HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-14 Homelessness Steering_MIN Draft Minutes June 13, 2012 Ad-Hoc Homelessness Steering Committee Ashland Library 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Attendance Ayars, Parker, O’Bryon, Hopkins-Powell, Lewis, Rohde, Sohl, Reid (City staff) Absent Saldana, Morris (Council liaison) Agenda Item #1: Call to Order Parker called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Agenda Item #7: Report on Dignity village in Portland from Leigh Madsen and Sangye Tenzin Madsen and Tenzin gave a slide show presentation and report on their visit to Dignity Village in Portland. See attached for details. Agenda Item #2: Approval of Minutes Hopkins-Powell/Rohde moved to approve the minutes with changes. Voice Vote-Motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item #3: Discuss directions from City Council joint study session The committee members discussed their impressions of the joint study session with the City Council. Hopkins-Powell felt that the two take aways from the study session were that the HSC should come to the Council with their ideas before proceeding, and that the council would like encourage discussions on HSC activities. The Council Liaison and the quarterly reports will be the avenues for discussion. Agenda Item #4: Outreach to faith communities a.) Edit Letter-The Committee reviewed Parker’s letter. Several suggestions were made. Parker will make the changes, which include adding an invitation to a meeting to discuss the survey results and encourage a dialogue with faith community leaders about homeless issues and to hear their different experiences with homeless populations, the letter will also let the recipients know that the HSC members will be doing follow-up phone calls and give them a date by which the HSC would like the surveys returned. Parker will make the changes and e-mail the letter to Reid to put the letter on City letterhead and mail out to the list provided by Hopkins-Powell and Parker. Sohl, Ayars, and Lewis volunteered to make follow up phone calls. th b.) Timeline: Parker will get the revised letter to Reid on or before June 20, Reid will th put them in the mail on June 20. Survey results will be discussed at the regular HSC th meeting on July 11, and a formal plan for the group meeting will be discussed. The Meeting with faith community leaders will take place at the HSC regular meeting on rd July, 23. Agenda Item #5: Day-Use Center Ayars, Voisin, and Parker all met with the owner of the property formerly known as Good times, which is two separate lots but have contiguous buildings. The building that is abut to the old Good times building is for sale for 150K and with work could be a viable day center location. Page 1 of 2 Ayars and Lewis will get together and work on drawing up a plan for the day use center based on the outline provided by Ayars at the regular meeting in March. They will establish goals and objectives, quantify staffing and square footage needs and consider other logistical and budgetary needs. They will bring the draft plan before the committee members at a future meeting. Lewis suggested that the HSC keep community forums on the agenda for future meetings, even though committee members agree that the HSC is not ready to work on a forum at this time, there may be a time in the future where a forum may be necessary as an education and outreach tool. Public Comments None Announcements th The Donation boxes will be installed on Friday, June 15. There will be a small ceremony in front of City Hall at noon. Sohl offered an interesting internet resource for handling individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. http://www.kplu.org/post/learning-mental-first-aid-next-crisis Adjourn-6:05 Next meeting: June 25, 2012 4:00-6:00 P.M. Siskiyou Room Community Development building Respectfully Submitted by Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Page 2 of 2