HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-08-18 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th August 18, 2005 Regular Minutes Roll Call Members present: Vice Chair Brad Knickerbocker (absent) Tracy Harding Christina Lacy (absent) Tom Marvin John Hinke Dylan Robbins Julia Sommer Council Liaison: Russ Silbiger Staff: Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Tom Cook, Police Officer RVTD liaison: Paige West, RVTD/TDM Planner present High school liaison: Cory Lescher (absent) SOU liaison: Vacant Call to Order Secretary Robbins called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. st Approval of Minutes – July 21, 2005 st Marvin/Harding m/s to approve the minutes of July 21, 2005 presented. Public Forum William Tout/P.O. Box 189, Ashland Expressed concern that the bike lane markings at the intersection of Hersey and Laurel Streets at the railroad tracks wrap around the corner from Laurel onto Hersey, giving the impression that cyclists must turn right. In order to continue straight through the intersection, cyclists must cross the lane markings. Stated that this adds confusion to an already difficult intersection, and ask that it be looked at. Introduction of New Members Severson noted that the vacant position had been advertised, but no applications were received. He stated that the th City would re-advertise the opening with a closing date of August 30, and encouraged members to refer interested parties to the Mayor for appointment. Hinke noted that this was his last meeting, and that he would be relocating to the Seattle area to take a job with Amazon. Election of Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair & Secretary) Hinke/Harding m/s to postpone the election of officers until next month, when new members have been appointed. Roll Call Vote: Harding, Robbins, Hinke, Sommer, Silbiger, YES; Marvin, NO. Motion passed 5-1. Discussion of Combining Commissions with Traffic Safety Severson noted that Jim Olson, staff liaison of the Traffic Safety Commission had suggested meeting with them on a Thursday at 6:00 p.m. before their regular 7:00 PM fourth Thursday meeting. Olson will be discussing this at next week’s TSC meeting, and he will be out for their September meeting (which falls on Car Free Day). Members discussed their concerns with combining commissions, noting particularly that they feared the loss of emphasis on bicycle and pedestrian advocacy. There was discussion indicating that while not all members supported the idea of combining commissions, they believed that a joint meeting to discuss the matter would be worthwhile and might lead to a liaison relationship and/or semi-annual joint meetings. Severson added that something else to consider, in addition to consolidating with Traffic Safety, might be to make a request to Council to reduce the number of commissioners from nine to seven. Severson suggested, and members agreed, to a joint th meeting to be held at 6:00 p.m. on October 27 before the regular Traffic Safety Commission meeting at the City Council Chambers. He stated that he would follow up with Traffic Safety to confirm this meeting time, and noted 2005-0818 Bike Min Page 1 of 3 th that he would be absent from the regular September 15 meeting in order to attend the Oregon Planning Institute conference in Eugene. City Council Presentation (September 6th, 2005 @ 7:00 P.M.) & City Council Proclamation of Car Free Day 2005 Severson noted that this would be a 5-10 minute presentation, and that he would be on hand along with Harding and anyone else who could attend. He explained that this was a chance to update the Council on activities over the past year, and that he had asked that it be scheduled at this time to provide an opportunity to publicize CFD on television. Severson stated that he would introduce members to the Council and then those present could provide the update to Council. Silbiger suggested making the Council aware of past accomplishments, current efforts and future plans. Harding noted that her hope was to work to get a “Green Business” qualified based on transportation. West suggested that the presentation should also recognize those who are helping with Car Free Day including RVTD, Ashland Parks & Recreation, Medford Parks & Recreation, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, the Ashland Community Bike Program, Bike-It and etc. It was also suggested that the printed cards prepared by Jack Catron for distribution by Community Service Volunteers sometime ago be brought in as a sample to give to the Council. Harding agreed to make the presentation to the Council. Severson added that the Proclamation included in the packet was a copy of what was used last year, and that he had asked that a placeholder be set to hold a slot on the agenda for the Mayor to make the proclamation on September th 20. Budget, Goals, Expectations Severson noted that the BTA request had been reduced for the previous FY from $1500 to $750 because bike safety programs were only conducted in half of the schools initially agreed to. He stated that he would like to make the budget update a monthly item, and noted that to date since July 1 there had been no expenditures although up to $500 in program funds had been committed to Car Free Day expenses. Harding asked to clarify that she would like to spend $35 on screens to make t-shirts for Car Free Day. Severson stated that the previous motion had included “printing costs” within the $500 approved for Car Free Day, and he believed that t-shirt printing would fall into this category. Car Free Day Event Planning Harding noted that the subcommittee had met prior to the regular meeting. She noted that she had a commitment from United Bicycle Institute (UBI) to be involved, and that there was a possibility of a tour of UBI’s facility as well as of Standing Stone. She noted that Siskiyou Velo would be tabling, and that BTA would provide materials if they could not table. She listed other participants: Kelsey Bauer; the Ashland Woodland Trails Association; Conservation Commission; Rogue Group Sierra Club; tours led by Julia Sommer, the Tree Commission, and potentially the Historic Commission; RVTD; Ashland Community Bike Program; Jackson County; ODOT; Klamath Bird Observatory; and others. She added that the Parks Department would be tabling at Garfield Park as well. West pointed out that the event would be advertised with Peace House, Headwaters, the Tidings, the Tribune, an underwritten spot on JPR, and the Jefferson Daily. She noted that Ashland Sanitary would provide recycling service for the event. Silbiger suggested getting a 500 word piece in to the Sneak Preview to publicize the event as well. Harding discussed that the event: tabling, bike maintenance, placement of benches and greenery on site if possible; and the movie in Garfield Park. Harding noted that she was working on banners at the site and potentially on one of the schools. It was noted that there would be valets, presentation of the Transportation Hero Award by RVTD, kids chalk painting in the street, and that Silbiger had prepared a tape of 80 minutes of car free music. It was also noted that bus service would be free valley-wide. Harding added that that the sidewalk on the Wells Fargo side of the street would also be closed, and that the event would be from 3:00 -7:00 with an hour before and after to set-up/clean-up. Severson noted that the Street Closure permit was submitted, and Fire, Police and Streets notified. 2005-0818 Bike Min Page 2 of 3 ODOT Resurfacing Follow-Up Severson reminded Commissioners that this was discussed back in June, and that ODOT had requested any feedback be forwarded. To date, none has been received. Discussion of Bikepath Signage Marvin noted that he and Knickerbocker had ridden the path with Arnold Bleicher, and that his concerns had been with the ambiguity of the signage that was in place, with a lack of continuity along the whole Greenway, and with placing consistent mileage markers the full length of the Greenway. Marvin noted the need for additional signage between disconnected segments of the path, such as where the Greenway goes into Helman Street near the Ashland Greenhouses. There was lengthy discussion of the responsible parties, noting that while individual municipalities had some jurisdiction within their boundaries, the County Greenway Committee was the body with jurisdiction over the Greenway as a whole and would be the forum to address for issues of signage continuity, etc. Marvin agreed to draft a letter to the Greenway Committee for review by this Commission. Consideration of Request from North Mountain Park Nature Center to fund/assist with bicycle parking Severson noted that he had been contacted by the Nature Center staff looking for financial assistance from the Commission to purchase racks, and had placed the item on the agenda on that basis. He noted that in further considering it, Staff did not believe it was an appropriate item to fund for the commission as it amounts to appropriating funds outside the budget process which is beyond the scope of the Commission’s authority. He recommended, and stated that he would inform Parks, that they consider using some of the Bike Swap funds for this purpose. He also noted that he had contacted Public Works and was waiting for word on whether there were any “bike parking” funds set aside in their budget which would be appropriate to use for this request. Members concurred with this recommendation. New Business Hinke noted that he had encountered interesting bike racks as art during his recent travels, and suggested that the Commission work with the Public Arts Commission on a bike rack art contest similar to what is done with the bears in Grants Pass. Agenda Items for Next Meeting Severson noted that he would be absent next month (9/15) to attend annual Oregon Planning Institute conference at the University of Oregon, and pointed out that he would be in sessions with planners from all over Oregon on small downtowns, neighborhood walkability, and a legislative update on transportation issues. He asked that someone take very brief notes of the proceedings at the next meeting, and stated that he would provide a tape recorder as well. Items suggested for the next meeting included: introduction of new members, election of officers, last minute details for Car Free Day, bike racks, bike path signage/Greenway outreach, bike swap funds. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Upcoming Meetings: th September 15 Regular Meeting in the Siskiyou Room at 5:15 P.M. 2005-0818 Bike Min Page 3 of 3