amsterdam. He explained that these would be separated from the car lanes by their own curb, and would include signals. He noted that this would be similar to the options presented in the Downtown Plan Phase 2 proposal to eliminate a lane of traffic and provide a bike lane and a row of parking, however the row of parking would be switched with the bike lanes so that the bike lane was buffered from the travel lane. Under discussion, several members expressed an interest in meeting to discuss bicycle and pedestrian friendly possibilities for the downtown. On further discussion, it was agreed that these discussions could occur as the last half-hour of each regular meeting, and would be optional. Safe Routes to School It was noted that Bungay and West had attended, along with one parent from Walker School and one other representative of RVTD. Subcommittee Reports No report. Bike Shop Outreach/Community Relations No report. New Business Members discussed the possibility of skateboarding safety training in schools. Severson noted that Sue Graham of Sk8Guard had expressed an interest in these programs. Bungay discussed the BikeFirst program which provides a commuter bike and necessary accessories, along with a bus pass, to recipients. Agenda Items for Next Month Ideas for the Middle School to get kids to ride on the right side of the street, Downtown Plan Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. 2005-0421_Bike Min Page 2 of 2