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Water Master Plan Update Attachmentu /err i III i t "i r" CITY OF ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 02 IT L E CIIIII Nlllllllllllu IIIIIIIIIIIIIDu Nmlllllllll�llllllllllluS l I,I l / � � ll � ;� 3nn1 INTRODUCTION WATER SYSTEM OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT ................................................................ 1-1 OVERVIEW OF EXISTING SYSTEM ............................................................................................. 1-1 AUTHORIZATION AND PURPOSE .............................................................................................. 1-2 SUMMARY OF WMP CONTENTS .......................... 0600000 000060606060606060606 0 a a 0 a a a 1-3 DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................ 0.0.0 .............. o... .......................................... 1-3 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................... 1-5 2, 1 WX'rEll, SYSTEM DESCRIP riON INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 2-1 WATER SERVICE AREA .............................................................................................................. 2-1 History.................................................................................................................................. 2-1 ExistingWater Service Area ................................................................................................. 2-1 FutureWater Service Area ................................................................................................... 2-1 Topography.......................................................................................................................... 2-2 I 10 kh 110� 1 to '4'111111 �Jifl "Mii Il i .,l 1 i�m I PressureZones ..................................................................................................................... 2-2 SupplyFacilities .................................................................................................................... 2-4 WaterTreatment ................................................................................................................. 2-5 WaterSupply ........................................................................................................................ 2-6 PumpStation Facilities ......................................................................................................... 2-7 StorageFacilities ................................................................................................................ 2-10 Distribution and Transmission System ................... ..... 2-12 Pressure Reducing and Control Valve Stations .................................................................. 2-14 Water System Operation and Control/Telemetry and Supervisory Control System......... 2-16 3 1 LAND USE AND POPULATION .. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ilia 983-nm�,I, INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 3-1 COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER PLANS ....................................................................................... 3-1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3-1 Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 14 .................................................................................... 3-1 City of Ashland Comprehensive Plan ................................................................................... 3-2 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\WMP TABLE OF CONTENTS.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 12 '111w, I T 00000L E Cooi N00000m 000000iom m000io��00000mS l I,I l / � � ll � ;� 9 Jackson County Comprehensive Plan .................................................................................. 3-2 LANDUSE ................................................................................................................................. 3-2 POPULATION............................................................................................................................ 3-4 HouseholdTrends ................................................................................................................ 3-4 Existing and Future City Population ..................................................................................... 3-4 WaterSystem Population .................................................................................................... 3-6 I WA rEll, DEMANDS ,,, fle fle fle fle fle fle flal fle fle fle fle fle 08*8*80 0 fle fle fle f800*8*8*8 fle 090 fle fle fle fam fam fam one 9 e4lpm3 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 4-1 CURRENT POPULATION AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS ............................................................ 4-1 Water Use Classifications ..................................................................................................... 4-1 Residential Population Served ............................................................................................. 4-1 EXISTING WATER DEMANDS .................................................................................................... 4-3 WaterConsumption ............................................................................................................. 4-3 WaterSupply ...................................................................................................................... 4-10 WaterLoss .......................................................................................................................... 4-14 PerCapita Demands ........................................................................................................... 4-14 Demands Per Pressure Zone .............................................................................................. 4-15 Equivalent Residential Units .............................................................................................. 4-16 AverageDaily Demand ....................................................................................................... 4-20 MaximumDay Demand ..................................................................................................... 4-20 PeakHour Demand ............................................................................................................ 4-21 FIRE FLOW DEMAND .............................................................................................................. 4-21 FUTURE WATER DEMANDS .................................................................................................... 4-22 Basis for Projecting Demands ................................................................................... east ..... 4-22 Demand Forecasts and Conservation ................................................................................ 4-22 FutureERUs ........................................................................................................................ 4-24 I WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 5-1 Changes Since Last Water Master Plan ................................................................................ 5-1 General System Challenges .................................................................................................. 5-1 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\WMP TABLE OF CONTENTS.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 12 '111w, IT llllllllllL E Clllll Nllllllllllm lllllllllllllDlu mllllllloll�llllllllllluS l I,I l / � � ll � ;� SUPPLYEVALUATION ............................................................................................................... 5-3 SupplyCriteria ...................................................................................................................... 5-3 SupplyAnalysis ..................................................................................................................... 5-4 New WTP Integration with Existing System............ eas000000000sas000soo1000000000000000006060oosas000so *seems@** 5-6 SupplyRecommendations ............................................................................................. a ..................... 5-9 STORAGEFACILITIES .............................................................................................................. 5-10 StorageCriteria .................................................................................................................. 5-10 StorageAnalysis ................................................................................................................. 5-11 Storage Requirements 666666666 ease a a a 5-13 Granite Reservoir Replacement ......................................................................................... 5-14 Alsing Reservoir Service Area Expansion ........................................................................... 5-15 Storage Recommendations Summary ............................................................................... 5-15 PUMP STATION CAPACITY ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 5-16 Pump Station Analysis Criteria ........................................................................................... 5-16 PumpStation Analysis ........................................................................................................ 5-16 Pump Station Recommendations ...................................................................................... 5-19 PRESSUREZONES ................................................................................................................... 5-20 Pressure Zone Criteria ........................................................................................................ 5-20 Pressure Zone Analysis ....................................................................................................... 5-20 Pressure Zone Recommendations ..................................................................................... 5-21 DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ........................................................................ 5-24 Distribution System Analysis Criteria ................................................................................. 5-24 HydraulicModel ................................................................................................................. 5-24 HydraulicAnalysis .............................................................................................................. 5-25 Distribution System Recommendations ............................................................................ 5-26 Maintenance Recommendations ....................................................................................... 5-27 TELEMETRY AND SUPERVISORY CONTROL SYSTEM .............................................................. 5-27 Evaluation and Recommendations .................................................................................... 5-27 6 1 CAPITAL I M PROVEM ENT PLAN..**************** 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 &W Imlooi INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 6-1 COSTESTIMATE ........................................................................................................................ 6-1 ConstructionCosts ............................................................................................................... 6-2 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\WMP TABLE OF CONTENTS.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) IR OxI2 11,111,11"IM006 0', . I TA00000L E Cooi N00000m 000000iom m000io��00000mS l I,I l / � � ll � ;� Contingencies....................................................................................................................... 6-2 Engineering,, Legal,, Administration ...................................................................................... 6-3 SDC Allocation & Development Contributions .................................................................... 6-3 PROJECT PRIORITIZATION ........................................................................................................ 6-3 SCHEDULE OF IMPROVEMENTS ............................................................................................... 6-3 DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS .......................................................................................... 6-4 Supply Improvements.. *seven was 6-4 Storage Improvements a a a** 6-5 Pump Station Improvements .............................................................. 6-6 PipeImprovements ............................................... 0 ............................................................................. 6-6 Operations and Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 6-8 RecommendedStudies .............................................................................................................. 6-9 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\WMP TABLE OF CONTENTS.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) iv o% �� /� � � � � ��i 1 1 11) UC1111111111111111110N to Water Systom iqrn Ownership and Mariager"ner"it The City of Ashland (City) is a municipal corporation that owns and operates a public water system that covers its corporate boundaries. A summary of water system data is shown in Table 1-1. Table 1-1 Water System Ownership Information U� p System Classification Community ..................................................................................................... . ............... ........... --------- System Name Ashland Water Department ..................................................................................................... . ........... --------- . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... County Jackson County ..................................................................................................... - ------------------------------------------- System ID Number 00047 ...................................................................................................... ------------------------------------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................... Address 90 N. Mountain Avenue, Ashland OR 97520 ...................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................... Contact Mr. Greg Hunter., Water Treatment Plant Supervisor ..................................................................................................... - -------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................... ContactPhone Number (54J.)488-5346................................................................................................................................................ Overview of Ekilsting Systern In 2016, the City provided water service to an average of approximately 8,796 customer connections, or 16,,461 equivalent residential units (ERUs), within the City's water service area. The City limits comprise an area of approximately 6.58 square miles, which also represents the water service area. The 2016 population served by the water system was approximately 20,,620. The City's water supply is currently provided by the Reeder Reservoir and the Talent -Ashland -Phoenix (TAP) "Emergency" Interne that conveys water supply from the Medford Water Commission (MWC). Supplemental raw water supply may also be provided by the Talent Irrigation District (TID). Water supply from Reeder Reservoir and TID is treated at the City's Water Treatment Plant. Water supply from MWC is rechlorinated at the TAP booster pump station (BPS). Water storage is provided by four treated water storage/distribution reservoirs that have a total capacity of approximately 6.8 million gallons (MG). In addition., the City's water system has 14 pressure zones with 31 pressure reducing stations. The system also has 4 booster pump stations and approximately 119 miles of water main. A tabular summary of the 2016 water system data is shown in Table 1-2. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH1 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:48 AM) 1-1 CHAPTER 1 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 1-2 2016 Water System Data Water Service Population ....................................................................................................................................................... . 20.,620 ................................................................................................................................ --------- Existing Water Service Area ....................................................................................................................................................... . 6.50 Square Miles ................................................................................................................ ------------------- Total Connections 81796 ............................................................................................... --------- — Tota I E R U s . 16.,461 ...................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................ Demand per ERU ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 177 Gallons Per Day --------- . . ....................................... Annual Consumption ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1,065.,011,589 Gallons --------- ---- ................................................................................................... Average Day Demand (ADD) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2.91 IVIGD — - - - - - - - - ------------------------- - - - - - - - - - Maximum Day/Average Day Demand Factor . 2.04 ............................. . ---------------------------- ................................................................................................ Peak Hour/Peak Day Demand Factor ........................................................................................................................................................ . 2.38 ............................................................................. . ------------------- Number of Pressure zones 14 Number of Sources and Total Capacity' .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ---------------------------------- 3 (10.0 MGD) ................................................................................................... Number of Storage Tanks and Total Capacity ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 (6.8 MG) Number of Pump Stations ....................................................................................................................................................... . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . ........................ . . . . . . . . . Number of Pressure Reducing Valve Stations ....................................................................................................................................................... . 31 ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . ............................................................................................... Total Length of Water Main 119 Miles - — — — ------------------------------------------ 'Does not include TO emergency supply. ......................................................................................................................................................... ------------------------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................................... Authorization and Purpose In accordance with Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR 333-61-060),, this Water Master Plan (WMP) was developed to satisfy the City's requirements for planning by the Oregon Health Authority. The previous WMP was completed in 2012. The purpose of this updated WMP is as follows: • To evaluate existing water demand data and project future water demands; • To analyze the existing water system to determine if it meets minimum requirements and the City's own policies, level of' service goals and design criteria; • To identify water system improvements that resolve existing system deficiencies and accommodate the systern's future needs for at least 20 years into the future; • To prepare a schedule of improvements that meets the goals of the City's financial program; • To document the City's existing water rights, their current status,, and future requirements; • To evaluate past water quality and identify water quality improvements, as necessary; and • To document the City's operations and maintenance program including personnel requirements. 1-2 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH1 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:48 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN INTRODUCTION I III Surnmary of"'WMi�I`1' Cantents A brief summary of the content of the chapters in the WMP is as follows: 0 The Executive Summary provides a brief summary of the key elements of this WMP. 0 Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the City's water system, the objectives of the WMP, and rem • Chapter 2 presents the water service area and describes the existing water system. • Chapter 3 presents related plans, land use, and population characteristics. • Chapter 4 identifies existing water demands and projected future demands. • Chapter 5 discusses the water system analyses and existing system deficiencies. • Chapter 6 presents the proposed water system improvements, and their estimated costs and implementation schedule in a Capital Improvement Plan. • Chapter 7 summarizes the financial status of the water system and presents a plan for funding the water system improvements. • The Appendices contain additional information and plans that supplement the main Definition of Terms The following terms are used throughout this WMP. Consumption: The true volume of water used by the water system"s customers. The volume is measured at each customer's connection to the distribution system. Cross Connection: A physical arrangement that connects a public water system, directly or indirectly, with facilities that could present the potential for contaminating the public water system. Demand: The quantity of' water required from a water supply source over a period of time to meet the needs of domestic., irrigation,, commercial, industrial, and public uses, and provide enough water to supply firefighting., system losses, and miscellaneous water uses such as hydrant flushing and non -revenue water uses. Demands are normally discussed in terms of flow rate, such as million gallons per day (MGD) or gallons per minute (gpm) and are described in terms of a volume of water delivered during a certain time period. Flow rates pertinent to the analysis and design of water systems are as follows: • Average Day Demand (ADD): The total amount of water delivered to the system in a year divided by the number of days in the year. • Maximum Day Demand (PDD): The maximum amount of water delivered to the system during a 24-hour time period of a given year. • Peak Hour Demand (PHD): The maximum amount of water delivered to the system, excluding fire flow, during a 1-hour time period of a given year. A system's peak hour demand usually occurs during the same day as the IVIDD. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCHl 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:48 AM) 1-3 R N 01047%,,, CHAPTER 1 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs): One ERU represents the amount of water used by one single-family residence for a specific water system. The demand of other customer classes can be expressed in terms of ERILIs by dividing the demand of each of the other customer classes by the demand represented by one ERU. Fire Flow: The rate of flow of water required during firefighting, which is usually expressed in terms of gpm. Head: A measure of pressure or force exerted by water. Head is measured in feet and can be converted to pounds per square inch (psi) by dividing feet by 2.31. Headloss: Pressure reduction resulting from pipeline wall friction, bends, physical restrictions, or obstructions. Hydraulic Elevation: The height of a free water surface above a defined datum; the height above the ground to which water in a pressure pipeline would rise in a vertical open-end pipe. Maximum Contaminant Level (MCQ: The maximum permissible level of contaminant in the water that the purveyor delivers to any public water system user. Pressure Zone: A portion of the water system that operates from sources at a common hydraulic elevation. For example,. the 2170 Granite Zone 1 refers to one of the City Is s primary pressure zones, which has a reservoir with an overflow elevation of 2J70 feet. Purveyor: An agency, subdivision of the state, municipal corporation, firm, company, mutual or cooperative association, institution, partnership, or persons or other entity owning or operating a public water system. Purveyor also means the authorized agents of such entities. Supply: Water that is delivered to a water system by one or more supply facilities., which may consist of supply stations, booster pump stations., interties, springs, and wells. Storage: Water that is "stored" in a reservoir to supplement the supply facilities of a system and provide water supply for emergency conditions. Storage is broken down into the following three components, which are defined and discussed in more detail in Chapter 5: operational storage, emergency storage and fire flow storage. Water Loss: Water that is measured as going into the distribution system but not metered as going out of the system. 1-4 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH1 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:48 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN INTRODUCTION Ust of The abbreviations listed in Table 1-3 are used throughout this WMP. Table 1-3 Abbreviations IIIIIII Illmill IIIII�III III lllllill� IIII � �� ACS ...................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . American Community Survey .. . . . . . . .............................................. -------------------- . ..................................................................................................................................................... ADD Average. . . Da. . . . . . . .y Deman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................... AWWA...................................................................................................... . American- --------- Water Works Association BPS ...................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booster Pump Station - --------- .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................................................................................................................................... CCR Consumer Confi------------ . . . . . . . . .dence Report . . ................................................................................................................................................................ CIP Capital improvement Program .................... ----------------------- City ...................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .County City of Ashlan. . . . . .d . Jackson County ............... .................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................... DBP ...................................................................................................... -------------------------------------- - - - - Disinfection By- - - - -product - - -- ----------------------------- DLCD ..................................................................................................... ---------- . Department of Land Conservation and Development ....................................... ----------------------EPA ..................................................................................................... --------------------------------------------- - -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - -- ----------------------------------------- ERU ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . . Equ. . . .ivalent Residential Unit . . .. . . ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... fps ..................................................................................................... --------------------------- Feet per second gpd ..................................................................................................... --------- - --------- . Gallons per day ...................................... ---- gpmGall....................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------- ----------------------- ----------ons per minute HDPE ..................................................................................................... ----------------- . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ High Density Polyethylene .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. hpHorse..................................................................................................... -------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................................................................................... MCL ..................................................................................................... ----------------- . . . . . . . . . Maximum Contam. . . . . . . . .inant. . . . . . Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................................................................... MCLG..................................................................................................... ----------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Contaminant Level Goal MDD ..................................................................................................... - --------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................................... Maximum Day Demand ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. MG ..................................................................................................... - ---------- -------- Million Gallons MGD ..................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................... Million Gallons per Day mg/L ..................................................................................................... ---------------------------- Milligrams per Liter MWC ..................................................................................................... --------- . Medford Water Commission ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. OAR ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Oregon Administrative Rules OHD ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Oregon Health Division PHD ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Peak Hour Demand . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCHI 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:48 AM) 1-5 N 12 OW���;, CHAPTER 1 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN � I I I ��II11 m mm� W^m mn I m111I11illi�III III II W U I PRV ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Pressure Reducing Valve PRV Pressure Relief Valve psi Pounds per square inc. . . . . .h PVC Polyvinyl Chloride SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisi. . . . . . . . . .................................................. . -------------------tion SDWA . Safe Drinking Water Act ......................................................................... . . .SEPA ........................................................................................................................................................ State Environmental Policy Act ......................................................... --------- SOC ....................................................................................................................................................... Synthetic Organic C. .hemical ......................................... ----------. . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................ SWTR . Surface. . . . . . . Water Treatment Rule ......................... .. . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . . . TAP Talent -Ashland -Phoenix Partnership TI D Talent lent Irrigation- - District - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- UGB Urban Growth Boundary USGSUnited ------ --------------------------------------------------al States Geologic....................................................................................................................................................... Survey VOCVolatile ........................................................................................................................................................ ---------------------------------------- - - - ---------Organic Chemical WMP ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Water Master Plan ------------------------------ WTP Wa. ................... ---ter Treatment Plant WUE ..................... Water Use. . . . . . E. . .fficiency 1-6 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCHI 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:48 AM) » 2 « m�°� / \ �� ��%\/.^ °�� \� � \ ^�«\ \ / 2�/ ^^ / » «/% / 7�/ < » // 2/»/ � »/ / / (% » � � � �©« / ; � ®� �/`© \« %» / / � � � ® � � � :/) � \ «�2 / / / � + 2 � �� / i, f � �2 �2 < : 7 » . z � »/ . . ^«/ 2 . / 011111 WA1111111111111111"Ell SYS D . . ..... !���`ENA ES��I'I�I`111`��) IntrodUctior"i This chapter describes the City's existing and future water service areas and water service agreements and provides a thorough description of the water system and its individual components. The results of the evaluation and analyses of the existing water system are presented in Chapter S. \A/ater Service Area The City's primary source of raw water is the Ashland Creek watershed. In 1887 through 1890, the City installed its first water works and pipe network to serve the City's early settlers. In 1909, piping was installed to deliver water to town from the East and West Forks of Ashland Creek. In 1928, the City constructed Hosler Dam at the confluence of the West and East Forks of Ashland Creek. Reeder Reservoir, the resulting impoundment, provides 280 MG of storage for the City's water supply. Water from the reservoir is conveyed to the City's WTP located along Ashland Creek, approximately 1 mile below Reeder Reservoir. The City has an agreement with the TID to provide additional raw water supply in drought years. When needed, TO water is pumped from Ashland Canal by the City's Terrace Street Pump Station up to the WTP,, where it is treated with the Ashland Creek Supply. In 2016, construction of permanent facilities was completed to enable supply from the MWC to be conveyed to the City via a partnership with the cities of Talent and Phoenix; otherwise known as the TAP Supply System or TAP Intertie. Exis Ling Water Service Area The City's existing water service area is equivalent to its City limits, which covers an area of approximately 6.58 square miles with an Urban Growth Boundary of 7.40 square miles. The existing water service area is shown on Figure 2-1. The existing service area is approximately bordered by Interstate 5 (1-5) to the north, by the topography of the Siskiyou Mountain Range to the south and the west., Highway 66 to the east,, with Highway 99 cutting through the middle of the City. Along the north -south axis of' the system, the existing retail water service area is approximately 2.6 miles long. Along the east -west axis, the existing retail water service area varies from 1.9 to 3.8 miles wide. Along with the water service area, Ashland's city limits and urban growth boundary (UGB) are shown in Figure 2-1. Future Water Service Area The City's UGB includes most areas of the existing water service area, as well as additional area to the northwest near the TAP Booster Pump Station (BPS) and areas to the southwest to Tolman and Neil Creeks. In order for customers or properties to be provided water, their property must be Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2-1 CHAPTER 2 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN annexed into the City (although the City does have a resolution to allow water service to customers with failed wells). The UGB is approximately 7.40 square miles and is shown on Figure 2-1. The topography of the existing service area is generally rising in elevation from the northwest corners to the southern side of the city,, with the highest elevations being the hillsides southwest of the Granite Reservoir. Service area elevations range from approximately 1,.700 feet above sea level in the northwest to approximately 2,300 above sea level feet in the southwest portion of the service area. The City's system is located within the Rogue River watershed. howerAory of Existing Water Facilities This section provides a detailed description of the existing water system and the current operation of the facilities. The analysis of the existing water facilities is presented in Chapter 6. Pressure Zones The City's highest and lowest elevation customers are separated by approximately 1,100 feet. The wide elevation range requires the water pressure be increased or reduced to maintain pressures that are safe and sufficient to meet the flow requirements of the system. The City achieves this by dividing the water system into four major service areas (named after the storage facilities that serve them), each of which contains several pressure zones as shown in Figure 2-1. The hydraulic grade in each pressure zone is regulated by reservoir levels, pressure reducing station settings, pump station settings, or a combination of these, as illustrated in the hydraulic profile (Figure 2-2). The Granite service area is comprised of three different pressure zones: 2170 Granite Zone 1; 1980 Granite Zone 2; and 2060 Granite Zone 3. The 2170 Granite Zone 1 is supplied in the southwest from the Granite Reservoir and the TAP BPS. The 2170 Granite Zone 1 serves customers within an elevation range of' approximately 1,,800 feet to 2,.600 feet., and is situated between the northwest portion of the City to Clay Street at its most eastern point. The 2170 Granite Zone 1 has six pressure reducing valves (PRVs) supplying water to the two lower 1980 and 2060 Granite Zones. The 1980 Granite Zone 2 is supplied by five PRVs from the 2170 Granite Zone 1 and three other PRVs from the 2060 Granite Zone 3. The 1980 Granite Zone 2 serves customers within an elevation range of approximately 1,300 feet to 1,,840 feet,, and is the most northerly pressure zone. The 1980 Granite Zone 2 is predominantly located between the railroad to the west and Patton Lane to the east. The 2060 Granite Zone 3 is located just east of the 1980 Granite Zone 2 on Patton Lane and north of the 2170 Granite Zone 1 on Clear Creek Drive. The 2060 Granite Zone 3 is supplied by two PRVs from the 2170 Granite Zone 1,, which establish pressures in the zone. The 2060 Granite Zone 3 currently serves customers within an elevation range of approximately 1,,740 feet to 1,340 feet. The large Crowson service area is comprised of 8 separate pressure zones: the 2425 Crowson Zone 1; 2200 Crowson Zone 2; 2270 Crowson Zone 3; 2640 Crowson Zone 4; 2270 Crowson Zone 5; 2290 Crowson Zone 6; 2570 Crowson Zone 7; and 2610 Crowson Zone 8. 2-2 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The 2425 Crowson Zone 1 has two separate sections divided by a small sliver of the 2170 Granite Zone 1. The westerly section of the zone is directly supplied by the WTP, while the other section of the pressure zone is indirectly supplied by the WTP via the Crowson Reservoir. The 2425 Crowson Zone 1 serves customers within an elevation range of approximately 2.,080 feet to 2.,440 feet. The 2425 Crowson Zone 1 has 12 PRVs supplying water to lower zones: 4 PRVs provide water to the 2170 Granite Zone 1, 1 PRV provides water to the 2270 Crowson Zone 5,, 2 PRVs provide water to the 2270 Crowson Zone 3,, 4 PRVs provide water to the 2290 Crowson Zone 6. and 1 PRV provides water to the 2200 Crowson Zone 2. Two PRVs can supply the 2425 Granite Zone 1 from the 2559 Alsing Zone 1. The 2200 Crowson Zone 2 is supplied with water from two PRVs; one from the 2425 Crowson Zone 1 and one from the 2290 Crowson Zone 6. The 2200 Crowson Zone 2 is the eastern most pressure zone, located between 1-5 and Hidden Lane. The 2200 Crowson Zone 2 serves customers within elevations between approximately 1,,800 feet and 2,120 feet. The 2270 Crowson Zone 3 is supplied by two PRVs from the 2425 Crowson Zone 1, which establish pressures in the zone. The 2270 Crowson Zone 3 serves customers in an elevation range between approximately 1,,960 feet and 2,160 feet. The 2270 Crowson Zone 3 is located just east of Ashland Creek,, between Iowa Street to the south and Hargadine Street to the north. The 2640 Crowson Zone 4 is a small zone supplied with water from the South Mountain Booster Pump Station. The 2640 Crowson Zone 4 serves customers within an elevation range of approximately 2,340 feet and 2,,480 feet,, just south of' Emma Street and north of Pinecrest Terrace. The 2270 Crowson Zone 5 is a very small pressure zone consisting of one small section of Harmony Lane, serving customers between Siskiyou Boulevard and Lit Way. The 2270 Crowson Zone 5 is supplied water from one PRV from the 2425 Crowson Zone 1 and serves customers within an elevation range of approximately 2,040 feet and 2,,060 feet. The 2290 Crowson Zone 6 is provided water through the 2425 Crowson Zone 1 by four pressure reducing valves. The pressures in this zone are established by these four PRVs- The 2290 Crowson Zone 6 currently serves customers between the elevations of approximately 1.,880 feet to 2,,080 feet. The 2570 Crowson Zone 7 is located just east of 2610 Crowson Zone 8., which supplies the zone from a single PRV. The 2570 Crowson Zone 7 serves customers between an elevation range of approximately 2,240 feet and 2.,340 feet. The 2610 Crowson Zone 8 is located towards the southwest corner of the City. The 2610 Crowson Zone 8 is provided water directly from the Park Estates Booster Pump Station and the Crowson Reservoir. This zone serves customers in an elevation range of approximately 2.320 feet to 2,.600 feet. The 2610 Crowson Zone 8 serves customers predominantly along Ashland Loop Road and Morton Street. The Fallon service area consists of only two smaller pressure zones on the west side of the City: the 2586 Fallon Zone I and the 2470 Fallon Zone 2. The 2586 Fallon Zone I is located between Creekside Road and Strawberry Lane. The Fallon Reservoir serves the 2586 Fallon Zone 1, which is supplied from the Strawberry Booster Pump Station. This zone serves customers at an elevation range of approximately 2.,280 feet to 2,,580 feet. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2-3 CHAPTER 2 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN The last Fallon pressure zone is the 2470 Fallon Zone 2, which is located between the 2425 Crowson Zone 1 and the 2586 Fallon Zone 1. The 2470 Crowson Zone 2 serves customers in an elevation range of approximately 2,200 feet to 2,470 feet and is supplied water from the 2586 Fallon Zone 1 by one PRV. The Alsing service area also consists of only one pressure zone. The 2559 Alsing Zone 1 is located at the south end of the City between Leonard Street and Tolman Creek Road. The Alsing Reservoir serves the 2559 Alsing Zone 1,, which is supplied by the Hillview Booster Pump Station. This zone serves customers within an elevation range of approximately 2,160 feet and 2,.560 feet. Supp�y I acifties The City"s primary source of raw water is the Ashland Creek watershed. In 1928., the City constructed Hosler Dam at the confluence of the West and East Forks of Ashland Creek. Reeder Reservoir, the resulting impoundment, provides 280 MG of' storage for the City"s water supply. Water from the reservoir is conveyed to the City"s WTP through a 24-inch diameter raw water transmission line. Treated water is conveyed to the City in a 30-inch diameter transmission line. The City also has an agreement with the Talent Irrigation District (TID) to provide additional supply. The TID supply is typically used only in drought years. When needed., TID water is pumped from the Ashland Canal by the City"s Terrace Street Pump Station to the WTP, where it is treated. A third supply is the City"s TAP Intertie. The TAP Supply System delivers treated water from the Medford Water Commission to the City's TAP BPS. At this location, the water is chlorinated and boosted to the 2170 Granite Zone 1 through 16-inch piping in Highway 99. A summary of the City"s sources of supply is shown in Table 2-1. 2-4 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Table 2-1 Supply Facilities Summary Water -'Freatment Wat,er -Freatment Hant The City"s WTP is located along Ashland Creek, approximately 1 mile below Reeder Reservoir. The WTP has a capacity of approximately 7.5 MGD, based on the plant"s historical performance and input from operations staff. Prior to 1948, screening and chlorination were the only treatment given to Ashland Creek water. In 1948, a rapid sand filtration plant was built adjacent to the power generating facility., utilizing alum as a coagulant and lime for pH control. The WTP was converted to a high rate filtration plant in the mid-1960s. Ashland Creek WTP The treatment process now consists of flocculation, filtration, and disinfection. Water flows into the treatment plant from a combination of three sources: 1) diversion water from the power generator; 2) direct flows from Ashland Creek; and, 3) flows from the TID intertie. The water flows through a flash mixing process, then to the flocculation basins. The high rate filtration plant continues utilizing alum as a coagulant to aid particle agglomeration and soda ash for alkalinity adjustment and pH control. A chlorine solution is fed immediately ahead of the flocculation tanks. The chlorine feed is adjusted in response to the water temperature. Following flocculation, the water flows through the filter beds and then into a 168,000-gallon clear well where the water is chlorinated and distributed to the system. Alum, sodium hypochlorite, soda ash, and activated carbon can be mixed with the raw water in the flash mixing tank as part of the treatment process to aid in the removal of solid particles and other contaminates. The activated carbon is used only when TO water is included in the system and the color is high. The activated carbon absorbs the organic material in the raw TID water, which improves color, taste, and odor. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2-5 qt', M12 loona'9malls 01(ft, %%' K CHAPTER 2 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Mechanical flocculators are installed in the flocculation basins. Sediment from the flocculation chamber and the filter backwash waste is piped to a sludge lagoon. The six filters contain a dual media filter material of sand and anthracite coal. These filters remove the remaining particles in the water before it enters the clear well. Backwash water for the filters is pumped from the clear well. W a e r S U Reed&ir-- [.��eservoir Reeder Reservoir, created by Hosler Dam, is located approximately one mile upstream of the WTP at the confluence of the West and East Forks of Ashland Creek. The reservoir has a resulting impoundment of 280 MG of storage for the City's raw water supply. Water from the reservoir is conveyed to the City's WTP through a 24-inch diameter raw water transmission line. -F I D I n Ler Lie/Ash4nd Canal The City has an agreement with TID to provide additional supply. The TID supply is typically used only in drought years. When needed, TO water is pumped from the Ashland Canal by the City's Terrace Street Pump Station up to the WTP, where it is treated with the Ashland Creek supply. To date, use of the Ashland Canal at the WTP has been for short periods only and has been accomplished with the CIty I s current staffing level. However, in future years, the Ashland Canal may be used more frequently and for longer durations. 1110=111=111MI Reeder Reservoir Terrace Street Pump Station A partnership was created in 1997 between the cities of Talent, Ashland, and Phoenix to supply water to these jurisdictions from the MWC. MWC water is purchased by the partnership and delivered to Phoenix and Talent via the Regional Booster Pump Station, located north of Phoenix. A 24-inch transmission main conveys water supply from Phoenix to Talent. Supply to Ashland is conveyed through Talent's distribution system,, then through a 16-inch transmission main and the TAP BPS to Ashland's 2170 Granite Zone 1. The TAP BPS was completed in 2016 and is located at 2073 W. Jackson Road near the northwesterly boundary of the City. The TAP BPS consist of two vertical turbine centrifugal pumps with a nominal installed capacity of 3.2 MGD (2,250 gpm) and a firm capacity of 2.0 MGD (1,400 gpm). There are 2-6 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION provisions for a third pump to provide an ultimate firm capacity of 3.2 MGD (2,250 gpm). The station is equipped with a booster chlorine system. The pump station and booster chlorination facility are controlled by an onsite programmable logic controller PLC. Operation, status, and set points can be viewed and adjusted at the station. The station can also be monitored and controlled by the Citys supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) control system. Purqp Station Facilities The City"s water system has four booster pump station facilities that provide supply to the 2559 Alsing Zone 1,, 2640 Crowson Zone 4,,2586 Fallon Zone 1,, and 2610 Crowson Zone 8. A summary of the pumping facilities is shown in Table 2-2, and a detailed description of each facility is provided in the following sections. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2-7 CHAPTER 2 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 2-2 Booster Pump Facilities Summary Ill, im 11 1 2425 Crowson 2559 Alsing 1 650 30 Hillview BPS 1984 ............................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... Zone 1 Zone 1 2 650 30 2425 Crowson 2640 Crowson 1 145 15 South Mountain BPS Unknown - ----------------------- ------------------------ --------------- - - - . . . . ......................... Zone 1 Zone 4 2 600 40 2425 Crowson 2586 Fallon 1 200 40 Strawberry BPS 1994 ---------- ---- — Zone 1 Zone 1 2 200 40 1 ----------- 50 . . . . . . . ........................ 5 ............................................................................................... 2 152 15 2425 Crowson 2610 Crowson ---------- ---- — Park Estates BPS 2019 3 152 15 Zone1 Zone 1 - ---------- . . . . . . ........................ ............................................................................................... 4 -------- 2000 . . . . ........................ 136 ............................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2000 136 I.........hHviiew Booster [lump Statiioo�,i The Hilliview BPS was originally constructed in 1984 to supply water to the Alsing Reservoir and maintain pressure in the 2559 Alsing Zone 1. The booster station is located at the northeast corner of Peachey Road and Hillview Drive. The two pumps have a maximum flow rate of 650 gallons per minute (gpm) and are powered by 30 horsepower (hp) motors. The booster pump station has a power receptacle to enable connection of a portable generator. RHMPI-OW01TIMPA 2-8 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION S u hi uIiritaIII n Boos Ler I" uIi'ip S La Lion South Mountain BPS Strawberry Booster Pump Station The South Mountain BPS is located on the corner of Ivy Lane and South Mountain Avenue. The South Mountain BPS contains two differently sized pumps. The smaller pump has a designed flow range of 100 gpm to 145 gpm with a 15 hp motor. The larger pump has a designed flow range of'400 gpm to 600 gpm with a 40 hp motor. The booster pump station has an automatic transfer switch to enable use of an adjacent generator. The Strawberry BPS was built in 1994 and is located near the intersection of Nutley Street and Alnut Street. The booster station was designed to convey water to the 2586 Fallon Zone 1 and the Fallon Reservoir in the hilly northwest area of the City. The two identical pumps supply water at a flow rate of 200 gpm and are powered by 40 hp motors. The booster pump station has a power receptacle to enable connection of a portable generator. Strowberry BPS Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2-9 CHAPTER 2 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN um�p Stati&ii I" &rk Es t..'ates Boos I...' e ir I I The Park Estates BPS is located next to the Crowson Reservoir at the crossing of Ashland Loop Road and Terrace Street. The Park Estates BPS was just recently replaced to meet future demands and provide fire protection to customers at the City's highest elevations. The new pump station includes one small 5 hp duty pump on a variable frequency drive motor., two 15 hp pumps on variable frequency drive motors to meet peak hour demands, and two 136 hp fire pumps to provide fire protection at the City"s forest interface. The new Park Estates BPS includes a backup generator and automatic transfer switch. Stl�orage [����adhties Original Park • BPS The City"s water system has four storage facilities that provide storage to various zones in the system. A summary of the storage facilities is shown in Table 2-3, and a detailed description of each facility is provided in the following sections. Crowson [��eservoir- The Crowson Reservoir is located at the southwest corner of Ashland Loop Road and Terrace Street and provides storage capacity to the eight different Crowson pressure zones. The reservoir is supplied by the WTP and was originally constructed in 1928. Table 2-3 Storage Facilities Summary Crowson Reservoir 2-10 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Crowson Reservoir is a buried concrete storage facility that is 19.9 feet deep with an oval shaped cross -sectional area of approximately 13,813 square feet (SF), and a capacity of 2.1 MG. The reservoir is surrounded by a gated, 6-foot-tall fence with no barbed wire. The reservoir has a ground elevation of 2,.406 feet and an overflow elevation of 2.,425 feet; however, the storage volume provided by the reservoir varies by depth. Nshrig ["eservoir Built in 1984, Alsing Reservoir is an above ground -storage tank with the with a capacity of 2.1 MG that stores water for the Alsing pressure zones. This reservoir is supplied water through the Hillview Booster Pump Station. The Alsing Reservoir is located at the end of Alsing Reservoir Road between Morninglight Drive and Green Meadows Way. The 107-foot-diameter reservoir has a base elevation of 2,,530 feet and an overflow elevation of 2,,559 feet. The Alsing Reservoir is a concrete storage facility that is gated off at the road but is not surrounded by a fence. [`��:aHon [��\eservoir Alsing Reservoir The Fallon Reservoir was brought online in 1994 and is located at 183 Hitt Road,. about 0.3 miles south of Strawberry Lane. This reservoir provides storage for both the 2586 Fallon Zone 1 and the 2470 Fallon Zone 2. The Fallon Reservoir is an above -ground tank that has the capacity to store approximately 0.5 MG. The Fallon Reservoir stands 25.5 feet tall, has a diameter of 58 feet, a base elevation offeet,, and an overflow elevation of 86 feet. Water is supplied to the reservoir by the Strawberry Booster Pump Station just off the intersection of' Nutley Street and Alnut Street. Fallon Reservoir Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2-11 Ifu12 CHAPTER 2 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN ra Ilni III L e e s e r III Iir The Granite Reservoir is located adjacent to Ashland Creek on Granite Street, between Ashland Creek Drive and Glenview Drive. The reservoir is an above -ground tank with a storage capacity of 2.1 MG for all three Granite pressure zones and was constructed in 1948. The Granite Reservoir stands 28 feet tall, has a diameter of 134 feet, a base elevation of 2,145 feet and an overflow elevation of 21173 feet. The reservoir is supplied by a control valve that conveys water from the 2423 Crowson Zone 1. Granite Reservoir The reservoir can also be supI�1W*.13*MffM132ff&WK= • DistribUtion and Transmission Systern The City's water system contains approximately 119 miles of water main ranging in size from 2 inches to 30 inches. As shown in Table 24, most of the water main (approximately 80 percent) within the system is 8 inches in diameter or smaller. The remaining 20 percent of the water main is 10 inches in diameter or larger. Table T-4 Water Main Diameter Inventory - fell •. 2-12 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The water main in the City's system is constructed of either asbestos cement, cast iron, ductile iron, galvanized iron, HDPE, PVC, or steel, with approximately 56 percent of the system constructed of ductile iron pipe. All new water main installations are required to use ductile iron pipe in accordance with the City's development and construction standards. Table 2-5 shows the City's existing water main inventory by material. Table 2-5 Water Main Material Inventory ff Asbestos Cement ...................................................................................................................... .......................................................................... 21708 0 ........................................... PVC 0.4%-- ------------------------------------ 628.*032 Approximately 41 percent of the water main within the system was constructed in the 1970s or before and is reaching or has reached its projected life expectancy. The majority of this older water main is asbestos cement or cast iron pipe. The remainder of the water main in the City's water system (discounting water main of unknown installation year) was constructed in the 1980s or later and is generally in good condition. A detailed breakdown of the City's water main installation year inventory is shown in Table 2-6. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2-13 Ifu12 111y I 9a CHAPTER 2 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 2-6 Water Main Installation Year Inventory 0 1 r 1440"AAW-W, J=EAAAAAAA2MAAQR Before1910 ..................................................................................................................................................... 2,.589 ...................................................................................................................... 0.4%7 .................................. ---------- 7 1910S ----------------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.,071 .................................................................................................................... 0.6% ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... 1920s ..................................................................................................................................................... 10,351 ...................................................................................................................... , 1.6% .. ---------- — ----------------- 1930s ..................................................................................................................................................... 26,217 ...................................................................................................................... ......... 4.2% 1940s ..................................................................................................................................................... 33,985 ........................................................................................ --------- 5.4% . . .................................................................................................................. 1950s ..................................................................................................................................................... 36,595 ........................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . ........... � 5.8% .................................. - - - - ----------------------------------- 1960s .................................................................................................................................................... 70,979 ........................................................ . --------- . 11.3% . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................... 1970s ..................................................................................................................................................... 71,925 ...................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5% . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................... 1980s ----------------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,693 ....................................................................................................... . . . . . � 13.0% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................. 1990s 88,955 14.2% 2000s ............................................................................................................................................... --------------------------------- 100,104 15.9% 2010s 51325 0.8% Unknown ..................................................................................................................................................... 95,243 ............. . ----------- . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 15.2% ..................................................................................................................... L ..... Total — ------ 628,032 100% ...................................................................................................................... Rresst..Are Reducing and Control Valve Stations Pressure reducing stations are connections between adjacent pressure zones that allow water to flow from the higher pressure zone to the lower pressure zone while reducing the pressure of the water to maintain a safe range of operating pressures in the lower zone. A pressure reducing station is essentially a below -grade vault (typically concrete) that normally contains two PRVs, sometimes a pressure relief valve, piping, and other appurtenances. The PRV hydraulically varies the flow rate through the valve (up to the flow capacity of the valve) to maintain a constant set pressure on the downstream side of the valve for water flowing into the lower pressure zone. Pressure reducing stations can serve multiple purposes. First,, they can function as an active supply facility by maintaining a continuous supply of water into a lower zone that has no other source of supply. Pressure reducing stations can also function as standby supply facilities that are normally inactive (no water flowing through them). The operation of this type of station is typically triggered by a drop in water pressure near the downstream side of the station. A typical application of this function is a station that is only needed to supply additional water to a lower zone during a fire flow situation. The pressure setting of the control valve within the station allows it to remain closed during normal system operation and open only during high -demand conditions, like fire flows, to provide the additional supply needed. Pressure relief valves are control valves that are activated by higher than normal pressures and flow water out of the system to relieve the pressure and protect the system from 2-14 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION overpressurization. Pressure sustaining valves are control valves between adjacent pressure zones that allow water to flow from the higher pressure zone to the lower pressure zone, provided the pressure in the higher zone remains above a certain threshold. Flow control stations allow water to flow from a higher pressure zone to a lower pressure zone at a regulated flow rate. The City's water system has one pressure relief valve station and 31 pressure reducing valve stations, as shown in plan view in Figure 2-1 and in profile view on Figure 2-2. A list of the control valve stations and related data is contained in Table 2-7. Table 2-7 Water Main Installation Year Inventory PRV-11 ..................................................................................................... 2170 Granite Zone 1 2170 Granite Zone 1 PRV-2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2170 Granite Zone 1 ............................................................................................................................ ----------------------------- 1980 Granite Zone 2 .................................................................................................................................................. PRV-3 ..................................................................................................... --------------------------- 2170 Granite Zone 1 1980 Granite Zone 2 ----------------------------- PRV-4 ..................................................................................................... 2170 Granite Zone 1 . 1980 Granite Zone 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................................................................................. PRV-5 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2170 Granite Zone 1 .............................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................... � 1980 Granite Zone 2 PRV-6 ..................................................................................................... 2060 Granite Zone 3 — — ------- — — — — — — ------------------------------- 1980 Granite Zone 2 PRV-7 ..................................................................................................... 2170 Granite Zone 1 --------------------------------- 1980 Granite Zone 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRV-8 ..................................................................................................... 2425 Crowson Zone 1 ________________ 2170 Granite Zone 1 PRV-9 ...................................................................................................... ----------------------------- 2425Crowson Zone 1 --- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2170 Granite Zone 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................ PRV-10 ...................................................................................................... ------------------------ — � 2586 Fallon Zone 1 — — -- — — — -------------- — 2425 Crowson Zone 1 PRV-11 ..................................................................................................... ---------- � 2586 Fallon Zone 1 .............................................. ----------------------------------------- 2470 Fallon Zone 2 PRV-12 ..................................................................................................... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � 2610 Crowson Zone 8 2270 Crowson Zone 7 PRV-13 ...................................................................................................... --------------------- — — -- 2425 Crowson Zone 1 — — — ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2270 Crowson Zone 3 PRV-14 ..................................................................................................... — 2270 Crowson Zone 3 ____________________ 2170 Granite Zone 1 PRV-15 ..................................................................................................... ---------------------------- 2270 Crowson Zone 3 --------- 2170 Granite Zone 1 PRV-16 ..................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................................. . ---- 2425 Crowson Zone 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2170 Granite Zone 1 ................................................................................................................................................................. PRV-17 ..................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................... 2425 Crowson Zone 1 ............... . --------- 2290 Crowson Zone 6 ..................................................................................................................................................... PRV-18 ..................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................... 2290 Crowson Zone 6 . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2170 Granite Zone 1 PRV-19 ..................................................................................................... -------------------------------------------- 2570 Crowson Zone 5 2425 Crowson Zone 1 PRV-20 ..................................................................................................... --------------- 2425 Crowson Zone 1 2170 Granite Zone 1 PRV-21 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2559 Alsing Zone 1 2425 Crowson Zone 1 PRV-22 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2559 Alsing Zone 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2425 Crowson Zone I ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PRV-23 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2425 Crowson Zone 1 ............................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2290 Crowson Zone 6 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PRV-24 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2425 Crowson Zone 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2200 Crowson Zone 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2-15rmwr '2 K CHAPTER 2 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN J I ...... ...... ...... I I. 2290 Crowson Zone 6 2200-Crowson Zone 2 ................................................................................................... 2425 Crowson Zone 1 L-7 2290 Crowson Zone 6 . . I . . . . . . . . .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2425 Crowson Zone 1 2290 Crowson Zone 6 ......................................... 425 Crowson Zone 1 ------ 2270 Crowson Zone 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------------- • 2170 Granite Zone 1 ----- 12060 Granite -Zone 1 51 - 61- .............................. ��-3---- 410 a ........................................................... 11111 2060 Granite Zone 3 --------- — 1980--G-ra-nit-e--Zo-n-e--2 -------------------------- 2060 ranite Zone 3 1980 Granite Zone 2 'Pressure Relief Valve Water Systern Operation and CIII" trol/1-6&rnetry and Supervisory Control System A telemetry and supervisory control system gathers information and can efficiently control a system by automatically optimizing facility operations. A telemetry and supervisory control system also provides instant alarm notification to operations personnel in the event of equipment failures, operational problems, fire, or other emergency situations. The master telemetry unit for the SCADA system is located at the WTP- The computerized system controls and monitors the entire water system, including levels in the storage facilities and pump station operations. All remote sites utilize radio transmitters and receivers that communicate with a signal repeater at Ashland Acres, which then sends the signal to the WTIP- Some programming and logic control features are only accessible locally at the facility. 2-16 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) t 11 77, ..... .... . 11 j Ij 7 ..... 717 I J 11 11 "AD jp�' - 1-- 119 .. ............. W HO......... ..... ........... I .... A It Wd �R .......... J.. ....... . ........ . 0 Lij........ .. U0, s .. ..... ... . . _j ........... RN _9 . . . . . . . . . . . z" Mat .............. Cm ...... ............................ .. ................. TEN 0 ........... E ........... ................... ........... .. NI N ... ..... .... ..... 4, "d R ... . ... ....... ... IN ...... ... . .... .............. .................... ...... I/V . . .......... ... TIP, V­�� .......... T ...... 44 1_0 d N, soff _Ile AS J­ ..................... ........ ....... A, . ...... . .............. MAI .......... ................ ..... . ..... .. .......... [34 Q so' A1A11/15//"­ A .......... ..... . . ...... Od (0 N, T ny ... . .. .. . . 14 ........ . . . . ..... ..... . .... ga OHIO, .. .. . .. . .. /glml I IF 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cy . ............ .. ...... ...... ......... . ...... W� //A A khrP ......... . A NwIlf . .......... ME OP/ a o/of 4 A% Yk Iowa FF ...... .... I ............. . .. ... ................... IS WHO/. . . .... . .... . \a, g .......... ""W .......... .. . .. ..... . q/ A/e/d/oll was., "IRA NOR OIWT7"Illm OF /;�,gmggo 7 /m "A A `aa . . . .. .... .. /g g gg ONE! 77 A/ a/r/P/1 4, 4 41 . . . ... ..... . . . . . . . . . .. . /m/ ...... ...... . . . . . . . 'M: ),)a . ........ . . 101. W 01 ............... , I I //,//" , , " .11,111ffl���,1,1,1,1,,,-�",�,,�,111,111"-"""I 111111­11­11 ............ . ... ...... . . .......... dio . .. . . . . . ", WMF///,/" NO ....... . ... .. ee zo di C RO u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N 3 LAND USE AND POPULA'TION II iil (� �� �I� I 3 11 ................ AND USE AND The City of Ashland's Water Master Plan was last updated in 2012. The plan was developed to satisfy the Oregon Health Division (OHD) water master plan requirements as outlined in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 333-61-060. The OAR requires, among other things., consistency between land use and utility plans and their implementation. This chapter demonstrates the compatibility of the City"s WMP with other plans, identifies the designated land uses within the existing and future service area, and presents population projections within the City"s planning area. Cornpatibil"Ity with Other Plans To ensure that the WMP is consistent with the land use policies that guide it and other related plans, the following planning documents were examined. • Oregon Statewide Planning Goals & Guidelines - Goal 14 Urbanization -OAR 660-015-000(14) • City of Ashland Comprehensive Plan * Jackson County Comprehensive Plan OIII egan State'wide Hanning Goa� 14 The State of Oregon's Statewide Planning Goal 14 addresses urbanization, with the goal "To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use, to accommodate urban population and urban employment inside urban growth boundaries, to ensure efficient use of the land, and to provide for livable communities.," As it pertains to water systems,. Goal 14 also states that "The type, location and phasing of public facilities and services are factors which should be utilized to direct urban expansion." BUJ rbar,i &,-owth Bouridary Goal 14 requires that Jackson County and the City cooperate in designating a UGB adjacent to the City"s existing corporate limits. The UGB is based on a demonstrated need to accommodate long range urban population and associated housing, employment opportunities, and other uses. The current LJGB is shown in Figure 3-1. Goal 14 requires that the UGB "be adopted by all cities within the boundary and by the county or counties within which the boundary is located, consistent with intergovernmental agreements." Consistency with population forecasting and plans for the provision of urban facilities and services are also required. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH3 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 8:02 AM) 3-1 CHAPTER 3 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Concurrency means that adequate public facilities and services be provided at the time growth occurs. For example, growth should not occur where schools, roads, and other public facilities are overloaded. To achieve this objective, growth should be directed to areas already served or readily served by public facilities and services. When public facilities and services cannot be maintained at an acceptable level of service, the new development should be prohibited. Ci-ty of As�-fland Comprel­)ensive Plan The City's Comprehensive Plan, most recently updated in August 2016, describes the City's vision of how growth and development should occur over a 20-year horizon. The Comprehensive Plan considers the general location of land uses., as well as the appropriate intensity and density of land uses given the current development and economic trends. The public services and transportation elements ensure that new development will be adequately serviced without compromising adopted levels of service. Jacksorl COUnty Comprehensive Nan The County adopted its first Comprehensive Plan in 1972. Subsequent revisions resulted from the County's first periodic review approved by the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) on April 11., 1994. Since then., further revisions occur as Jackson County continues the on -going process of inventorying and analyzing data,, reviewing alternative solutions, and responding to changes in local, regional, and state conditions to ensure that the plans and regulations remain in compliance with the statewide planning goals and local needs. The current version of the plan was adopted in 2015. The County's Comprehensive Plan guides development in both urban and rural, unincorporated Jackson County and designates land use in the unincorporated UGB. Similar to the City's Comprehensive Plan, the County's plan contains planning for transportation and public facilities and services in unincorporated Jackson County. Land Use The City limits currently encompass an area of' approximately 4,.240 acres,, or 6.6 square miles. The City's UGB encompasses approximately 714 acres outside of the current City limits., for a total area of 4,354 acres,, or 7.7 square miles. The existing retail water service area includes customers within the City limits as well as some customers outside of City limits., with areas in the UGB requiring annexation into the City limits for water service to be provided. The City's zoning, shown in Figure 3-1, guides development within the City. Zoning in the UGB but outside of the City limits is designated by the County., as shown in Figure 3-1. Approximately 79.2 percent of' the area within the current City Limits or, Water Service Area is designated for residential use, as indicated in Chart 3-1. Approximately 16.3 percent is designated for commercial, industrial, and mixed use, 4.4 percent is designated for Southern Oregon University, and 0.1 percent for open space. 3-2 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH3 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 8:02 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN LAND USE AND POPULATION Chart 3-1 Zoning Inside City Limits Commercial/l ndustrial/ ed Use 5.3% NEE= Within the City's unincorporated UGB and outside of the City limits., approximately 88.1 percent of the land area is designated for residential use, as shown in Chart 3-2. Approximately 8.3 percent of the land area is designated for commercial use, and the remaining 3.6 percent is designated for agricultural use. Chart 3-2 111111q 11111111 pliq Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH3 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 8:02 AM) Agriculture 3.6% 3-3 CHAPTER 3 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN ' 0 r,,,) I a ti, o n Household I rends The City's residential areas are comprised largely of single-family residences. The Census Bureau's 2015 American Community Survey (ACS) estimated a total of 10,372 housing units in the City, with 9,446 occupied and 926 vacant. The ACS-estimated average household size for 2015 was 2.10 persons. Existing and FLALA!,'e City Population The County has experience rapid population growth and extensive physical developments since 2000. The population of the County increased by approximately 18 percent from 2000 to 2016, based on Portland State University's Population Research Center (PRC) estimates. In contrast, the population of the City increased by only approximately 5 percent during the same period. Table 3-1 illustrates the historical population growth since 2000, with years 1995, 2000, and 2005 included for refence. Table Trends 3-1 i City Limits . . � i i, i, m,m,ni, i i i i, i, ii,m,ni, i, i, nlll���� „m,m,nMW�III�II „nall��l,nall��l„nilll����l, all��l, all�l,m,m,�i, nilll����l„nall����l,nalll„nilll���� 1995 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17,985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................... 2000 19,610 ---------------------------------- - - - - -2005 20,880 2010 20,095 2011 20,225 2- -01- - -2 ..................................................................... -- - - - -2013 20,325 20,295 2014 ------------------------- ............................................................ 20,340 2015 20,405 2016 . . . . . . ............................................................... 20,620 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Projected future growth for the City limits and unincorporated UB is shown in Table 3-2. Estimated UB and City limits population projections were provided on 5-year intervals by the PRC. Projected population for intermediate years was calculated by assuming a uniform population growth rate between the available PRC estimates for 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, and 2040. Therefore, the projected 2037 population was calculated by interpolating between the PRC"s 2035 and 2040 estimates. 3-4 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH3 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 8:02 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN LAND USE AND POPULATION Table 3-2 Population Trends within the City Limits 1 m i r 2017 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 211162 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 2018 ------------------------------------------ 211290 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ 2019 ------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 2101419 J 2020 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21,547 ---- ------------- 2021 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21,684 — - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21,821 — - - - - - - - - -------------------------- - 2023 (+f years) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. . . . . 21,1957 . . . . . . . . ............................................ . --------- 2024 22.,094 2025 2201231 2026 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 211252 ----------------- 2027 (+10► years) .............................................................................................................................. 22,474 2028 2.,5 9 6 2029 ............................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 2201718 — - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2030 22.,839 2031 ....................................................................... ----------- ----------- 22.,908 --------- -- 2032 — ------- 22.,977 --------------- ............................. . --------- 2033 -------23.,045 2034 23.,114 2035 ......................... -------------------------- 23.,183 2036 ......................................................................... -------------------- 23.,213 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... [ 2037 (+20 years) --------- ......................................................... . ----------- 23.224 Historic and projected population are shown in Chart 3-3. The population of the City limits is shown for years 1995 to 2016, and the population of the City limits and UGB are shown for 2016 to 2037. It is assumed that the entire UGB will be annexed into the City by the end of the 20-year planning period as described in the City"s Comprehensive Plan. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH3 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 8:02 AM) 3-5 lfu,ua rmwt� K CHAPTER 3 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN 30,000 28,000 26,000 24,000 22,000 20,000 1 8,000 .2 1 6,000 1 41000 CL IIIIIIIf 0 1 2,,000 1 0,000 8,000 6�000 4000 2,000 0 C� N� Water Sys Lem Population Chart 3-3 Population Projections Base Line Year: 2017 T ev Year Because the City requires properties to either annex into the City or experience failure with their existing private water system before water service is provided (unless unique circumstances exist), the population inside the City limits is roughly equivalent to the total water system population. For the purposes of estimating demands, the population projections in Table 3-2 will be used, with the understanding that the entire UGB is not anticipated to annex in to the City until the end of the City"s 20-year planning period. The system is expected to provide service to approximately 23,.244 customers by 2037. 3-6 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH3 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 8:02 AM) ... ..... .... .. ... .......... LO No j 4uuuum 011111111111111111EII DEMNDS IntrodLXtion A detailed analysis of system demands is crucial to the planning efforts of a water supplier. A demand analysis first identifies current demands to determine if the existing system can effectively provide an adequate quantity of water to its customers under the most crucial conditions,, in accordance with federal and state laws. A future demand analysis identifies projected demands to determine how much water will be needed to satisfy the water system's future growth and continue to meet federal and state laws. The magnitude of water demands is typically based on three main factors: 1) population; 2) weather; and 3) water use classification. Population and weather have the two largest impacts on water system demands. Population growth has a tendency to increase the annual demand, whereas high temperatures have a tendency to increase the demand over a short period of time. Population does not solely determine demand because different user types use varying amounts of water. The use varies based on the number of users in each customer class, land use density, and irrigation practices. Water use efficiency efforts also impact demands and can be used to accommodate a portion of the system's growth without increasing a system's supply capacity. Demands on the water system determine the size of storage reservoirs,, supply facilities, water mains, and treatment facilities. Several different types of demands were analyzed and are addressed in this chapter, including average day demand, maximum day demand, peak hour demand, fire flow demand, future demands, and a demand reduction forecast based on the Water Use Efficiency program. a Current Population and Service Connect I ons Wa L­&rUse Oassifications The City has divided water customers into eight different classes for billing purposes. These classes are: 1) Single-family; 2) Multi -family; 3) Commercial/Residential.; 4) Commercial; 5) Industrial; 6) Municipal; 7) Governmental; and 8) Irrigation. The demand analysis that follows will report on the water use patterns of these eight user groups. Residential Population Served The population within the City limits was 20,.620 in 2016, based on estimates from the Portland State University PRC. Chapter 3 contains a more detailed discussion of the City's population and household trends. As shown in Table 4-1,, the City provided water service to an average of 8,,796 connections in 2016. Approximately 7,826 connections (89 percent) were residential or mixed commercial/residential customers, 593 connections (7 percent) were commercial customers, Ill connections (I percent) were municipal or governmental customers, and the remaining 265 connections (3 percent) were irrigation connections. Multiple multi -family residential units (units represent individual Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-1 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN apartments, condominiums, or other components of a multi -family dwelling) are served by each multi -family connection, as shown in Table 4-2. Table 4-1 Average Annual Metered Consumption and Service Connections Single-family 61957 61964 71000 71022 71068 . 71105 . . 71127 ......................................................................................................................................... Multi -family 589 597 599 603 604 603 619 Commercial/Residential 58 62 62 65 72 76 80 Commercial 579 581 588 586 590 590 593 Industrial 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 Municipal 16 16 15 15 29 63 65 Government 96 101 106 98 101 63 46 Irrigation 372 376 339 208 201 201 265 Totals 81671 81699 81711 81597 81665 81701 81796 Single-family 48811001190 47410701759 506,821,036 533,363,462 48119661672 45515361334 46111251696 Multi -family 15216111315 14612761774 1581560,229 16316591886 15910441218 15213231802 14615291929 Commercial/Residential 819091187 91172988 917431138 1019801461 1015421835 1019511526 1110101907 Commercial 13611331308 137,649,340 14112141766 140,110,401 13415571956 13614431256 13612451374 Industrial 11022 409 275 0 0 0 0 Municipal 617841577 711551087 6,676,933 710911256 718181924 6111211481 7219161421 Government 4110421636 4117191040 4419641433 4911581394 7219901366 5516811857 3310831654 Irrigation 13213251776 115,967,240 13916131067 13719131590 18619281216 17713441959 20410991607 Totals 9651908112 932,011,636 1,007,593,876 1104212771451 1105318491187 1104914031215 1106510111589 Single-family 192 187 198 208 187 176 177 189 Multi -family .............. 709 671 723 743 722 693 647 ................................................................................ 701 ..................................................................... Commercial/Residential 418 409 426 466 401 395 375 413 Commercial 644 649 657 656 625 633 627 642 Industrial 1 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A ........................................................ 1 ................................................................................ Municipal 11150 11225 11190 1,295 734 21662 31045 11614 Government 11168 11128 11164 1371 11978 21412 11958 11597 Irrigation 974 844 11124 11815 21545 21418 21106 11690 Totals 305 294 317 332 333 330 331 320 4-2 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Table 4-2 Multi -family Units Existing Water Demands Water C&qSL.flrT)p,tion Water consumption is the amount of water used by all customers of the system., as measured by the customers meters. Table 4-1 shows the historical average number of connections, average annual consumption, and average daily consumption per connection of each customer class for the City from 2010 through 2016. The number of multi -family connections is less than the number of units served since one connection typically serves several units. Table 4-2 shows the historical approximate total of multi -family units, and the approximate average daily consumption per multi -family unit within the City"s water service area from 2010 through 2016. Total multi -family units are based on the ratio between multi -family units and multi -family connections., current as of June 21, 2017. As shown in Chart 4-1,, the Single Family class represents approximately 81 percent of all connections, but only 43 percent of total system consumption,, as shown in Chart 4-2. This is due to the lower consumption per connection of single-family residential customers as compared to other customer types. As shown in Table 4-1, single-family residential customers use an average of approximately 189 gpd per connection, compared to multi -family customers that use an average of approximately 701 gpd per connection., and commercial customers that use an average of approximately 642 gpd per connection. Since multiple units are typically served by one multi -family connection., Table 4-2 includes the average daily consumption per unit for the multi -family class, which historically has been approximately 90 gpd per unit. The lower consumption of multi -family customers is expected since the average household size of multi -family units is usually less than the average household size of single-family units, and multi -family units consume considerably less water for lawn and garden maintenance. Additionally, the higher consumption of commercial customers is expected since these customers include the system's highest individual water users. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-3 R N 01047%,,, CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Chart 4-1 2016 Water Connections by Customer Class N Chart 4-2 2016 Water Consumption by Customer Clasl Commercial/Residential 1% ME Table 4-3 shows the largest water users of the system in 2016 and their total amount of metered consumption for the year. The total water consumption of these 20 water accounts represented approximately 17 percent of the system"s total metered consumption in 2016. 4-4 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Table 4-3 2016 Largest Water Users City of Ashland, Water Department., Tracking ..................................................................................................... 2071 N. Hwy 99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55,471,845 ............................................................................................................... Ashland Parks Department ..................................................................................................... 551 Clay Street ------------------- 111424,503 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................................................................................................................... Ashland Parks Department ..................................................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 526 N. Mountain Avenue — -------- — 91906.,512 — ---------------------------------------- City of Ashland Mountain View Cemetery ..................................................................................................... 440 Normal Avenue 91519.,796 ____________________________________ CPM Real Estate Services, Inc. ..................................................................................................... 321 Clay Street . . . . . . . . . .. .................................................................................... 81940,.844 .......................................................... . . . . . ..................................... ................................................................................................................................................... Southern Oregon University ..................................................................................................... 1361 Quincy Street - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------------- - 81168.,908 SOU/Physical Plant Department ..................................................................................................... 1165 Ashland Street 81146,.468 ................................................................................................................................................... Ashland Community Health Care System ...................................................................................................... -------------------------------------------------- 280 Maple Street 81108.,619 ................................................................................................................................................... Ashland Springs Hotel ..................................................................................................... ---------------------------------------------- L?525 A��har�d Street . . . . . . . . . . 61294.,420 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................. Southern Oregon University ....................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 Wightman Street .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51483,,408 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................... Ashlander Apartments .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... -------------------------- 2234 Siskiyou Boulevard 51426.,740 Ashland Parks Department ..................................................................................................... 1699 Homes Avenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51262.,030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................... Ashland Public Schools ..................................................................................................... — ------ 1070 Tolman Creek Road 41957.,894 .................................................................................................................................................... Ashland Assisted Living LIC ...................................................................................................... ---------------------------------------------- 950 Skylark Place 41921.,167 ................................................................................................................................................... Ashland Springs Hotel ..................................................................................................... - - - - - - - - - - --------------------------- 212 E. Main Street ........................ . ------------ 31964.,400 ..................................................................................................................................................... Oregon State Hwy ...................................................................................................... ------------------------ — 2488 Ashland Street ---------- 31912,.414 .................................................................................................................................................... Windsor ..................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... ------- . 2520 Ashland Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................................................... 31721.300 ........ ........................................................................................................................................... Ashland Parks Department ...................................................................................................... ------------------ 2 Winburn Way 31698,#860 ................................................................................................................................................... Ashland Springs Hotel IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2525 Ashland Street 3,640067 .067 2016 Largest Water Users Total ..................................................................................................... ------------------------------------- 176.,67, 4443 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................... 2016 Water System Total ..................................................................................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11065,.011.,589 .............. fercent of Total 17% Residential demand varies throughout the year, typically peaking in the hot summer months. Other customer types often peak at different times or have different peaking factors because their uses differ. The demand of single-family residential customers in the City generally peaks in the summer, as shown in Chart 4-3. Multi -family residential, commercial/residential, and commercial consumption also typically peak in the summer, as shown in Chart 4-4., Chart 4-5., and Chart 4-6 (note that the scales vary for each chart for clarity). Industrial consumption, shown in Chart 4-7, is very low during the 2010 to 2016 timeframe, and includes an unexplained peak in September of 2010 that is likely an error or anomaly. Municipal and governmental consumption, shown in Chart 4-8 and Chart 4-9, do not follow consistent patterns of use from year to year. Irrigation consumption, shown in Chart 4-10, is close to zero in the winter and peaks during the hot summer Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WIMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-5 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN months. The City reads most meters every month as shown in Chart 4-3, Chart 4-4, Chart 4-5., Chart 4-6, Chart 4-7, Chart 4-8, Chart 4-9,, and Chart 4-10. Chart 4-3 Historical Monthly Single -Family Consumption Chart 4-4 Historical Monthly Multi -Family Consumption 4-6 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Chart 4-5 Historical Monthly Commercial/Residential Consumption Historical Monthly Commercial Consumption Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-7 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Chart 4-7 Historical Monthly Industrial Consumption Historical Monthly Municipal Consumption 4-8 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Chart 4-9 Historical Monthly Governmental Consumption Historical Monthly Irrigation Consumption Chart 4-11 shows the ratio of monthly consumption to average annual consumption for each of the eight customer classes. The relatively high summer peaking factors of the City's residential and irrigation customers are illustrated clearly in Chart 4-11. The extremely low consumption of the City's industrial customers during the 2010 to 2016 analysis period results in exaggerated peaking factors for this customer class, which is presented for reference only. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) M CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Chart 4-11 Average Monthly Peaking Factors by Customer Class Water St Apply Water supply, or production,, is the total amount of water supplied to the system,, as measured by the meters at source of supply facilities. Water supply is different than water consumption in that water supply is the recorded amount of water put into the system and water consumption is the recorded amount of water taken out of the system. The measured amount of water supply of any system is typically larger than the measured amount of water consumption, due to non -metered water use and water loss, which will be described more in the Water Loss section. Table 4-4 summarizes the total amount of water supplied to the system from 2010 through 2018.Production data for the years 2017 and 2018 were provided in early 2019 during completion of this Plan and are included herein. In general, the amount of water consumed by the City's customers has grown slightly from 2010 to 2018. This slight increase can likely be attributed to development and the small population increase the City has undergone during this time period. 4-10 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS J, 94 -------------------- 9431421.,100 ---------------------- ............................. .................. ..................................................................................................... 11058,786,700 .............................. ......................................................... ......................... 0 98879017814 00 2016 off 1 00 2.74 2017 ...................................................................................................... -------------------- 1705478647551 ------ -------- 2.89 1 I l i 1wr I • Like most other water systems, the City-s water use varies seasonally. Chart 4-12 shows the historical amount of water supplied to the City"s system for each month from 2010 to 2016. Chart 4-12 Average Monthly Peaking Factors by Customer Class Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-11 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN As shown in Chart 4-12, water supply increases significantly during summer months, primarily due to irrigation. The City's highest water use typically occurs in July and August. On average, the amount of water supplied during these 2 months is approximately 30 percent of the total supply for the entire year. Chart 4-13 shows the monthly water supply by source for 2015, a drought year when water was supplied from all three of the City's supply sources. Typically, water is supplied only from the Reeder Reservoir, but water is supplemented from TID and the TAP BPS during drought years to meet demand. Chart 4-14 shows the monthly water supply for 2010, a non -drought year when water was supplied only from the Reeder Reservoir. Chart 4-15 shows the annual water supply by source from 2010 to 2016. The years 2013 to 2015 reflect the City's supply data during years where due to drought or other conditions,, TID and the TAP BPS were used to meet the required water demand. 2015 Monthly Water Supply Source 4-12 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Chart 4-14 2016 Monthly Water Supply Source Chart 4-15 Annual Water Supply by Source Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-13 R m OW���;, CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Wat..-Ier I oss The difference between the amount of water supply and the amount of authorized water consumption is the amount of water loss. There are many sources of water loss in a typical water system, including water system leaks, inaccurate supply metering, inaccurate customer metering, illegal water system connections or water use, fire hydrant usage, water main flushing, and malfunctioning telemetry and control equipment resulting in reservoir overflows. Several of these types of usages, such as water main flushing and fire hydrant usage, may be considered authorized uses if they are tracked and estimated. Although real losses from the distribution system, such as reservoir overflows and leaking water mains, should be tracked for accounting purposes, these losses must be considered water loss. A comparison of the Citys water production/supply totals with consumption totals for the years 2012 through 2018 shows that for the year 2012, metered consumption exceeded metered production. This is likely due to incorrect accounting and results in the calculation of a negative water loss percentage for this year, as shown in Table 4-5. Data for the years 2010 and 2011 also appeared incorrect and are not included herein. The City updated its calculation method and provided updated data for the years 2014 through 2018 as shown in the table. For the last two years, which likely are more representative of the actual system,, water loss is estimated at 7 percent. Table 4-5 Water Loss Authorized Consumption (AC) Metered Customers Use (gal) 1100715931876 1,042,277,451 90311941843 92115751446 96110521470 95113481523 9621416,066 Total Authorized 1007593,876 1042277,11111111 451 912487938 918202115 963962674 957348419 97014621679 Consumption (gal) 1111 Total Production (TP) Total Production Supply (gal) 968,775,300 11058,768,700 96713351304 98819011814 1100010341998 110541864,551 1105714991874 Water Loss (TP - AC) Total Water Loss (gal) -3818181576 16,509,249 5418471366 7016991699 3610721324 9715161132 Total Water Loss (%) -4.0% 1.6% 5.7% 7.1% -3.6% 9.2% 871037,295 8.2% Rolling 3-year Average Water -2% 0% 1 % 5% 5% 7% 7% Loss (%) .............. The City intends to continue to reduce the amount of water loss in the system through managing leaks and by ongoing pipe replacement. The City will also continue to improve the tracking and reporting of production, consumption, and other authorized water uses (such as hydrant flushing), including coordination with the fire department. Per Capita Dernands Table 4-6 presents the computation of the existing system per capita demand based on 2016 data. As shown in the upper portion of the table, the total residential population served by the City's 4-14 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS water system in 2016 was approximately 20,620. This population served, and the City's total water consumption in 2016, were used to arrive at the existing per capita demand of 141 gpd. Table 4-6 Historical Average Daily Demand As shown in Table 4-3,, in 2016, the Southern Oregon University and the City of Ashland Water Department accounted for approximately seven percent of the City's water consumption. Since these customers are not anticipated to annually increase their consumption in the future, the use of the existing system per capita demand of 133 gpd would not be accurate for projecting future demands. Therefore, an additional computation of per capita demand was performed to provide a more accurate estimate for use in forecasting future water demand. The computation of future per capita demand shown in Table 4-7 is based on a reduced proportion of demand that is likely to be more representative of the future type of demand to occur in the City's system. Specifically, the demands for the City of Ashland Water Department and the Southern Oregon University were excluded from the total annual consumption, and an adjusted annual consumption was calculated. The estimated per capita demand of 123 gpd is used later in this chapter to forecast water demands in future years based on future population estimates. Table 4-7 Future per Capita Demand Projection Derriands Per Pressure Zone Table 4-8 shows the average demand of each of the City's 14 existing pressure zones. These data were developed using the City's hydraulic model estimated demand allocations. The City's two largest pressure zones,. the 2425 Crowson Zone 1 and the 2170 Granite Zone 1, account for Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-15 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN approximately 60 percent of the total system demand. Figure 2-1 in Chapter 2 displays the City's pressure zones. Table 4-8 2016 Demands by Pressure Zone 2170 Granite Zone 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 42573337455 809 . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................ . . . . 42.5% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................. 1980 Granite Zone 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5879857041 112 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------ ................................................ 5.9% . . . . . . . . . . ................................. 2060 Granite Zone 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5670847301 — — --------- 107 5.6% .................................................................................................. 2425 Crowson Zone 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 20178867479 — 384 — --------- - - - - - - - - ------------------ 20.2% 2200 Crowson Zone 2 ........................................................................................................................................................ ----------------- 5571647066 105 --------------------- 5.5% 2270 Crowson Zone 3 ......................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1770747354 . 32 ........................................ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------- 1.7% 2640 Crowson Zone 4 ......................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271707553 . 4 ......................................................................................... -------------------- . ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0.2% 2270 Crowson Zone 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 178607474 --------- 4 . . . . . ............. 0.2% 2290 Crowson Zone 6 ........................................................................................................................................................ ----------------- 1457957�217 278 — — — — — — — — — — ---------------------------- 14.6% 2570 Crowson Zone 7 ------ ----------------------------------- 607015 ---------- 0 . . . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................................... 0.0% .................................................................................................. 2610 Crowson Zone 8 ....................................................................................................................................................... 379717013 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------- 0.4% ................................................................................................... 2586 Fallon Zone 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ ----------------- 370857787 6 0.3% 2470 Fallon Zone 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 51186,322 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................ 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................................................................. 0.5% 2559 Alsing Zone 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... ---- -------------------------- 237215,920 ...... ------ . . . . . . . . .................................... 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............................................................................................................... 2.3% Total 1, 000, 034, 998 t 17903 100.0% Equivalent Residential Units The demand of each customer class can be expressed in terms of ERUs for demand forecasting and planning purposes. One ERU is equivalent to the amount of water used by a single-family residence. The number of ERUs, represented by the demand of the other customer classes is determined from the total demand of' the customer class and the unit demand per ERU from the single-family residential demand data. Tables 4-9A, 4-9B, and 4-9C present the computed number of ERUs for each customer class from 2010 through 2016. The demands shown are based on the consumption totals of each customer class. Because the City revised its accounting methodology and provided updated total consumption data as shown in Table 4-4, the sum of the consumption data for each customer class shown in Table 4-9C does not match the total consumption data shown in Table 4-4. This does not significantly impact the ERU calculation. In years where there were active industrial connections, their use was minimal and represents less than I ERU for the given year. The average demand per ERU from 2010 through 2016 (7-year average) was 189 gpd. 4-16 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF 1 WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS � - I • 1 I I I I I I I i i i I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, � �I �I �I I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, r r r �I r I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, • • • / / / • w • • • • / • 2015 / • / • 1 • 4611125,.696 Il 71127 i► I , •0• * �� • * • I w 4 N 980 / • �ir I / 10.,542,835 i�lr • 0 • • • i i i ll�ii�������������������������������������������r I i ----------------81909.,187 • • • 8 8 it • • / 0► • it • •80 / • /10.,542.,835 it • • • • Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-17 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 4-9B Equivalent Residential Units -Continued 2010 ........................................................................................................................................................ . . .2011 579 136,133,308 192 11940 581 137,649,340 187 2,017 2012 ........................................................................................................................................................ . . .-------------------- 588 141,214,766 198 11956 2013 ........................................................................................................................................................ . . ................................................................................................ 586 140,110,401 ................ 20. . . . . . . ....................................................................................................................................8 11845 2014 ........................................................................................................................................................ . . .2015 590 134,557,956 187 11973 ........................................................................................................................................................ . . .2016 590 136,443,256 176 21126 593 136, 245,............................................................................................................................ .374. . . . . . 177 2,106 EmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilI 111111111110m 2010 3 11022 192 0 2011 2 409 187 0 2012 ........................................................................................................................................................ . . .2013 2 27. . . . . . . .5 198 0 0 0 208 0 2014 ......... 0 -2015 0 187 0 0 0 176 0 2016 0 0 177 0 Millillilillillillillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillillillillill= 2010....................................................................................................................................................... - 16 6,784,577 192 97 2011 ....................................................................................................................................................... -2012....................................................................................................................................................... 16 7,155,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .087. . . . . 187 105 . 15. . . . . 6,. . .67. . . . . .6,. . . .9. .33 198 92 2013 . ....... -- - - - - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------- 15 7,091,256 208 93 2014 ....................................................................................................................................................... .2015 29 7,818,924 187 115 . ........................ . -------------------2016. 63 61,121,481 176 953 ......................................................................... 65 72,916,421 177 1,127 4-18 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Ij .................. 41,.042.,636_ 411719,040 44,964,433 9966 ........................................................... .......................................................................................... ---- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,083• ., .............. ... 81.1"t 111j111j111j",j", jj j,,,j,, - l" =192-, f -2- "1 f 132,325.,776 --------------------------------------- -2 115,9671240 ............................... . ........ 339 1391613,067 • 11928 137,913,590 1861928,216 • A f 01 1 2 204,099.,607 fill 2010 f ff 9 W 0 11007.,593.,876 ---------------------- 1 1 05 3,849., 18 7 ,049,403,215 ------------ 106 89 The average demand per ERU from 2013 of 208 gpd will be used later in this chapter to forecast ERUs in future years based on estimated future demands. This demand per ERU value also will be used to determine the capacity (in terms of ERUs) of the existing system in Chapter 5. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-19 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Aver -age Dady Dernand ADD is the total amount of water delivered to the system in a year divided by the number of days in the year. The ADD is determined from the historical water use patterns of the system and can be used to project future demands within the system. ADD data typically are used to determine standby storage requirements for water systems. Standby storage is the volume of a reservoir used to provide water supply under emergency conditions when supply facilities are out of service. Yearly water production records from the City's supply sources and customer water use records were reviewed to determine the system"s ADD. The system's average day demand from 2010 through 2018 is shown in Table 4-4. Maximum Day Dernand IVIDD is the maximum amount of water used throughout the system during a 24-hour time period of a given year. IVIDD typically occurs on a hot summer day when lawn watering is occurring throughout much of the system. In accordance with Oregon Department of Human Services design standards, the distribution system shall provide fire flow at a minimum pressure of 20 psi during IVIDD (i.e. maximum day demand) conditions. Supply facilities (e.g. wells, springs, pump stations, interties) are typically designed to supply water at a rate that is equal to or greater than the system"s MDD. Because water use restrictions have been in place for 2014 through 2015, 2013 data was used to determine typical peaking factors for the water system. Fifteen -minute interval water production and reservoir level records from 2013 were reviewed to determine the system"s IVIDD. The City's IVIDD occurred on July 26,, 2013, when temperatures reached approximately 100 degrees Fahrenheit and were in the 90s or over 100 the days before and after. As shown in Table 4-10,, the demand of the system on July 26,.2013,. or MDD,. was 4.,106 gpm. Maximum Day Demands and Peaking Factors I 4-20 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS PHD is the maximum amount of water used throughout the system, excluding fire flow, during a one -hour time period of a given year. The PHD,, like the MDD, is typically determined from the combined flow of water into the system from all supply sources and reservoirs. Five-minute interval reservoir level and water production records were reviewed to evaluate the PHD. As shown in Table 4-10,, the City's PHD for 2013 was 9,,784 gpm, which occurred on August 5 th from 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM. Table 4-10 also shows the peaking factors of the water system based on the ADD., PDD., and the PHD data. ow Demand vre Fire flow demand is the amount of water required during firefighting as defined by applicable codes. Fire flow requirements are established for individual buildings and expressed in terms of flow rate (gpm) and flow duration (hours). Fighting fires imposes the greatest demand on the water system because a high rate of water must be supplied over a short period of time., requiring each component of the system to be properly sized and configured to operate at its optimal condition. Adequate storage and supply is useless if the transmission or distribution system cannot deliver water at the required rate and pressure necessary to extinguish a fire. General planning -level fire flow requirements were established for the different land use categories to provide a target level of service for planning and sizing future water facilities in areas that are not fully developed. The general planning -level fire flow requirement for each land use category is shown in Table 4-11. The water system analyses presented in Chapter 5 are based on an evaluation of the water system for providing sufficient fire flow in accordance with these general planning -level fire flow requirements. The fire flow requirements shown in Table 4-11 do not necessarily equate to actual existing or future fire flow requirements for all buildings, since this is typically based on building size, construction type, and fire suppression systems provided. Improvements to increase the available fire flow to meet actual fire flow requirements greater than those shown in Table 4-11 shall be the responsibility of the developer. Table 4-11 General Planning -Level Fire Flow Requirements Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-21 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN utt ire Water, Demands Basis for Projecting Dernands Future demands were calculated from the results of the future per capita demand computation shown in Table 4-7 and the projected population data from Chapter I Future demand projections were computed with and without water savings expected from implementing conservation measures. The City's conservation program presents a goal to reduce the system -wide average daily demand from projected non -conservation demand by 5 percent by 2020,,15 percent by 2030, and 20 percent by 2050. or-ecasts and Conservation Dernand I Table 4-12 presents the projected water demand forecast for the City's water system. The actual average daily demand data from 2016 also is shown for comparison purposes. The future ADDS were projected based on population estimates for the given years and the estimated demand per capita value of 123 gpcd. Historical average demands for SOU and the Ashland Water Department were added to other customer demands. The 123 gpcd value already assumes any potential water loss,, so water loss is not added in separately. The MDDs and PHDs shown were computed from the projected ADDS and the existing system peaking factors shown in Table 4-10 and Chart 4-16. The future demand projections are shown with and without estimated reductions in water use from achieving conservation goals. Table 4-12 Future Demand Projections Population Data Population in Water Service 201620 21,162 211290 211419 211547 211684 211182 211957 22.1474 231244 Area Average Day Demand (gpm) Demand without 1,823 21203 2,214 21225 21236 21247 21259 21271 2,315 21380 Conservation Demand with Conservation 2,176 21160 21144 21129 21120 21111 21102 2,067 21039 Maximum Day Demand (gpm) Demand without 41106 41491 4513 4535 41558 41581 405 4,629 41718 4,852 Conservation .............. Demand with Conservation 41435 41403 41371 41340 41322 41304 41286 41213 41156 Peak Hour Demand (gpm) Demand without 91784 10,699 101752 101805 101858 101915 101972 111028 11,242 111560 Conservation Demand with Conservation 10,567 10,490 10415 10,341 10,297 10,254 10,211 10,037 9,901 2016 Maximum Day Demand and Peak Hour Demand values are based on actual average day demand amounts for the given year and typical peaking factors, and do not necessarily represent actual peak demands for 2016. 2 Projected population data beyond 2016 is based on projected UGB population plus City limits population, as shown in Table 3-2. 4-22 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS The analysis and evaluation of the existing water system with proposed improvements, as presented in Chapters 2 and 5, is based on the 2037 projected demand data without conservation reductions. This ensures that the future system will be sized properly to meet all requirements, whether or not additional water use reductions are achieved. However, the City will continue to pursue reductions in water use by implementing the current conservation program. Chart 4-16 Maximum Day Demand Projections MaxiMUm Day Demand Projections WW aw wow W. &,00 Ifth" awn, Wow 4XW aft NOM", mlwa dision, mauummiw gionnif" -nnp M11011, -1m, dinuir, 'n"af, -Historic MDD tuft ASM MDD Without Conservation lfmmft -1, MDD With Conservation 2025 2030 2035 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WIMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-23 M POW CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN F 'u ture ER(Js Table 4-13 presents the existing and projected ERUs of the system. The ERU forecasts are based on the projected water demands from Table 4-12 and the average demand per ERU that was computed from actual 2013 data. Table 4-13 Future ERU Projections Demand Data (gpm)l ADD without Conservation 1,823 21203 21214 2,225 2,236 2,247 21259 21271 2,315 2,380 ADD with Conservation 21176 21160 21144 2,129 2,120 21111 21102 2,067 2,039 ERU Basis Data (gpd/ERU) Demand per ERU without Conservation 177 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 Demand per ERU with 206 203 201 198 196 194 193 186 178 Conservation Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs) Total System ERUs 161461 15,244 15,319 15,395 15,471 15,551 15,632 15,712 16,017 161470 Demand data calculated as in Table 4-12. 4-24 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) Illlllll JJJJJJ % %% / '%/ / Q %%%%%i 1 5 WA 011111111111111111EII SYSIH1111111111111111111PENA ANALYSIS I n t ro d U ctio n This chapter presents the capacity analysis of the City"s water system. Individual water system components were analyzed to determine the ability to meet policies and design criteria under existing and future water demand conditions (presented in Chapter 4). The analyses below cover supply, storage, pumping, pressure zones, and distribution piping. The policies and criteria are summarized below for each analysis. Recommendations are discussed in this chapter and captured in the recommended Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) in Chapter 6. Changes Since Last Water Master Han Since completion of the City's last Water Master Plan, several improvements have been decided upon and implemented that influence the system analysis. These include the following: • Construction of the TAP Emergency Supply System. This new emergency supply provides MWC water to the City and makes use of the City"s Lost Creek Reservoir water rights • Construction of the New Park Estates Booster Pump Station. This pump station upgrade provides a much higher level of' reliability and fire protection for customers at the highest elevations in the City. Construction of the New Terrace Street Booster Pump Station. This pump station upgrade improves the City"s ability to boost TO supply in the Ashland Canal to the WTP and new WTP. New Water Treatment Plant Decision on Capacity and Location. The new WTP is planned to be a 7.5 MGD capacity plant (expandable to 10 MGD). The location of the plant is at the granite quarry southwest of the Granite Reservoir. Pipe Improvement Projects. Several pipe improvements have been made related to new development and improving distribution system capacity. Gene14 Systern ChaHenges The following summarizes the overall challenges to the water system. Goals for addressing these challenges are also listed and the analyses throughout this report reflect these goals. ChHenge 1: Movhng from a Gravity System -to a Partial Gravity Systern The majority of' the City"s customers are currently served entirely through a gravity supply system. With construction of the new WTP, located lower in elevation than the existing plant., approximately half of the City"s supply will need to be boosted through a new booster pump station. The size of this pump station and ongoing pumping costs can be reduced by reducing demands in the high-pressure zones. This can be accomplished by reducing the use of PRVs that supply water from higher zones to lower zones and by improving the ability of the lower zones to serve low elevation customers (see Supply Analysis below for further detail). Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-1 ;t', mu12 M011# CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Goal: Reduce pumping to Crowson Zones: • Improve Granite Zone transmission capacity; o Extend piping to serve low elevation customers in Crowson Zone 6; • Reduce/eliminate PRVs supplying from Crowson or Alsing Zones to Granite Zones. Cha��H�&nge 21: Granite Reservoir is Aghr­ig and in a Poor Location The Granite Reservoir is in poor condition and requires major improvements to remain functional and safe. In addition, the reservoir is located in Ashland Creek, which places the reservoir at risk of flood damage and ongoing deterioration. With construction of one or two new clearwells at the new WTP site,, the storage volume requirements for the Granite Zones are replaced so that the City could take this reservoir offline. However,, the reservoir at its current location is important to the operation of the TAP Emergency Supply into Granite Zone 1. See Storage Analysis below for further details. Goal: Abandon the existing Granite Reservoir without compromising system hydraulics: 0 Confirm ability of TAP system to function without a terminal reservoir; 0 Confirm if WTP clearwells can replace the Granite tank functionality; 0 Consider a new Granite Zone Reservoir. ChAenge 3: Oversized Alsing Reservoir For many years the City has dealt with water quality challenges in the Allsing Reservoir, which is oversized for the current service area that it serves. The low demands on the reservoir result in poor water turnover and lead to water quality issues. The City has adjusted the Hillview Pump Station setpoints to temporarily alleviate the water quality issue by keeping the reservoir partially full. However, this is not a long-term solution and the City's total stored volume is less than it could be to support an emergency. See Storage Analysis below for further details. Goal: Expand Alsing Reservoir service area to achieve reservoir turnover. Ch- Fire eficiencies at Highest Customers (Park Estates aond South Mountain) Despite construction of the new Park Estates BPS,, the water system cannot provide the anticipated fire flows of 2,,000 gpm to hydrants in the boosted pressure zone (Crowson Zone 8). This is because the 8-inch pipes serving the area are undersized for this amount of flow. Additionally, high elevation customers at the top of South Mountain Street have very low pressures during fire flows and could be better served by the boosted zone (currently served by Crowson Zone 1). Goal: Increase pipe sizes upstream of the Park Estates BPS.- • Expand Crowson Zone 8 to connect to Crowson Zone 4; • Reconnect piping for high Crowson Zone 1 customers to Crowson Zone 4. Cha��H�enge 5 . ....... I A I.') I ....... ... irnergency Supply Cannot Reach Crowson Zo��--ie ""' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I The TAP Booster Pump Station can supply water during an emergency to customers in the Granite Zones, which comprise approximately half of all system demands, but cannot boost water as high as the Crowson Zones. In the case of a WTP outage for more than one day, the water system needs 5-2 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS a way to boost water to meet the demands of all customers, including those in the higher pressure zones. See Pump Station Analysis for further details. Goal: Identify the location for permanent pump station. Because the City has a location for a temporary pump to boost water from the Granite Zone to the Crowson Zone., this project could be delayed as needed. ChaHenge 6: Pressure Extremes hr­i Mw­iy I ... o c at i o or­i s Due to the large variation in elevations within each pressure zone., the water system has many locations of low and very high pressures. See Pressure Zone Analysis below for further details. ('.,'.'hal&nge'7-. Inability to Meet Higher Fire low Staor­ldards Many neighborhoods in the water system were originally built for lower fire flow rates; such as those with 4-inch diameter pipes. These areas are unable to meet the City"s updated criteria to provide 1,500 gpm in residential areas and 4,,000 gprn for non-residential customers. See Fire Flow Analysis below for further details. Goal: Build in distribution capacity, concurrent with road improvement projects to reduce costs. U-iaHenge 8: PotentU Storage Deficiency Storage volume evaluations in the past have identified storage deficiencies in the Crowson and Granite Zones. However, these deficiencies are highly dependent on the emergency scenario for which the City is planning. See Storage Analysis below for further details. Goal: Revise criteria to account for new redundant', reliable supply sourcel 3 � U-iaknge 9: any Aging, Undersized I "pes Despite the City"s ongoing pipe replacements, many pipes in the water system are aging and are undersized for current day pressure criteria. See Pressure Analysis below for further details. Goal: Replace aging pipes as budget allows, and concurrent with road improvement projects to reduce costs. a Sur,,,,, -,,)ply Evaluatl I Oil This section evaluates the City"s water supplies for meeting existing and future demands of the water service area. SLJ��F,)Ply Criteria Table 5-1 presents the City"s Supply Level of Service Goals. These goals are continued from the City's last master planning efforts. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-3 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 5-1 Supply Level of Service Goals Have sufficient supply to meet projected demands that have reduced based on achieving 5 percent Water System Capacity additional conservation from base year 2009. However, City will have a goal of achieving 15 percent conservation. ....................................................................................................................................................... . ...................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................ Community will accept curtailments of 45 percent Water System Reliability during a severe drought. The City will prioritize ....................................................................................................................................................... . source water available during drought conditions. .................................... ---------- . . . . . . . . . ..................................................................................................................................................... Implement redundant supply projects to restore fire protection and supply for indoor water use shortly Water System Redundancy after a treatment plant outage. Supply ADD with ....................................................................................................................................................... redundant supply. — — — — ---------------------- Meet or exceed all current and anticipated regulatory Regulatory Requirements requirements, including cross -connection program ......................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . improvements. . . . . . . . ...................................... . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................... Sis Each supply level of service goal is evaluated for the City"s water system as follows. Wa-Ler Sys L&m Capacity The planned capacity of the new WTP is more than adequate to supply the projected 2040 Maximum Day Demands (MDD) and beyond (Figure 5-1); thus,, the City amply meets the water system capacity level of service goal. Wal-.-,er Systei-n ReHabHity During water supply disruption or drought conditions the City"s supply strategy is as follows in order of priority: 1. Supply East/West Fork Ashland Creek water as available to the new WTP (stored in Reeder Reservoir and soon to be able to bypass Reeder Reservoir). 2. Supplement Ashland Creek water with TID water to the new WTP. 3. Use the TAP Supply System to supply water from MWC. 4. Curtail supply according to the City's Water Curtailment Plan. 5-4 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Figure 5-1 New WTP Capacity vs. Maximum Day Demand Projections �New WTP Capacity vs. Vlaxin'iuism -)Jections 101.00 9.00 8.00 E0�1' MONSOON, MONSOON" MINUEND MONSOON, MONSOON* NONUNION, MINIMUM IN TOO *W'W'W 1W low Ifft OW ft" ft" Ift 00 ow ow a* ow flu E 6.00 0) 5.00 10 41.00 ... .. ................ MDD (No Conservation) (mgd flu 3.00 Um, D (With Conservation) (mgd) 2.00 WTP Capacity (7.5 rngd) ................................................................................. 1.00 01.00 2020 2025 2030 2035 20401 Ye a r Water Systern Redundancy With construction of the TAP Supply System, the City meets the first part of the water system redundancy level of service goal. However, neither the firm nor total capacity of the TAP BPS is able to meet ADD without conservation in the case of'a WTP outage (see Figure 5-2). Figure 5-2 presents the projected ADD with and without the planned conservation goals as presented in Chapter 2. To meet the water system redundancy goal, the City plans to expand the TAP Emergency Supply system to a firm capacity of'3.0 MGD (firm capacity is the total capacity with the largest. This capacity exceeds the projected ADD with conservation and is slightly less than ADD without conservation. Expansion of the TAP supply system entails adding an additional pump in the TAP Pump Station,, adding a backup generator that is able to power the firm capacity of 3.0 MGD of supply., pipeline transmission improvements., and likely other improvements in the TAP Emergency Supply system upstream of the City's TAP Pump Station. Expansion of the TAP Regional Booster Pump Station and Talent Booster Pump Station will be evaluated in the TAP Water Master Plan to be completed in the next year with the Cities of Phoenix and Talent. These recommended projects to meet the supply redundancy level of service goal are included in Chapter 6. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-5 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Figure 5-2 TAP Supply vs. Average Day Demand Projections TAP Emergency Supply vs. Average Day Deirriaind Projections 3.50 lllfllr 1M'Aw N"' NW, A* MN ," "� 0100 00 0111�11, 3.00 . . ...... .. .. . . . aw -11, 0111 , • ,1 ,�. f / //i �.:6'ai, f/, fi. frUO JOO /, IXl/ JO. J6br �/Or ///r irr, .. 2,50 1.00 -----,,ADD (No Conservation) (mgd) -ADD (Witery h Consation) (mgd) 0150 TAP BPS Firm Capacity (2.0 mgd) —TAP BPS Total Capacity (3.0 mgdl) 01.00 .................................................................................................... . . ................................................................................. - — ------------------------------------------ 2020 2025 2030 2035 Ye a r The City is meeting all regulatory requirements including those for cross -connection control. However, City staff think it would be prudent to implement the cross -connection control program more aggressively; this is discussed further in the City's 2019 Operations and Maintenance Plan. New W I I Integration with Existing Systern Integration of the new WTP into the City's existing system was evaluated as part of this WMP. Assumptions for the location and assumed infrastructure are based on the recommendations in Ashland Water Treatment Plant Technologies Alternatives Report (HDR, March 20,2019) (Report). The storage components of the new WTP currently include two 0-85-MG clearwells. To save upfront costs, the City is planning to only construct one clearwell at first, and then implement the second as budget allows. Combined, the 1.7-MG capacity of the two clearwells replaces the storage requirements supplied by the Granite Reservoir (see Storage Analysis below). After reviewing alternatives with City staff, it is recommended that the City not construct a second clearwell at the new WTP, but instead construct a new Granite Zone Reservoir elsewhere in the system. As discussed in General System Challenges above, the site of the new WTP is at an elevation that results in approximately half of the City's demands located higher than the new WTP, and half located below the new WTP (Figure 5-3). Supply to the zones above the WTP require water to be boosted to these customers with a new "WTP to Crowson" Booster Pump Station. This pump station is planned to be constructed with the new WTP. Assuming an elevation of the new pump station of 2255 ft (as provided in the Report), 5-6 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS the pump station static head should be approximately 170 ft to meet Crowson Reservoir overflow elevation (2425 ft). A total head of 200 feet was assumed for hydraulic modeling. The capacity of the new pump station depends on continued reliance of the PRVs from the Crowson Zones to the Granite Zones. Based on discussions with City staff and the output of the City's hydraulic model, the City"s current water system operates to supplement the Granite Zone 1 demands through several PRVs coming from the Crowson Zone. As seen in Figure 5-3,, these are PRVs 8, 9,, 14, 15, 16, 18, and 20. During PHD, the supply through these PRVs can be as much as 1,.400 gpm according to the hydraulic model. This indicates that the Granite Zone is relying on the Crowson Reservoir to provide PHD, which should ideally come from the Granite Reservoir where peak hour demands for the zone are stored. To minimize the size and ongoing pumping costs of the WTP to Crowson pump station, the City could implement changes to reduce the water that drains from the Crowson Zones to zones that can be supplied by gravity from the new WTP. To reduce water draining through the Crowson to Granite PRVs,, the Granite Zone 1 piping requires better transmission capacity in order to maintain the hydraulic grade across the zone and thereby use the PRVs less often. The City's hydraulic model was used to simulate pipe size changes to achieve this result. Granite Street Pipe and Va�vh�-ig The first pipe identified for improvement is the main transmission supply pipe in Granite Street that supplies water from the Granite Reservoir to the Granite Zone customers. The existing Granite Street pipe is a combination of old 12-inch,. 14-inch,, and newer 16-inch steel pipe. The model predicts a significant drop in the hydraulic grade in this pipe during PHD. By increasing the size of this pipe, the hydraulic grade in the zone is maintained much closer to the 2170 ft gradient provided by Granite Reservoir (when full). The following options are recommended dependent on how the Granite Reservoir is addressed: I • As long as the Granite Reservoir remains in its current location, or if the City abandons the Granite Reservoir and constructs two clearwells at the new WTP to serve the Granite Zone: *i L The Granite Street pipe is recommended to be a 24-inch diameter pipe from Granite Reservoir to Strawberry Lane to provide PHD to the Granite Zones. o The existing 16-inch (Granite Zone 1) and 24-inch (Crowson Zone 1) pipes in Granite Street should be reconnected in Strawberry Lane and Nutley Street to allow the 24-inch • If the Granite Reservoir is abandoned and a new Granite Reservoir is constructed elsewhere in Granite Zone 1: • The Granite Street pipe is recommended to be a 16-inch diameter pipe from the current Granite Reservoir site to Nutley Street to provide IVIDD to the Granite Zones. • A new flow control valve would be required along the pipe to provide maximum day demands to the Granite Zones. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-7 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN o Piping from the new WTP to the current Granite Reservoir location is recommended to be replaced with a 16-inch diameter pipe and located in Granite Street. This replaces an aging steel pipe, improves reliability of a major transmission line, abandons two aging creek crossings, and improves the hydraulic grade of the zone. arc &nic Drive and Nutley Street Pipe To reduce reliance on PRVs 8 and 9 on the west side of the Granite Zone., the pipes in Nutley Street (from Granite Street to Scenic Drive) and Scenic Drive (from Nutley Street to Wimer Street) are recommended for increasing in size to a 12-inch pipe. These projects replace aging 4- and 6-inch pipes in these streets and greatly improve transmission of gravity supplied water. This project is included in Chapter 6. Crows&n Zones 2. and 6 Rezoning An additional long-term recommendation for reducing the pumping capacity required of the WTP to Crowson BPS is to rezone low elevation customers on the far northeast end of the City's system in Crowson Zones 2 and 6. Customers south of Ashland Street and between Clay Street and Tolman Creek Road, as well as customers in the vicinity of the Ashland Municipal Airport could all be served by Granite Zone 1 with more than adequate pressure. This will require extending the Granite Zone 1 piping to connect these areas; much of' which is anticipated to be required as new development occurs along East Main Street. This recommendation is described further in the Pressure Zone Analysis discussed below. -i a ry New W_F1 �ntegration Recommendation Sumn Until the City can fund the above transmission projects,, it is recommended that the City plan for the WTP to Crowson Booster Pump Station to have adequate capacity to meet the demands of the Crowson and Alsing Zones and provide adequate supply to the Crowson to Granite Zone PRVs under current demands. This capacity equates to approximately 3,,200 gpm (see Pump Station Analysis below). (if and when the City is able to reduce all supply through the PRVs,, this capacity could be reduced to approximately 1,,650 gpm.) It is also recommended that the City reduce the pressure settings in the Crowson to Granite PRVs once the new WTP is constructed, according to Table 5-2 below. A second 0.85-MG clearwell is not recommended at this time,, but a new 0-85-MG Granite Zone Reservoir is recommended instead — see Storage Analysis below. The Granite Street and Nutley/Scenic Drive pipe improvements are included in the recommended capital improvement plan (CIP), presented in Chapter 6. Due to the decision to construct a new Granite Zone Reservoir elsewhere in Granite Zone 1,. the Granite Street pipe is recommended to be a 16-inch pipe from the WTP to Strawberry Lane. Future rezoning of Crowson Zones 2 and 6 is also included in the CIP in Chapter 6. 5-8 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) Supply Recornmendations The following summarizes the recommended supply improvements: • Construct new WTP and associated projects-, • 7.5-MGD WTP (expandable to 10.0 IVIGD); • One (1) 0.85-MG clearwell for storage; • Pump station to boost water from the new WTP to the Crowson Reservoir; • 16-inch Granite Street Piping from the new WTP to piping that supplies Granite Reservoir (required until Granite Reservoir is abandoned); • Emergency Ashland Creek intake; • SCADA system upgrades. • Expand the TAP Supply System to 3.0 IVIGD: • Additional pump at Ashland TAP BPS to achieve firm capacity of 3.0 MGD; • Emergency Back-up Generator at Ashland TAP BPS; • Expansion of the Talent TAP BPS; • Potential expansion of the Regional TAP BPS; • TAP System Transmission Capacity Improvements. • Install transmission piping improvements and rezoning to minimize pumping to Crowson Zone 1: • Reduce PRV settings as shown in Table 5-2; • 16-Inch piping in Granite Street from Granite Reservoir to Nutley Street; • 12-inch piping in Scenic Drive and Nutley Street; • Rezone portions of Crowson Zones 2 and 6 to be supplied by Granite Zone 1. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-9 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Storage [`����bcilities This section evaluates the capacity of the City's existing water storage tanks to meet the existing and future storage requirements of the system. Storage Criteria Water storage is typically made up of the following components: operational storage, emergency storage, and fire flow storage. Each storage component serves a different purpose and will vary from system to system. A definition of each storage component and the criteria used to evaluate the capacity of the City"s storage tanks is provided below and summarized in Table 5-3. 01,,)eratioria� Storage — Volume of the reservoir used to supply the water system under peak demand conditions when the system demand exceeds the total rate of supply of the sources. In the past, the City has calculated operational storage as 25 percent of MDD for the zone it serves. Another criterion is to calculate the volume needed to meet RHD that supplies to the zone are unable to meet. Also called "Equalization Storage." J! mergency Storage — Volume of the reservoir used to supply the water system under emergency conditions when supply facilities are out of service due to equipment failures, power outages, loss of supply, transmission main breaks, and any other situation that disrupts the supply source. Common emergency criteria in the state of' Oregon is to assume emergency storage as two times ADD (approximately equivalent to one times MDD). The City"s previous criteria assumed 25 percent of MDD for emergency storage. This lower criteria correlates to the City constructing a new reliable WTP. 1,,,,:ire J����ow Sl..00rage — Volume of the reservoir used to supply water to the system at the maximum rate and duration required to extinguish a fire at the building with the highest fire flow requirement in the zone. The magnitude of the fire flow storage is the product of the fire flow rate and duration of the operating area's highest fire flow needs. These fire flow planning goals were presented in Chapter 4. Nes-t-Jng of Storage — Some water systems allow for "nesting" of fire flow and emergency storage, meaning that it is assumed that a fire and a supply disruption would not happen at the same time and therefore only the greater of the two storage volumes is used in the storage analysis. 5-10 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) Storage Ana�ysis The total combined storage capacity of the City"s reservoirs is 6.7 million gallons. The City"s original criteria for storage requirements for operational, emergency, and fire flow are compared to the existing storage to determine storage adequacy for the planning periods, as summarized in Table 5-4. The table includes the storage surplus deficiency. As seen at the end of the table, under the City"s original criteria,, the City would have an existing storage deficit of 0.37 MG and a 2040 deficit of 1.34 MG given all current storage facilities. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WIMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-11 Nil CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 5-4 Existing Storage Evaluation Maximum Day Demand (no conservation} (MGD) 2.29 2.59 2.81 Required Storage (MG) ....................................................................................................................................................... __________________ ................................................................................................... Operational 0.57 0.65 0.70 Fire Flow . . . . .......................................................................Emergency 0.96 0.96 0.96 ........................................................................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Total 1.15 1.30 1.40 Crowson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .qu. . . . . . . . . . .ire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .d Storage ........................................................................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Total 2.68 2.90 3.06 Crowson Exist. . . . . . . . . . . . . .in. . . . . . . . . . .g . . . . .Stora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ge (MG) ......................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Crowson 2.1. . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 ................................................................................. .2.10 Storage Excess/(Deficit) (MG) 1.5 . It,,,,, R111,11,11, Maximum Day Demand (no conservation) (MGD) 2.89 3.32 3.63 Required Storage (MG Operational 0.72 0.. .83 0.91 Fire Flow ....................................................................................................................................................... --------------------------------- 0.96 0.96 0.96 Emer. . . . . . . . .gency. . ............................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . . . . .. 1.45 1.66 1.81 . .................................................................................................. Total Granite Required ,Storage 3.13 3.45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.68 Total Granite Existing Storage (MG) ......................................................................................................................................................... ------------------------Granite 2.00 2.00 2.00 Storage Excess/(Deficit) (MG) . (1.45) Maximum Day Demand (no conservation) (MGD) 0.12 0.14 0.15 Required Storage (MG Operational 0.03 0.03 0.04 Fire Flow ............................ ---------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............................................................................................................................................................Emergency 0.96 0.96 0.96 ....................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................. . ---------Total 0.. . .0. .6 0.07 0.07 Alsing Required Storage ._.._____________________________________________________________________ ...................................................................................................................................................... 1.05 1.06 1.07 Total Alsing Existing Storage (MG) ............. .G) 2.10 2.10 2.10 Alsing Storage Excess/( i it) (M. 1.05 1.04 ................................................................................. .1.03 5-12 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASH LAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS lip Tillill; 111111111111 M11111111 iii 11121111111 1111111 1111�11111111 1 111111 11111111m� I 1&1 11111111 111 Maximum Day Demand (no conservation) (MGD) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................Required 0.04 0.05 0.06 ....................................................................................................... . . . . Stora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ge. . . . . . . . . (MG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operational. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-- - 0.01 - - - - - ----- --------------------- 0.01 ............................................... .................................. . . :: 0.01 Fire Flow ....................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------------ I 0.18 ----------------- 0.18 0.18 Emergency ....................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -----------Total 0.02 0.03 0.03 Fa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l. .lon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .qu. . . . . . . . . . .ire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .d S. . . . .torage ....................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Total 0.21 0.22-- ---------------- 0.22 Fal...................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . .lon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Existing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (MG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 0.50 0.50 0.50 Fallon Storage Excess/(Deficit) (MG) 0.29 0.28 0.28 SoulSTORAGE OPERATING AREA Storage Excess/(Deficit) (MG) CROWSON ...................................................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------- - -GRANITE (0.58)- --------- (0.80) (0.96) (1-13) -. (1.45) (1.68) .................................................................................................................................................... ALSING..................................................................................................... ------------------------------------------------- 1.. . . . . .05---------- . . . . 1.04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.68 . . . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................... FALCON 0.29 0.28 0.28 TOTAL SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- (0.37)LO.93) (1.34)_J____] Storage Ru i W rn ;. It is recommended that the City revise its storage criteria to account for the planned and implemented system changes in the last few years. With a new emergency TAP supply connection and an upcoming robust WTP, it is recommended that the City's criteria be adjusted to reduce emergency storage. Using the second option for emergency storage noted in Table 5-3, where emergency storage volume is discounted by the capacity of redundant supply, the City would be revising its storage criteria to plan for an emergency in which the new WTP is offline and the TAP supply is online. This particular emergency is consistent with the City's supply analysis goals evaluated in this chapter. Additionally, several studies have identified options to expand the Alsing Reservoir service area thereby shifting the storage burden from the Crowson Reservoir to the Alsing Reservoir which has excess capacity and needs additional demands to improve water quality. This system change was reviewed again as part of this WIMP and is further described in Alsing Reservoir Service Area Expansion below. Lastly, the City is actively promoting water conservation and the estimated reduction in overall demands should be considered. Table 5-5 presents the revised storage analysis using the adjusted criteria, the expanded Alsing Reservoir service area, and reduced demands reflecting the City's conservation goals shown in Chapter 4. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WIMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-13 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 5-5 Storage Evaluation — Criteria Adjustment, Alsing Expansion., Conservation Goals ................................................................................................................................................................... 2020 . 2030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................ 2040 ................................................................................................................................................................... CROWSON --------------------- 0 - 3 7 -------- 0.42 L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ............................................................. ........................................................ 0.38 GRANITE 0.54 --------- 0.67 - ---- . . . . . . . ................. ........................................................ 0.57 ALSING 0.43 . . . . .............. 0.51 ........................................................................... --- - - - - ------------ 0.48 - ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. FALCON0.29 ................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.29 . ................................................................................................................ ......... . 0.29 ............................................................................................................... TOTAL SYSTEM J� - --------- 1.63 3 1.89 - - - -------------------------------------------------- 172. ............................................................................................................... Granite Reservoir is in major need of replacement or removal. A recent estimate for improvements was $560,000, but even this investment would not improve the reservoir to current day seismic standards. In discussions with City staff, it is recommended that the Granite Reservoir be eventually abandoned,, and a new Granite Zone Reservoir constructed elsewhere in the system. This recommendation is largely due to the importance of the reservoir to the operation of the TAP supply system into Granite Zone 1. The recommended location of a new Granite Zone Reservoir is in the northwest of the City above Schofield Street and Dakota Way and in the vicinity of Ashland Mine Road. It is recommended that the City pursue purchasing property in this area. This location is ideal for the TAP supply discharge and could take advantage of new piping required for serving new development in this area. An 0.85-MG Reservoir with an overflow of'2170 ft was assumed in all future hydraulic modeling. The CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Nshng Reservoir Service Area Expansion The City has evaluated options for expanding the Alsing Reservoir Service Area over many years. These recommendations were re-evaluated herein. To improve water quality in the Alsing Reservoir, it is recommended that the service area be expanded to serve customers south of Siskiyou Boulevard and all of Crowson Zones 2 and 6. Figure 5-4 shows the recommended Alsing Reservoir Service Area Expansion with required infrastructure and recommended valve closures. Specific locations of valve reconnections should be confirmed with City staff. As seen in the Figure 5-4, the recommendation includes one new PRV station., pipe improvements, and several valve operational changes. These recommendations are described as follows-, • Tolman Creek Road/Siskiyou Boulevard PRV —This PRV station serves to maintain pressures in the Alsing Zones in the upper Tolman Creek Road area, while allowing the Alsing Reservoir water to drain to portions of Crowson Zone 1, which connects to Crowson Zones 2 and 6. In th hydraulic model., the proposed Tolman Creek Road PRV was set to 60 resulting in a hydraulic grade line of 2270 ft (just slightly less than Crowson Zone 6 at 2290 ft). I • Tolman Creek Road Pipe —To supply the commercial fire flows (4,000 gpm) in the Crowson Zones 2 and 6, the piping in Tolman Creek Road above the new PRV is recommended for upsizing to a 12-inch pipe. • Valve Modifications The Alsing expansion recommendation takes advantage of existing parallel pipes in Siskiyou Boulevard while keeping the south pipe for Crowson Zone 1 and the north pipe used for the expanded Crowson Zone 6. To do this, the following valve modifications are recommended: o Open valves in Tolman Creek Road and Jacquelyn Street isolating Crowson 1 from Crowson 6 as shown in Figure 5-4; I Close valves along Siskiyou Blvd to isolate the expanded Crowson Zone 6 from Crowson Zone 1 as shown in Figure 5-4; • PRVs 17 and 19 are still assumed active PRVs to Crowson Zones 5/la By implementing the above changes, the Crowson Zone 6 is adjusted to include all pipes shown as blue lines in Figure 5-4. Rezoning the northern section of Crowson Zone 6 and the airport area in Crowson Zone 2 is also recommended (see Pressure Zone Analysis below) but is not required as part of the Alsing zone expansion. S torage Recon-imendations SurnrT-iary The following summarizes the recommended supply improvements: • Revise storage criteria to account for redundant system supplies. • Expand the Alsing Reservoir Service Area as recommended. • Construct one 0.85-MG clearwell at the New WTP to serve the Granite and Crowson Zones. o As long as PRVs from Crowson to Granite are set to provide fire protection pressures, fire volume for Granite can be stored in the Crowson Reservoir. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-15 R imll, tow CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN • Abandon Granite Reservoir and plan for construction of a new reservoir in the vicinity of Ashland Mine Road and Lakota Way. III I� 111111muff I MK*11111 lm-1111 0 Continue water conservation efforts. Station Capacity Analysis Pt irrip Stat. -'Jon Ana�ysis Criteria Table 5-7 Pump Station Evaluation Criteria Capacity for Service Levels with Storage Supply Maximum Day Demand to service zone Facilities assuming the single largest capacity pump is ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... offline (i.e., firm capacity) ---------------- Capacity for Service Levels with No Storage Supply Peak Hour Demand and fire flow Facilities assuming the single largest capacity pump is ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . ------------ off'line (i.e., firm capacity). . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Power Supply New pump stations require a main power source and an emergency source. Secondary power source for new pumps stations to be sized to meet full pump station demands. City will plan and design facilities to optimize energy efficiency. Pt..Arnp Station Ana�ysis Table 5-8 presents the required pumping capacity for each pump station considering the demands in its service area. Table 5-9 compares the required pumping capacities to the firm capacity of the existing pump stations to identify any deficiencies. The results for each pump station are described below. �New W I I to Crowsori BPS The 2020 required capacity of the new WTP to Crowson BPS is estimated to 3.,200 gpm to meet current day demands of the Crowson, Alsing, and Fallon Zones and approximately 1.,400 gpm of demand estimated through the Crowson to Granite PRVs. This capacity could increase to as much as 4,219 gpm by 2040 (the model predicts increased supply through the Crowson to Granite PRVs as overall system demands increase). Depending on if and when the City is able to reduce the need for the Crowson to Granite PRVs, and if the City rezones lower portions of Crowson Zones 2 and 6 5-16 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS to be served by the Granite Zone (discussed in Pressure Zone Analysis below), the pump station's 2040 capacity could be reduced from 4,219 gpm to 1,624 gpm. To be conservative and to reflect that the City may be unable to modify the use of the Crowson to Granite PRVs for many years,, it is recommended that the New WTP to Crowson BPS be sized for the ability to meet 2030 demands and a reduced Crowson to Granite PRV supply that reflects the adjusted PRV settings noted in Table 5-2. This capacity equates to approximately 3,,200 gpm (which is similar to the 2020 required capacity with no system changes). It is also recommended that the pump station be designed to have a reduced future capacity of approximately 1.,650 gpm to reflect future rezoning and the reduction in use of the PRVs. Mll�!MIW The Hillview Pump Station is aging (almost 40 years old) and warrants replacement in the next lo years. As seen in Table 5-8,. the Hillview Pump Station capacity requirements greatly increase (from 89 gpm to 859 gpm) with the recommended Alsing Reservoir Service Area Expansion. The existing pump station meets the City"s criteria through 2040 without expansion of the zone but will be deficient in meeting MDD if the Alsing Reservoir Service Area expands as seen in Table 5-9. With the planned expansion (recommended in the next ten years), the pump station capacity should be sized to provide approximately 860 gpm of MDD to the Alsing Reservoir. When the City rezones portions of Crowson Zones 2 and 6 (assumed to be beyond ten years), the pump station required capacity is estimated to be 677 gpm. South Miouo�­itain BPS The South Mountain BPS is aging and does not currently meet the City"s criteria for providing fire flow to its customers in Crowson Zone 4. Part of planning for the Park Estates BPS included extending piping from Crowson Zone 8 to supply Crowson Zone 4, thereby allowing the City to abandon this pump station. The City is currently in the design process of constructing a pipe connecting Morton Street piping to Ivy Lane piping. This pipe is included in the CIP and this pump station is recommended for abandonment in the short-term. Both the Park Estates and Strawberry BPS meet the City"s capacity criteria through 2040, and both have backup generators. No modifications, are recommended for these pump stations. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-17 ,7701i :1,2 0tO � pr 000"Now CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 5-8 Booster Pump Station Capacity Requirements Pumping Zones with Storage (Criteria = MDD) Crowson Zones 1-8, Alsing Zones 31172 41219 N/A N/A N/A 31172 41219 New WTP to Crowson Zones 1-8, Alsing - Crowson Zones Rezoning of Crowson 2 & 61 PRV Reduction' 31172 11624 N/A N/A N/A 31172 111624 Alsing Zone 1 89 102 N/A N/A N/A 89 102 Hillview Alsing Zone 1, Crowson Zones 2 6 859 677 2 N/A N/A N/A 859 677 Strawberry Fallon Zone 1 &2 32 38 N/A N/A N/A 32 38 Pumping Zones without Storage (Criteria = PHID + FF) South Mountain Crowson Zone 4 8 9 20 23 11500 11520 111523 Crowson Zone 7 & 8 16 18 37 43 11500 11537 11543 Park Estates I - Crowson Zones 4, 71 & 8 16 18 37 43 11500 11537 11543 1) Note reduction in required 2040 demands reflect recommended rezoning of lower sections of Crowson Zones 2 6, and recommended Granite Zone 1 transmission projects to reduce supply through the Crowson to Granite Zone P RVs. 2) Reflects reduction in demands due to rezoning lower sections of Crowson Zones 2 & 6 to Granite Zone 1. 5-18 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Table 5-9 Pump Station Capacity Evaluation Pumping Zones with Storage (Criteria = MDD) Alsing Zone 1 89 102 350 261 248 Hillview Alsing Zone 1, Crowson Zones 2 & 6 551 677 350 (201) (327) Strawberry Fallon Zone 1 & 2 32 38 200 168 162 Pumping Zones without Storage (Criteria = PHID + FF) South 11520 11523 145 (1375) (11378) Mountain Crowson Zone 4 Crowson Zone 7 & 8 11537 11543 21350 813 807 Park Estates I Crowson Zones 4, 71 & 8 11537 11543 21350 813 807 New Granite -to W'"TP BS To address the need for the emergency TAP supply to be boosted to the City's highest pressure zones during a WTP outage., a new pump station is needed to boost water from Granite Zone 1 to the clearwell at new WTP. This pump station is herein called the "Granite to WTP BPS". The new WTP to Crowson BPS could then boost water to the Crowson Reservoir that serves all of the highest pressure zones. An ideal location for the pump station would be in the Granite Street pipe and in parallel with a new flow control valve from the WTP to the Granite Zone. The Granite to WTP BPS requires a static head of 95 ft (assuming a clearwell overflow elevation of 21255 ft and a Granite Zone 1 hydraulic grade of 2,160 ft). Capacity of the pump station should meet the projected ADD of' the Crowson, Alsing, and Fallon Zones; this is estimated at 1,.000 gpm. This project is included in the CIP in Chapter 6. I )uarm p Station Recommendations The new WTP to Crowson BPS should have a firm capacity of approximately 3,200 gpm to supply the Crowson and Alsing Zones. The pump station should be designed for a future reduced capacity of approximately 650 gpm. Replace the Hillview BPS to bring this pump station to current design standards and mee demand requirements of the Alsing Reservoir Service Area expansion. I 1111liq I iiiii� • Abandon the South Mountain BPS concurrent with pipe installation that connects Crowson Zones 4 and 8. • Install the Granite to WTP BPS as part of a flow control and pumping structure in Granite Street. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-19 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN eSSLjre Zone!,,'� Pressure Zone Criteria The ideal static pressure of water supplied to customers is between 40 and 80 psi. Pressures within a water distribution system are commonly as high as 120 psi,, requiring pressure regulators on individual service lines to reduce the pressure to 80 psi or less. It is difficult for the City's water system (and most others) to maintain distribution pressures between 40 and 80 psi., primarily due to the topography of the water service area. The City has adopted the following service pressure criteria, which are consistent with industry standards: * Minimum Pressure (during Peak Hour Demand): 30 psi 0 Minimum Pressure (during Fire Flow): 20 psi 0 Maximum Pressure: 120 psi Pressure Zone Ana�ysis Table 5-10 lists each of the City's pressure zones, the highest and lowest elevation served in each zone, and the minimum and maximum distribution system pressures within each zone based on maximum static water conditions (full reservoirs with no demand). While this table presents the results of the pressure evaluations based on the adequacy of the pressure zones under static conditions, the hydraulic analysis section later in this chapter presents the results of the pressure evaluations based on the adequacy of the water mains under dynamic conditions. As seen in the table, many pressure zones exceed the maximum pressure to customers. This is due to the complex topography and pipe networking within the City. Table 5-10 Minimum and Maximum Distribution System Static Pressures 2170 Granite Zone 1 ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... V I 2024 ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... III "1 0 1 MOM 63 ........................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................. 1788 165 ............................................................................................................... 2060 Granite Zone 2 ................................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 1846 . . . . . . . . 58 . . ..................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ 1724 110 1980 Granite Zone 3 ................................................................................................................................................................... 1852 - - - - - - 90 - ------------------------------------------------------- ................................................................................................. 1757 131 ............................................................................................................... 2420 Crowson Zone 1 ................................................................................................................................................................... -------------------- 2359 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 ........................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1967 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................................. 196 2200 Crowson Zone 2 ................................................................................................................................................................... 2138 -------------------- 35 1884 . .................................................................................................. 145 2270 Crowson Zone 3 ............................................................................... 2153 .............................................................. - — - - - - --------------------------------- 51 1955 . ................................................................................................... 136 2640 Crowson Zone 4 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2476 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2341 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 130 2270 Crowson Zone 5 2058 92 . .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2043 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 98 2290 Crowson Zone 6 210 82 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ I ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1911 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 164 5-20 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS � IIIIII wu �II4 �I a9j IIIIII . mw� Umll IIIIIII wu� IIIIII IIlIuIIuI IIIIIII III IIII�IIIII................ ........ 5I11111111 III 1111 11111,111,111111 IIIIIIII III (IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII I III IIIIII all wr Ww' uWw �n V �w� lu n an 2570 Crowson Zane 7 2371 86 . ................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....................................................................................................2610 . . . . .2. .370. . ........... ........................................ 86 Crowson Zone 8 2578 14' . . .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . .2382 98 ......................................................................... 2586 Fallon Zone 1 2431. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................................................................................... 67 ................................................................................................................... . .2470 2248 146 Fallon Zone 2 2396 32 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................2552 2224 107 Alsin. . . . . . . . . . .g Zone 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2396 94 ......................................................................................................... . --2165 ................................................................................................................... . . .. 168 . ........................... 'This customer represents a few homes at the end of a pipe. If the hydraulic grade line of this zone is actually higher than 2610, then this pressure would be higher as well. The new Parr Estates BPS can provi. . .de. . . . . . . . . a. . . . . . . .de. . . . . . . . . . .quate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pressures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . t. . . . . . .h. . .is. . . . . . . customer................................................................................................................... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................................... The following actions are recommended for each pressure zone to meet the pressure criteria. 2 3,,,, .,,,,,,, GraniteZone .. • Perform a rezoning study to lower pressures to low elevation customers in the northwest end of the zone. • Rezone customers in Normal Avenue, Ray Lane, and Lit Lane between Ashland Street and Siskiyou Blvd to be served by Crowson Tone 6. This can be done by closing valves in Lit Way and Ray Lane north of Ashland Street and opening the closed valve above these customers (see Figure 5-4). • Other transmission projects described earlier to reduce reliance on Crowson to Granite PRVs (Granite Street pipe improvement, Scenic/Nutley Street pipe improvement). • Reduce PRV settings to lower overall zone pressures as listed in Table 5-11. City staff will need to confirm if PRV 31 is able to achieve the significantly lower pressure settings • Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WIMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-21 2060 Granite Zm-ie 3 0 No recommendations. 2420 Oro-i Zone.l. • Perform a rezoning study to lower pressures to low elevation customers, particularly if PRVs from Crowson to Granite Zones are no longer used (they currently alleviate high pressures in low elevation areas of Crowson Zone 1). • For high elevation customers on Emma Street and South Mountain St., reconnect piping to supply customers from the 2420 Crowson Zone 4. Rezone customers north of Siskiyou Blvd from Normal Ave to Crowson Road to be Crowson Zone 6. (This is assumed as part of'the Alsing Reservoir Service Area expansion). 22,00 Crowsw-i Zone 2 • Extend 2170 Granite Zone 1 piping to supply lower elevation customers in this zone around the airport. This recommendation also reduces the required pumping from the WTP to the Crowson Reservoir. New Transmission Pipe in East Main Street. Install a new 12-inch transmission supply pipe from Walker Road across 1-5 to connect to 2200 Crowson Zone 2. This project could •be implemented as part of development of undeveloped lands in the northeast areas of the City. 0 This project will also serve lower elevation customers in 2290 Crowson Zone 6. o Rezone 2200 Crowson Zone 2: Identify the correct valve locations to isolate the lower elevation customers in 2200 Crowson Zone 2 and supply them from the 2170 Granite Zone 1. 5-22 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS • Install piping along Greensprings Highway to isolate the airport area from the Oak Knoll neighborhood. Allow the Alsing Reservoir to supply emergency supply to the zone by installing/setting PRVs to meet reduced pressures for fire flow only. 2,270 CIII owso��-i Zone 3 Reduce PRV settings by 10 psi each to lower overall zone pressures. 2,64.0 Crowsoo�-i Zone 4. • Extend supply from 2570 Crowson Zone 8 (supplied by the new Park Estates Pump Station) to supply customers in 2640 Crowson Zone 4. o Install piping from Morton Street to Ivy Lane. # Modify piping to supply high elevation customers in 2640 Crowson Zone 1-- 2,270 Crowso��-i Zone 5 • Reconnect piping in Siskiyou Blvd and Ray Lane to rezone pipes in Ray Lane and Lit Way to connect to 2290 Crowson Zone 6. This will alleviate low pressures in Ray Lane and Lit Way. 2,290 Crowso��-i Zone 6 • Rezone customers north of the railroad tracks between Clay Street and Interstate 5 as shown in Figure 5-4 to reduce high pressure customers in these areas. The rezoning would rezone these customers from Crowson Zone 6 to Granite Zone 1. • Install a PRV station in Clay Street just north of Ashland Street, close to where a previous PRV station existed. • Install a PRV station in Tolman Creek Road just north of the railroad tracks. • Extend 2170 Granite Zone 1 to supply lower elevation customers in these zones. This recommendation also reduces the required pumping from the WTP to the Crowson Reservoir. • Install a new 12-Inch transmission pipe in East Main Street from Walker Road across 1-5 to Crocker Street. • Reduce settings on Clay Street and Tolman Creek Road PRVs to only supply fire flow. 2,570 Qrowso��-i Zone'7 9 No recommendations. 2,61 0 Crowson Zone 8 0 No recommendations. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-23 R N 01047%,,, CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN ICI -imission System and I ra n s This section evaluates the City's existing distribution and transmission system (i.e., water mains) to determine if they are adequately sized and looped to provide the necessary flow rates and pressures to meet the existing and future requirements of the system. Dist...-Tiloution Systern Ar4ysis Criteria Distribution and transmission mains must be capable of adequately and reliably conveying water throughout the system at acceptable flow rates and pressures. Hydraulic analyses of the existing system were performed under PHD conditions to evaluate its pressure capabilities and identify system deficiencies. The existing system was also analyzed under MDD conditions with fire flow demands to evaluate the fire flow capabilities. Additional hydraulic analyses were then performed with the same hydraulic model under future PHD and MDD conditions and with the proposed improvements to demonstrate that the identified improvements will eliminate the deficiencies and meet the requirements far into the future. The following is a description of the hydraulic model, the operational conditions, and facility settings used in the analyses. As discussed in the Pressure Zone Analysis section of this chapter, ideal water pressures delivered to customers are in the range of 40 to 80 psi, and the City's criteria is to deliver pressures between 30 and 120 psi. Hydraulic Model A computer -based hydraulic model of the existing water system was updated to version 8i of the WaterGEMSO program (developed by Bentley Systems,, Inc.) with the City's most recent GIS shapefile, to reflect the best-known information on distribution system geometry and pipe characteristics, including diameter, material, and installation year. This was further refined to include the latest construction projects and changes to the system. Hydraulic model pipe roughness coefficients were initialized with computed estimates based on the water main material and age information from the City's water main GIS shapefile. used on the premise that the internal surface of water mains becomes rougher with age, older water mains were assigned higher roughness coefficients than newer water mains. The hydraulic model of the existing system contains demands based on 2014 individual customer meter water demand data provided by the City. Demand data for each parcel was distributed to the closest representative junction node of the model based on the recorded usage. These demands were increased to represent 2020 demands. The peaking factors shown in Chapter 4 were used to analyze the system under PHD and MDD conditions. 5-24 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS The hydraulic model of the existing system contains all active existing system facilities. The facility settings for the pressure analyses corresponded to a PHD event in the water system. All sources of supply were set to operate at constant rates (i.e. MIDID). Reservoir levels were modeled to reflect full utilization of operational storage. The hydraulic model for the fire flow analyses contained settings that correspond to MIDID events. All sources of supply were set to operate at constant MIDID rates, and the reservoir levels were modeled to reflect full utilization of operational, emergency, and fire flow storage based on the maximum planning -level fire flow requirement. The model was calibrated as part of this WMP. Calibration is achieved by adjusting the roughness coefficients of the water mains in the model so the resulting pressures and flows from the hydraulic analyses closely match the pressures and flows from actual field tests under similar demand and operating conditions. Initial Darcy-Weisbach roughness coefficients were entered in the model based on computed estimates of the coefficients from available pipe age and material data. For example, older water mains were assigned higher roughness coefficients than new water mains; thereby assuming that the internal surface of water pipe becomes rougher as it gets older. The model was calibrated using 25 hydrant flow tests performed in the system in the spring of 2016. The model is considered calibrated when model results are within 10 percent of the field results. After identifying a few closed/partially closed valves in the system and adjusting roughness coefficients, the modeled results closely match (within 10 percent) the field results for all 25 tests; therefore, the model is considered adequately calibrated for use in the following system analyses. Hydraulic Analysis Pressure and fire flow analysis of the existing system were performed using the model for 2020, 2030, and 2040. F1 r e cS Is t ire Ana��ysis Figure 5-5 presents a map of system pressures color coded by pressure range during PHID. As seen in the map, low pressures exist at several high elevation customers. City staff indicate that some customers at high elevations have their own booster pump stations to achieve water pressure. Additionally, the model predicts many locations of high pressures exceeding 120 psi at low elevation customers. The recommendations described above in Pressure Zone Analysis should alleviate several of' these high-pressure areas. i re I ���ow Ana�ysis Fire flow demands were assigned to the water system based on land use and the City"s fire criteria presented in Chapter 4 and are shown in Figure 5-6. Maps of fire flow results are shown in Figure 5-7. The maps are color coded to show if each junction in the system satisfies, does not satisfy, or is within 10 percent of delivering assigned fire flows (10 percent is within the error of the model). Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-25 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN The map shows many deficiencies in meeting the City's fire flow criteria. This is due to a few factors: • High elevation customers within a zone are unable to maintain 20 psi during a fire flow elsewhere in the zone. This can be solved by rezoning high elevation customers. • Many pipes were built before more stringent fire codes were adopted. Fire districts commonly classify buildings in these areas as "existing non -conforming," and since they met previous fire code requirements when they were constructed, improvements to these areas are considered a low priority. Resolving these deficiencies will require implementing larger diameter pipes over time as budget allows. The modeling predicts several locations where the available fire flow is below 750 gpm., which has been used in the past by other water utilities as a minimum fire flow for residential areas. Pipe improvements to address fire flows that were significantly below the City"s new fire flow criteria were prioritized in the recommendations presented in Chapter 6. It is important to note that this Water Master Plan predicts several more deficiencies than the previous WMP because fire flows were assigned at every hydrant in the system, whereas they were previously only assigned in some locations. DistributJon Systern Recornmendations Recommended pipe improvements to address the pressure and fire flow deficiencies are presented in Chapter 6 (Table 6-3). The general recommendations are as follows: • Implement recommendations as described in the Pressure Zone Recommendations section. • Upsize local pipes from 4- and 6-inch pipes to 8-inch pipes and larger. • Increase transmission capacity in the 2170 Granite Zone 1. o Replace the upper section of 2170 Granite Zone 1 transmission main (from new WTP to connection to Strawberry Lane). o Extend transmission capacity of 2170 Granite Zone 1 in East Main Street to serve low elevation customers and new growth to the east of the system. o Other Granite Zone transmission improvements. Other recommendations include the following-, • Set PRVs from Crowson and Alsing Zones to Granite Zones to only supply fire flow. • To reduce reliance on PRV 20 (Siskiyou Blvd and Normal Ave), which appears to provide needed supply to the zone during fire flows according to the City"s model., extending Granite Zone piping in East Main Street from Siskiyou Blvd to Walker Road is recommended. Additionally., increasing the transmission pipe in Siskiyou Blvd from 8-inch to 12-inch is recommended to improve fire flow to SOU and apartment complexes in the Wightman and Iowa Street areas. 5-26 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS IM a III III I e n a Ilia E! R e c o m IT e ri d a i� 0 11 S 0 Annual Pipe Replacement • Hydrant Replacement o Replace hydrants that do not meet current standards for hydrants. 01111111111111 elemetry and Supervisory Control System This section evaluates the City"s existing telemetry and supervisory control system to identify deficiencies related to its condition and current operational capability. Evaluat,ion and Recommendations The City"s SCADA system is headquartered at the WTP. System facilities, including source, storage, and pumping, can be controlled with the telemetry system. At the WTP and on remote computers, City staff can monitor and control supplies., reservoir levels, and pump station flows. The system communicates to all facilities using radio towers. SCADA system hardware and software require regular maintenance and occasional replacement. There are no significant deficiencies with the existing telemetry/SCADA system; however, some minor changes would improve operations and management. As part of the new WTP updates, the City is reviewing alternatives to the current SCADA software system, which requires several third -party applications to achieve the functionality desired by City staff. As a result, the City may be required to replace the radio towers throughout the system. Further details are discussed in Chapter 6. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-27 R%mon ROZA- " �K 000"Now L� ai C INC W N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N 71 le U �,,.., ...................... p' rr a, r .... r c �....... ..... ........ h..,4 a f- r e 6 b d'' p( 4 p " .ill;„d , t��,p • F ', � G " � ii„ . � +u d. i I r I r i M f T � �C R u i 4. p N � N^ ...7i f .... C,�, .,,,,.,, ...., P ..Y o a ,l „� r: r .,....,, r ..,,,.. �""^ ;.�...... F'.. i` FN •.�IIII � o', c �.'.,,,. �+ � :, ,,:.�� �,. tt I ,. ^�„ ' ¢ �� ' �.� " ,,.: .�., i. �� „„ ,;„.,. a;. 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The improvements described below were developed from the system analysis described in Chapter 5, as well as interviews with City staff, to address current and future water demand conditions and to sustain system reliability. It is important to note that this plan represents the latest decision -making given current conditions and may likely change in the future as conditions change. The capital improvement projects are categorized as follows: • Supply Improvements • Storage Improvements • Pump Station Improvements • Pipe Improvements • Operational Improvements • Recommended Studies A summary of the City CIP is developed and presented in Table 6-2. This summary provides total probable costs., a brief description,, and prioritizes each capital improvement based on recommended year of implementation. Project priorities should be considered flexible in order to accommodate concurrent construction during other street opening projects, budgetary constraints,, specific development projects, and other factors that may affect project implementation. The following sections include the basis for the cost estimates,. a brief description of each improvement, and the recommended prioritization and schedule for implementation. Cost Estimate Planning level cost estimates were prepared for the recommended projects following the American Association of Cost Estimators (AACE) Class 5 estimates, which assume 0 to 2 percent of project definition as appropriate for master planning. This level of opinions of cost are assumed to be within the range of plus 50 percent to minus 30 percent of the average of contractors" bids. The estimated costs of the facilities should be expected to change along with the accuracy of the estimate as a project proceeds into preliminary and final design. These opinions of probable cost are based on year 2019 dollars and no allowance has been made for inflation in future years. Since construction costs change periodically, an indexing method to adjust present estimates in the future is useful. The Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction Cost Index (CCI) is a commonly used index for this purpose. The CCI used for this study is 11230, the May 2019 20-Cities Average. For comparison the last Water Master Plan CCI for September 2011 was 9030. Thus., costs are assumed to be approximately 25 percent higher than estimated in the previous Water Master Plan. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) 6-1 CHAPTER 6 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Estimated total project costs for each project are comprised of multiple components: directly estimated construction costs, an allowance for contingencies, and an allowance for engineering, legal, and administrative costs. These components are described below. Construction Costs Planning -level construction costs were estimated assuming a traditional public works procurement process of design, bidding, award, and construction by a licensed contractor using commonly accepted means and methods. Property easements or land acquisition and maintenance costs are not included. Error! Reference source not found. presents the unit construction cost assumptions for pipe improvements used in the CIP. These are based on recent, local projects and include mobilization, materials, labor, contractor overhead and profit, and all elements expected to be included in a contractor's bid. Pump station costs were estimated using previous projects and comparing building square footage,, total motor power,, ultimate capacity, and startup capacity. Table 6-1 Pipe Installation Unit Costs 6 $180 8 $225 .................................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... ------------ . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 $235 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. --------------- ............................................................................................................ 12 $240 ----------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 $250 ................................................................................................................................................................... — ----------------------------------------- 18 $260 ......................................................................................................... --------- --------------------------------- ............................................................................................................ 20 $280 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 $300 Can brigencies A contingency of 30 percent was added to estimated construction costs for all projects except small pipe improvement projects that require minimal traffic disruption. The allowance for contingencies covers items such as variations in the project configuration, which are developed during preliminary design and final design, unforeseen site conditions encountered during construction, and reasonable project changes during construction. The contingency allowance does not include major project scope additions or additional costs resulting from permit mitigation requirements (such as wetlands enhancement). Ennee giring, I e g n a 1, A d rn i i s t r--- a t i Ilia Total construction costs were increased by 25 percent to achieve the total project cost. This markup accounts for engineering design, construction management, legal, and administrative project costs. Costs shown in the CIP are estimated total project costs. 6-2 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN SDC Allocation & Development Contributions Projects that are required for meeting increased demands are eligible to be funded from System Development Charges (SDC) and will be used to estimate an updated SDC value for the City's water system in Chapter 7. Some projects are recommended for capacity upgrades and maintenance or other non -growth -related reasons. The portion eligible for SDC funding was calculated as the additional cost for increasing capacity. Chapter 4 presents the current and future estimated ERUs for the water system. New ERUs comprise approximately 10 percent of' all total 2040 ERUs; thus, an SDC allocation of 10 percent was assigned to several projects where general infill is anticipated. In other projects, the SDC eligibility is greater due to the project specifically benefitting future growth. A few pipe projects (P-20, P-28 through P-32) were identified to serve future development areas and are assumed to be installed by developers when development occurs. These projects are noted in Table 6-3. a a [�)Irao. I lect Pr I ioritization As described in Chapter 5., the City"s water system has several challenges to overcome that will take many years and significant funding to resolve. The following prioritization was assigned to the recommended projects: 1. Currently planned projects for the next two years and including the new WTP and its required associated facilities. 2. Projects that resolve significant fire flow deficiencies. (These are defined as fire flows that are approximately 50 percent below the fire flow criteria when in a non-residential area. These projects are labeled as "Fire Flow 1" in the notes in Table 6-3 and are prioritized for the next twenty years.) a. Projects that correct low pressure conditions causing fire flow deficiencies elsewhere in I Projects that reduce supply from the Crowson to Granite zones (thereby reducing pumping to Crowson). ff "Mom Schedule of Improvements The recommended projects were added to an implementation schedule that can be used by the City for preparing its CIP and annual water budget. The implementation schedule for the proposed improvements is shown in Table 6-2. As seen in the table, projects are allocated into Short -Term, Mid -Term,, and Long -Term schedules. The Short -Term shows projects allocated annually for the next ten years. The table also shows the calculated SDC eligibility. Description of Irnpi overnentS This section provides a general description of the recommended improvements and an overview of the deficiencies they resolve. Most of the improvements are necessary to resolve existing system Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) 6-3 R N112, mwm 10047%,,, pr 0000W4%WW CHAPTER 6 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN deficiencies. Improvements have also been identified for serving future growth. Recommended infrastructure improvements for Short -Term, Mid -Term and Long -Term planning periods are shown in Figures 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3, respectively. SuppImprovements The following improvements are recommended for the City"s supply system. The City is already planning on the majority of these projects and City staff provided costs. Costs and timing of supply improvement projects are shown in Table 6-2. S I [)&rn Safety I m prove m &r­its The City recently completed its Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Part 12 inspection of Hosler Dam and associated appurtenances. The Part 12 inspection and associated Potential Failure Modes Analysis Update (PFMA) details areas of concern with the dam. This project covers the cost of developing a plan and schedule, and further evaluation and potential improvements of the spillway structures and dam piping penetrations. The City has determined that this project is 25 percent SDC eligible. S 2: AsNand (TID) Canal Piping Project The City has secured a $1.3M loan from the Department of' Environmental Quality Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan to improve creek health by piping the Ashland Canal. This project includes piping approximately 10,000 feet of canal for both water quality and conservation purposes. The City has determined that this project is 100 percent SDC eligible. S 31" East and West Foor-GIs '"F�-aor,-,isrrii,ssiori Une Rehabiftatiorl The East and West Forks transmission lines are critical for providing raw water supply to the City while clewatering the Reeder Reservoir for repairs or sediment removal. Several segments of these pipes are in need of repair, including two crossings of' the reservoir. The City has determined that this project is 75 percent SDC eligible. S 4.1" [seeder Reservoir hntal<e Repairs Recent water quality studies identified the need to be able to draw water supply from different depth levels of Reeder Reservoir during different times of the year. This will allow the City to better manage raw water quality for treatment of potable water and temperature control for wastewater effluent. The City has determined that this project is not SDC eligible. S 5- Reeder Reservoir Sediment Removal To meet regulatory requirements for sediment in Reeder Reservoir,, the City must manage ongoing sediment removal in the upper dams that flow into the reservoir every three to four years. The City has determined that this project is 75 percent SDC eligible. 6-4 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN S 6.- 7. M G D W a Le iir. . ....... I re a t iir-n e iin L I,,,, a Ii7i t The City is already under design of the new WTP that replaces the existing WTP that is in major need of replacement. This significant project will build in critical water supply reliability and resilience. The project includes a new WTP, clearwell, pump station, and associated piping to connect to the water system. The new WTP is planned for construction at a site southwest of the Granite Reservoir on City property. The City has determined that this project is 10 percent SDC eligible. I I" Backwash Recovery System A follow up project to the new WTP is additional mechanical and structural components at the plant to allow the City to reuse filter backwash water, thereby reducing water waste. This project is assumed to be delayed until funding is available. Similar to the new WTP,, this project is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. S 8 .- _FA I S rn Improvements It is anticipated that the City will have some responsibility in the investment of improvements to the TAP Supply System from the connection at MWC to the City's TAP BPS. The City, along with the Cities of Phoenix and Talent, are preparing a TAP Water Master Plan in FY20 to review infrastructure capacity and maintenance needs. Costs for the resulting recommendations are unknown at this time. However, a cost of approximately $50,,000 is anticipated in the short-term to support pipe relocation required by an ODOT project in Phoenix. This project is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. S 9- Deferred \A/1"'P Improvement Projects To save upfront costs., the City anticipates deferring other ancillary WTP improvements that can be delayed until funding is available. No costs are associated with these improvements at this time. S torage I rn prove rn ents The following water system storage improvement was identified from the results of the water system analyses in Chapter 5. S­1 ...... ........ I - New 0.85-MG Granite Zorie Reservoir As soon as budget allows, it is recommended that the City abandon the existing Granite Reservoir, which is in poor condition and in need of costly repairs and construct a new reservoir in the vicinity of Ashland Mine Road. A new 0.85-MG Granite Zone Reservoir in this location continues to serve as Granite Zone storage and provides terminal storage for the TAP supply into Granite Zone 1 so that the TAP BPS does not have to meet PHD of the Granite Zones. New development is anticipated to occur in the vicinity of the recommended location, thus cost savings could be achieved by combining new pipes for development with connections to the new reservoir. Pipe projects P-20 through P-22 are recommended to support the new Granite Street Reservoir. Additionally, pipe project AP-1 (Fox Street Pipe) is recommended to be a 16-inch (previously planned as an 8-inch pipe). Figure 6-2 shows the approximate location for this reservoir and the associated piping. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) 6-5 R imll, tow CHAPTER 6 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN P u rn p S t a t i The following pump station improvements were identified from the results of the water system analyses in Chapter S. The improvements are primarily necessary to resolve existing system deficiencies, but also have been sized to accommodate projected growth. The project costs for pump stations in Table 6-2 are for the pump stations only and do not include costs of new pipes. F" S I,,,. .. ....... I Af Bf S Backower 2 refft 13 kup power to TAP BPS bANN= 1=49=- WE MR= PS 2 : I .......... hHview BPS Rep�acernent Replace this aging booster pump station and increase capacity to support the Alsing Reservoir Service Area expansion. The recommended capacity is 860 gpm., with the ability to be reduced t 680 gpm. This project is anticipated to be 8 percent SDC eligible, which reflects the additional growth in the expanded Alsing Reservoir Service Area. I PS 3 : G ra n il..,�e to WTI) B �PS Provide a new booster pump station to boost water from the Granite Zones to the new clearwell at the WTP. This project allows the emergency TAP supply to boosted to the upper pressure zones (in combination with the WTP to Crowson BPS). A 1,.000 gpm pumping capacity with a static head of 95 feet is recommended. The project is recommended to be located in Granite Street in parallel with a flow control valve that supplies the Granite Zone from the WTP. This project is anticipated to be 10 percent SDC eligible. F')ipe Improvements The following water main improvements were identified from the results of the distribution and transmission system analyses discussed in Chapter S. All recommended improvements are assumed to be Ductile Iron Pipe Class 54 following the City"s pipe construction standards. The improvements are sized to meet future demands; thus, many projects include an SDC allocation. The projects were prioritized according to the prioritization discussed above and were allocated in the planning years such that the total pipe project costs are approximately $1M per year. This is consistent with the City's latest budget planning. It is important to note that the recommended pipe improvements do not resolve every pressure or fire flow deficiency in the water system as predicted by the hydraulic model. The number of pipe projects identified to address significant fire flow issues as well as other critical transmission projects require over $30M over the next 30 years. Thus, it was assumed that additional pipe projects to resolve every deficiency would require budgeting beyond the planning periods presented herein. ........ I through Al . . ........ 2 11 . . ... . . . . . - Annu` ipe Repacement Proposed CIP projects AP-1 through AP-25 are a group of pipe improvements which address aging, undersized pipes, many of which could be implemented by City staff. Several of these projects increase pipe size to accommodate infill and higher fire flow requirements due to the increased fire 6-6 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN flow criteria. The City has adopted an annual pipe replacement budget of $300,000. The recommended projects are summarized in Table 6-4 at the end of this chapter and into a single line -item on the CIP summary shown in Table 6-2. The projects were placed in priority of those that resolve significant fire flow deficiencies. The City may opt to adjust this recommended pipe replacement schedule to accommodate road improvement projects or other priority projects. These projects are assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. P I UNir--ough [1-32: Distributioor. i [lipe Projects Distribution pipe projects P-1 through P-32 are 8- to 12-inch diameter pipe improvements necessary for meeting the City's pressure and fire flow criteria. The first five years include projects that the City recently adopted as part of its FY20/21 biannual CIP. However., some projects have been delayed to allow budget for newly identified projects. These include funding for Project P-3 (Morton Street to Ivy Street connection) and Project P-5 (Siskiyou Blvd pipe upsizing) that should be done concurrently with the street overlay project in FY24. Distribution pipe projects are spread out between short-term, mid-term and long-term planning periods and are listed in Table 6-3. These projects are assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. -F I t-.Ifirough T-5: Transmissioor. i [lipe Projects Transmission pipe projects are 12- to 16-Inch diameter pipes that supply water into the system. These projects are assumed to be 80 percent SDC eligible as they resolve some fire flow issues but 7 ­..1.- Wolker Ave Pipe Replacement New 12-inch pipe in Walker Avenue from Siskiyou Boulevard to Ashland Middle School. This project greatly improves the fire flow for Walker Elementary School and the Ashland Middle School and was included in the City"s five-year CIP. 7 ....... . ...... 2- Gronite St Pipe Replacenient New 16-inch pipe in Granite Street from the new Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to Strawberry Lane. This project may be done in phases (i.e. Granite Reservoir to Strawberry Lane,, then WTP to Granite Reservoir) or could be a single project when the Granite Reservoir is taken offline. This project is identified to be completed in the mid-term; however, completing this project as soon as budget allows is recommended in order to reduce pumping from the WTP to Crowson Zone 1. 'T 3 t hrough T5.1- E"Main St Pipes A series of pipe projects in E Main Street from Siskiyou Boulevard to the east side of Interstate 5 at Ashland Street / Oak Knoll Drive are recommended. T-3 and T-4 are 16-inch mains. T-3 provides needed transmission capacity within Granite Zone 1 to supply fire flows to SOU and the apartment complexes in the Wightman St and Iowa St vicinity. Project T-3 could also be used as a way to separate high pressure customers north of East Main Street as part of a rezone project. T-4 is recommended to provide a redundant supply to new development in the Normal Avenue area north of East Main Street. T-5 is a 12-inch main to supply areas of Crowson Zones 2 and 6 that are Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) 6-7 R ml,2 OMM1047", pr 0000W4%WW CHAPTER 6 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN recommended for rezoning to the Granite Zone. This pipe could also be constructed to serve development east of 1-5 and south of East Main St. Operations and Maintenance The following operations and maintenance improvements are recommended and are shown in Table 6-2. OM I .... .. ....... I oLi-nan 0-eel< Road PRV Station This project is recommended for expansion of the Alsing Reservoir Service Area. The timing of the project is recommended to be concurrent with replacement of the Hillview BPS. This project is estimated to be 8 percent SDC eligible, which corresponds to projected growth in the expanded Alsing service area. OM 2 : I .......... �ydrw­it Replacernent Progmrn City staff have identified the need for funding of a hydrant replacement program to bring hydrants throughout the City into improved,, more reliable conditions for fighting fires. An annual budget of 10 hydrants per year is recommended for the first ten years (except for the first two years), and 20 per year beyond this. This program is not assumed to be SDC eligible. OM 3: -Fe�ernetry Upgrades As discussed in Chapter 5., the City's telemetry system will require infrastructure improvements to keep up with improved technologies and to match the system decided on for the new WTP. This project is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. OM-4- AK/AMR Evaluation The water system includes a combination of' meter types., including typical manual read meters and some automatic meter read (AMR) meters. To simplify monthly meter reading and meter maintenance, have a consistent meter type is recommended. City staff need a plan for whether to continue to install and repair AMR meters or consider other technologies. Other meter technologies, such as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) would need to be reviewed and approved with public input as the community is concerned with potential environmental impacts associated with these technologies. A study is recommended for evaluating and recommending a meter type for the City to move forward with meter management. This project is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. OM 5- F ipe Connectijustmerits from RezoneStudies Pipe improvement or PRV projects are anticipated to result from the recommended rezone study (RS-3) for addressing low- and high-pressure areas in the system. Costs are unknown at this time, but a cost of $200,000 is a placeholder until the costs can be further refined. This project is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. 6-8 Z:\130THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DE LIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN OM 6: Cay Stree L and ,,,,,,I,,,,,,oLir-nan Cre6e, F�oad I )I V a t i o iin s These two PRV stations are recommended for rezoning lower sections of the Crowson Zones 2 and 6 where significantly high pressures exist. This project could happen prior to extending Granite Zone 1 piping in East Main Street to these areas. Once the East Main piping is installed, these customers could be supplied mainly by the Granite Zone,, and these PRV stations would be used for fire protection (supply fire from the Alsing Reservoir). This project is estimated to not be SDC eligible. I 'lire ssure ROO Vaes Due to high pressures at low elevations within pressure zones,, City staff have identified the need for installing pressure relief valves at critical locations. The number of relief valves and their locations are unknown at this time. This project is assumed to not be SDC eligible. Recommended Studies RS I _FAP Water Master Man a��­id F'uture LJpdates As discussed above, the City, along with the Cities of Phoenix and Talent,, is preparing a TAP Water Master Plan in FY20 to review infrastructure capacity, operations and maintenance needs of the TAP Supply System infrastructure. The Plan includes developing a cost -sharing methodology for future maintenance and improvements that will reflect each TAP partner city"s original investment in the TAP system and future capacity needs. It is anticipated that an updated Intergovernmental Agreement will also result from the TAP Water Master Plan. Additionally,, a revised TAP Water Master Plan is recommended every ten years. This project is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. [,- fisk aor. id Resilience Assessrnerit and `",meorb &r­icy Response Recently adopted federal regulations under the Water Infrastructure Act require that the City perform a Risk and Resilience Assessment and Emergency Response Plan. This plan is required to identify all potential hazards to the City including natural hazards, human -caused threats, cyber- security threats., financial risks, etc. The plan also requires developing a mitigation plan to address all threats and develop an Emergency Response Plan. The regulations also include a short -time frame for completion of the Plan, and the City's plan will be due in FY21. This project is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. RS 3- Rezoning,Study A rezoning study is recommended to address the City"s many locations experiencing significantly low and high pressures. The study may identify ways to use existing or planned pipe projects to create new sub -zones, identify potential new PRV stations, and evaluate the existing PRV settings in further detail than this WMP. This project is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. RS 4- Water Mas Ler 1`1��an Upda Les The Oregon Drinking Water Program (DWP) requires that each water system have a current water master plan. A revised master plan is recommended every ten years to capture changes in demands. However, the City may opt to prepare an abbreviated updated Plan once the new WTP is Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) CHAPTER 6 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN completed; thus, a lower cost Plan is recommended in the first ten years of the CIP. This project is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. 6-10 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612.DOCX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) C> m (0 Ul) loo 00 co C5 U*> Wil .......... *oil. ---- ---------- -------------------------- *oil. � ------------ 64)- ---------- C) � ----- 40,11. ------- ---------- I 64)- ------ ------- ---- ----- ----- ---------------- 40,11. � ------ ------------ ----- to ----- C) =0 to co C) 00 (9) 00 loo *oil. *oil. 60 64)- toll. 64)- *oil. -------- ----- -------- ----- ------------- ---------- C> --------------- -- C> ---------- C> ----- --------- ---------- ----- ----- - ---- ----- ----- ---------- - ---- ------ ------- ----- ----- ----- gum �u LO Lr) C114 C> C> C> 00 L6 Ul> 4-J C: ce) cle) T- E 60. 61!)- 61!)- 40,11. to 0 ........................... ............................ .... . . ------- ------ ----------------- -- ----- ------------- ------------ C> ------------- ------- ---- ----- ----- ---------------- ------ ------------ ----- ----- C) ,'I d C> C> (=> C> C) C) CL E Iry U*> ham-P— Ul> C=> co co IV- a; 00 co 4= 4= T 1� NO fall. 69� 40,11. 64> 61�� 60. 60. 40,11. #A- aj u ............ --------- ----- C=> C> C=> C=> C=> C::> C=> C=> ------- --- ----- ----- F C) C> CD O. 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