HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-19 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th April 19, 2007 Regular Minutes Roll Call: Chair Dylan Robbins, Vice Chair Tracy Harding, Tom Burnham, Selene Aitken, David Young (absent), Jim Olney (absent) Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff: Derek Severson, Associate Planner Steve McLennan, Police Officer) RVTD liaisons: Steve Maluk, TDM Planners () High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: Nathan Meyerson (absent) Call to Order Chair Robbins called the meeting to order at 5:17 p.m. Approval of Minutes – March 2007 The minutes of the March 2007 meeting were approved as presented. Public Forum Heuels indicated that Lithia Way near the Bard’s Inn and Church Street is hazardous to bicycles due to the constriction of the lane at the curve on the bridge and he would like to see signage to direct bicyclists to use the sidewalk. Those present noted that this would need to be addressed by the Traffic Safety Commission, and that there would also be issues because the section of road involved is under ODOT not City of Ashland jurisdiction. Heuels also expressed concern with the grates in the roadway in this vicinity as a hazard to cyclists. Tatiana Bredekin discussed the soon to be available Safe Routes to School grant funding, and her hopes to prepare a bundled application for Ashland schools. She invited Commissioners to attend a meeting on how to apply for these th funds on Monday, April 30 at S.O.U. from 10:00 to 2:30. She explained that between $75-$150,000 would be available depending on whether applications were for a single school or bundled, and whether they included an education component or only engineering projects. Members provided Bredekin with suggested contact people who might be helpful at each school. Subcommittee & Liaison Reports th There was a request for volunteers to assist with the Bike Swap, and it was noted that on Friday the 27 volunteers would be working at the Grove to repair bikes for the Swap. It was also noted that bike licensing would be encouraged for all purchasers at the Swap, with on-site registration available. Severson noted that new members had been appointed and would be beginning their terms in May, and that there should be a full roster for the next meeting. ICLEI/Conservation Partnership Memo Severson referred members to the memo from Conservation Analyst Larry Giardina regarding the partnership between the Bicycle & Pedestrian and Conservation Commissions and the Conservation Division. Wheeldon Memorial Update Severson noted that David Beaudoin, Carole Wheeldon’s husband, had contacted the Public Works Director and noted his preferences for the memorial site. Severson indicated that the Public Works Department was ready to move forward with installation, and asked for Commission authorization to move ahead with this work with final details for tree selection, placement of items, and the plaque to be worked out between Public Works and the subcommittee members. He indicated that this would still hopefully be accomplished this spring. Members expressed general consent to direct Public Works to move ahead. Budget Update Severson referred members to the memo in the packets, and noted that no new expenditures had occurred. 2007-0419 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 2 Special Vehicle Application – PediCab Proposal from Will Sherman Chapman noted that would like to see the City repeal the restriction on where special vehicles are allowed. Sherman explained for Burnham that he would carry double the insurance that is required by the City. Burnham/Harding m/s to recommend approval of the application. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. It was noted that this item would also be heard by the Traffic Safety Commission at their next meeting. Earth Day Tabling Chapman noted that he would be at the event, but would also be helping with tabling for the Conservation Commission. Harding stated that she would be available, but also would be tabling for KS Wild. Severson stated that he could be available for tabling as well. Step It Up 2007 De-Briefing Harding gave a brief update on the Step It Up event. New Business Harding noted that she would not be serving another term on the Commission, and would be going to the Conservation Commission. She stated that she would still be working on Car Free Day, which will be on Saturday, September 22 this year. She emphasized her desire to change the event to affect more people and change their behaviour. She stated that she would be back before the Commission to discuss Car Free Day in June. Burnham noted that he wanted to see the large bump on the Greenway near the Dog Park addressed, and had spoken to the Parks Director. He explained that the Parks Department was in the process of having repairs done, and that the paving should be fixed within the next two weeks. Burnham also questioned the timing of the Siskiyou Boulevard resurfacing, and asked that Oak Street Pedestrian Friendly Community signage be relocated and upgraded to emphasize cycling. He also asked that requiring a three-foot buffer for cyclists be considered, as it had recently been adopted in Grants Pass. Maluk suggested looking at the Ashland Municipal Code as it applies to bicycling, identifying areas that need to be further addressed, and preparing a pamphlet to educate the public. Chapman noted that Traffic Safety was considering making the alley behind and parallel to A Street to a one-way street, and he invited others to join him on the “Ride with Leaders.” Burnham asked that police citation and accident reports be provided. Agenda Items for Next Month Accident Reports, Goal Setting, Introduction of New Members, the Ashland Municipal Code as it relates to cycling/preparing a handout, pedometers Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Upcoming Meetings: th Regular Meeting – May 17, 2007 at 5:15 p.m. 2007-0419 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 2