HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-08-21 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission st August 21, 2008 Regular Minutes Commissioners: Chair David Young, Vice Chair Julia Sommer, Secretary Jim Olney, Steve Ryan, Tom Burnham Council Liaison: Kate Jackson Staff: Steve McLennan, Police Officer (absent) Derek Severson, Associate Planner RVTD liaisons: Nathan Broom, RVTD TDM Planner High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: Eve Woods Call to Order Chair Young called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. th Approval of Minutes – June 19, 2008 Ryan noted that the Commuter Challenge was a two week event, not one week. The minutes were approved by unanimous consent as amended. Introductions Donn Willott, chair of the Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Commission in Bainbridge Island, Washington, introduced himself. Noted that he had stopped in two years ago when visiting Ashland, and was again in town. Briefly explained the current activities and interests in Bainbridge Island. Art Bullock noted that he had ridden bikes on North Main Street for years, and wanted to express his thanks for the recent striping. He also expressed concern that the striping created a shoulder of varying widths and stopped entirely in some places, and he indicated that it may be safer to ride in the street. Burnham noted that he had similar observations; it was explained that the striping was a fog line not a bike lane, and was installed by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) as a result of requests by SOU Professor Eric Dittmer. Severson added that the lanes were striped where there was sufficient right of way available, but where the resultant shoulder would have been 12-inches or less no stripes were painted. It was noted that motorists may view this as a de facto bike lane, and that it could create resentment for cyclists riding in the vehicle travel lane. Members agreed by unanimous consent to recommend that the Traffic Safety Commission and Oregon Department of Transportation look at the possibility of installing signage indicating that “Bicycles Have Full Use of Lane.” Subcommittee & Liaison Reports Woods noted that she would be tabling rather than participating in new student orientation. She explained that she has been looking at materials created by www.bikeportland.org . She 2008-0821 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 5 explained for Young that her efforts on campus are aimed at promoting an increased awareness of personal safety for students. Severson noted that the Ad Hoc Siskiyou Safety Committee, which includes representatives of the University administration, was looking at ways to provide training as part of orientation because students would be returning to campus with new flashing pedestrian activated beacons at the crosswalks. Severson indicated that additional Ad Hoc Committee meetings were to follow, but that Woods might still be able to find a way to participate in orientation in this capacity. nd Ryan discussed the two week long Commuter Challenge, and the September 22 Car Free Day event. He also noted that RVTD would be presenting a week-long Try Transit Week event. He added that there would be some sort of closing ceremony for the Commuter Challenge on rdth October 3 or 6 at a location to be announced. Olney/Jackson m/s to expend up to $100 in commission program funds to support Car Free Day promotional printing costs. Discussion: It was noted that Ryan would need to provide receipts to Severson for reimbursement. Ryan also encouraged members to each recruit at least one person or team to participate in the Commuter Challenge. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Olney exited the meeting at 5:47 p.m. Sommer questioned the status of the Oak Street fog lines and inquired as to whether there needed to be some sort of follow-up from the Commission to John Fisher-Smith. Young indicated that he was Fisher-Smith’s neighbor and didn’t believe follow-up was necessary. Severson added that Fisher-Smith had taken the request to the Traffic Safety Commission after speaking before the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission, and after discussion the Traffic Safety Commission had left the matter to Public Works/Engineering staff to further explore options. Nathan Broom, TDM Planner for RVTD and the new RVTD liaison to the Commission, introduced himself and distributed informational materials regarding “Try Transit Week” and “Walk & Bike to School Day.” He questioned whether there was any information he could be providing for the Commission; it was requested that he provide data on cyclist counts on RVTD buses and the number of cyclists who were being turned-down now that cyclist ridership was increasing. Broom indicated that he would look into this information, and noted that if anyone new of options to accommodate additional bikes on buses to please let him know. It was noted that RVTD had tested one rack that would accommodate three bikes per bus, but that it blocked the headlights. Jenna Stanke, Jackson County’s Special Projects Coordinator and staff liaison to the County’s Bicycle Advisory Committee, reintroduced herself. She briefly discussed today’s sweep of the Greenway by the Jackson County Sheriff’s office, and noted concern with the amount of trash present that could become a much larger issue in the event of flooding. She noted that while viewing the Greenway from a helicopter, the breaking up of the path by tree roots and the large amount of invasive blackberries present became even more apparent. She also noted that as a result of Dr. Gary MacGraw’s concerns, the issue of bollards on the Greenway was being looked at more closely. 2008-0821 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 5 Severson briefly discussed the status of the Carole Wheeldon memorial, noting that the bench placement was underway and that the friends and family of Carole Wheeldon were hoping for a th dedication ceremony on the second anniversary of her death on September 15. He also recounted the recent meetings of the Ad Hoc Siskiyou Safety Committee, and discussed the election information which had been included in the packets. He emphasized that these materials were provided for informational purposes at the request of the City Attorney because of the approaching elections, and added that all Commissioners should be aware that under Oregon State Law they were considered “public employees” and subject to the restriction thereon when on the job during working hours, i.e. in their roles as Commissioners, during meetings and in the building at 51 Winburn Way. Bike Path Bollards Severson briefly recounted the background on this item, noting that Dr. Gary MacGraw had hit a bollard on the Greenway and spoken about the incident at the June meeting of the Commission. He had since been in contact with Young, Severson and Stanke, and provided a PowerPoint presentation to address what he perceives as a safety issue around the use of bollards to restrict motor vehicle access to bikepaths. Severson quickly went through MacGraw’s presentation. It was noted that near the Railroad Park at Sixth and A Streets there is an existing bollard base with no extension that has no lighting and no reflector, resulting in a particular safety concern after hours, in low light or in bad weather. Bullock noted that the plastic portion of this bollard was frequently replaced and someone repeatedly removed it. Severson noted that the City had formerly used solid bollards, and that this new design with a solid base and reflectorized plastic extension on top had been chosen by the Traffic Safety Commission as a safer option. Burnham indicated that his preference would be to remove bollards and rely on signage to serve the same purpose. Woods stated that in her view, juveniles would joy ride on the bikepaths in motor vehicles if there were not barriers preventing access. Young indicated that the dangers of bollards may well outweigh their benefits, particularly given that frequent motor vehicle access to bikepaths was unlikely. He indicated that he would prefer to remove all bollards as unsafe, and indicated that he would like to know procedurally how to go about this. Ryan noted that if someone were to joyride they would be liable rather than having the city liable as they are now. Sommer/Ryan m/s to request that the City Engineering Division, Traffic Safety Commission and the Joint Powers Committee for the Greenway remove bollards on the Central Ashland Bikepath and Bear Creek Greenway except those shown to be necessary for safety reasons (as in the case of limiting vehicular access to bridges with limited capacity) and replace them with appropriate signage. Discussion: Stanke noted that the Joint Powers Committee was moving in this direction. Steve Woods discussed the use of bollard on Whidbey Island. Stanke noted that where bollards were necessary, diversion 2008-0821 Bike & Ped minutes Page 3 of 5 lines should be used and bollards should be kept to below handlebar height. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Greenway Maintenance and Safety Severson noted that this item was really included along with the previous item, as part of MacGraw’s request from June. Stanke noted that she was looking for funds to conduct some root grinding on the Greenway from Ashland to Talent, and indicated that she also hoped to test some root barriers to alleviate the recurrence of the problem in the future. Top Ten & Near Miss Lists Sommer expressed concern with the lack of annual maintenance activity, particularly with regard to bike lane striping. It was noted that there had also been some heavy overgrowth of vegetation onto the Central Ashland Bikepath near A Street, but that this had since been corrected. Burnham noted that the signal at Sherman Street is not triggered by cyclists when the cyclist is headed uphill and turning left onto Siskiyou. Severson noted the ODOT advice to lay one’s bike down over the sensor, and Burnham indicated that this won’t work for a carbon fiber bike. Several commissioners noted that there was a problem with cars coming downhill into the intersection of Wightman and Siskiyou and failing to yield to pedestrians, causing many near misses. It was noted that this item could be passed along to the Ad Hoc Siskiyou Safety Committee. Members asked that illegal parking in the vicinity of SOU also be addressed for its impact to Siskiyou Boulevard. It was noted that the crosswalk at Mountain Avenue and Henry was in need of re-striping. Members called attention to a bollard without a collar on the bicycle and pedestrian easement connecting Hersey Street to the alley at Clear Creek Drive. Sommer indicated that she thought the Top 10 list had been passed on to Traffic Safety; Severson indicated that he did not believe it had but that he would add those items discussed tonight and forward them. Bicycle Friendly Community Status, Signage and Council Presentation Severson noted that comments from the League of American Bicyclists had been received and were included in the packets for Commissioner consideration; he added that a number of the items such as requiring bicycle parking for new developments and requiring bicycle facilities for new streets were already in place. He suggested that these requirements needed to be better conveyed to the League in the 2012 renewal. Transportation Commission Severson noted that this item had been discussed once already, but that the new materials were a draft of the Council Communication and provided significantly more detail if the Commissioners 2008-0821 Bike & Ped minutes Page 4 of 5 were interested in commenting further. It was noted that this item had been rescheduled to be th heard by the City Council on October 20. Ryan noted his concern with cars being given “equity” in the mission statement for the Commission, noting that they already receive far more equity than other modes. Burnham noted the need to promote skateboard, skating, and segways, and suggesting adding “promote all modes of transportation.” Members noted that the Traffic Safety Commission minutes included mention of their general opposition to a two-term term limit for Commissioners. There was general consensus that institutional memory was important and that if a member was willing to serve more than two terms they should have the option to apply. Bullock questioned whether Commissioners shared his concern that this restructuring of the Commissions could result in a loss of emphasis on bicycle and pedestrian issues. Young suggested that care was being taken to prevent this in drafting the ordinance. Gas Prices and the Rise of Cycling Severson explained that this item was included at Matt Warshawsky’s request, based on his observations that the recent rise in gas prices had greatly increased the number of cyclists on the road and that these new riders might well lack the knowledge, equipment and skills to commute safely. He wanted the Commissioners to consider this issue and what they might do to address it. Maps and Signs Burnham presented the draft map he had been working on, which was modeled largely on one prepared by the City of Corvallis. He indicated that he hoped this information and format could be incorporated into a larger map encompassing the entire county. Stanke noted that she was looking at updating the county’s map, and that it might be a primarily web-based product with only a limited number of printed copies to be produced. She suggested that the web maps might be printable for each community in the valley, and that the printed copies could then be placed side by side for a view of the county as a whole. New Business Sommer noted that she would be absent in September. Agenda Items for Next Month None mentioned. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. 2008-0821 Bike & Ped minutes Page 5 of 5