HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-09-12 Homelessness Steering_MIN Draft Minutes September 12, 2012 Ad-Hoc Homelessness Steering Committee Ashland Library 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Attendance Ayars, Parker, Saldana, Hopkins-Powell, Lewis, Rohde, Morris (Council liaison), Reid (Staff) Absent O’Bryon, Sohl Agenda Item #1: Call to Order Parker called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Agenda Item #2: Approval of Minutes Hopkins-Powell/Ayars moved to approve the minutes with corrections. Voice Vote-Motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item #3: Sub-Committee Reports a.) Winter Shelter: Hopkins-Powell reported that the Episcopal Church is moving the possibility of hosting a regular monthly shelter night through the process. It is dependent upon volunteers from the community since there are not enough volunteers in the church. Barbi Breneiser, one of the organizers of the Sunday night shelter at the Presbyterian Church, will be speaking to the group to provide details about the existing shelter program. Parker asked if Hopkins-Powell could find out if Barbi can come and speak to the HSC. Audience member Hackston suggested that Options for Homeless Residents of Ashland (OHRA) come to the HSC in the near future to talk about their efforts toward developing more shelter options. Saldana reported that she spoke with the new CERT coordinator, Terri Eubanks, who stated that CERT would be willing to put out the call through their contact list for volunteers for emergency shelter nights. Ayars asked if the HSC would be requesting anything from the City regarding shelter options. Saldana offered to talk with Parks about what would be needed to utilize one of their buildings for an emergency cold weather shelter. b.) Adult Day-Use Center: Parker gave an update on Councilor Slattery’s efforts to find a non-profit provider for the day center. As part of this effort Slattery asked the HSC members to go over the list of services to be offered at the Day-Use Center originally compiled by Ayars and Lewis and see if there is anything that needs to be added. It was decided that whether or not the day use center should serve a mixed population of youth and adults would have to be investigated further before the HSC could make a recommendation. c.) Donation Box Update: Lewis reported that the Chamber has a new design and is in the process of finding someone to complete the fabrication of the new boxes. Lewis estimated that the boxes could be back up within a month. Hopkins-Powell wanted to remind everyone that they can still donate to St. Vincent without the boxes. Donations can be made directly to the St. Vincent account at People’s bank and through the Chamber website at: http://www.ashlandchamber.com/Page.asp?NavID=1103 . d.) Youth Day Center Update: Parker reported that there was some confusion with the vetting process for the Youth Center proposal from Community Works. Having the article come out in the newspaper prior to having it come before the Parks Commission and Council caused some problems. It was determined that the role of Page 1 of 2 the HSC is to vet such proposals. The question is where do we go from here? A meeting has been arranged between the Mayor, Parker, the City administrator and Community Works Staff. Corrianne Mathews, Street Outreach worker for Community Works, stated that she is compiling a report on the youth response to the Day Center. Mathews reported that she has 10 youth who attend the weekly meal in the park regularly. Sometimes as many 25 youth attend the meals. Lewis stated that his main concern about the proposal was that there was a separation between the youth who attend the Lithia Springs School and the Street youth. Parker told him that she was assured that there would be. Agenda Item #4: Outreach to the Faith Community: Parker Asked the Committee when they would like to hold the next outreach meeting for the Faith Community. Hopkins-Powell spoke about the Open Table Training taking Place the week ndth of October 2 through the 7. Hopkins-Powell said that there is a lot of interest in the faith community for this program and felt that there might be a better turnout for the HSC outreach meeting if it were held after the training. Lewis suggested that the HSC consider the second meeting in October since the first meeting will be taken up by the discussion on the City council study session. It was decided that a new invitation letter will be drafted and approved at the next nd regular HSC meeting inviting members of the Faith based Community to the October 22 meeting. Then sent out to the mailing list compiled previously. Hopkins-Powell suggested that the main topics covered at the meeting should be: winter shelter, additional volunteers or space for a winter shelter, Follow up to the Dignity Village visit, and the Day Center. Other Reports/Announcements This weekend is the Mission of Mercy Dental Clinic at Central High in Medford th Jackson County Homeless Task Force Meeting: Tuesday Sept. 18 10:30-12:00 Community Center in Ashland Dignity Village meetings next week nd Open Table Model training October 2-7th Public Comments – Several Adjourn-6:00 Next meeting: September 24, 2012 4:00-6:00 P.M. Community Development Building, Siskiyou Room Respectfully Submitted by Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist Page 2 of 2