HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-15 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th March 15, 2007 Regular Minutes Roll Call: Chair Dylan Robbins (absent), Jim Olney, David Young, Vice Chair Tracy Harding, Selene Aitken (late), Tom Burnham Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff: Dick Wanderscheid, Electric Department Director Derek Severson, Associate Planner Steve McLennan, Police Officer) RVTD liaisons: Paige West & Steve Maluk, TDM Planners (absent) High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: Nathan Meyerson (absent) Call to Order Vice Chair Harding called the meeting to order at 5:19 p.m. Approval of Minutes – January 2007 The minutes of the January 2007 meeting were approved as presented. Public Forum Egon Dubois, Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) Bicycle Safety Instructor discussed the Alice B. Toeclips bicycle activist awards ceremony held recently in Portland, and encouraged Commissioners to consider attending this event in the future if they have the opportunity. Subcommittee & Liaison Reports Officer Steve MacLennan of the Ashland Police Department showed a new traffic analyzer mat used for traffic counts and speed monitoring. Jackson County Bicycle Advisory Committee liaison Olney noted the upcoming “Ride with Community Leaders” to th be held on May 14 and “Bike to Work” Week the week of May 15-19. Burnham/Olney m/s to endorse Senate Bill 926, which would use lottery funds to support a velodome. Discussion: Young indicated that he would like more information on any programs that might be losing funds. It was noted that this would be supported with lottery funds, and additional background information was provide. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Burnham noted that Siskiyou Velo would be sponsoring the Mountain Lakes Challenge, and that funds generated are available to support advocacy programs including helmet distribution, the Greenway, BTA and etc. He suggested that these funds be considered to support programs. Harding reported on SOU, noting that SOU Liaison Meyerson is no longer an SOU student. She discussed ongoing efforts by SOU’s Community Bike Program, including distribution of kids’ bikes to migrant students in HeadStart programs. She noted that there would be a raffle at the April Step-It-Up event, and that there were on-going clinics to teach bike repair skills, and a lot of volunteer energy in installing additional bike racks and awnings to cover them around the SOU campus. Severson noted that there had been a request from Teige to confirm that the Commission was comfortable with the Bike Swap Subcommittee expending Parks Foundation Bike Swap funds without a specific recommendation from the full Commission for expenditures relating to conducting the Bike Swap. Those present indicated general consensus that this was acceptable. ICLEI Overview Wanderscheid provided background on the ICLEI program, noting that the organization was a partnership of cities dedicated to addressing climate change. He noted that the ICLEI program involves developing an inventory of greenhouse gas sources, developing targets for reducing emissions, implementing measures to reach these targets, and evaluation of the effectiveness of these measures. He further explained that since all of Ashland’s electricity is 2007-0215 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 3 from the Bonneville Power Administration and from local hydro-electric and solar facilities, the bulk of greenhouse gases produced are related to transportation. He discussed that some research had been done initially, but that the Conservation Division and Conservation Commission were hoping to partner with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission to develop an inventory of emission sources relating to transportation. He indicated that starting with the inventory would lead to the development of specific targets. Wanderscheid discussed several options to reduce emissions, including conservation measures to reduce trips and/or gain efficiencies, alternative transportation, land use planning, and utilization of bio-fuels. He added that on May th 10 there would be a panel discussion at Science Works as part of a series on Global Warming. Wanderscheid suggested that both the Traffic Safety Commission and Planning Commission might ultimately have roles in this discussion, and noted that he would also like to see some way to address the impacts generated by traffic generated from tourism. He emphasized that there was strong support from the Council for the ICLEI program, and stated that he hoped this would serve as a vehicle to bring all sustainability efforts under one umbrella and engage the public. He added that Larry Giardina and/or Jim McGinnis could bring the software and discuss how and where the necessary data might be gathered. Parks Commissioner Joanne Eggers noted that Jim McGinnis would be attending the Parks Commission goal setting and that she would like to see Parks involved in a leadership role as well. Wanderscheid clarified for Commissioners that the plan to be developed would amount to using the ICLEI software to identify the number of tons of the various greenhouse gases being produced and how. From there, methods and targets for reduction would then be set, and after implementation there would be assessment and evaluation. He stated that the initial data could be provided for distribution in packets, along with the city’s most recent Valdez Principles report, and that Giardina could follow-up with the Commission at a future meeting to determine how best to proceed. Step-It-Up 2007 th Harding noted that there would be an event on the Plaza on April 14 as part of a national effort begun by author Bill McKibben to develop a nationwide grassroots campaign to encourage legislation to address climate change. She noted that Jim McGinnis would be speaking, and that John Quigley might be doing an aerial art project. She stated that there would be a rally from 12-2 with a bike ride after, and a tie-in with the Film Festival as well. Earth Day 2007 st Harding noted that Earth Day was April 21 this year. She noted that the event was being held at Scienceworks this year, and that the attempt was being made to carry off a zero waste event. Chapman noted that he would be tabling for the Conservation Commission as well, but that he might be able to do double duty. Severson indicated that if no one else was available, he could assist with tabling. Harding indicated that she would look at available tabling volunteers and make the application if she thought tabling was feasible. Goal Setting Follow Up Discussion Harding suggested that this item be tabled until new members were appointed and the full commission was in attendance. Lights, Helmets and Pedometers Severson indicated that he had contacted United Bicycle Parts and there had been no response, but that he could follow up on the lights, and asked for confirmation that Commissioners would prefer to look at a local company over a best-deal on the internet. Members confirmed that this was the case. Dubois discussed pedometers and his research, noting that he would like to promote them city wide and to tie into a car free pledge. Wheeldon Memorial Young noted that he would be contacting Public Works Director Paula Brown directly to get this item underway, and stated that he would look at potential opportunities for partnership with the Public Arts Commission. 2007-0215 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 3 New Business Young expressed his concern that a member of the Commission had not been chosen to represent the interests of bicyclists and pedestrians on the advisory committee dealing with ODOT interchange redesigns. He indicated that he had spoken to Administration after being contacted to apply for the committee, and was told that appointments had already been made. After discussion where all present expressed concern and indicated their feelings that the expertise of this Commission should be at the table for those discussion, Chapman indicated that he would attempt to address this issue at the upcoming City Council meeting. Burnham noted that he would like to see the large bump on the Greenway near the Dog Park addressed, and that he would like to see police data on bicycle and pedestrian related incidents provided monthly. Agenda Items for Next Month ICLEI/Conservation Partnership Discussion Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m. Upcoming Meetings: th Regular Meeting – April 19, 2007 at 5:15 p.m. 2007-0215 Bike & Ped minutes Page 3 of 3