HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-04-20 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th April 20, 2006 Regular Minutes Roll Call Tracy Harding Secretary Christina Lacy (absent) Tom Marvin David Young (absent) Chair Dylan Robbins Vice Chair Julia Sommer Selene Aitken Paul Rostykus (absent) Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff: Derek Severson, Assistant Planner (absent) Steve McLennan, Police Officer (absent) RVTD liaison: Paige West, RVTD/TDM Planner (absent) High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: Nathan Meyerson Traffic Safety liaison: Colin Swales (absent) Call to Order Chair Robbins called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. th Approval of Minutes – March 16, 2006 th The minutes of March 16, 2006 were approved as presented. Public Forum Egon Dubois raised concerns about Eagle Mill Road, which he recognized as being beyond the city jurisdictions, as being narrow with no shoulder and loose gravel at the edge. He noted that large construction vehicles, narrow width, and speeding combine to make this a dangerous situation for cars and bicycles. Robbins noted that the bike path runs parallel and can get anywhere you could on Eagle Mill via the bike path. Dubois was planning to suggest making this road off limits to bicycles, but he suggested that at a minimum signage be placed encouraging the use of the bike path. He also expressed concern about the placement of the Bike Friendly sign on such an unfriendly route. Earth Day Harding discussed what was planned, and what materials she had for distribution. She stated that she and Meyerson would be there early, and that Chapman and Aitken would arrive later. Chapman added that he would bring the banner and foam board to mount maps. Bike Swap There was discussion of the upcoming volunteer meeting. Dubois noted issues with getting a food vendor on site and with getting the music permit. Robbins pointed out that the Sneak Preview may donate an ad, and Harding noted that she had flyers. Members discussed what prizes had been donated or could be made available. Harding clarified that whatever proceeds don’t go to sellers go to bike safety education. Robbins noted that the new skate swap was and exciting addition to the event. Harding added that the Police Department would be on hand to register new bikes on the spot. Car Free Day Harding stated that the subcommittee would like help with the many things there are to do; she asked Robbins to help involve the bike shops. Sommer noted that they would like to enlist the aid of other commissioners. Robbins stated that the owner of Tabu was interested in having a street café. Harding noted that if the event covers two blocks, both will need to have equally lively events. She suggested that the bike rodeo could be on one block, with bike mechanics on one or both, and restaurants on both. Harding emphasized that the event cannot eliminate access to the drive-through or night deposit at Wells Fargo. She suggested changing the tours to the morning from 11-2, with the full event after. She stated that they were hoping for local celebrities, tree commissioners, and etc. to lead tours and bike rides. Robbins suggested a scavenger hunt ride to engage both adults and children. Harding feels that Marvin should organize the essay contest. Chapman would like a car smashing booth. There was discussion of whether sales could occur at the booths. Members noted that they hoped to include a raffle. There was further 2006-0420 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 3 discussion of the essay contest and how to get it underway with Tidings and JPR advertising to address substantive changes to encourage a car free lifestyle. Sommer noted that she would like to see employers take the lead in encouraging participation by their employees. Harding stated that she would prepare a ¼ sheet for distribution at the Bike Swap with details and some car free alternative options. Chapman suggested involving the Tidings in the essay contest, with judging by the Tidings’ readers board. Sommer noted she had prepared a letter for the merchants, and that she had already talked to them in person and was planning to use the letter as follow up. Members discussed possible films to be screened at the event, and the possibility of having films shown at the Varsity Theater. Dubois also suggested a booth with information on becoming car free. Sommer stated that she has initiated contact with the YMCA, and has offered to let them have a booth or provide more substantive support. She explained that they are now sponsoring overnight bicycle touring trips. Sommer explained that the subcommittee was looking for a clear statement of how much advertising and what other details there are about RVTD’s support this year. She noted that there was a level of uncertainty about how much the Commission would have to pick up that RVTD covered last year. Harding suggested that less paid advertising, combined with flyers and word of mouth about last year’s success, should work well this year. Marvin stated that he would look at a model and themes for the essay contest. Liaison Reports Chapman noted that Council would be looking at all commissions for efficiency; he suggested that next month there be an agenda item to discuss the commission’s mission statement and goals. Members briefly reviewed the mission statement. Chapman noted that there was likely a vacancy on the Jackson County Bicycle Advisory Committee, and Sommer added that there was a position still on the RVMPO PAC. Harding noted that she, Chapman and Sommer had attended RVCOG countywide meetings and that she would be more interested in getting involved at this level after meeting people involved in this effort. Aitken suggested inviting the Jackson County Bicycle Advisory Committee to Car Free Day. There was general discussion of working to improve liaison roles with the County and State committees. Meyerson discussed his work on campus with the Ashland Community Bike Program and the Bike Library. He stated that they will be acquiring a new covered rack to accommodate 40 bikes, and explained that there was a $20 refundable deposit to rent a bike for one term. He emphasized that the biggest concern is getting the bike back, and added that the students would maintain the bikes and be charged if they didn’t return the bike. He concluded that they hope to focus more on promotional efforts. Harding added that they have a surplus of bikes, but need to get them into running condition. He added that another work party was in the works. Meyerson clarified for Dubois that they have just begun a record-keeping system, but that they don’t have any statistical data on the history of the program to date. Harding clarified that this is a community program, and bikes are available to anyone not just students. Meyerson noted that they are considering a $30 refundable deposit to community members due to the greater difficulty in keeping track of them. Meyerson noted that efforts continue to get funding back for RVTD service, and stated that he feels that this will happen, but not until the next budget year. Meyerson pointed out that there was work being done to create bike racks out of salvaged materials from old racks and other materials that are stored at the SOU Physical Plant. Sommer noted the need for a better public address system for Car Free Day. Harding stated that they had a commitment from someone to provide a system. 2006-0420 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 3 Sommer read the Mayor’s letter responding to the commission’s letter of last month, and members discussed the fact that Measure 37 claims have the city considering expansion of its urban growth boundary just to retain some control of future development. New Business Chapman/Sommer m/s to direct staff to pursue signage on Eagle Mill Road directing cyclists to use the bike path. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Robbins noted that John Hinke was back in town, and he was hoping to convince him to come back to the commission. Marvin indicated that this Commission may not be the forum to pursue the North Main multi-use path. Members expressed their support for the idea in concept and urged Marvin to continue his work to bring forth a formal proposal. Marvin expressed his frustration with the ongoing discussions without ever taking action. Robbins noted that there were practical issues of right-of-way acquisition that needed to be addressed before simply moving ahead with a concept. Members discussed the relationship between a North Main Street multi-use path, the Downtown Planning Process, and the fact that jurisdiction is shared with ODOT. Chapman discussed the history of trying to gain two more feet of shoulder and get the speed limit lowered, and noted that the slowness of the process was daunting. Dubois expressed doubt about the success of a Downtown Plan as the only viable option he saw was to re-route Highway 99 out of downtown. He suggested that the only other option was to demolish blocks of buildings and start fresh. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Upcoming Meetings: th 5:15 P.M. Thursday, May 18 - Regular Meeting in the Siskiyou Room 2006-0420 Bike & Ped minutes Page 3 of 3