HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-16 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th March 16, 2006 Regular Minutes Roll Call Tracy Harding Secretary Christina Lacy (absent) Tom Marvin David Young Chair Dylan Robbins (absent) Vice Chair Julia Sommer Selene Aitken Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff: Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Steve McLennan, Police Officer RVTD liaison: Paige West, RVTD/TDM Planner High school liaison: Cory Lescher (absent) SOU liaison: Nathan Meyerson (absent) Traffic Safety liaison: Colin Swales (absent) Call to Order Vice Chair Sommer called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. th Approval of Minutes – February 16, 2006 Sommer noted some proposed changes to the section relating to her explanation of the ArtWalk Car Free Street Fair item. th Sommer/Marvin m/s to approve the minutes of February 16, 2006 as amended. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum None. Budget Update (Annual Budget: $3300 Program Funds; $750 Commission Funds) Severson noted that from Program Funds, $600 had been committed to Sk8Guard skateboard rack purchase, that $65.64 had been expended for Car Free Day. He added that $150 was committed to purchasing helmets, lights, etc. but noted that no request had been made for those funds. Alternative Bike Parking Design Severson explained that the ordinance allows for alternative bike rack designs when reviewed by the Bicycle Commission and approved by the staff advisor. He added that this is the first such request received during his tenure with the commission, and added that the applicants were seeking a recommendation by the Commission as to the appropriateness of the proposed alternative. He explained that the applicants and the staff advisor would then work out a final parking arrangement from that recommendation. Severson further noted that In discussing the matter at the staff level, two concerns were raised: first, that many people who may be able to ride a bicycle (children, the elderly, those who are partially disabled or injured) may be unable to lift a bicycle to the type of rack proposed and should not be excluded from having adequate bicycle facilities; and second, lifting bikes into the racks presupposes that all bikes are of a lift-able weight, when in fact many bikes now being produced are retro style cruisers, recumbents, or have trailers, and are thus heavier and may therefore be difficult to use with these racks. Tom Giordano, Architect from Giordano & Associates, 2635 Takelma Way, Ashland, OR 97520 provided some brief background on the project and the proposal before the commission. He noted that there were covered bike parking spaces at the bus stop and that the proposed bike parking exceeded what was required. He presented a color-coded map identifying the various bike parking areas. Laurie Sager, Landscape Architect with Kencairn Sager, 545 A Street, Ashland, OR 97520 discussed the mix of bike parking types proposed, and added that a mix of heights for the racks could be provided to address staff concerns. 2006-0316 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 5 She emphasized that the applicants were open to suggestions and were trying to maximize the use of space on site while providing easily accessible parking. She noted that the intent was to have Outback Welding fabricate the new racks and to integrate some type of locking mechanism in the design. Harding suggested that the applicants look into the racks used at the Ashland Food Cooperative. Sager stated that ten parking spots are proposed with the standard U-racks, but added that this mix could be modified further. She stated that the proposed design will likely have 3-4 doors to protect the parking area, and noted that 43 spaces are proposed on the site where only 40 are required. Members discussed the proposed rack design, questioning the interior width of the parking area and the various features proposed. Rostykus recommended some form of guide rail, and Egon Dubois, of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, suggested either using wall mounted hooks or 45-degree diagonal parking with wheel tracks. West questioned counting the spaces adjacent to the bus stop toward meeting the parking requirement as these would likely wind up being used by the public at large and not necessarily be available to residents on site. She emphasized the need for more short-term parking being available that didn’t require opening a door or using a lock. After general discussion, members indicated that they felt a mix of parking might be appropriate, but they suggested that the appropriate mix would have no less than 50% of the standard inverted U-racks. Giordano asked to be placed on the agenda for the following month to present an updated design. West reiterated that more outdoor, short-term parking was desired. Request for Funding: Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan (Brad Jones) Severson noted that the written request asked for previously had yet to be received. He added that as noted in the memo provided in the packets, there was no way to fund this request with Program funds given city and state laws. He stated that the commission could potentially fund the request with Swap funds through Parks but added that he was uncertain this could be seen in terms of the stated intention to use these funds for bike safety education. Severson elaborated that a community member who had seen the agenda on-line last month had come in and met with staff to express concern over using public funds to countermand US foreign policy. After commission discussion, Brad Jones indicated that he understood the situation and withdrew his request. He stated that he would instead issue a community-wide request for funding. West, Sommer and Young all suggested donating surplus bikes from the Bike Swap to this program, and Jones stated that this would be much appreciated. Chapman added that he could assist with repair work to ready bikes for the program. Request for Funding: BTA (Egon Dubois) Severson gave brief background on this request. Sommer added that the previous requests could be consolidated into one and funded through a blend of commission program funds and funds from the Bike Swap held by the Parks Foundation. Rostykus noted that the request remained confusing in many ways. Members discussed what would be an appropriate amount of funding to provide from the two sources, noting that given the program cost estimates provided it would be more appropriate to provide funds in multiples of $800. Rostykus/Marvin m/s to provide $1600 in Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission “Program Funds”; recommend that the Ashland Parks Foundation expend $1600 from Bike Swap funds; and challenge the Traffic Safety Commission to at least match this level of support with the caveat that payment would only be made for classes actually taught within the current fiscal year. Discussion: Severson noted that the information provided by BTA indicated that they had already expended more than was being granted with this motion during the fall of 2005. Members responded that they were aware of this situation and wished the caveat be maintained in the motion as it has in the past. Members emphasized their desire for a clearer, more specific request nearer to the beginning of the next fiscal year, and suggested that work begin now to find a more concrete and sustainable funding source. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Rostykus/Young m/s to ask that the BTA prepare a more concrete request with a specific detailed budget and timeline for the next fiscal year. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Bikes Belong Grant Severson noted that a community member had brought this grant to his attention, and suggested that it might be an option for BTA to help in funding their programs in Ashland. He agreed to provide information on the grant to Anna Scalera and Egon Dubois of BTA. Members also asked that information be forwarded to the Traffic Safety Commission to consider re-striping fading paint on Ashland’s street network. 2006-0316 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 5 Car Free Day nd Members noted that this year’s Car Free Day (CFD) event would be held on Friday, September 22. Sommer explained that she had approached all business owners on the block of Pioneer Street proposed for inclusion in the closure this year including Tabu and David Bjurstrom Gallery. She indicated that all businesses were in favor of the event, and that Tabu was interested in providing a street café while the Ashland Gallery Association would be willing to have artist booths. She questioned how other commissioners felt about including a commercial element in the event through artists’ booths. Aitken asked whether bus parking would be an issue on this block of Pioneer. Sommer responded that she had spoken with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and they did not require any bus parking on this block. Severson noted that the area is frequently used for bus parking during the season and is one of a limited number of areas available for bus parking; he stated that he would follow up to verify whether there would be any additional issues with incorporating this second block into the street closure. Severson added that he would suggest that the Jackson County Sustainability Network be asked to table. West discussed that some who had booths last year had been dissatisfied with the event. Harding indicated that the additional area would allow for more of a bike course and would thus be beneficial. She also stated that she was not necessarily in favor of bringing in the Gallery Association as a commercial component. Sommer noted that she was not attached to this idea and was merely trying to gauge interest. Members suggested that the scheduling of walking and biking tours might be altered so that people did not have to leave the event once it was underway to participate. Members emphasized the need to bring more of a focus on being car free. Rostykus suggested that there needs to be more regular events to encourage people to be car free. Marvin suggested adopting a theme for the event and incorporating an essay contest with winners announced at the event, where they could read their essays. Members noted that it might be possible to have small cash prizes or donations from local bike shops. There was discussion of the movie last year. It was suggested that walking school buses be emphasized more on the day of the event this year. Dubois suggested creating a “Car Free Challenge” that would track people’s behavior over a year and present a prize to the winner at Car Free Day. Sommer, West, Aitken, and Harding expressed interest in working on a subcommittee. Young stated that he might be able to be involved, depending on scheduling, and members suggested that Meyerson might also be interested. Harding offered to initiate the scheduling of subcommittee meetings via e-mail. Chapman exited the meeting. Bike Swap (5/13/06) It was noted that Katrina’s of Phoenix will be selling tamales and salsa at the event. West indicated that she would try to include this in the advertising. Subcommittee members also reported that Low Down Boardshop would be tabling and that Joel from Low Down would be the gate coordinator. It was noted that there would be something in the JPR magazine and on the radio courtesy of RVTD, and that the event was also announced in the spring programs guide from the Parks Department. Harding pointed out that there would be drop-off’s only at the Grove on the day of the event, with no car parking allowed on site. She added that this year, the event would include skateboards as well. Earth Day Event at NMP (4/22/06 11-4) Harding briefly recounted how tabling for Earth Day was handled last year. Sommer noted that she was willing to be there for tabling for a portion of the event. Aitken and Harding agreed to work on completing the exhibitor application. Harding noted that she would be asking the Ashland Community Bike Program to partner with the Commission and help to staff the table. Marvin stated that he would be available as well, and members indicated 2006-0316 Bike & Ped minutes Page 3 of 5 that they thought Chapman might be available as well. Harding stated that she would see that the application was submitted, contact the Community Bike Program, and coordinate scheduling coverage. Multi-Use Path (Marvin) Marvin presented the Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) plans of the area of his interest for a multi- use path, and suggested that these were a way to determine the available space for the path. Marvin further explained that the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission could consider, along with the Traffic Safety Commission, the feasibility of converting North Main into a three lane street, as one means of obtaining more space for bicycles and pedestrians. Marvin asked for more time, and placement earlier in the agenda, to discuss the matter in detail next month. Draft Letter to Council on Density versus Sprawl Severson noted that the letter was largely unchanged from last month, with the exception of a few minor changes suggested by commissioners via e-mail. He added that he had found it difficult to incorporate the Smart Growth principles suggested by Harding without changing the tone and focus of the letter, and asked for some assistance to that end. After some discussion, members agreed that it was important to get the letter as written to the Council as soon as possible. Sommer agreed to stop by the Planning Department in the morning to sign as acting chair. th Bicycle Friendly Community Application (Renewal Deadline is March 17, 2006) Severson noted that based on e-mail, Robbins had completed the application process on-line before the deadline, but he added that to date there had been no communication from the League on the status of their review of the application. Liaison Reports st Severson noted that the Oregon Bike Summit was occurring in Eugene on April 1, and explained that they were looking for co-sponsorship of the Commission. He clarified that they were asking other Bike Friendly cities in Oregon for support, and that so far Corvallis and Eugene were co-sponsoring the event, with Portland likely to sign on as well while Bend had declined. He pointed out that co-sponsorship as requested would be $500 to offset the cost of providing lunches at the Summit, and that there would be an opportunity to table as well. It was noted that even if the Commission chose not to co-sponsor the event, members could still attend using Commission funds. Members indicated that they were not able to provide the financial support requested at this time, but that they encouraged a request (with a little more advanced notice) for future summits. Severson noted that there were some terms (Aitken & Lacy) expiring at the end of April. He asked if those commissioners were interested in reappointment and if commissioners felt attendance was an issue that should be raised with the Mayor in considering re-appointments, with the possibility of getting a new member and potentially a new high school liaison as well. Members concurred that someone should be appointed to replace Lacy and High School Liaison Lescher and asked Severson to convey this recommendation to the Mayor. Severson pointed out that the Parks Department would like someone from this group to take charge of ordering helmets, with the Parks Foundation to be billed from Bike Swap funds. He clarified that this was requested in order to ensure an adequate range of styles and sizes would be purchased. Harding stated that she would follow up on this with Teige from the Parks Department. Severson noted that he would be absent from the next meeting due to vacation. He stated that he would prepare the agenda prior to his departure, and would either send a Planning Staff member to cover his role or request that a Commissioner take notes and tape the meeting. Rostykus, Young, and West also indicated that they would be absent from the next meeting. Severson agreed to follow up before the next meeting to confirm that there would be a quorum present. West noted that the student survey had been completed at SOU. She also reminded members that the Bicycle Law presentation by Ray Thomas of the BTA was coming up and encouraged members to attend. 2006-0316 Bike & Ped minutes Page 4 of 5 Agenda Items for Next Meeting Multi-Use Path, Alternative Bike Parking Design Proposal from Sager & Giordano, Striping of Paths & Lanes, Clarification of What Vehicles are Allowed Where; Traffic Enforcement, Earth Day, Bike Swap, Car Free Day, Adjournment Sommer adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Upcoming Meetings: th 5:15 P.M. Thursday, April 20 - Regular Meeting in the Siskiyou Room 2006-0316 Bike & Ped minutes Page 5 of 5