HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-16 Bicycle & Pedestrian_PACKETCITY OF ASHLAND BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Agenda Thursday, March 161h 2006 @ 5:15 P.M. Siskiyou Room @ 51 Winburn Way Community Development & Engineering Services Building 1, CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 16th, 2005 lll. PUBLIC FORUM - Business from the audience not included on the -agenda. (Limited to 5 minutes per speaker and 15 minutes total.) IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Request for Alternative Bike Parking Design: 1651 Ashland Street (Sager/Giordano) Requests for Funding: Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan request for support (Brad Jones) Request for Funding: BTA (Egon Dubois) Bikes Belong Grant Car Free Day Bike Swap Earth Day Event at North Mountain Park (4/22/06 from 11-4) Multi -Use Path (Marvin) DRAFT Letter to Council on Density versus Sprawl (Will bring revised draft to meeting) Bicycle Friendly Community Application (Renewal deadline is 3/17/06) Subcommittee & Liaison Reports (Any new information from Subcommittees; the Public Works/Engineering, Planning, Police, or RVTD staff liaisons; or from the High School, Southern Oregon University, or Traffic Safety Commission) New Business (NOTE, Derek will be absent from the April meeting) V. ADJOURNMENT Upcoming Meetings Next Regular Meeting - Thursday, April 20'n, 2006 at 5: t 5 P.M, In compliance with the Americans with. Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Administrator's office at (541) 488-6002 (TTY phone number l- 800-735-2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrarti;ements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA 'Title I). Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission February 16th, 2aa6 Regular Minutes Roll Call Tracy Harding Ton? Marvin Chair Dylan Robbins (rrbsew) Selene Aitken Council Liaison: David Chapman Staff: Derek Severson, Assivant Planner Rachel Teige, Recreation Superintendent RVTD liaison: Paige West, RVTD/TDMPlanner (absent) High school liaison: Cory Lescher (absent) Traffic Safety liaison: Colin Swales Call to Order Vice Chair Sommer called the meeting to order at 5:22 p.m. Secretary Christina lacy (absent) David Young Vice Chair Julia Sommer Steve McLennan, Police Pffrcer SOU liaison: Nathan Meyerson (absent) Approval of Minutes_ - January 19th. 2006 Marvinn/Ilarding nr/s to approve the minittes of January 19"i, 2006 as presented. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Public Forum Egon Dubois, Bicycle Safety Instructor for the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA), pointed out that there was a Safe Communities grant available which would provide federal funds, administered by the Oregon Department of Transportation, for projects the Commission and the City might be interested in. Introduction of New Member Dr, Paul Rostykus was introduced and welcomed. Budget Update Annual Budget: 3300 Program Funds; 750 Commission Funds Severson noted that from Program Funds, $600 had been committed to SkSGuard skateboard rack purchase, that $65.64 had been expended for Car Free Day. I-Ie added that $150 was committed to purchasing helmets, lights, etc. but noted that no request had been made for those funds. Status of Bike Swap Funds Severson explained that the funds generated from past Bike Swaps are held in account by the Ashland Parks Foundation, a non-profit affiliated with the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission to support Parks Department programs. He noted that as of September- 7"', 2005 there was $4,501,87 available in this account, and emphasized that those finds were separate from, and not under the management or control of the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission. He added that the Ashland Parks Foundation had indicated, through Recreation Superintendent Rachel Teige, that they were willing to rely upon the recommendations of the Bicycle & Pedestrian. Commission for the expenditure of these funds. Severson strongly recommended that motions for the use of these funds be framed as recommendations to the Ashland Parks Foundation in order to avoid any confusion about the status of these funds or the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission's role in managing them under Oregon state budget law. Request for Funding: Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan Brad Jones Harding noted that Jones had been called away, was out of town, and was unable to attend or prepare a written request. Members discussed this request. Young expressed his concern with appropriating funds to an outside group, outside the budget process, and noted that the caravan proposed is technically illegal. Rostykus/Young m/s to table the item until a formal, written request was received. Roll call vote: Aitken, Rostykus, Harding, Sommer, Marvin, and Young: YES. Chapman, NO. Motion passed 6-1. 2006-0210 Bike & Ped minutes Page 1 of 3 Request for Funding: BTA annual request for support from Program Funds (Egon Dubois) Severson gave a brief history of the Commission's. partnership ,vitli the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and of the request being considered. Young/Rostykus in/s to grant the funding request in the amount of $1125 and revisit if the Traffic Safety Commission chooses not to approve thatching these funds. Dubois stated that be would attend the Traffic Safety Commission meeting and keep members tip to date on their decision. Members discussed «,liy Bellview was not being included in the programs offered, and it was explained that the principal at Bellview was not supportive. Members asked to clarify the request and whether it was for classes taught last fall or those still to be conducted during the remainder of the school year. I%Iotion withdrawn. Second Withdrawn. Severson clarified that for budget purposes, any request granted now would need to be for goods and services received between July 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006 which is the city's fiscal year. Dubois noted that there was some confusion between fiscal versus calendar year, and also between a cost per class versus a cost per school. He noted that while the request submitted for $750 per school matched what had historically been granted, the cost per class is significantly more and if adequate funds cannot be raised programs would not be offered. After discussion, members asked for clarification of which schools were to be served, when, and whether the request included retroactive funding of classes taught last fall. Marvin suggested a policy that all requests for funding be presented as a concrete proposal, with contact information or a representative to attend the meeting, and a clear budget to justify the request. Members asked that the request be tabled. and DuBois stated that he would contact the BTA in Portland and asked for a revised request. Request for Funding_ Recommendation that Parks Foundation expend Bike Swap Funds for additional BTA Bike Safety Education Classes (Egon Dubois) Dubois discussed his request for Parks funds. I-Ie emphasized that the cost per bike safety class is $800, or $4800 for Ashland Middle School alone. He added that the BTA absorbs the cost of the program beyond the Commission's contribution of $750 per school. He explained that he was requesting $1600 now, from Parks funds, to conduct two additional classes which Ire thought would be at Walker School this fall. IIe emphasized that this was a one time request, separate from the BTA's annual request for support. Dubois discussed the details of the classes, noting that each class is two weeks in duration, and is presented to between 20 and 40 students at a time. He noted that the classes involve classroom sessions followed by a week of on -the -bike training through field trips. Harding clarified that this would be for a third class to be taught this year. Dubois discussed his fundraising efforts so far, noting that Ashland Community Hospital, Ashland Food Cooperative, and Asante had all declined t support the program this year as the request carve procedurally outside of their annual budget cycles. Harding suggested pursuing grants from the Co -Op and the Ashland Schools Foundation, but Dubois noted that he had already tried the Co -Op. Young suggested that the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission could provide a letter of support. Chapman discussed the history of working with BTA. SommerlYoung m/s to recommend that the Ashland Parks Foundation expend $1600 in Bike Swap funds to support two classes by BTA at Walker School this fall. Discussion: Chapman questioned what benefit there was having BTA conduct classes versus the commission carrying them out. Chapman suggested that there should be a comprehensive request to fund classes in all Ashland Schools, and lie emphasized that the original intent at the onset of the partnership with BTA was that these programs become self-sustaining/self- supporting. Motion withdrawn, Second withdrawn. Swales indicated that lie felt that the "Traffic Safety Commission should have an on -going role in funding these classes as well, but stated that he thought there should be support from the Ashland Schools Foundation. Harding and Dubois indicated that they would approach Susan Bacon of the Ashland Schools Foundation. Rostykus suggested that there also be outreach to the PTA's. 2006-0216 Bike c& Ped minales Page 2 of 3 Request for Funding: Purchasing Helmets for sale through the Parks Department Bike Swap Subcommittee Rostykus suggested and Harding concurred that this was an appropriate use of the Bike Scrap funds. Young/Rostykus tads to recomnrend that the Ashland Parks Foundation expend up to $750 in Bike Swap funds to purchase bicycle helmets and light sets (50 sets at $6.00 per helmet and $8.50 per light set) for sale through the Parks Department. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. ArtWalk! Car Free Street Fair Sommer Sommer noted that site had been in communication with the Ashland Gallery Association, and while they were in favor of a street closure they did not have the time to be ready for a .tune 2"`1 event and did not have space in the Gallery Guide for June. She added that they requested that the event be moved to the first Friday in September (September I", the Friday of Labor Day weekend). Member expressed concern over conflicts with Car Free Day on September 22"" and with the availability of RVTD service. It was noted that splitting Car Free Day events around the valley would reduce the effectiveness of publicity. Sommer said she would encourage them to promote their events as car free. Swales noted that he saw concerns with OSF bus parking on the blocks proposed for closure. Sommer clarified that at this point, she didn't believe the event would be happening. Members suggested that the full Commission begin planning for Car Free Day next month. Multi -Use Path Marvin Marvin gave background on this item, noting that lie had discussed with ODOT. He stated that he hoped to keep this item active in members' minds and would continue to follow up and report back. Draft Letter to Council on Density versus Sprawl (Severson) Severson noted that this was a quick draft and suggested that members provide feedback so that he could bring a revised copy to next month's meeting for further discussion. Harding suggested that the letter better incorporate Smart Growth principles delineated in the guide put out by the EPA. Bic cle Frien ly Community APplication Renewal Deadline is March 171t} 2006 Severson provided background on this item, noting that the city had received bronze status two years ago, through Chapman's efforts to complete the application process. He added that it was now time to renew, and there was a process for reapplying on-line. Sommer asked for volunteers to take on the application process, but none of those present indicated that they were able to commit the time necessary. Sommer indicated that she would check with Robbins to see if he would be interested, and follow up with Severson. Agenda Items for Next Meeting Budget Requests — Pastors for Peace & BTA, Car Free Day, Multi -Use Path; Draft Letter to Council on Density versus Sprawl Adiournment Sommer adjourned the meeting at 7:08 p.m. Llpcominq Meetings: 5:I5 P.M. Thursday, March 16" - Regular Meeting in the Siskiyou Room 2000-0216 Bike & Pei! ??Oafles Page 3 of 3 ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANNING 6 March 2006 Derek Severson, Assistant Planner Bicycle, Pedestrian Commission 51 Winburn Way Ashland, OR. 97520 RE: 1651 Ashland Street - PA 2005-01673 Dear Derek, As a condition of approval (number 26) for the above referenced project, the applicant must verify the location, spacing and coverage requirements for bicycle parking_ The applicant is locating 40 covered bicycle parking spaces under the four stairwells (10 each). These spaces will use a ceiling/wall mounted system. The applicant is requesting that this alternative design be approved, see attached drawings. The applicant's agent will attend the March 16 meeting to answer any questions. MAR 8 7005 `1635 Takelma Way, Ashland, OR 97520 + Phone and Fax (541) 482-9193 * E-Mail tornarch@charter.net F-I CATES FOR IMETAL BAR WOUNIED AND CENTER PEST ro T-G' X P!, C-Dvt--RF: RiKF PARKING APE4 4..34% NI D S T iR E.ET PLAZA C Rj�PMZ�:.4r- DrTAIL N-S ASHLAND MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 18.92.025 Credit for On -street Automobile Parking. A. The amount of off-street parking required shall be reduced by the following credit provided for on - street parking: one off-street parking space credit for every two on -street spaces up to four credits, thereafter one space credit for each on -street parking space. B. On -street parking shall follow the established configuration of existing on -street parking, except that 45 degree diagonal parking may be allowed with the approval of t he Public Works Director, taking into account traffic flows and street design, with the parking spaces designed in accord with the standards on file with the Public Works Department. The following shall constitute an on -street parking space: 1. Parallel parking, each 24 feet of uninterrupted curb. 2. 45 degree diagonal, each 13 feet of uninterrupted curb. C. Curb space must be contiguous to the lot which contains the use which requires the parking. D. Parking spaces may not be counted that are within 20 feet measured along the curb of any corner or intersection of an alley or street, nor any other parking configuration that violates any law or standard of the City or State. E. Parking spaces located on arterials and collectors may only receive credit if the arterial or collector is greater in width than the minimums established by the Street Standards in Chapter 18.88, Performance Standards Options. (Ord 2836 S14, 1999) F. Parking spaces may not be counted that are within 200 feet of a C-1-D or SO zone. G. On -street parking spaces credited for a specific use shall not be used exclusively by that use, but shall be available for general public use at all times. No signage or actions limiting general public use of on -street spaces shall be permitted. SECTION 18.92.030 Disabled Person Parking Places. The total number of disabled person parking spaces shall comply with the following: Total in Parking Lot Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces I to 25 1 26 to 50 2 51 to 75 3 76 to 100 4 101 to 150 5 151 to 200 6 201 to 300 7 301 to 4.00 8 401 to 500 9 Required Disabled Person Parking spaces shall be designed in accord with all requirements of the State of Oregon, including minimum widths, adjacent aisles, and permanent markings. Disabled Person Parking space designs are included at the end of this chapter. SECTION 18.92.040 Bicycle Parking. A. All uses, with the exception of detached single-family residences and uses in the C-1-13 zone, shall provide a minimum of two sheltered bike parking spaces. B. Every residential use of two units or more per structure, and not containing a garage, shall provide bicycle parking spaces as follows: Page 159 of 208 ASHLAND MUNICIPAL CODE Multi -Family Residential: One sheltered space per studio and I -bedroom unit 1.5 sheltered spaces per 2-bedroom unit 2.0 sheltered spaces per 3-bedroom unit Senior Housing: One sheltered space per 8 units (80% of the occupants are 55 or older) C. In addition, all uses which require off street parking, except as specifically noted, shall provide one bicycle parking space for every 5 required auto parking spaces. Fractional spaces shall be rounded up to the next whole space. Fifty percent of the bicycle parking spaces required shall be sheltered from the weather. All spaces shall be located in proximity to the uses they are intended to serve. (Ord. 2697 S1, 1993) D. All public and commercial parking lots and parking structures shall provide a minimum of one bicycle parking space for every five auto parking spaces. E. Elementary, Junior High, Middle and High Schools shall provide one sheltered bicycle parking space for every five students. F. Colleges, universities, and trade schools shall provide one bicycle parking space for every five required auto parking spaces, of which one half is to be sheltered. G. No bicycle parking spaces required by this standard shall be rented or leased, however, a refundable deposit fee may be charged. This does not preclude a bike parking rental business. H. The required bicycle parking facilities shall be constructed when an existing residential building or dwelling is altered or enlarged by the addition or creation of dwelling units, or when a non- residential use is intensified by the addition of floor space, seating capacity, or change in use. I. Bicycle Parking Design Standards I. The salient concern is that bicycle parking be visible and convenient to cyclists and that it provides sufficient security from theft and damage. 2. Bicycle parking requirements can be met in any of the following ways: a. Providing a bicycle storage room, bicycle lockers, or racks inside the building. b. Providing bicycle lockers or racks in an accessory parking structure, underneath an awning or marquee, or outside the main building. c. Providing bicycle racks on the public right of way. This must be approved by City of Ashland Public Works Department. d. Providing secure storage space inside the building. 3. All required exterior bicycle parking shall be located on site within 50 feet of well -used entrances and not farther from the entrance than the closest motor vehicle parking space. Bicycle parking shall have direct access to both the public right-of-way and to the main entrance of the principal use, For facilities with multiple buildings, building entrances or parking lots (such as a college), exterior bicycle parking shall be located in areas of greatest use and convenience for bicyclists. 4. Required bicycle parking spaces located out of doors shall be visible enough to provide security. Lighting shall be provided in a bicycle parking area so that all facilities are thoroughly illuminated and visible from adjacent walkways or motor vehicle parking lots during all hours of use. Bicycle parking shall be at least as well lit as automobile parking. 5. An aisle for bicycle maneuvering shall be provided and maintained between each row of bicycle parking. Bicycle parking shall be designed in accord with the illustrations used for the implementation of this chapter. 6. Each required bicycle parking space shall be accessible without moving another bicycle. 7. Areas set aside for required bicycle parking shall be clearly marked and reserved for bicycle parking only. 8. Parking spaces configured as indicated in the figure at the end of this chapter meet all requirements of this chapter and is the preferred design. Commercial bike lockers are acceptable Page 160 of 208 ASHLAND MUNICIPAL CODE according to manufacturer's specifications. A bicycle parking space located inside of a building for employee bike parking shall be a minimum of six feet long by 3 feet wide by 4 feet high, unless adequate room is provided to allow configuration as indicated in the figure at the end of this chapter. 9. Sheltered parking shall mean protected from all precipitation and must include the minimum protection coverages shown in the figure at the end of this chapter. 10. Bicycle parking shall be located to minimize the possibility of accidental damage to either bicycles or racks. Where needed, barriers shall be installed. 11. Bicycle parking shall not impede or create a hazard to pedestrians. They shall not be located so as to violate vision clearance standards. Bicycle parking facilities should be harmonious with their environment both in color and design. Facilities should be incorporated whenever possible into building design or street furniture. Bicycle Parking Rack Standards. I . All required bicycle parking racks installed shall meet the individual rack specifications shown in the figure at the end of this chapter. Single and multiple rack installations shall conform with the minimum clearance standards shown in the figures at the end of this chapter. Alternative s,_to, the above standard may be approved after review by the Bicycle Commission and approv.,al. by the.. staff„Advisor Altezatives shall conform. with all other applicable' standards of this section. Bicycle parking racks or lockers shall be anchored securely. 2. The intent of this Subsection is to ensure that required bicycle racks are designed so that bicycles may be securely locked to them without undue inconvenience and will be reasonably safeguarded from intentional or accidental damage. a. Bicycle racks shall hold bicycles securely by means of the frame. The frame shall be supported so that the bicycle cannot be pushed or fall to one side in a manner that will damage the wheels. b. Bicycle racks shall accommodate: i. Locking the frame and both wheels to the rack with a high -security U-shaped shackle lock, if the bicyclists removes the front wheel; and ii. Locking the frame and one wheel to the rack with a high -security U-shaped shackle lock, if the bicyclists leaves both wheels on the bicycle; and iii. Locking the frame and both wheels to the rack with a chain or cable not longer than 6 feet without removal of the front wheel. c. Paving and Surfacing. Outdoor bicycle parking facilities shall be surfaced in the same manner as the automobile parking area or with a minimum of two inch thickness of hard surfacing (i.e., asphalt, concrete, pavers, or similar material) and shall be relatively level. This surface will be maintained in a smooth, durable, and well -drained condition. SECTION 18.92.050 Compact Car Parking. Up to 50% of the total automobile parking spaces in a parking lot may be designated for compact cars. Minimum dimensions for compact spaces shall be 8 x 16 feet. Such spaces shall be signed or the space painted with the words "Compact Car Only." SECTION 18.92.055 Variances for Commercial Buildings in the Historic District. In order to preserve existing structures within the Ashland Historic District, while permitting the redevelopment of property to its highest commercial use, a variance of up to 50% of the required automobile parking may be granted to commercial uses within the Ashland Historic District as a Type I Variance. It is the intent of this clause to provide as much off-street parking as practical while preserving existing structures and allowing them to develop to their full commercial potential. Additionally, to Page 161 of 208 5 0 z Pike Parkinq Fack Laqout liesign 2411- 70ii �a+r- f 6 vie q Area Off -Street. Parking Revisions Staff Draft 1.2 October 19, 1995 Page 19 a Covered Bike Farkinq Off -Street Parking Revisiacts Staff Draft 1.2 October 19, 1995 Wage M r�. Off' -Street Parking Revisions Staff Daft 1.2 October 19, 1"S Page 21 .1 %2 4' 0 ASTM GRADE "B" STE ELEVATION, FINLSH - SANDBLAST TO NEAR WH ITE i SAfRE METAL PLA N At POWDER COAT 646" ASTM, AZG STEEL PLATE (14 cli STO. STEEL PiPE <0 FOR I/?- m 0 RED HEAD HN-5830 HEXNUT StXEVE ANCHOR, OR APPROVED EQUAL BASE PLATE DETAIL HITCHiNG POST, BICYCLE 4r•: r _ • •r 14 .. :•V UDOT - Uicycic• 11,3rldi;l,5 F wili(ic•s Racks Re uirin User Supplied Cable and/or U-sha ed hocks VIPER RACK 1000 SERIES Svc This rack accommodates at least two bicycles in an upright position. The bicycle frame and one or both wheels can be secured with a user provided U-shaped lock, padlock and chain or cable, or with padlock alone. No sharp edges or corners provide safety when placed near pedestrian flow. This rack accommodates all sizes and types of bicycles. including those with baskets or panniers, as well as mopeds and motorcycles. Manufacturer: American Bicycle Security - (approximately $79 to $128/bicycle rack depending on surface mounting) Manufacturers producing a similar racks: Life Rax - ($129/bicycle rack) Bicycle Parking Foundation - (approximately $75 to $400/bicycle rack depending on the material - steel, stainless or brass - the finish and the amount purchased) Madrax. Inc. - (approximately $119 to $129/bicycle rack depending on surface mounting) Presently, this design is the only approved bike rack because it is the only one that has come before the Bike Commission. If you would like to get another design approved you'll need to meet with that commission. They meet the third Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon at -the Council Chambers. Please contact Pam Barlow, 488--3211, ex. 57, one week in advance of the meeting to get onto the agenda. The commission has a policy of providing the above --approved rack at cost to commercial projects. It is locally manufactured and costs significantly less than the above -quoted price. The rack can also be "powder coated" in Central Point. Call Pam for more detail. CITY OF -SHLAND Memo DATE: March StE`, 2006 TO: Bicycle & Pedestrian Commissioners FROM: Derek Severson, Assistant Planner RE: Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan Support Request To date, the formal request for funding that you asked for from Pastors for Peace has not been received. After last month's Commission discussion of this item and subsequently receiving comments from a concerned citizen who objected to the Commission potentially overstepping its budgetary authority and violating the law (he saw the agenda item on-line), I've followed up with the Planning Director about the possibility of granting this sort of request for financial support. Because the Commission does not have the authority to allocate funds, as a Commission we are unable to fund this request for support through Commission or Program funds. This sort of request would need to come through the annual budget process to the Budget Committee and City Council. Derek Severson Assistant Planner 51 Winburn Wy Tea: 541-552-2040 Fax: 541-552-2050 �. Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 1-800-735-2900 .r «�vw.ash land. or. us dereks(ci;ashland.or.us 41 00 February 22, 2006 City of Ashland Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission C/o Derek Severson, Assistant Planner 20 E. Main Street Ashland, OR 97520 Dear Ashland Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission, Through conversations with our local instructor, Egon Dubois, I understand there has been some confusion over the timing and nature of our request of support for BTA's Bicycle Safety Education (BSE) program. I am still trying to understand how our various statewide partners operate in each community! The BSE program is a unique opportunity for preadolescent kids to learn about traffic Taws, right-of-way rules, and safety concepts as they pertain to riding bicycles on -street. I often describe it as a drivers' education course that focuses on bicycles instead of cars. Since BTA began developing and teaching the program in 1999, the need for this sort of education has not diminished. Rather, kids need clear . information on how to be safe on -street riders and lots of encouragement to lead healthy, active lives. BTA estimates the costs of the program to be $800 per classroom taught. This figure takes into account the various tasks and resources required to deliver the program. These expenses include: instructor teaching time, periodic instructor trainings, coordinating transportation of equipment, volunteer recruitment and management, equipment maintenance, scheduling schools, and route planning for the program's Community Rides. I have included a page that explains the $800/class breakdown. The BSE program is funded in part through a grant from ODOT Transportation Safety Division. However, the ODOT grant covers only a fraction of the program costs statewide. Also, this ODOT grant will be shrinking down to an insignificant amount over the next 2 years. For the program to survive, local communities must develop sustainable funding sources. In the 2004-2005 school year, BTA taught 7 classes at an estimated cost of $5,600 (7 classes x $800). In August 2005, the Ashland Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission supported the program with $2,500 for school programs taught in 2004-2005. Last fall, we taught I 1 classes in Ashland at an estimated cost of. $8,800. We hope to teach 4 classes at Walker Elementary this spring. Financial support from the Ashland Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission will be appreciated and earmarked for BSE programs conducted in Ashland. As you can see, $750 per school is not nearly sufficient to cover even one quarter of the program costs. I wrongly assumed the Commission had settled upon this amount for years out. Please consider supporting the program at the level that is feasible and` logical to you. Included with this letter is a spreadsheet listing all BSE programs taught in Ashland and the total numbers of participating classrooms and kids. The BSE program has reached many lives since 1999. We hope to continue serving Ashland youth for years to come. S cerely, CCU � 7) Anna Scalera Youth Programs Coordinator %f OPENING MINDS AND ROADS TO BICYCLING BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE P.O. BOX 9072 PORTLANO.OR 97207-9072 503/226-0676 FAX 503/226-0498 WWW.8TA4u1KES.ORG Bicycle Safety Education Program 2005-2006 Program Cost Figures Estimated average cost per class taught = $800 #l: Local Instructor Direct Expenses: $250 • instructor wages & payroll taxes for scheduling & teaching classes #2: Additional Direct Program Costs: $300 includes: • instructor training • community outreach & fundraising • volunteer coordination for community rides • transportation and storage of equipment • bike fleet maintenance (assumes volunteer support) • curriculum development, revision • supplies and materials • travel (BTA central staff to meetings; instructors to trainings, etc.) • central program administration, including hiring of instructors, instructor support, compiling timecards, managing instructors, meetings with community leaders & volunteers, reporting on ODOT grant, etc. #3: Organizational Supporting Costs: $250 includes: • office rent, phones, computers, etc. • newsletter, website, etc. • financial management {payroll, budgeting, audit, etc.) • organizational management • liability insurance • workers compensation insurance Expenses not included: • Bike purchases • Helmet purchases Bicycle Safety Education Program: School programs taught in Ashland, Oregon Dates of Program School Grade Level # classes # kids # volunteer taught taught hours served 1999-2000:." Spring 2000 Ashland M.S. 6th 4 120 41 Subtotal: 1 school 4 120 41 x000-xao� Fall 2000 Ashland M.S. 6th 2 50 ? Spring 2001 Ashland M.S 6th 6 165 46 Subtotal: 1 school 8 215 46 2001-2002 Spring 2002 Lincoln E.S. 4th/5th 4 99 67 Sprinq 2002 Helman E.S. 4th/5th 2 42 14 Spring 2002 Walker E.S. 4th/5th 3 76 ? Spring 2002 Bellview E.S. 4th/5th 2 54 ? Subtotal: 4 schools 11 271 81 2002-2003 Fail 2002 Lincoln E.S. 4th/5th 3 80 41 Spring 2003 Walker E.S. 4th/5th 2 49 ? Subtotal: 2 schools 5 129 41 zoo3-2o�`a , Spring 2004 Lincoln E.S. 5 and 4/5 mixed 3 81 13 Spring 2004 Walker E.S. 5 and 4/5 mixed 4 108 16 Subtotal: 2 schools 7 189 29 2004-2005 April 25-May 6, 2005 Walker E.S. 5th and 4/5 mixed 4 125 58 May 9-May 20, 2005 Lincoln E.S. 5th and 4/5 mixed 3 94 42 Subtotal: 2 schools 7 219 100 2006-2006 . Sept. 19-Sept 30, 2005 Heiman E.S. 5th 3 79 58 Oct. 3-Nov.4, 2005 Ashland M.S. 6th 8 260 224 Subtotal: 2 schools 11 339 282 TOTAL.: 53 1482 620 Classrooms Kids Volunteer Hours CharityChannet's Don Griesmann`s Grant Opportunities - Printer -friendly Page Page 1 of 4 Don Griesmann's Grant Opportunities"",1 Bikes Belong Coalition Monday, Fcbnlary 20, 2006 - Contributed By Donald A. Griesniann, Esq. Bikes Belong Coalition is sponsored by members of the American Bicycle Industry. Their mission is to put more people on bicycles more often. Their Vision is a network of communities throughout the United States where people of all ages will have the accommodation and ability to bicycle for recreation and transportation. Bikes Belong will accept requests for funding of up to $10,000 for facility, capacity, and education projects. Bikes Belong will also accept successor proposals from previously funded projects. In extremely limited cases, Bikes Belong will entertain applications requesting more than $10,000. All proposals must: •:• Address the first four goals of the grants program strategic plan: ✓ ridership growth, ✓ leveraging funding, ✓ building political support, and ✓ promoting cycling. ❖ Address the project objectives of the facility, education, or capacity funding categories •*e Propose a specific program or project that is measurable. Bikes Belong will not fund general operating costs. Priority is given to organizations that are directly involved in building coalitions for bicycling by collaboration of bicycle industry and advocacy. The Bikes Belong Coalition welcomes grant applications from organizations and agencies within the United States that are committed to putting more people on bicycles more often. The Bikes Belong Grants Program funds projects in three categories: 1. Facility 2. Education 3. Capacity Building http://charitychannel.comlpublish/templatesldcfault.aspx?a=8874&template=print-article.htm 3/6/2006 CharityChannel'S Doti Griesmann's Grant Opportunities - Printer -friendly page Page 2 of 4 For the education and facility categories, Bikes Belong will accept applications from non --profit organizations; and from public agencies and departments at the national, state, regional, and local level. For the capacity building category, Bikes Belong will only fund organizations whose mission is expressly related to bicycle advocacy. If your organization is new, and you are not yet legally a non-profit organization, you may submit an application with the assistance of another non-profit that has agreed to serve as your fiscal agent. You will need to provide a letter from the fiscal sponsor outlining their role in the project. Contact: Elizabeth Train, Grants Program Administrator elizabeth@bikesbelong.org Bikes Belong Coalition 1245 Pearl Street, Suite 212 Boulder, Colorado 80302-5253 303/449-4893 Bikes Belong uses a quarterly application for reviewing grant applications. Applications must be postmarked by the application due date to receive consideration for the ensuing decision date. Application._Postmarke_d_By February 27, 2006 May 29, 2006 August 28, 2006 November 27, 2006 See additional information about the Federal Highway Administration's grant opportunity for a National Bicycle and Pedestrian Clearinghouse elsewhere in this E-Newsletter. http:I/bikesbelong.org/site/page.cfm?PagelD=21 About the Contributor Donald A. Griesmann, Esq.: Donald A. Griesmann began his adult working life as an Episcopal Priest after graduation from Gettysburg College and the Philadelphia Divinity School. In 1963 he developed a community center across the street froin the Church. The center featured daily programs for over 300 children a day. Hundreds of adults participated in seniors clubs, community groups and alcohol rehabilitation activities. A Head Start program was also featured. Don raised State, Federal, corporate and foundation grants throughout the 1960s. The "faith -based initiative" was not yet created by the Federal Government, He also conducted fund raising through the Episcopal Church. He went to Rutgers University School of Law, Camden. He went to law school so that lie could work in legal http://charitychannel.com/publish/templatesldefault.aspx?a=8874&template=print-article.htii-i 3/6/2006 CharityChannel's Don Griesmann's Grant Opportunities - Printer -friendly page Page 3 of 4 services programs and for social justice. Over the next 27 years Don worked for Icgal serviccs as a director or rtr<tnaging attorney for programs in Camden NJ, Sacramento CA, Lexington KY, Youngstown QH and Atlantic Cily NJ. For four years lie served as Assistant Attorney General in American Samoa. Over the past 5 years Don has reinvented himself % ith a Dell computer and the IntCCIlet. His articles appear on CharityChannel, the National t.egal Aid and Defenders Association. the Equai Juslice Network, the Internet Nonprofit Center and others. He prepares this weekly mailing about grants, aa-licfcs, data and othet informatiam. Issues include poNrerty, Nvomen, people of color, HIV/A I Ds, persons wllo are homeless, domestic violence and rape, health, ellvironmcnl, advocacy, employmenl, technology, children and youth, elderly, ex -offenders, prisons, nnigrant workers, immigration. IRS changes, human resources, rnanagemcnt, science and marry more. His personal mission: To provide and to broker information about grants, ;rant writing, management, human resotn•ccs, data and resources for leaders of nonprofit, corrm1unity-based and lailh-Based organizations, educators and 00vernment. Contact: dgriestnann Q aoi.coni Publisher: CharityChannel LLC 30021 Tomas St., Suite 300 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-2128 USA +1 949 589-5938 Or contact us on-line at http:'icliaritych<rnitcl.cotr/rahici-reply Copyright Dori Griesinann's Grant Opportunities(tin) is a domestic and international trademark of CharityCharmel LLC. Copyright c0 and Trademark Tm 2005 CharityChannel LLC. All rights reserved. Article or itern is copyright O 2005 by the contributor. Reprints All articles and other items on the CharityChannel web site is copyrighted by CharityChannel, by the contributor, or both. As a subscriber to the CharityChannel eNewsletters, you have permission to: Print any article or itern for your own file or reference purposes. 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Example: Copyright rO 2005 Jane Garthson. All rights reserved. http://charitychannel.com/publish/templates/default.aspx?a-8874&template=print-article.htm 3/6/2006 Bike Swap Minutes February 1, 2006 Present: Rachel, Nathan, Trace, Egon, David Absent: Dylan Police Bikes: Police bikes have been donated to the Bike Swap. They are currently being stoked at Willow Wind. Donations/Raffle: Rachel has been in touch with local bikes shops in Ashland for Raffle prizes for the drawing. No one confin-ned yet. Sims Cycle has been added to the list of potential donators. Bike Registration: Rachel will contact the PD to see if they are interested in being on site to register bikes after they are purchased. Food: No update. Trace and Egon still looking into this. Helmets: Parks Department volunteered to sell bike helmets. The Bike & Ped 7-7 Commission will need to discuss and get the details worked out for purchasing them. Bicycle Races: Egon will be coordinating bicycle races. A cruiser race and an adult race on smaller bicycles. Stunt Riders: Rachel will contact Dave Nore to see if he is interested in doing a stunt show during the event. Parking: Discussion was had regarding parking and discouraging people from driving. It was decided that when sellers drop off bicycles that they will drive up to the "holding area", check in their bikes and then go and park their car outside of the Grove parking lot. We will have a volunteer do check in and check out of the "holding area". Set up of Bike Swap: Rachel will bring a sketch of the Grove Parking lot for the next meeting so we can work on where to place vendors, bikes, entertainment etc. Next Months meeting will be Wednesday March V at 5:15pm at the Standing Stone. Be prepared to discuss the Schedule of events and set up. See you there! Derek Severson - Bike & Ped Commission -Table at Earth Day Page 1 From: Rachel Teige To: Derek Severson Date: 312106 10:33:20 AM Subject: Bike & Ped Commission -Table at Earth Day Hi Derek - Can you ask the Bike and Ped commission if they would like a table at Earth Day this year? Someone just needs to take responsibility for filling out the exhibitor information and staffing the table. The exhibitor information can be found at rogueevalleyearthday.net Thanks so much! Rachel Teige Recreation Superintendent Ashland Parks & Recreation 340 S. Pioneer Street Ashland, OR 97520 541-552-2260 - Direct 541-488-5340 - Main 541-488-5314 - Fax teiger@ashland.or.us Rogue Valley Earth Day at North Mountain Park- Ashland Parks and Recreation Page 1 of 2 Rogue 400al"ey Earth Day Exirfllbiitor 4);),ntk yf.-) # for yorw Werest in the i.l ?C:E;:7mbi Earth t- 1 [)a-,_,, celebratim at I;ort.h ..£um(c, rI Fu,l . "Hic, j3.-fi,... se of Ol.`', cwi.'llt is to teed' !:;eo,:j e about actiOns they can take to li}'i€}i"C)1,e th, h atth t}€ the pullet and 1 i[i, <<} f }VS r!i d" a utur"", By tx"ll"ighig together €itirnF?iC? s ind—ivif:iva,[S in celehr�"J'io!(, of F-aiirirh D�,-iy, Vd" hE.)p:.,? e ion€i r' tet1f, build cE€6,E: €z _P fi(z•, f 1: C. .i:,'Eit, on l.„`''.iiiiii nr% '; f{ Y ._xl",iblts nisi: he rE'Nt_ed to en ol,entFa stewai'w)', I1F?#a(ti1F, ... ".<hi!}it•:5 c:'.#"O best To tC+`-:e1) ,:!"1C' f`?:llii:)It,`_i IIsG eS(:lEl for I"C:p...{1:.. Attain, pif'.a`3t_::' C oiE4€ dei" <ldClll?t st7met: lill;, iiE'vi or changing so E1etliNg t:i!::oi.;t: your WI;t, 2006 /1ppliC;at.lOns vNlli be C!i ii i"if t.lte<i i€1 eai ly 1'3"}cinch! AppRation dea.dt ne: Friday, Aphi 14. a� E-xhibit Space isfree. Lxhibits nllisi be related to su`it:ah w'?N living suY anivlronF"ti('mal ('ducat1Cm Vending is not permht:ed Clue to an (mdi€mace that prN&bits private sates in Ashland parks. Please t)romote and advertise ym €r 7i miucts, sC;Ncen actions [ir ideas. * the event will MICE' place rairi or shinel PUnsCe commit to hc.inl at the Event if ymi re:,ister. * Sec rile wilt begin at 130 am sk riiList be cmapleod by 1130 an-i - Exhibitors' vehid scare not ()f.rrdUed to enter the park; t< n7porF.I ly park near the Mature Cover to offlC ad yaw exldbli.. Volr€ntE'ers vKH dinct you to ymw sNce and assistKd) carrying/cartbig display rTlaLer lak. Special ai mngtement,s will be i': ade for exhuhts Ulat are exce,pt'iorialty heavy or large. ParMng: Once you have off-loaded your exhibit, park bi the back end of the tot at the inte.-rsection of N Mountain live and Herse.y St. Walk bad: to the event via the bikc, path tht'Oli h thC' JNIrl,, (-(Used at the end of the lot (sighs witl guide you). iabtes and chairs are provided. We stgg t t:iiat you€ pr-oAde a tw=c=IM 'FIw taWe traps are riot-so-aestheticahjAeasinu plywood; vie sus; nt bringing a tablecloth w cover your Cabte. Please have a representative at your exhibit throughout the event, More than one exhibit staff person is reconiniended so that: exhibitors can visit other disptays, network, have a snack and enjoy the event. http://www.parks.ashland,or.us/earthday/edexhib.html 3/8/2006 Rogue Valley Earth Day at North Mountain Park- Ashland Parks and Recreation Page 2 of 2 HAp Me Da'y' a moms. 101 ywr fondly, frienek, wollmrs and uAmpHe5 in 1AM,: wyk 'm WO We pop WHO W [Cain Wm, �: cm A wnrk 'OYA101 10 pohnt thp 001 Tuday aw.1 Questions about MOM? EAK tile b4atMeCentm, ff 1 7 '3/ I'd i.intil ["% -iy! We Akqi I Ack to AATYW Pads R Reueation 1 Back to Lop I Iv Mo'j I I I :E�T'w 01", http://www.parks.ashland.or.us/earthday/edexhib.html 3/W2006 VTD Updates Page 1 Derek Severson R . From: Paige West<transportationoptions@gmai1.com> To: Derek Severson <dereks@ashland.or.us> Date: 2116/06 3:15:53 PM Subject: RVTD Updates Hi Derek, I promised to give an update in my absence from meetings. I will make an effort to make a formal memo from now on. Here is the latest of my work related to Ashland... Walker Elementary- Approximately sixty kids every week are coming to claim their entry into the monthly raffle, walking, cycling, skateboarding etc. to and from school qualifies them for the raffle. We will be holding a larger event at the end of the school year with larger prizes. Any assistance from the Commission on this would be greatly appreciated. One idea is to hold an ice cream social with City Councilors and other community leaders serving the scoops and offering large prizes from the whole loot of raffle tickets kept throughout the year. The biggest bang possible will help to push other kids to participate next year. Skateboarding- I am assisting J-Ville with completing their skate park and a management plan. Ashland's great support of skateboarding has been used as the example; including the sk8 parking and the class RVTD started last year, and several positive comments made by the community for the positive behavior change shown when skating is accepted. SOU- Capstone students are working on the phone survey, to be completed by April. Discussions will hopefully start soon on budgeting the Free Fare Program. Nathan may have an update on the Bike Bonanza. Legal Bike Clinic- I have attached a poster for the Legal Bike Clinic coming March 20th with advocate and lawyer Ray Thomas. It's Free. Ashland Marketing- We are working to equip each shelter with a display box for the route schedule and other information. We are also filming a commercial in Spring that will feature Ashland providing free service. These are efforts to fulfill the new contract as requested by the City Council. Thanks for relaying this information, feel free to pass it out in hard copy form. Have a good meeting and say hello to everyone. I will try and be at the March 16th meeting. Paige West RVTD TDM Planner 541-608-2429 A FREE Vehicle Law Class by Bicycle Advocate & Lawyer Ray Thomas What are your rights and responsibilities as an Oregon cyclist? What are auto driver's and cyclist's rights in the event of a collision, in court and in dealing with insurance companies? When must bicyclist's ride in bike lanes; when can cyclist's ride on the sidewalk? Which side of the road is a bicyclist required to ride? What about obeying traffic signs, yielding to pedestrians and the Oregon helmet law? What are bicyclists' rights if harassed by motorists?. How do we foster a safety -oriented attitude for All users of the road? Join us, and help make cycling safer in the Rogue Valley! Free Pedal Power Books Medford Central Library 205 S. Central Avenue RSVP at 772-9220 or email info simsc cle.com