HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-17 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th February 17, 2005 Regular Minutes Roll Call Members present: Chair Lexi Delgado Julia Sommer Tom Marvin (late) Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker Dylan Robbins John Hinke David Chapman Tracy Bungay Council Liaison: Russ Silbiger Staff: Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Tom Cook, APD Officer RVTD liaison: Paige West, RVTD/TDM Planner High school liaison: Cory Lescher SOU liaison: Phil Clark Call to Order Delgado called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. th Approval of Minutes - January 20, 2005 th Robbins/Chapman m/s to approve the minutes of January 20, 2005 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum Severson noted that Robert Ping of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) was en route to provide an update on the BTA’s Safe Routes to School program efforts and would like to speak later in the meeting. Art Bullock made commissioners aware of Ashland new low power FM radio station, KSKQ 94.9. He noted that the station had FCC approval and was now in the process of developing programming, and that broadcasts will be heard within an approximately five-mile radius of the antenna near Emigrant Lake. Bullock also pointed out a potential traffic safety concern – that bicyclists are cutting down the hill from Lithia Way near the bus stop to the Water Street parking lot below, out of control and at high speed. Earth Day Booth rd Delgado noted that there would be a booth at North Mountain Park from 11:00 to 4:00 on April 23 and inquired as to whether anyone was interested. West noted that RVTD would likely be doing a bike rodeo as part of the event; she pointed out that the booth she staffed last year had over 1,000 visitors. Chapman stated that he would be willing to table at the event, provided that others were willing to help develop some activity ideas. Egon Dubois, audience member with related non-profit background in attendance for the BTA item stated that he would be interested in assisting Chapman. Bungay and Knickerbocker also expressed interest. Members expressed general consensus in support of a Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission table at the North Mountain Park Earth Day Celebration. Volunteer Appreciation/Commission Open-House in May Delgado read e-mail from the packet inquiring about commissioner preferences for this event. Silbiger provided some background on the previous event. Commissioners generally indicated that they would prefer an outdoors location, in the Downtown, and in the late afternoon or early evening. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. was discussed, and members suggested that the earlier in late May the better. Specific venues discussed were the Community Center or the Ice Rink parking lot. Downtown Plan Update Severson noted that the first meeting in January was attended by 100+ citizens, and stated that the next meeting rd would be Wednesday, February 23 at the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. He added that notes from the brainstorming/visioning session were available on the city website. 2005-0217_Bike Min Page 1 of 3 Bungay expressed concern with the order of the topics being approached and the excessive focus being placed on parking in the schedule of the early meetings. Severson stated his understanding that the initial meeting schedules were loosely drafted and subject to change based on whatever might develop out of the meetings. Car Free Day 2005 Subcommittee members noted that Hinke, Knickerbocker, Bungay and West had met prior to the regular meeting to nd discuss alternative areas for a street closure during the September 22 observance of Car Free Day. Sites discussed thththth included A Street from 5 through 8, Water Street, and C Street from 4 through 5. West noted that long-term initiatives were needed, such as employer trip reduction programs and efforts to reduce vehicle trips taking children to school. Severson emphasized that Car Free Day was fast approaching, that there were few regular meetings left prior to the big day, and that the subcommittee had met for a period of four regular monthly meetings without developing a proposal. He stated that a detailed proposal was needed by the March meeting in order to verify any potential concerns with city department heads, seek buy-in from the Chamber of Commerce (depending on site selected) and get the City Council’s approval. Subcommittee members agreed that they would meet for a biking discussion of th sites during the February 25 critical mass ride, and follow up with another meeting from 4:00 to 5:00 on March th 17, just prior to the next regular meeting. Bike Shop Outreach/Community Relations Robbins provided an update on the status of the Dirt Jump Park and noted that Siskiyou Cyclery had sold. Who Rides/Who Strides th Delgado stated that her “kids” article would be published March 5. Sommer stated that she was contacting JPR and trying to get the Tidings to run the piece on the Fisher-Smiths. Robbins stated that he was working on getting an interview set up with Craig Anderson. Delgado noted that she had also interviewed Dale Rooklyn from the Middle School. West noted that four pieces were printed and displayed on RVTD buses. Subcommittee Reports It was noted that there would be a meeting next Tuesday through the Parks Department to plan the Bike Swap, th which is to be held May 7. New Business Robert Ping, Safe Routes to School coordinator with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA), provided some program background. He noted that the BTA has partnered with NikeGO and has doubled participation. He discussed TEA21 funds available for Oregon projects and noted that there are three bikers representing Oregon in Congress. He noted that funds typically go to infrastructure, and that the BTA hoped to develop a coalition to provide programs when funds become available. He emphasized that BTA is lobbying and that they will send a letter in hopes that Ashland will sign on. He added that they prefer social marketing, education and outreach. He explained that they have developed materials including stickers, T-shirts, bags, tags, etc. and are aiming for Spring programs using the Marin County model. He noted that they have an 800 number and website, and are developing partnerships and seeking funding. He pointed out that they can provide staff support, materials, presentations, technical advice, and incentives. Ping stated that partnering was occurring and that they could provide media relations and group presentations in th schools. He noted that they would conduct an instructor training in Ashland on April 18 from 9-12. West strongly recommended that members consider attending this training. Ping noted that it takes 3 years to establish a program in a school. He discussed the Marin model being used, and noted that they have hired a coordinator and one full time staffer. He pointed out that Marin was funding their program with a sales tax. Ping noted that Egon Dubois had been interviewed for the BTA representative position in the Rogue Valley and may be filling the position soon. Severson noted that the ODOT permit had recently come through for the placement of the Pedestrian Friendy Community signage that was approved some time ago. 2005-0217_Bike Min Page 2 of 3 Members discussed how to address the pedestrian and bicycle elements of the Downtown Plan. Marvin indicated his preference to work as a commission based on previous plans. Other members indicated their preference to have as much attendance and participation in the Downtown Planning Process as possible, without trying to duplicate the effort on the part of this commission given other items and the limited amount of time available. Marvin moved to have staff prepare and present a presentation on the bicycle related elements of previous Downtown Plans. Motion died for lack of a second. Bungay noted that the Growers’ Market would be running from mid-March to mid-November and that she was hoping there would be some tabling done by commissioners during the Market to promote Car Free Day and the Bike Swap. She stated that the hours would be 8:30-1:30 and that she would like to see tables staffed early in May and in September for the Swap and Car Free Day. Dubois, West, Robbins and Sommer all express interest in tabling. Agenda Items for Next Month Car Free Day. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. NOTES: th The next Downtown Plan meeting is at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16 at the Old Ashland Armory. A Car Free Day Planning subcommittee meeting will be held on Thursday, March th 17 at 4:00 p.m. The next regular Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission meeting is on Thursday, th March 17 at 5:15 p.m. Follow up: Noticing subcommittee meetings 3/17 Minutes and agenda posted to website Egon@mind.net (Egon Dubois/482-2347), Robert Ping @ BTA & Art Bullock added to agenda list Phil Clark/873 Oak Knoll Drive to member list JO/TSC re: safety issue of cyclists cutting down from Lithia Way at the bus stop to the Water Street lot below. Fran preferences for Volunteer Appreciation/Open-House ( ) Coverage for next meeting (CFD) 2005-0217_Bike Min Page 3 of 3