HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-21 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission st June 21, 2007 Regular Minutes Roll Call: David Young, Julia Sommer, Selene Aitken, Matthew Seiler, Jim Olney, Mick Church, Tom Burnham (absent) Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff: Derek Severson, Associate Planner Steve McLennan, Police Officer (absent) RVTD liaisons: Steve Maluk, TDM Planners (absent) High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: Nathan Meyerson (absent) Call to Order Young called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. th Approval of Minutes – May 17, 2007 Olney/Seiler m/s to accept the minutes of the May 2007 meeting as presented. Voice vote: All AYES, with Church abstaining as he was not present for the May meeting. Motion passed. Public Forum Egon Dubois, bicycle safety instructor for the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA), noted that the bike lane striping on Mountain Avenue between B Street and East Main Street is worn and needs repair. Severson provided an update for Dubois about his concerns with stop sign placement at the railroad crossing near the armory building on Wightman. Dubois had been concerned that the stop sign happened just after the Central Ashland Bikepath crossed Wightman Street, and as such motorists might be focused on the stop rather than on those crossing just before it. Severson explained that Engineering staff had looked into the matter, and the stop sign could not be moved as its placement was dictated by the requirements of ODOT Rail (which oversees all railroad crossings in Oregon) to ensure adequate sight distances. New member Michael “Mick” Church was introduced to the commissioners. Trace Harding stated that Car Free Day was approaching, and noted that she was willing to work on the event again this year but wanted to gauge commission interest in the event. She stated that she would like to step up the event to reach more and different people. Harding clarified that International Car Free Day falls on Saturday, September nd 22 this year, and stated that she would like to see a more prominent event with a partial closure of the downtown Plaza area. She noted that Commission support of the event would be needed to place a banner and obtain a street closure, etc. Aitken noted that she would like to see Car Free Day incorporate something similar to the recent “Ride with the Leaders” in Medford, wherein community leaders would commit to participate and aid in promotion for the event while setting a car free example. Young suggested that this item could be discussed later on the agenda in conjunction with the goal setting discussion. Subcommittee & Liaison Reports Olney noted that he and Chapman had attended meetings relating to the Greenway’s Barnett Road crossing in Medford, and that he had also been acting as liaison to the Jackson County Bicycle Advisory Commission. He stated that he had participated in the “Ride with the Leaders” where 35 participants from Medford, Ashland and Jackson County did a short bike tour around Medford.. Olney added that efforts are underway to update the Jackson County bicycle map, which has not been revised since 2001. th Severson invited members to attend a June 26 study session of the Planning Commission and City Council where the Interchange Area Management Plans (IAMPs) would be discussed. He also noted that the next citizens advisory th committee for the IAMP would be occurring at the same time as this Commission’s next meeting on July 19. He suggested some members may wish to attend that meeting, but noted that the newest employee of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance had tentatively scheduled to attend the next meeting to meet those involved with bicycle safety education in Ashland. Members agreed that Chapman or Young might attend the meeting to represent the 2007-0621 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 3 Commission’s interests in that discussion, and that others would try to attend the study session to gather information on the project. Severson clarified that this was an initial informational meeting and that it was still early in the process. Members expressed their strong interest in seeing a commitment to providing for bicycles and pedestrians in any work done, including providing connections to the Greenway. Young and Severson noted that they had met with Olney, Chapman, Public Works Director Paula Brown, and friends and family of Carole Wheeldon to further discuss the memorial. Young suggested that the memorial would now likely be completed this fall as it was unwise to plant trees during summer heat. Goal Setting Members began with a brief brainstorming to express those items they were interested in working on over the next year to year and a half. Severson noted that the Council had requested a short list of accomplishable goals from the Commission for this period for discussion as part of their goal setting in July. Sommer stated that she would like to see Car Free Day continue, but she emphasized that one day was not enough to effect lasting changes in people’s behavior. She stated that she would like to work on Car Free First Fridays. It was noted that Burnham had listed his preferences in an e-mail. His suggestions included that the goals should be projected into a two-year cycle, and that the Commission focus on: 1) Review and update the Municipal Codes regarding pedestrians (Chapter 11.44), bicycles (chapter 11.52) and skateboards (chapter 11.54). Add the 3 foot regulation as used by Grants Pass. 2) Solve the bike path/lane situation along North Main Street as it leaves downtown and proceeds to the railroad underpass. 3) Come up with ideas and plans to connect the city bike path that ends at A Street along the RR tracks to connect to the Bear Creek Greenway at the Dog Park. 4) Work on signage regarding pedestrians, cyclists and skateboarders throughout the city especially at the entrance streets. Olney stated that he would like to see a plan developed for connecting the Central Ashland Bikepath at the Railroad Park to the Greenway at the Dog Park. Church suggested looking more broadly at linkages and connectivity city wide to identify the needs of cyclists and pedestrians and develop a plan for meeting these needs. Severson pointed out that the city has a Transportation System Plan (TSP) which deals with facilities needs, and that this document is about to be updated. He added that the Public Works Division is in the process of updating the TSP and has invited the Commission’s participation. He suggested that this would be an excellent venue for dealing with these issues, taking advantage of the work already in process while avoiding duplicate or conflicting efforts. Chapman added that these efforts should keep the Trails Masterplan in mind. Seiler stated that he wanted to better address lighting of the bikepath. Sommer added that she would like a bikepath connection from downtown to Valley View Road. Chapman added that this might be an issue to raise as part of the coming arterial setback discussion before Planning Commission and Council. Sommer also suggested reviewing and updating the ordinances relating to bicycles, pedestrians and skateboards. Chapman stated that he would like to see some means to accommodate skateboards as a mode of transportation within the downtown. Young added that he would like the Commission to improve signage, and to explore the creation of a diversion/education program as was discussed last month. Olney reminded members of the importance of maintaining the recent momentum of successful efforts such as Car Free Day, the Bike Swap, and the bike safety education program conducted with the BTA. Church stated that he would like to establish links with the school system. Chapman suggested that recently elected School Board member Keith Massey (a Traffic Safety Commissioner until last month) would be an excellent link. Sommer stated that she would like to see the youth liaisons from SOU and the High School attend the meetings and actively participate. Chapman exited the meeting at 6:10 p.m. Members discussed categorizing this list to develop a list of primary goals to be conveyed to the Council. Items discussed included education and diversion, with discussion noting that measurable success needed to be seen in a one to two year time frame. Discussion items in this vein included the BTA program in schools, commuter classes, a rights forum, media outreach including better use of the Tidings and City Source, continuing current efforts and 2007-0621 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 3 programs, and Car Free Day to include something similar to a ride with community leaders or some sort of “Who Rides” focus. Members discussed Harding’s request for Car Free Day event, and noted that the need to publicize the event was of primary importance. Young/Olney m/s to sponsor the Car Free Day event, street closure, and banner permits as proposed by Tracy Harding. Discussion: It was generally agreed that commissioners were willing to sponsor the Car Free Day event’s street closure and banner permit applications, and that Seiler would serve in a liaison role to keep the commission up to date on the planning of the event. Members noted that details of Harding’s vision to step up the event were needed, and it was noted that the commissioners’ interests were in providing for education, advocacy and recreation. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. After further discussion, members arrived at the following list of items to convey to council as primary goals for the coming one to two year period: I. Continue (& Expand) Education Efforts a. Continue to offer bicycle safety education classes in Ashland schools through on-going partnerships with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, Parks Foundation, and Traffic Safety Commission b. Continue to promote Car Free Day (& car free living) c. Expand community outreach efforts (recruit youth liaisons and develop partnerships with the schools) d. Better utilize the media – Daily Tidings, Tribune, City Source, radio, TV e. Continue and Expand Safe Routes to School efforts for all Ashland schools. II. Infrastructure Linkages & Connections a. Partner in the upcoming Transportation System Plan (TSP) update to identify current facilities in place and needs for new facilities to address needed connections. b. Work to enhance existing maps of bicycle facilities and trail systems. c. Continue to identify and develop connectivity needs adjacent to all Ashland Schools as part of Safe Routes to School efforts. d. Consider ways to provide improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities from the downtown north to the city limits along North Main Street. III. To Explore the Benefits of a “Transportation Commission” This would entail combining the Traffic Safety and Bicycle & Pedestrian Commissions, gaining staff efficiencies, and broadening the focus of each Commission to better address transit while still retaining the current areas of interest of each Commission. Olney/Aitken m/s to adopt the above list as the primary goals to be conveyed to Council. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. New Business None. Agenda Items for Next Month BTA visit, Car Free First Fridays and Ordinances Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Upcoming Meetings: th Regular Meeting – July 19, 2007 at 5:15 p.m. 2007-0621 Bike & Ped minutes Page 3 of 3