HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-19 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th May 19, 2005 Regular Minutes Roll Call Members present: Chair Lexi Delgado (absent) Julia Sommer Tom Marvin (absent) Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker Dylan Robbins John Hinke David Chapman Tracy Harding Council Liaison: Russ Silbiger Staff: Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Tom Cook, APD Officer(absent) RVTD liaison: Paige West, RVTD/TDM Planner High school liaison: Cory Lescher (absent) SOU liaison: Phil Clark (absent) Call to Order Knickerbocker called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. st Approval of Minutes – April 21, 2005 st Chapman/Harding m/s to approve the minutes of April 21, 2005 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum None. Ideas to Assist AMS in encouraging children to ride on the correct side of the street This item was moved to a future agenda. Bike Swap Severson read a thank-you card from the Parks Department thanking the commission for assistance with the Swap. It was noted that there seemed to have been less turn-out than last year, and there were more kid’s bikes and fewer adult bikes available. Harding noted that next year a calendar or t-shirt promotion should be considered again. Members discussed that the Police Department had been looking to have unclaimed impounded bikes at the Swap, and it was suggested that this should be looked at in advance in the future rather than brought up at the last minute. It was noted that Rachel from the Parks Department would provide a report on the results of the Swap as soon as the data was compiled. th a meeting of Bike Swap volunteers on April 27 at 7:00 p.m. at the Grove, and it was noted that volunteers were needed especially for the early shift from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. Copies of flyers promoting the Swap were made available for distribution. Earth Day It was noted that while the weather was not great, there seemed to have been more attendees than in past years. Chapman noted that he had displayed trail maps, and had sold roughly a dozen. It was also noted that there were safety and sign recognition activities, and a bike rodeo. Car Free Day Members discussed the details of the proposed closure, noting that the entrance to the Ashland Wine Cellar was intended to stay open. Development of a final draft letter to the affected business owners was discussed, and Harding and Sommer stated that they would approach the business owners. Subcommittee Reports No report. 2005-0519_Bike Min Page 1 of 2 Bike Shop Outreach/Community Relations No report. New Business West noted that a skateboarding safety item was included in the new Ashland Parks & Recreation programs, and that there would be five classes. She pointed out that there were three interested instructors, and the City of Talent had also expressed an interest in conducting similar classes. The recent Safe Routes to School training was discussed, and it was noted that Wendy Connor of the site council at Walker School was trying to build support for an October Safe Routes event and Walking Wednesdays. Egon Dubois, local instructor for the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, suggested that the commission and/or the city work at developing a street map that includes slopes of the street sections similar to one he had seen in Marin County. Egon Dubois also noted that he still needed to find storage for the 35 bicycles used in the bike safety education classes. He added that Parks was looking into it, and Harding volunteered to check with a School Board member to see if anything could be done through the schools. th It was noted that a Critical Mass ride would be held on the 27. Those interested will be meeting at Evo’s coffeehouse at 4:30 p.m. for the 5:00 p.m. ride. Agenda Items for Next Month Ideas for the Middle School to get kids to ride on the right side of the street, Car Free Day Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m. 2005-0519_Bike Min Page 2 of 2