HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-17 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th January 17, 2008 Regular Minutes Roll Call: Chair David Young, Vice Chair Julia Sommer, Tom Burnham Steve Ryan, Mick Church, Matthew Seiler, Jim Olney Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff: Derek Severson, Associate Planner Steve McLennan, Police Officer RVTD liaisons: Steve Maluk, TDM Planner (absent) High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: Vacant Call to Order Chair Young called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. th Approval of Minutes – December 20, 2007 Sommer suggested that the reference to “special needs students” be removed from the Bellview School hearing notes, indicating that she didn’t recall them being mentioned. There was agreement by those present that this hadn’t been part of the discussion, and it was recommended that staff remove the reference. The minutes were approved as amended by general consensus. Public Forum Egon Dubois, Bicycle Safety Instructor for the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA), inquired whether commissioners were interested in meetings in the field at some point, to visit sites under discussion, examine facilities, or just have a coffee ride. He also questioned the progress made in forming a Transportation Commission. Subcommittee & Liaison Reports Car Free Day Subcommittee members noted that they had met to discuss continuing a Car Free Day event and maintaining momentum. It was noted that members wanted to engage the business community in some sort of bicycle commuting challenge, similar to what has been done by the BTA in Portland, with a competition between larger local employer commuter teams, miles and days commuted logged on-line, and those participating entered into a raffle for prizes. It was noted that Car Free First Fridays were still being considered, and that there may be a blurb included in the map put out by the gallery association to encourage car free participation, and that it may be possible to use the double-decker bus to help promote this. Car Free Living subcommittee members noted that they had discussed developing a “Top 10” list of commission priorities for maintenance items to insure that the pressure is kept on until the items are resolved. Subcommittee members also indicated that they had considered trying to encourage the City Council to walk and bicycle, potentially through a letter from the Commission or through the Commission’s annual presentation to Council. 2008-0117 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 4 Young noted his efforts to promote the student liaison position through the “Griz-O-Gram” had resulted in one inquiry. He indicated that he would follow up on the idea of approaching the student government/leadership students. Ryan indicated that he could present something similar at SOU, and fellow Commissioners suggested approaching ECOS, the Community Bike Program, and the student government. Severson clarified that the student liaison positions are a non-voting position, and require appointment by the Mayor. Olney reported on the Jackson County Bicycle Advisory Commission’s discussions of a bicycle crossing for Barnett Road, noting that the current cost is $1.6 Million. Sommer noted that she was no longer representing Ashland on the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Young updated Commissioners on the Interchange Area Management Plan (IAMP) citizens’ advisory committee meetings, noting that the current proposal for Exit 14 calls for a three-lane road with a left onto North Main, ten-foot wide shoulders and a sidewalk. He noted that both directions ends would be signalized, that the shoulder would not be striped, and that the bike lanes would cross the on-ramps. Members emphasized that there needed to be unimpeded crossing of the on-ramps for bicycles and pedestrians, with designated lanes and controlled crossings; members suggested that the proposal as described was inadequate. Olney/Ryan m/s to authorize Chair Young to send a letter to this effect to John MacDonald of ODOT by the comment deadline, which occurs before the next regular meeting of this Commission. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Young noted that Exit 19 was located within Jackson County jurisdiction and was seen as having no connecting bicycle or pedestrian facilities. The plan proposes three lanes with stop signs and no sidewalks, and a ten-foot shared shoulder. He noted that roundabouts had been discussed, and while they were initially found to be not germane to the discussion they may be revisited. He indicated that there was also discussion of closing one east/west lane of Ashland Lane until future expansion in the vicinity occurs. Election of Officers – Secretary The roles and responsibilities of the secretary were discussed, and Olney indicated his willingness to serve in this role. Seiler/Church m/s to nominate Olney to serve as secretary. Discussion: No one else expressed interest in the nomination. Severson noted that the other officers had been elected in May of 2007, and Commissioners did not express an interest in appointing a new Chair or Vice Chair. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion Passed. Appointment of Representative – Croman Master Plan Meetings Church indicated that he would be interested in attending the upcoming meeting and reporting back. Seiler said that he may attend as well. 2008-0117 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 4 Follow Up Items Severson briefly discussed the status of the Wheeldon memorial, noting that it had been discussed at the Historic Commission where there were concerns that the conceptual drawing was too rustic and heavy, and that it would be going to the Public Arts Commission on January th 18. Severson noted that Jim Olson had responded to the list of ODOT grant items formulated last month, and that he had indicated that ODOT would not consider items where the full right of way was not already in place to complete the project. Severson added that Olson now believes that the Laurel Street sidewalks are the best option, and that the prior grant application could be modified to include a significant portion of the necessary bicycle and pedestrian improvements to the railroad crossing at Laurel Street and resubmitted. Severson noted that he had met initially with Interim Public Works Director Jim Olson, Assistant City Engineer Karl Johnson, and Project Manager/City Engineer Paula Brown about the creation of a Transportation Commission. Severson indicated that Brown was now looking into what other cities have done and has taken the issues raised in the initial meeting to begin formulating recommendations. Members suggested that examples from Boulder, Colorado and Eugene, Oregon be considered. Severson noted that he had anticipated having a Transportation System Plan (TSP) update project list for Commission review tonight, but he explained that the initial project list had just been received from the consultants today. He stated that in discussing the TSP update with Public Works Staff, they suggested it might be best to have interested Commissioners attend the th public open house in the Siskiyou Room from 5:00 – 7:00 on January 30. Severson reported that Paula Brown would be checking with ODOT on the North Main fog line installation request, and that he would report back if there was any new information. Severson noted that in terms of the Oak Street discussion, he wanted to be clear that in terms of that discussion, the Commission would not be the final decision making authority, and that this item would likely wind up before the Council – with significant neighborhood opposition – before a final decision is made. Sommer indicated that nothing would ever be accomplished if the right decision was avoided because it might be difficult. Church, Burnham, Sommer and Ryan all indicated that they were in favor of pursuing Oak Street parking removal to install bike lanes. Young suggested that a charette be held to bring neighbors in to pursue options for promoting safety while providing connectivity. Severson noted that there could be issues with removing parking where on-street parking credits have been used to meet the parking requirements for development which had occurred along Oak Street, and that it would take considerable staff time just to research how many lots this might affect. Young suggested that members could also take this item to Council to see if they were willing to direct staff to explore the feasibility. After general discussion, members suggested that Severson request time on the next Traffic Safety Commission agenda so that this item could be brought up before Traffic Safety and it could be determined if they had 2008-0117 Bike & Ped minutes Page 3 of 4 ideas to solve the problem or an interest in finding solutions. Ryan indicated that he would attend this meeting. Car Free Day/Car Free Living There was discussion of whether the event should be held on a Sunday or a Monday, or somehow related to First Friday. It was also noted that there would be a tie-in to a bike commuter challenge. Young noted the need to challenge assumptions, and suggested that the Commission look to creating a week-long event rather than a one-day carnival. He suggested that Commissioners not be bound by the International Car Free Day date. There was discussion of seeking sponsorship and participation from larger employers in the city including the City, Darex/Drill Doctor, OSF, SOU, and the School District. It was suggested that the event could be the culmination of a week of activities; members discussed possible incentives. There was general consensus to conduct a weekend event with a commuter challenge week. Severson asked that subcommittee members e-mail him future meeting dates and times so he could cover the public noticing requirements. Ryan indicated that he would try to attend these subcommittee meetings as well. Members questioned if Siskiyou Velo could be involved. Jeff Boncheck arrived late for Public Forum, noted that he’d had two friends killed while walking in the past five years. He indicated that a friend on a bike was in an accident earlier today, and he just wanted to attend to find out what was going on with the Commission. He noted his involvement with the Community Bike Program at SOU and reminded Commissioners of the free bike clinic on Tuesdays at the bike barn. Agenda Items for Next Month Oak Street follow-up, and Car Free Day/Car Free Living. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. Upcoming Meetings: st Regular Meeting – February 21, 2008 at 5:15 p.m. 2008-0117 Bike & Ped minutes Page 4 of 4