HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-02-16 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th February 16, 2006 Regular Minutes Roll Call Tracy Harding Secretary Christina Lacy (absent) Tom Marvin David Young Chair Dylan Robbins (absent) Vice Chair Julia Sommer Selene Aitken Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff: Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Steve McLennan, Police Officer Rachel Teige, Recreation Superintendent RVTD liaison: Paige West, RVTD/TDM Planner (absent) High school liaison: Cory Lescher (absent) SOU liaison: Nathan Meyerson (absent) Traffic Safety liaison: Colin Swales Call to Order Vice Chair Sommer called the meeting to order at 5:22 p.m. th Approval of Minutes – January 19, 2006 th Marvin/Harding m/s to approve the minutes of January 19, 2006 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum Egon Dubois, Bicycle Safety Instructor for the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA), pointed out that there was a Safe Communities grant available which would provide federal funds, administered by the Oregon Department of Transportation, for projects the Commission and the City might be interested in. Introduction of New Member Dr. Paul Rostykus was introduced and welcomed. Budget Update (Annual Budget: $3300 Program Funds; $750 Commission Funds) Severson noted that from Program Funds, $600 had been committed to Sk8Guard skateboard rack purchase, that $65.64 had been expended for Car Free Day. He added that $150 was committed to purchasing helmets, lights, etc. but noted that no request had been made for those funds. Status of Bike Swap Funds Severson explained that the funds generated from past Bike Swaps are held in account by the Ashland Parks Foundation, a non-profit affiliated with the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission to support Parks Department th programs. He noted that as of September 7, 2005 there was $4,501.87 available in this account, and emphasized that these funds were separate from, and not under the management or control of the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission. He added that the Ashland Parks Foundation had indicated, through Recreation Superintendent Rachel Teige, that they were willing to rely upon the recommendations of the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission for the expenditure of these funds. Severson strongly recommended that motions for the use of these funds be framed as recommendations to the Ashland Parks Foundation in order to avoid any confusion about the status of these funds or the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission’s role in managing them under Oregon state budget law. Request for Funding: Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan (Brad Jones) Harding noted that Jones had been called away, was out of town, and was unable to attend or prepare a written request. Members discussed this request. Young expressed his concern with appropriating funds to an outside group, outside the budget process, and noted that the caravan proposed is technically illegal. Rostykus/Young m/s to table the item until a formal, written request was received. Roll call vote: Aitken, Rostykus, Harding, Sommer, Marvin, and Young: YES. Chapman, NO. Motion passed 6-1. 2006-0216 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 4 Request for Funding: BTA annual request for support from Program Funds (Egon Dubois) Severson gave a brief history of the Commission’s partnership with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and of the request being considered. Young/Rostykus m/s to grant the funding request in the amount of $1125 and revisit if the Traffic Safety Commission chooses not to approve matching these funds. Dubois stated that he would attend the Traffic Safety Commission meeting and keep members up to date on their decision. Members discussed why Bellview was not being included in the programs offered, and it was explained that the principal at Bellview was not supportive. Members asked to clarify the request and whether it was for classes taught last fall or those still to be conducted during the remainder of the school year. Motion withdrawn. Second Withdrawn. Severson clarified that for budget purposes, any request granted now would need to be for goods and services received between July 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006 which is the city’s fiscal year. Dubois noted that there was some confusion between fiscal versus calendar year, and also between a cost per class versus a cost per school. He noted that while the request submitted for $750 per school matched what had historically been granted, the cost per class is significantly more and if adequate funds cannot be raised programs would not be offered. After discussion, members asked for clarification of which schools were to be served, when, and whether the request included retroactive funding of classes taught last fall. Marvin suggested a policy that all requests for funding be presented as a concrete proposal, with contact information or a representative to attend the meeting, and a clear budget to justify the request. Members asked that the request be tabled, and DuBois stated that he would contact the BTA in Portland and asked for a revised request. Request for Funding: Recommendation that Parks Foundation expend Bike Swap Funds for additional BTA Bike Safety Education Classes (Egon Dubois) Dubois discussed his request for Parks funds. He emphasized that the cost per bike safety class is $800, or $4800 for Ashland Middle School alone. He added that the BTA absorbs the cost of the program beyond the Commission’s contribution of $750 per school. He explained that he was requesting $1600 now, from Parks funds, to conduct two additional classes which he thought would be at Walker School this fall. He emphasized that this was a one time request, separate from the BTA’s annual request for support. Dubois discussed the details of the classes, noting that each class is two weeks in duration, and is presented to between 20 and 40 students at a time. He noted that the classes involve classroom sessions followed by a week of on-the-bike training through field trips. Harding clarified that this would be for a third class to be taught this year. Dubois discussed his fundraising efforts so far, noting that Ashland Community Hospital, Ashland Food Cooperative, and Asante had all declined t support the program this year as the request came procedurally outside of their annual budget cycles. Harding suggested pursuing grants from the Co-Op and the Ashland Schools Foundation, but Dubois noted that he had already tried the Co-Op. Young suggested that the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission could provide a letter of support. Chapman discussed the history of working with BTA. Sommer/Young m/s to recommend that the Ashland Parks Foundation expend $1600 in Bike Swap funds to support two classes by BTA at Walker School this fall. Discussion: Chapman questioned what benefit there was having BTA conduct classes versus the commission carrying them out. Chapman suggested that there should be a comprehensive request to fund classes in all Ashland Schools, and he emphasized that the original intent at the onset of the partnership with BTA was that these programs become self-sustaining/self- supporting. Motion withdrawn. Second withdrawn. Swales indicated that he felt that the Traffic Safety Commission should have an on-going role in funding these classes as well, but stated that he thought there should be support from the Ashland Schools Foundation. Harding and Dubois indicated that they would approach Susan Bacon of the Ashland Schools Foundation. Rostykus suggested that there also be outreach to the PTA’s. 2006-0216 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 4 Request for Funding: Purchasing Helmets for sale through the Parks Department (Bike Swap Subcommittee) Rostykus suggested and Harding concurred that this was an appropriate use of the Bike Swap funds. Young/Rostykus m/s to recommend that the Ashland Parks Foundation expend up to $750 in Bike Swap funds to purchase bicycle helmets and light sets (50 sets at $6.00 per helmet and $8.50 per light set) for sale through the Parks Department. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. ArtWalk! Car Free Street Fair (Sommer) Sommer noted that she had been in communication with the Ashland Gallery Association, and while they were in nd favor of a street closure they did not have the time to be ready for a June 2 event and did not have space in the Gallery Guide for June. She added that they requested that the event be moved to the first Friday in September st (September 1, the Friday of Labor Day weekend). Members expressed concern over conflicts with Car Free Day nd on September 22 and with the availability of RVTD service. It was noted that splitting Car Free Day events around the valley would reduce the effectiveness of publicity. Sommer said she would encourage them to promote their events as car free. Swales noted that he saw concerns with OSF bus parking on the blocks proposed for closure. Sommer clarified that at this point, she didn’t believe the event would be happening. Members suggested that the full Commission begin planning for Car Free Day next month. Sommer reported that she had been in communication with the Ashland Gallery Association (AGA) about a car-free First Friday ArtWalk, and while they are in favor of closing both Oak and Pioneer streets between Main and Lithia for a First Friday ArtWalk, they did not have time to prepare for a Friday, June 2nd event (as proposed by Sommer) and did not have space to publicize such an event in the Gallery Guide for June. Sommer noted that AGA asked if Car-Free Day could be moved to the first Friday in September to coincide with First Friday ArtWalk, but members thought this was not a good idea, partly because it is the Friday of Labor Day weekend. Sommer said she would encourage AGA to promote First Friday ArtWalk as car-free. Swales noted that he saw concerns with OSF bus parking on the blocks proposed for closure. Members agreed that the full Commission begin planning for Car Free Day next month. Multi-Use Path (Marvin) Marvin gave background on this item, noting that he had discussed with ODOT. He stated that he hoped to keep this item active in members’ minds and would continue to follow up and report back. Draft Letter to Council on Density versus Sprawl (Severson) Severson noted that this was a quick draft and suggested that members provide feedback so that he could bring a revised copy to next month’s meeting for further discussion. Harding suggested that the letter better incorporate Smart Growth principles delineated in the guide put out by the EPA. th Bicycle Friendly Community Application (Renewal Deadline is March 17, 2006) Severson provided background on this item, noting that the city had received bronze status two years ago, through Chapman’s efforts to complete the application process. He added that it was now time to renew, and there was a process for reapplying on-line. Sommer asked for volunteers to take on the application process, but none of those present indicated that they were able to commit the time necessary. Sommer indicated that she would check with Robbins to see if he would be interested, and follow up with Severson. Agenda Items for Next Meeting Budget Requests – Pastors for Peace & BTA, Car Free Day, Multi-Use Path; Draft Letter to Council on Density versus Sprawl Adjournment Sommer adjourned the meeting at 7:08 p.m. 2006-0216 Bike & Ped minutes Page 3 of 4 Upcoming Meetings: th 5:15 P.M. Thursday, March 16 - Regular Meeting in the Siskiyou Room 2006-0216 Bike & Ped minutes Page 4 of 4