HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-18 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th September 18, 2008 Regular Minutes Roll Call: Chair David Young, Secretary Jim Olney, Steve Ryan, Tom Burnham, Julia Sommer (absent) Council Liaison: Kate Jackson (absent) Staff: Steve McLennan, Police Officer Derek Severson, Associate Planner RVTD liaisons: Nathan Broom, RVTD TDM Planner High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: Eve Woods Call to Order Chair Young called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. st Approval of Minutes – August 21 , 2008 There was discussion of whether the minutes should convey the general tone of the discussion or provide more specific detail of the discussion. The minutes were approved by unanimous consent as presented. Public Forum Elise Thiel/Wingspread Mobile Home Park, 321 Clay Street #19 came to discuss the bikepath on lower Clay Street. She noted that the road has no sidewalks, and a curve with a blind spot. She explained that Wingspread tenants have accessed the Central Ashland Bikepath (CAB) via a hole in their fencing, and a large number of people used this access. Wingspread management has recently blocked the hole in the fence and it was cut again. She emphasized that finding other access is difficult, but that Wingspread management is concerned with liability and is unwilling to continue to allow access from the park. She noted that she did not like sending her children to school over Ashland Street to access the Central Ashland Bikepath (CAB). She questioned whether other access might be obtained off of Creek Drive, Normal Avenue, or elsewhere along the tracks. Young indicated that this should be a discussion item next month and that maps should be provided for the Commission as they consider this discussion. Art Bullock/791 Glendower Street noted that there is a need for the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission to review and comment on land use applications. It was noted that a recommendation to Council on formation of a Transportation Commission included adding review of land use pre-applications as a duty. Bullock thanked the Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD) for providing free bus service on Car Free Day, and for their efforts in Try 2008-0918 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 4 Transit Week. He requested that RVTD also consider scheduling future events on Front Street in Medford outside of the rush hour. Subcommittee & Liaison Reports Broom presented “Try Transit” posters and explained this promotion. He noted that the interactive bus tour lasts 15 minutes, and added that the bus has to be in Talent by 11:00. Broom informed the Commission that RVTD has seen an 11.7 percent increase in their ridership over last year. In response to Commissioners’ inquiries from last month, he pointed out that only two of the buses will accommodate a bike rack which accepts three bicycles and that they do not currently track the number of bicycles turned away due to full racks. He indicated that he will be looking into ways to better accommodate increase cyclist demand for buses in the fall. He concluded that he has created a “Rogue Utility Bike” group on Google Lists for local bicycle commuters to discuss their issues. Woods discussed her tabling efforts in conjunction with Car Free Day and SOU’s orientation, and noted that she is at work to form a Safety Club on campus. She noted that she may be tabling after school starts, into November, and at Safety Week in January. She also indicated that she wants to raise at least $1,000 to purchase keychain flashlights, note pads and pens. Smith noted that RVTD could identify a supplier for quality keychain lights at a cost of $0.68 per unit. Car Free Day Update/Commute Challenge/Try Transit Week Ryan provided an update on the number of participants, and noted that volunteers were needed at 3:00 p.m. on Car Free Day. Woods noted that she would pick up helmets from Parks and bring them to the event. Members were asked to hand out ¼ sheets, invite friends and be at the event. th Request for Yield Sign on CAB (at 8 and A Streets/Sarah Breckenridge) Severson noted that this item was on the agenda at Sommer’s request, and that Sarah Breckenridge was to have been here to discuss the item in Sommer’s absence. Members indicated that they were familiar with the problem from e-mails and personal experience. It was noted that the request was to install some sort of yield sign directed to bikes entering the Central th Ashland Bikepath (CAB) near 8 and A Streets. It was noted that there is a problematic bollard in this location, and that vegetation has at times limited visibility. Sommer had noted two bicycle crashes here. Olney/Ryan m/s to request some form of bicycle traffic control sign directing cyclists th entering at 8 and A Street to slow or yield be installed along the Central Ashland Bikepath (CAB). Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Call for Tablers – Car Free Day & SOU Orientation (Eve Woods) It was noted that tablers were needed for the Commission table at Car Free Day, and that Woods thth would welcome tabling assistance at SOU orientation on the 24 and 26. Burnham indicated that he was available to table at Car Free Day. Severson advised that as a city-sponsored event it was not appropriate under state law to have political action committees tabling at the event. 2008-0918 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 4 Budget Request – Share Cost of Siskiyou Safety Promotional Materials Severson briefly explained that 500 Pens had been ordered for distribution to students to promote crossing safety on Siskiyou. He explained that the cost was $350, and noted that the request was that this commission provide $100, with Traffic Safety to cover the remainder. Burnham/Olney m/s to commit $100 in program funds to the purchase of pens for distribution to students to promote pedestrian safety on Siskiyou Boulevard. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. LAB/Bicycle Friendly Community Recommendations Discussion of this item was postponed. Request from Staff to Join APBP (Per LAB Recommendations) Severson explained that one of the League of American Bicyclists’ recommendations to improve the city’s Bicycle Friendly Community ranking was that the staff liaison become a member of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP), a professional organization that provides information and training directly relating to the goals of the Commission. He clarified that the cost was $95 per year, and requested that this membership be paid from Commission funds. Burnham/Olney m/s to commit $100 in commission funds to paying for APBP membership for staff. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Issues with the Increase in Bicycle Commuting (Matt Warshawsky) Severson noted that item had been requested for inclusion on the agenda by Traffic Safety Commission chair Matt Warshawsky, who had noticed not only an increase in bicycle commuting with rising gas prices but also an increase in cyclists who seem unaware of the rules of the road. He had requested that the Commission consider ways in which it might address this, such as through commuter training classes, or through advocating for more bicycle parking. Members noted that there was a need for accurate counts to gauge the increase in cycling. There was discussion of the demand for classes, and of their effectiveness versus print materials. Olney suggested that the Commission consider producing an RVTV video. Ryan indicated that classes would only reach a certain group of people, and Burnham indicated that he felt that the physical improvement of facilities should be the focus and number one priority. Young suggested that Ashland has the core infrastructure in place to accommodate anyone who wants to commute by bicycle, and recognized that encouraging safe use of this infrastructure was important. Woods noted that there is a training program happening already on the SOU campus, and that it is being taught in cooperation with the Ashland Police Department. She added the CRC provides a number of resources for commuter students. Ryan/Burnham m/s to commit to developing and implementing a class for bicycle commuters, and to video tape the class for RVTV broadcast. Discussion: It was noted that 2008-0918 Bike & Ped minutes Page 3 of 4 the intent would be to offer this class during the current fiscal year, and that a subcommittee would be necessary to move the item ahead. Woods and Young indicated an interest in serving on the subcommittee, with Olney and Ryan indicating an interest subject to their schedules. Young noted that the United Bicycle Institute might be willing to partner with the Commission in offering a class, as they have been considering doing this recently. Woods noted that for students, January and April would be the best times to offer a class. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. On-Going Discussion of Commission Goals Burnham noted that he hoped to meet with Jenna Stanke from the County and provided her with his mapping work in the coming weeks. He indicated that his hope was both to fill in details on the city map and to integrate it into a county-wide version printed to national standards. He noted that completing this project will likely ultimately include a funding request. New Business Woods noted that she was interested in attending an upcoming Traffic Safety conference mentioned in last month’s packet, at a cost of $95-$125, and she requested that the Commission consider funding her attendance out of commission funds. After discussion, members indicated that they didn’t feel they could support the request at this late date, but indicated that they would consider a similar request next year. Severson gave brief background of a follow up discussion occurring with regard to last month’s bollard recommendation. He explained that both the Public Works Director and City Engineer had expressed concern with removal of the bollards. He added that in follow up research, it appeared that bollards were installed shortly after the construction of the CAB. The bikepath originally used signage to discourage motor vehicles, but these signs were too often disregarded, resulting a number of near misses including several where children were nearly hit by cars using the path near the SOU student family housing in the vicinity of Wightman Street. These incidents lead to a number of citizens requesting bollard installation before this commission and Traffic Safety. Both the Public Works Director and Engineer have indicated that the removal of the bollards would be create safety and liability issues. Young noted that if they felt that some form of barriers were needed, he thought that addressing adequate lighting and speeds needed to be considered as well. He noted that in his view, a strategically placed gate which forced cyclists to slow to go around it would be preferable. Olney suggested that it was imperative that cyclists pay attention. There was general consensus that commissioners were supportive of further study on the issue if Public Works staff feel strongly that barriers in some form are needed, but it was emphasized that the issue be kept alive. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m. 2008-0918 Bike & Ped minutes Page 4 of 4