HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-17 Bicycle & Pedestrian_MIN Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission th April 17, 2008 Regular Minutes Roll Call: Chair David Young (absent), Vice Chair Julia Sommer, Secretary Jim Olney (absent), Steve Ryan, Mick Church, Matthew Seiler, Tom Burnham Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff: Steve McLennan, Police Officer Derek Severson, Associate Planner RVTD liaisons: Paige Townsend, RVTD Senior Planner (absent) High school liaison: Vacant SOU liaison: Eve Woods Traffic Safety Commissioners: Chair Matt Warshawsky, Vice Chair Colin Swales (absent) Call to Order Vice Chair Sommer called the meeting to order at 5:17 p.m. Introductions & Announcements Severson introduced the new SOU Liaison, Eve Woods and commissioners introduced themselves; Severson noted that this was Seiler’s last meeting as he was moving out of town, and that Church had been appointed to the Planning Commission. th Approval of Minutes – March 20, 2008 The minutes were approved as presented by unanimous consent. Public Forum Kat Smith, bicycle safety instructor with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and the Rogue Valley Transportation District, noted that there would be a “Kidical Mass” ride on Friday the th 18 at 4:30 p.m. at Evo’s Café. She explained that riders should meet at 4:30 p.m. and that the group ride would lead at 5:00 p.m. Liaison & Subcommittee Reports Severson noted upcoming events including the Kidical Mass Ride, Earth Day, the Commission Open House, the Community Discussion at the Armory. He encouraged members to consider attending and/or tabling. Severson inquired if members were interested in working on the Siskiyou Safety Subcommittee; Burnham, Ryan and Wood indicated that they were interested. Burnham noted that he would be meeting with a commissioner from Santa Cruz on site to discuss her ideas, and noted that all 2008-0417 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 3 th were invited to attend at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday the 26 at Morning Glory restaurant. Burnham and Chapman indicated they would attend. Severson noted that he would be out of the office for a conference for the May meeting, but that he would arrange to have the meeting taped. Severson briefly discussed the vacancies on the Commission and the proposed formation of a Transportation Commission, and distributed proposed mission statement language for the formation of the Commission. Woods discussed student efforts with regard to Siskiyou Safety, noting that there would be a reflective taping day, distribution of pamphlets, and an Education Committee working on educating students about pedestrian safety and laws during fall orientation. Letter re: Taking the Lane Severson noted that he had drafted a letter to Council for the chair’s signature after confirming that the Police Chief was supportive of the proposed change to ordinance language to allow bicyclists to “take the lane” where appropriate, as allowed under Oregon state law. He explained that Sommer could sign the letter, and asked that Chapman explain it as liaison during Council discussion. It was noted that the City Attorney was in the process of housecleaning amendments to the ordinance to achieve more consistency with state law as well. Burnham and Chapman noted that they were still interested in working in a subcommittee on simplifying and combining relevant bicycle, pedestrian and skateboard ordinance sections. There was general consensus to accept the letter as drafted and for Sommer to sign it to be forwarded to the Council. March Traffic Safety Meeting: Siskiyou Boulevard Safety & Oak Street Ryan noted that the Oak Street discussion at Traffic Safety had been referred back to Staff for their recommendations. Top 10 & Near-Miss Lists Members discussed these lists, and Sommer noted that if members could email her additional items and she would send the list around again via e-mail to fine tune for discussion next month. Ryan noted that he had recently begun bicycling rather than skateboarding, and noted that he had encountered significantly fewer problems as a bicyclist. He indicated that his perception is that it is still most dangerous for pedestrians. Upcoming Events It was noted that Seiler would be tabling at Earth Day and that he needed some relief to allow him to get lunch and judge the Trashion Show. Sommer indicated that she was available from 12:45 to 2:15 p.m. Severson noted that the Community Bike Program would have representatives sharing the space and providing free repairs. It was noted that Olney would be tabling at the Bike Swap, and that Chapman and Severson would also be in attendance in other roles. 2008-0417 Bike & Ped minutes Page 2 of 3 Ryan, Woods, and Burnham indicated that they would be attending the Commissioner Appreciation Open House. Bicycle Friendly Community Status Burnham and Severson gave brief background, noting that the renewal of Ashland’s Bicycle Friendly Community Status at the “Bronze” level was being considered by the League of American Bicyclists, and that at the time of the decision they would provide feedback on ways to increase that level. Members discussed whether there were ways to encourage cycling, such as through employer incentives. On-Going Discussion of Commission Goals: Car Free Day Visioning It was noted that a week of activities culminating in a Sunday event was the last discussion that the Commission had about Car Free Day. Ryan noted that subcommittee level discussions had been that while Monday was better for a street closure event, Sunday was better for something more celebratory like a barbecue. Ryan and Woods both indicated they were willing to help with Car Free Day; it was noted that in the subcommittee discussion, it had been suggested that the subcommittee might approach the Mayor’s office seeking to have broader city sponsorship of the event because it potentially touches on broader issues including Conservation, Planning, etc. Sommer noted that if it were city sponsored, the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission could take on the role of addressing specific requests from those planning the event. Burnham agreed, noting that he would rather see a plan for endorsement/support than try to micromanage something. There was general consensus that the Car Free Day event has taken on a broader life of its own that extends well beyond one Commission, and Commissioners indicated that they were supportive of the idea of the subcommittee/planning group seeking broader, city-sponsorship of the event. New Business Members discussed the effects of the rumble strips recently installed on Siskiyou Boulevard, and the potential for use of the radar signs. McLennan noted that the radar signs were purchased with a grant for use at specific schools and their use was limited through the grant to those schools. Agenda Items for Next Month Members indicated that the Top 10 List, Mapping & Trails, and follow-up on Oak Street should be on the agenda, and asked that a draft agenda be distributed for comment prior to sending out packets. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Upcoming Meetings: th Regular Meeting – May 15, 2008 at 5:15 p.m. in the Siskiyou Room 2008-0417 Bike & Ped minutes Page 3 of 3