HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-16 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th August 16, 2007 Regular Minutes Roll Call: Chair David Young, Matthew Seiler, Mick Church, Tom Burnham, Jim Olney Vice Chair Julia Sommer (absent), Secretary Selene Aitken (absent) Council Liaison: David Chapman (absent) Staff: Derek Severson, Associate Planner Steve McLennan, Police Officer (absent) RVTD liaisons: Steve Maluk, TDM Planner (absent) High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: Nathan Meyerson (absent) Call to Order Young called the meeting to order at 5:19 p.m. Approval of Minutes – July 2007 It was noted that the first sentence under “Bicycle- & Pedestrian-Related Ordinances” should begin “After general discussion, it was suggested…” Church/Burnham m/s to accept the minutes of the July 2007 meeting as amended. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum John Baxter expressed his frustration with the increasing number and type of motorized vehicles using the Central Ashland Bikepath (CAB). He noted frequent encounters with scooters, motorcycles, and ATV’s during his daily commute on the path. Members noted that there are patrols on the path at times, and stated that this would be looked at in depth as the Commissioners consider bicycle- and pedestrian-related ordinances. There was discussion of Oregon state law which allows some slower-speed motorized vehicles to use bike lanes and bike paths in some circumstances, and it was noted that there can be jurisdictional issues as County Greenway rules, state law, and city ordinances come into play. Severson noted that he would convey the concerns expressed to the Parks Department and to the Police Department, and Baxter indicated that he’d be willing to help the group involved in the ordinance review. Huelz noted his safety concerns with the narrowing of the lanes at the bridge on Lithia Way near Beasy’s on the Creek, and emphasized the difficulty this created for cyclists in the roadway. He asked that the city consider placing signage directing cyclists to use the sidewalk in this vicinity, and recognized that there would be jurisdictional issues with ODOT regarding the placement of signage. Young suggested that Huelz pass this on to Traffic Safety was well, and members asked that Severson convey a recommendation to Traffic Safety that this be addressed as well. Huelz also asked that the city consider rewording signage in the downtown to say “Please Walk Your Wheels.” Severson noted that Steve Ryan who was in attendance had been recommended by the Mayor for appointment to the Commission. He explained that this appointment had to be confirmed at the next City Council meeting, but barring complications there, Ryan’s appointment should be complete by the September Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission meeting. Subcommittee & Liaison Reports Seiler reported on Car Free Day planning efforts, noting that the noise permit had been approved and other permits had been applied for. Tablers have been contacted, and Jeff Golden will emcee. Severson noting he was following up with the Street Department about the closure. Seiler stated that his band would be playing, and it was noted that th Egon Dubois may lead a morning coffee ride. It was noted that a planning meeting would be held on August 28 at the Railroad Park. Seiler and Severson noted that they would be at the event on Car Free Day. Seiler noted that the Car Free Day group was requesting that $250 in funding be provided by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission to support the event by allowing rental of a better public address system, and to cover costs for printing flyers, t-shirts, and other promotional expenses. Members discussed the Commission’s role in the event, noting that while they had sponsored the permitting to allow the banner and street closure, they were not conducting this year’s event and had 2007-0816 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 2 not previously agreed to financial or volunteer support, and as such were somewhat reticent about fully funding this request. Olney/Burnham m/s to approve $100 in Program Funds to support Car Free Day promotional expenses including t-shirt and flyer printing. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Olney noted that Edgar Hee of the Jackson County Bicycle Advisory Commission had prepared detailed written comments on the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan update. Severson stated he would get a copy of these comments for electronic distribution to members, and that members could comment individually as the comment deadline falls well before the next regular meeting. Young briefly discussed the ODOT IAMP meeting occurring now at 73 Winburn. Young discussed the potential impact of Measure 37 development claims in the vicinity of Valley View Road and Highway 99. It was noted that the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission meeting would now adjourn in order to allow members to attend the IAMP meeting and comment as citizens, and Severson emphasized that the IAMP meeting was not a Commission meeting and there had been no formal discussion or decision through a regular Commission meeting. As such, he advised members to keep in mind that they were commenting as citizens and not to represent their views as those of the full Commission. New Business None. Agenda Items for Next Month Young stated that he would like to have the next agenda devoted largely to the development of a work plan based on the recent goal setting. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:09 p.m. Upcoming Meetings: th Regular Meeting – September 20, 2007 at 5:15 p.m. 2007-0816 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 2