HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-25 Water Advisory Committee Agenda PacketJune 251, 20,19 AGENDA 1, CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 PM, Siskilyou Room, 51 Winbum Way Ashiand, OR, 11, NNNOUNCEMENTS 11111 iiq� IV. PUBLIC FORUM A. WaterTreatment Plant Update A. 'Water System, Master Plan o System A-nalysis Update, o Capital. Irnprove ment, Plan Update o Draft Plan V11. ADjOURNMENT.*� 6:00 PM CITY OF AS H LAN D ;w.r� I TABLE, OF CONTENTS City, of Ashland Water Master Plan Update, I I INTRODUCTION 44 a 60*41• 4104 10,00010(oi 004 as lm,'Modio*000lo Alai a & a *o 1 WATER SYSTEM OWNERSHIP AND 1-1 OVERVIEW OF EXISTING SYSTEM ....................... .......Mixwawiww1 — 1 AUTHORIZATION AND PURPOSE .................... I ........................ I ............... ...... ....... 1-2 SUMMARY OF' WIVIP CONTENTS I ...................................IF 0 a 0 A # 6 A F m IF F IF IY F N,* F F 41 Al 0 N, a I 1 0 0 1, 9 1 111 a d a 0 M &oil IN Am& IF R W M 1-3 DEFINITION Of TERMS ......... #01,F441mill mowed 0 smalch 1 L,IS,T OF'ABBREVIATIONS.., ............ ............. 11 .............. I ........ ...... ......... ....... : .......... 1-5 2, 1 WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION * alleallifilb 10 Milo 00004 40410ICI * IN'TRO,DU'CTIO,N .............. IY A 1& 6, k & 1 0 4 a A, a & i a 6 & 0, 4 - 0 4 0 k 0 N 5 m W A 4 4, 0 F IN X W Is 1 0 N I MI a 0 0 0 1 1 A 1 0, a 11 2-1 WATERSERVICE AREA....., .............. N M M M N iN........MI. I .................... iN N p M 1 Ni .......... ........ iw N N W N N W M M M 2-1 HWo 104 *41141 40" m & m o ., , # ..Ai * 21F4 Existing Water Service, Area ................ 41101mom 2-1 Future Water Service, Area, 2-1 Topography................ I ................... II ...... I ......... 0 6 a 0 Q All 0 41 ON 10 W. a 4 IN d, a 1 6, a a A a 6 It A 0 m 01 0 0 IF 41 * 0 10 0 0 41 a 4 # 4 W 4 a it F 1 0 1 4 0 a It a im, a I it a a a 0 A M A & IY. A 4, 0 0 0 21-2 INVENTORY OF EXISTING WATER Pressure, Zones.. ............ 2-2 Supply Facilities ......... wimpoijimaill im Iwo #4111"m #410#0 2-14 WaterTreatment .......................... I ...................... IN M M.. M M 'M AI M M s N M MI. N N": M.. M. M N N is .......I N i.I ...... I. I ......... 1.2-5 'Water Supply.... 41006*** 1 wool 6400101 NO a 2-6, Pump Station Facilities ww..... No IN N M N M' M M ■ M Mw ■ M M M M ■ MI ................. is - I ... I ................. it .... � -I .... .... 2-7 StorageFacilities ............ . iM I. # 9 a 4, 0 a W W *1• 0 40 0, 6 k 0 V * 0 Iw 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 1 0 F P 9 m 4 W 4 4 W 1 4 9 0 111 q,# 0 F 6 1 0 ff # 0 a # 0 If 0 2 it 0 *1* a A 2-10 Distribution and Transmission System .... 0.1 ....... iNi M N p N N M N N N AI M N■ M M■ MI V■ NI ............. 242 Pressure Reducing and Control Valve ....... 2-14 Water System Operation and Control/Telernetry and Supervisory Control System ......... m, 2- I: USEAND POPULATION.11 Ad 00 *60 GIN 06,000 0004941 00000469 min 044,1144403-1 INTRODUCTION..,,,,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,,. mill No N M ■ MI INK61,an, untallim, m its&,, 3-1 COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER PLANS ,, 60000 pop Kai, most mism, ago so Doi cis on sm,to km#.03-1 Introduction.. .......................... I .... 0 ... I., ....... ....... M N M M N . ■■ Mr I .... iw........ is ........ I., ....... 3-1, Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 14 ............................... ..... .............................. I ....... oppipilill 3-1 City of Ashland Comprehensive Plans, ............. I .. ........ I ...... . - I .... I ...... ...................... I., ............ ....... 3-2 Z".\B4OT[IELI,.\DA,TA\COA� 101,9-096WMP 20,16\03 DELI VER. BLE'S\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\WMP TABLE OF CONTENTS.DO CX (6/19/2019 11:3141 AM) 'I TABLE City, Io,f Ashland Water Master Plan Update Jackson County Comprehensive Plan ' n I . w . w w .w. w 1 w: 1 1 w .I Iw w n w n; . w n. w w .. w .. .w w n . w i... n ... . 3-2 LANDUSE, ....... .......... II ...........,...........w......I..........1...■...■.............I.......4IY.1��......-.MI.......Iw..elwnl....Iwnl■�.nw.ww..nn.... wrx�-2, POPULATION........, .......... ....... Iw.....I............I............ AWE .��iN �N �M �;�b YN el MU 9N "�ww w. I�..r�.i�.W �u M��,. !�. �4 r� 1e. �1 �F M. w n. w w . w. w w n,. w n..s w w.! 3- Household..... w. Iw............ •<....I. .. I... ............. 3-4 Existing and Future, City Population,....i.... h..w m..N........1.. w...n.....w... nwa ww.wn.w....... ..........Y Nin. www m.wnww.w.. 3-14 Water System Population N..1...... .. w... w M.. MD ... w...1 w... w.. n w. w w �. w........5 �I:u w.... w... UY DEMANDS ao dfa , 101 10,8101644,610101D an Ia II 0 0 4 4 4f 40 I INTRODUCTION, .......... w.w....... ..................... I.1w,........ ...IF1.1. w. 1 wIII . YA. 1 w.I a. w. 0000 A,.... I w A J, 1 w. w w. w w.; w a w w. w w.. n........ w A CURRENT POPULATION AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS.., ........ I ....... I ......... ................... In...1n..1........ -1 Water "Ar.w Classifications w.......I ,.. w u! . dN ON .... aw ..; I.. w; .� . w ., .... 1 . .; w .. I IF ... w ... w ...; ur' .. . ,., . 4-1 4-1 Residential, Population Served..,.., ....... ....................... .................................................. EXISTINGATER DEMANDS.....,.. 0 1 a I. a ol a a It 0 IN 0 IN A 0 0 * 01 IN 0 IN * # IN A 6 a a a 6 1 10 a 41 it 0 4 1 IF 0 4 0 0 IN 4, 0 0 A 4 1 a 0 4 N 11 a 0 1 1 4 * M I IF .. i. Mun...l w...le 1. w w n 1 w.. n w A 199 4-3 Water Consumption..,,..,., ; ................ ,..; ...................................... IM . M......, 1 .., ...� w w . w w 1:, w w 1,. w I! w� . w �k M ,., .. ,M .... ,... 04-3 WaterSupply,.., ...............I. .. ;......... 1 aid IBM 1 w. 1 w n w 1. 4- 1 WaterLoss ............., ..1. w . w ......................, ................I:...., ..............: w w, .....; .., ......:. w..l ......, ......... # ...., . w, ., ...... , Per Capita �� p M .... M. w.■ .... a ..... w ... w .. w Y .. w ... w 1 1 w ...., .. d, .... n i .. ......... w ... row .. w w 4 w. i. 1 .... i� . .. 1 w .. w 1. w 1 w w .. w .. a. ... �' � DemandsPer re, '' u r ,Z n'' w IF 1, I.. M, .. 6 .. ti1.:I... 0 ... 1 w .. 1 w .... IF .. 0 IN M . # 4 dl- ..F 0 0 . 0 . iw . w N4 w w nl w w.. w w ... n w V ...., - � 5 Equivalent Residential ntial nits..w.w..w.........................1 e..........r........I w...........n........ rM............. le..wn. -16 AverageIkw.+' ill Demand, .........w.e .M..WN WP ..w n. .,.. .. s... .... W........w..w..ww............bw.ww1.w It wwm.w.www..w. w NO w..,XI...,.. 2 Maximum Day Demand 1. e ...... w.-..In.... 1.1...... w. - . PeakHourl Demand ....,. ................... ........,.............. r................... w.. uU.... w................ n....... -21 4-2 FIRE FLOW DEMAND ...........IF...:.....................0 0........... I...I....... ih.... i w..1. m..1 w....1. e.. e . M ... F. w............ 1 UT' E TERDEMANDS ......... ...4...I....i1.li.;a4,. w.1. w w,111I.'is, ... ...:..I...... inw 1;0111,.4,Iw..4..0.100.'e11100.I..1011 w1. w...'.. n w.,.......i*..... 4-2 Basis for Projecting I®W� per,-h�� Y1. - 2 2 I� d II � PoI � '.ate � N Demands...., , .... w ., 1 .., 1 ..I .. w w ..,. I.. +1 aN� M 1 w... w 1� ,w w .� �n ...... .. IiI; # ... le, ..I ..- .I 1 ... w, ..., .. w, . w w .. IiI, .. ,W, .. r........ �., n . w .. . 4-22 Demand Forecasts and Conservation ..... I.....I...........I ........ i...I ............. ...... ;.......i ............ ............. . FutureE U+s...I....i................. w.. ..4........ d4..1...... .........1 .w.w.... wNM I......NINE all ...FIl IE....4..... 1........w.... ...w..4-2 II 5, WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS ! , , , I I I -. , , I ' IN. ! I , ! ' I ,a AS .II 0 0, a IN of a 41 10 0 40 a 00 a, *I a a, IN, a' a a, a a ICI a a 0, a 41 a a 01 a a 0, 0 0 0 A 41 — 1 N .4 II II,' r ' ... w ...... M .... a ,ie ....,... ■ . ,........... ,... w ......: ,....:..... ,...wan .... ... I.... w .......... w„ ... w w . i N .., ...., ............................... ,�Ill�iw - Changes, Since Last Water MasterPlan......,............,..........w..w.w...........................nw..........1......... - GeneralSystern Challenges,............ 1I...... f...I.... I... ........ I. w.,... wl. w....au............,.... w....1..,.. w..... w In ..in....l. w... MIS.. 5- .. . B T LL D T A 1016-0,96 WMP 016\P3 Li EB E \CHAPTERS 1-4 01, 0411 P TABLE OF CONTENTS,DOCX (6/19/2.0,191134 ) I TABLEOF CONTENTS City, of Ashland Water Master Plan Update SUPPLYE V n ION Aw w m 'w lw m w m a w n IN ....I ........ �W W m m IW ......I......II .. I. . 'W.......l .. . .... m . ho , W W w• m w n, w n nl .. m M w m M 5-3 SI yl Criteria ... IN WiWWammlanam■a,aaNIN anwlnaWa}WIaWaN■n aaaa.aanNi aaawa... l..aaNNaw... nwreaaalNwltowalso aaaNm:ma.aawnwibnnaa -3 Supply Analysis.... .......................................WN WNWm.WIN.wml WwmmWre.IMa..!WWN...'aIY, Nq Wr w,.�'mW-rmW-Imp: yp II W'Wq WM:M;M dN W: WuYWauWmn�m w. n�a a�Y�w W�Yh a.■a W�w�W. Wu M'm W.■w; �w5-4 awa� New T 11. Integration with ExistingSystem a r W w a m a; au m W �W a w- m w m Wy al. a� is IN y' MY 'W aw N r w, w w W', Wr W- dW $�� u W gy w wW � y W� N, MN �a a 4: �W w r: �N a s �w w tlu m a n 5 SupplyRecommendations aW9w WNa W'WWN��u ,W W'wm.maw', a�WWSY'wmw a�WWmww. 'www.... ,aaa Asa, �tWNN'pb �Na W�imwa'mWmms�Nwn,aawl Rio 39M, YEwW dNai�dW YY W!m yw��q pq Wp ryw Wy�ia w; �h SpGWwm�N lemwa�na 5-9 SII O RG� E A C IA AI TI I �rE S w, . a. .14 W m W. m w w' uu m w m w w. n . W .. W m an m . nl m w� m M w' 'w w w �a ;W IW� �a WN 1W yy, W, m m W m m w n� a w m M w m �ti a; w w w1w W� am W in i w m m w !N m M n� ail a Wq W NM Wq �W Wi W w W��N nr m w w wi w m a a 5- mom"' StorageCriteria m w w m �w w m a w:. nl Iw n; . a, a.. a w W; . W W WW W !W IM �W w m m n m m n �w w W', 'W� Ni iN m 'W W W wr w m a W: �p IN m: s� iM �� wl �w a� a w Wy pN �W W.. �W. n, w WX �Y Yw � w n, M m Nan M W t y� w WI' �W w m e� w N.. • w ni M w nl M a IN a ;n W w Wb WWI; 'W� #u w m w n a 5 1 ' A StorageAnalysis W . ,W a 'W . m m .awn . w a� ;n a. n n �w n WN W n 'W W m WI IW n nI m r w n Iw n Ny �y� uW WN Wp WN yw ,W'. WW 'W W n, m w;. m m � n r wl� ey ;W Wp WW �Aw WWN W W m IN m m IN Al a a a.... n N n, m a. n, a a n M W 'W' W m 41 No a; IN It a IN a IN a& A n ?a IN m 5... 1 s StorageRequirements w w� aw a a n �w� W WN �W W 'W a a N: a a m a w m 'a a, n �a a W. WN ,W {a, WN yp td� 041too ml 6 6 :W W; a 'al W !N m al iN M a a a �N a n pb 1w W M Iq W ak R W !N W W a a a. n a a. a �a a a n �W. a qu aW W W IN w aI a n Granite Reservoir Replacement ... l W w: n ui W 'W a w W' aN w w al w a n . w a a ... wN . l W ..... I a m a a s ti....... a s . W WN W a; . w n a s w:, . w w a w a, n M "N . W Iw' a w a. ml a n w n a wN a s a.. W; .. �5 1, 4 A l s i w n ,g Reservoir Service Area Expansion a a n r. a; n r� n� W ab �N m a �w a a' m a a a fw' w n9 aW'. a WN �W� � a W. Wry a We IN !a a� a a n al a n n a w; a a n. W WI N a n .. n 1.5 Storage Recommendations Summary MP U STATION CAPACITY ANALYSIS, A IF III m a it Iw W a a la aI Ww IN WI Ww M wN 4 A WW Ia IN IW a s IM 9, a a a 41 a 0 0# a W W y W IF Im W m W re a a m a n a N n a n W u W W m mom to a a a n n a a a w W W aw n 5 w '"'"'°mp I Station, n s is, Criteria...... WWw WW IW,aam a'NM WI ae a ma w:a a na a naa yg �N ;a YN a'Wd Wa 'W aIam 7l Wl.a aN'a rw"..aaa W W, rtp W W"Wa w. IM n a,.a a w,n a w;n a nn w nn ii W a W m eI a as aaaa na W Ia 5- 6, ump 1 Station U IU a�W 1I M a.d N �' a a a a a. n �N a i a, :a W W r1 r m ik m m a a Ia a w' �i a dy ?M Ia ^M a s dWI M"W a �W �W a s Ni a s IW 'a n a a a n AY a W' a W m ar a a a a !N a a n N ;N a w W; n W aYI aW W n, a W N a n wI m a a� n a s a n n W Ia W u5 IW. IW a a; w a � 1 Pump, Station Recommendations -9 a ............. a 9F NN a'; a s a� l a a a. 'w W W. Iw i a a W a N� n a a a a n a nl a w n Wh W a W W n a W a a a NI a s , a n a a a a n n W. WI a W W n N m a m a PRESSUREZONES..,, w In IW w m m n Im n m m n a a m a . NX �* a Iw WY' a s MI W �a 1w WM n� W air Ww a m m m n n� a a a a JNI a W Mr Wy W�, Wr as a m a m w a m a N m aN a Ww W W W1 W a m m m o a s INN In a aI a s w ,Iw a wI a1 W WI V n nI m a, Mal a M N, a a N w w afi Y n m 5 2 'Nr IaLI iJ� 1W 1, n 11wt N��"y', r ii �a1 5 - 2 '• �"�� ^mow ��' ■ n �� 'a�+'a;� If IA as�A'w la i4 aANalWmmaWa aa....... l wY a an Was W aam n amm am a aaW adM Wp ^aaWN'4W, Wrm mmm n'!Na w a n an ny n,W �w tlM W Ia Wq ar re,m n ama a w as w a'YN W kWw W N� ma mI n m'n a a a a nn a;W,* W Pressure � Zone a��^�*� Analysis "��NN a 1a��ry pCar�111 ^w�' n dF "4 A AI #I� "w.an s i, s ,a a ..a a a ^w W W� 4� alt W� m n a. uw . uW al m m a nI 'a IN w a a w a. M m 'a n nI m a a a a a a a m a N a w a �IW W W WN m m w, m a m �a a m w a a a a ,a w W. a W' �W n a m a a 'sl n a a a a n a iw w dN iM� a a a W a. a m M 'tea - 'ate,{' Pressure Zone R'mmen 'Iw "aaaa'6nMn' nl w N ,w a a a a w a w n WN W WI a W a m n n m a w: m a n n a a n w Vu w W n:. m Im a n a a a n,. a a n w w Wp 5-21 DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ,N a w a a a n w Ww d, WN WI m W m m a m n w nl N a n ,N a a. . r n n w WI IN n, m IN NI m n a m. M In. n IN IN a w. 'a W a m n ,w' nun N n m. N a n ,2ww II DistributionSystem A I', Nl a WN y s, a s C ',N !a aW ,w' wLa ' 'a w WIN w W W m N a- m n N l N N n m w N n n aW W. a a n a ,N IN In N N IN IN IW, IN W W W W m N m m . n nI N a n a n a s W" nW m n N m n m N w w IF w ww W 5- 2 Hydraulic Model' w"e11"W l' m 16 a IF It a IN aN N m a IN a I IN & Ww qa 141 0- WN ,a W W 6 iW.: wI WI W. IF 1 1, al a qw R IN IF a W* w* 0 F IN 'n a N IN n m m � �n w w n n W �W� �w W: n W n n �N n N, m n m a a �n a w a a a, ,n w aY qp W a qr a ro m a N,. . M a n al n w a w 4�, - I HydraulicAnalysis ..1.,........alY. nW WW WIN NgWWn,na'nNNaaaawaawfiGnnnN uanaaaamalnwa 5-25 Distribution System Recommendations,■ N a w a. a ,a al . n. M, . N m n N:. n n, n n NI ,a w: n wI a a m a n; m N N: nI N w. a w WW m m . n m a a N;. N a a an IN wW w w W WN a .. +w.aM' - 'x Maintenance +�""'a� Iw 1n 7t 1n 's.s�... - '-'"11 "" '" "'" �• '� Recommendations....., N a n� 'n a a...a a w n ,a a w CNN Mh Iu wN W w.: m m N m n n. m a m a w a a a a� yy w 4M W W a. m n n m N m n a. a N N a n ,W aI w W W� �W W �W, a m m m n a a N a n, n w a. 'Nw di. W� IY a a a w a 27 TELEMETRY "" N S a V S C O T ` SYSTEM w w a w w n w n W W WI p a m m � a a a a N n a a a n n W W M W m a W W n a N w a a a a N w U w a m m a a N w n n aana 5- {a;,,,,, Evaluation and Recommendations a a a m m N ai a' a w ni as a n �w W m IW n aN N n N. m n m �n w ,N N w a w a a w w Wu n W n: W n a m n a a a. a s n w n a n a a n MN W, W WI W a a n a I CAPITAL I TABLE, OF CONTENTS City of Ashland Water Master Plan Update Co, n t i, n g e n c i es.,.... .. - .: ... .-I ......... I I.... ....... - I. IN I ... I ... A - - a,. - - - M.M. I. IN ................ Iw............. I.. I ....... 6-2 Engineering, Legal, Administration..., ........ ................ I .......... 6FIRA04,0*66101 mail 199PRIO000 01i Ams 14 RON 0001 0 m. 6-3 SDC Allocation & I Development Contributions *9 SaWSR11104 am IKE sea 111114,11off 6-3 PROJECT PRIORITIZAT'ION ........ I ... I ...... I ... I ................ 6-3 SCHEDULE OF IMPROVEMENTS., ............. .. I ........... I ..................... ............ 6-3 DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS......, ........................ 110 11691 NORMA NO i *&M Sao 111111 woffmil 06 12 6-4 SupplyImprovements .... ........... I ....................... ; .............11 RI0 ............... .......... 6-14 StorageImprovements 1. . t •A It a a I a I A SIG I @I IN, .. 0, it a IN a ,IN a a MI 0 I. IN 6 1 M 0 d a a M, it a 1 41 a IN a a & 4 * 0 1& a 41 A a # 0 IN 0 w IIY m 1 .. 4, 0 6 A a it if a a it A, 0 4 4, 0 a *I & a a A K m it 4 a a a 1 11 6-5 Pump Station Improvements ... ....... .... I ........... Aw4iffid,fm all* @I to 6-6 Pipe Improvements OWNIA16AAA 6-6 Operations and Maintenance ..... .- I ....... I ...... I ........... .......... 6-8 Recomm,endied Stdie us ................. I .......... I ... I.. - I .. I ....... I ....... I ................ 0 0 0 #:&1 A, a 9 1 0 9 a 4 t 0 I..I a a A a a a, 0 1 4 :9 0 4 a 0 # 6 0, .. it it 6 A a it It Z-\,HELL\DATA\C,C)A\1016-096 WM P 2016\03 DIELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411,\WMP TABLE OF CONTENTS,t)OU (6/1,9/2019 11,M AM) iv 1 1 INTRODUCTION Tofu at� nT e• - Descri tion,,,��d Oi uuuuUi Ymuuuuuuuuuuwi ��������� uuum ' m u n 1 ty .......... kshland'Watefr Department . . . ............. . County jackson County Systeim ID Numbeir 00047 . . . ............. . ... . ...... . ...... ................................... Address kle-41IM111 MIAM, RME43103PYA1111 Mr. Greg Hunter, WaterTreatment Plant Sup el ry is o r .. . ........ . ......... . . Contact Rhone Number .............. . ...... . .... ........ . Overview of Existing System In 20,16) the City provided water service to an average of approximately 8,796 customer connections, or 16,461 equivalent residenti lal unit's (ERUs), will'thin the, City's, water service area., The; City limits comprise an area of approximately 6.58 square milees, which alslol represents the water service alrea. The 2016 population served by the water system was approximately 2011620. The City's water supply is currently provided by the 'Reeder Reservoir and the Talent -Ashland -Phoenix (TAP) "Emergency" Intertie that conveys water supply from the Mledford Water Coi ion (M'WC Supplemental raw water supply may also; be provid'ed by the Tallent Irrigation District (TID). Water supply from Reeder) Reservoir and TID is treated at the City's Water Treatment Plant. Water supply from MWC is rechlorinated at the TAP booster pump station (BPS,). Wed 4y fou r treate d' water sto rage/d istri but! on res e rvo i rs th Wat h ave, a 'tota I provi ater stor�age i capacity of approximately 6.8 million gallons (MG). In addition, the C31ty'si water system has 14 pressure zonles w3ith 31 pressure reducing stations. The system also has 4 booster pump statioris and approximately 1191 Wes of Waiter main. A, tabular summary of the 2016 water system data is shown in Table 1-26 Z.\ BOTH E 1A.\DATA\C0A\101 61-019 6 AMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 201.80411\201,8-WMPCH1 20190603.DOCX (6/19/2019 7:48, AM) 21 CITY OF ASH, LAN D WATE R SYSTEM PLAN Table 1-2 2016'Water System Dati NMI Water Service Population 20,1620 ............ . Existing Water Service Area 6 50 Square Miles Total Connections 81796 . . . ....... - 'Total Es 161461 Demand per ERU 177 Gallons Per Day ---------- Annual consumption 11,065,011,589 Gallons Average Day Demand (ADD) ................ 2.91 MGD Maximum Day/Average Day Demand Factor 2.04 Peak Hour/Peak Day Demand Factor 238 Number of'Pressure, zones 14 Number of Sources and Total Capacity' ........... 3 (10.0 MGD) . . . . ........ Number of Storage Tanks and'Total Capacity 4 (6.81111111111M,G) Number of Pump Stations 4 Number of'Pressure, Reducing Valve Stations 1-1111111111- .......... 31 Totall Length of Water Main 119 Miles - .. . ....... . ....... 'Does not, include TID emergency supply. II Authorization and Purpose AL AL M AL a, Is's AM w a Owk AL M, AL i w a Intl AL 6 1L M Ab At AL a in W1111 1ww 1-2 Z.\BOTHELL\DA'. TA\COA\1,016-10l96 WM,P 20116\031 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180,411\2018-WMPICHI 20190603.DOCX (611,9/20197 A8 AM) CITY 0 FAS H LA N D WATER SYSTEM PLAN INTRODUCTION Summary I WMP Contents A. brief summary of the content of the chapters in the WMP is, as follows: • The Execut'lliveSummaryprovidesa brilef s,u�mmarylofjthel<eyelements,of'th�isWMP. J, I • Chapter 1 introduces the readerto the City's water system, the objectives of the WMP, an, oIM Ab a, Am a AR IN a supplement the majin The Appendices contalin additional information and planstha I F Al � M=OIR Definition of Terms The following terms are used throughout this WMR. Consumplition.- The true volume of water used by the water system's customers. Thevolumiel'is m I ion. sys, easured at eachcustomer's connection tothe d' stri"but' Cross Connection.- A physical arrlangem�elnt that connects a public water, systern, directly or indirectly, with facilities that could present the potential for contaminating the public water systern. A A atllY yam' ,MN. 4P 0 Opp I 0 0 Average Day Demand (ADD): The totalamount of water delivered to the systemin a year divided by the number of days in the year., 0 Maximum Day Demand (PDD): The maxi murin amount of water delivered to the system during a 241-hour time perl of a given year. a Peak, Hour Demand (PRE): The maximum amount of water delivered they system, excluding fire flow, during a 1-hour time period of a given year., A system's peak hour demand usually occurs during the same day, as the M. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\10,16-096 WM P 2016\03 DEUVERABLESNHAPTERS 1-4 2018,0411\2,0 -WMPCH1 201906,03,DO,CX (6/19/2019 7,48 AM) W CHAPTER 1 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs): One ERU represents the amount of water used by one single-family, riesidence, for a, specific water system.The demand of other customer classes can be, I expressed interms of ECUs by dividing the demand of each of the other customer classes by the demand representled by one ERU. Fire Flow: The rate of flow of water required during firefighting, which 'is, usually expressed in terms Of gpm. Head.: A measure of'pre,ss,ure or force exerted by water. Head is measurela in feet and can be converted to pounds per square inch (psi) by dividing feet by 2.31. HeadJoss: Pressure reduction resulting from pipeline wall friction, bends, physical restrictions, or obstructions. Hydraulic Elevation: The height of afree water surface above a diefinied datum; the height above, the ground to which water in a pressure pipeline would 1 Hse in a vertical open-end, pipe. I Maximum Contaminant! Level (MCL)-, The maximum permi , ss,ible level of contaminant in the water that the purveyor delivers to any public water system, user. Pressure Zone: A portion of the water system that operates from sources at a common hydraulic t elevation. For example, the 2170 Granite Zone refers to one of the City s primary pressure zones, which has, a reservoir with an, overflow elevation of 2,170 feet'. Purveyor.1 An agency, subdivision of the state, municipal corporation,, firm,, company, mutual or cooperative ass,ocilation, institution, partnership, or persons or other entity owning or operating, a public water syster n. Purveyor also means the authorized agents of such entities. Supply: 'Water that is delivered to, a, water system by one, or more supply facilities, which may consist of supply stations, booster pump stations, interties, springs, and wells. Storage,: Water that is "stored" in a reservoir to supplement the supply facilities of a system and provide water supply for emergency conditions. Storage is broken down into, the followling, three components, which. are defined and discussed in more detall in Chapter 5: operational storage, em�ergency storage and fire flow storage. Water, Loss: Water that is measured as going into the distribution system but not metered as going out of the system., 1-4 ZAB07HELL \DATA\C0A\101G-096 WMP 201,6\P3 IDELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 2018G411\2018-WMPCF11, 201906103.DOCX (6/19/2,019 7:48 AM) _1 6 am ON � Li A of Abbrevilat"icins The a b b r ivl atio n slisted In Ta bi 3 are u sed throughout this WM P., Table ®3 Abbreviations CS, American Community Survey ADD Average Day Demand AWWA American Water, Works Association BPS Booster Pump Station C u summer Confidence Report CIP Capital Improvement Program City City of Ashland' bo a my Jackson County DBP Disinfection ion Byproduct LC Department f Land Conservation and Development . . .............. EPA .......... . . . U.S. Environmental "r i n Agency ERU Equivalent Residential Unit fps . . . . . . .................... . . . . .Feet per second gpd Gallons per day gpm Gallons Per ruu,e HDPE High Density Polyethylene Horsepower i CL . ... . .............. . ....... ...... . Maximum Contaminant Level .................. CG xiu Contaminant, Level Goal ,MDD Maximum Demand VG .Mi-llIoI,In Gallons MGD1 Million Gallons + r Day Milligrams per Liter c Medford Water Commission A Oregon Admini r ive Rules r g n Health Division PHD Peen Hour Demand 2.\BO'THELL\DAT'A\COA,\1016,-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS �1-4 2018,041.1\2018-WMPOil 20190603,000 (6J19/2019 7:48 AM), 1-5 Oil 2 CHAPTER 1, CITY OF AS H LA N D WATER S'STEM PLAN' PRV . .... - — -------- - Pressure Reducing Valve . . . ...... . .... PRV Pressure Relief Valve psi . ............ Pounds, per squar�e, inch PVC .... . .................... Polyvinyl Chl'oride . . ...... - — ---------- SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition S DWA ............. Safe Drinking Water Act . ......... . . . . -- SEPA, State Environmental Policy, Act . ......... . . .... So C Synthetic Organic Chemical . ........ . . . ................... SWT'R Surface, Water Treatment Rule . . ................. . ........ TAP Talent-Ashl'and-Phoenix Partnership . . . . ...... T'I D Talent Irrigation District, UGB Urban Growth Boundary �USGS United States, Geological Survey . . . ..... .. .. --- ....... ---- . . . ............... ...... ........ . . .... VOC ....... . ---- ........ Volatile Organic Chemical . ....... ........... WMP . .......... Water, Master Plan, WTP . . . ....... . . Water Treatment Plant — ----- ....... ... ........... WUE ..... . ..... . ............. Water use Efficiency 1-6 Z.\BOTHELL \D,ATA\COA\1016-096WMP 2011,6\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTER5 1-4 20180411\20,1,8-WMPCHI 20190603.D,OCX (6/19/2019 7,48 AM) v, 1 �/ / VEX�1 2 1 WATIER, SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 0 Introduction This chapter describes th�e City's existing and future water; service areas and water service agrelement's and provides, a thorough description of the water s�ystem and its, individual components. The result's of the evaluation and analyses of the existing water systern are presented in Chapter 5.1 Water Servicle, Area ip 0 dhr rAh, wr if MEN Existing Water, Service Area 0 W V V AMP W W V Ap 1 01 Ap Along with the water service area:, Ashland's city limits and urban, growth boundary (UGB) are shown i'n Figure 2-1,. F(JtUre Water Service Ar-ea The City"s UGB includes most areas of the existing water service area, as well as additional area to the northwest near the T'AP Booster Pump Station (BPS,) and areas to the southwest to Tolman I Nell Creel<s;., In order for customers or properties, to, be provided water, their property must be 7\BOTHEt,�L\DATA\(..'OA\1016,096WMP20,16\03�Dt(.IVERABLE,S\CHAP'TERSI-4 2018,0411\2018-WMPC�H220190603.DOCX(6/19/20197:,58AM) 2-1 CHAPTER 2 CITY OFASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN annexed into the City (although the City does have a resolution to allow water service to customer with failed wells). The UGB i,s approximately 7.40 square miles, and is shown on Figure 2 The topography of the, existing service area is gienerally rising in elevation from the northwest corners to the southern side of'thIe city, with th e highest elevations being the hillsides southwest of 00 the, Granite Reservoir. Service area, elevations range from approximately ,L,70,01 feet above sea level in th e northwest to approximately 2,8001 above sea level feet, in the southwest portion of the service area. The City's system is located within the Rogue River watershed. a 6 UN nvento ry of Ex"Isting Water Faci �j i ties This section provicies, a detailed description of the existing water system and the current operatio is presented in Chiapter 6. olfthe facilities. The analysi:s, off the existing water facilitil 2-2 Z.,\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 AMP 2016�93, DEUVERABLES\HAPTERS 1A 2018104 11\20,18-WMPCH2 201,90603,DOCX (6/19/2019 7.58 AM) AINaNw W I W a W IS 11 01 a, The 2200 Crowson Zone 2 issupplied with water from two PR'Vs; one from the, 2425 Crowson Zonel and one from the,2290 Crowson Zone 6. The 2200 Crowson, Zone 2, is the eastern most pressure zorie, located between 11-5 and Hidden Lane. The 2200 Crowson Zone 2 serves customers within elevationis, betweenapproximaitely 1,800! feet, and 2,120 feet. 'The 2270 Crowson Zone 3 Is supplited by two PR,Vs from the 2425 Crowson Zone 1, which lestablish pressures in the zone. The 22,701 Crowson Zon,e 3 serves customers in an elevation range between approximately 1,960 feet and 2,160 feet.'The 22,70 Crowson Zone 3 is, located just east of Ashland' Creek, between, Iowa Street to the soutfil and Hargadine Street to the north. The 2640 Crowson Zone 4 is a small zone supplied with watier from the Soulth Mou�ntain Booster P�ump Station. The 2640 Crowson Zone 4 serves customers within an elevation range of approximately 2,340 feet and 2,480 feet, just south of Emrna Street and north of Pinelcrest, Terrace. The 2270 Crowson: Zone 5 is a, very small pressure zone conSISLIng of one small section of Harmony Lane, serving customers between Sisl(lyou Boulevard and Lit Way,. The 2270 C; rowson Zone 5 is supplied water from one PRV from the 2425 Crowson Zone 1 and serves customers within an eleviation range of approximately 2,040 feet and 2,0601 feet. The 22,90 Crowson Zone 6 'is provided water through the 2425 Crowson Zone 1 by four pressure reducing valves. The pressures, 'in this, zone are established by these fou'r PRV's. The 2,2910 Crowson Zone 6 currently serves customers between the elevations ofapproximately 1,8801 feet to 21,080 feet. The 2,570 Crowson Zone 7 is located just east of 2610 Crowson Zone 8, which supplies ;the zone frolm af psingle PRV, The; 2570 Crowson Zone'7 serves customers between, an elevation range of' aproximately 2,240i feet d 2,,340 feet. The 2610 Crowson Zone 8 is located towards the southwest corner of the City.The 2610 Crowson Zoneprovided water directly from the Park Estates Booster Pump Station and the Crowson, Reservoir. This zone serves custorners in an elevation range of approximately 2,320feet to 2 ly along Ashland p Road ,600 feet. The 26,10 Crowson Zone e 8 srves custoee mrs prdornin�aLoo nit and Morton Street. 4 The Fallon service area consists of only two smaller pressure zones on the west side of the City: the 2586 Fallon Zone 1, and the 2470 Fallon Zone 2.The 25186 Fallon Zone 1, i's located between Creekside Road an�d Strawberry Lane. The Fallon Reservoir serves the, 2586 Fallon Zone 1, which, is, supplied from the Strawberry Booster Pump Station. This zone serves customers at an elevation range of approximately2,280 feet to 2,580 feet., 7e\BOT'HELL\t)ATA\�COA\,1016-0�96 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERALES2019,06A- B\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180,411\2018-WMPCH2 03.DOCX (6/19/2019 T5,8 M) 23, CITYOF ASHLANDWATER SYSTEM PLAN The, last Fallon pressure zone is the 2470 Falloin. Zone; 2, which is located between the 2425 Crowson Zone 1, and the 2586 Fallon Zone 1. The 247'0 Crowson Zone 2 sierves customers i an elevation range of approximately 2,200 feet to. 2,470 feet and is supplied water from the 2,586i Fallon, Zone 1 by one PRV The Alsing servi , ce area also consists of only one pressure zone. The 2559 Alsing Zone I is located at the soluth, end of the City between Leonard Street and Tolman Creek. Road. The AlsIng, Reservoir serves the 2,559 Alsing Zone 1, which is Supplied by the Hillview Booster Pump Station. This zone I ge of approximately 2 160 feet and 2,560 feet. serves customers within ain elevation raln Supply Facilities The City's p�,rim,ary source of raw water is the Ashland Creek watershed. In 1928, the City constructed Hosler Dam atthe confluence of the West, and East Forks of Ashland Creek., Reeder Reservoir, the resulting impaundment, providies, 280 MG of storage for the City"s, water supply. Water from the reservoir is, conveyed to the Ciltyls WTPI through a 24-inch diameter raw, water I ine. transmission line. Treated water is conveyedto the City in a 30 nch diameter transmiss"on H The City also has, an agreement with the Talent irrigation District (TID) to provide additional suppi Th e TI D s u p p ly 1 s typ i ca I ly u s ed o n ly i n d gayea r,s,. Wh en need ed , TI D wate r i s p u i-ri p ed f ro m th Ashland Can,al by, the City's Terrace Street Pump Stattion to the WTP, whereit is treated. A third supply is the Cityls TAP Intertie. The TAP Supply System delivers treated water from the Medford Water Commission to the City's TAP BPS., At, theles location, the water is chlorinated and boosted to !the 2,1,70 Granite Zoinef 1 through 16-inch p1pingin Highway 99. A summary of the City's sources, of supply is shown in Table 24. 2-4 Z-,'THELLTA\COA,1016-AMP 2016 ELIVERABI.ES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20,180411\21018-WMPCH2 20190603.DOCX (6/'19/2019 7:58 AM) CITY 0, F AS H LA N D WATE E M P LAN WATERSYSTEM DESCRIPTION Water, Tr'eatment Water" Treatment Plarit low 40 Supply Facilities Summary Ashland Creek WTP ler"41 117JAN. W It-friRVIVIVAM I IM AN41 [gro I WITIQ I RAM OPQ Q-24 I I.*AyiyPv'k IPVJI "th the raw A water in thif -a ash and activated carbon can be mixed will u, rn, sod 11 u m hypoch lorilte, so d flash mixing tank as part of the treatment process to aid in the removal of solid particles and other ea i con�taminaltes. The activated carbon Is u1sed only when TI'D water is includ "n the system and the color is high.'T'he, activated carbon, absorbs the organic material in the raw TID water, which a improves color, �taste, and odor. Z,\B0THELL\DATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELI VE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 2019,0603.00CX (6/19/2019 7M AM), 2-5 2 Mechanical flocculators are installed, 'in the flocculation basins. Sediment from the flocculation chamber and the filter backwash waste is piped, to a sludge lagoon. The six filters contain a dual media filter material of sand and anthracite coal. These flilters, remove the remaining particles in t h, e water b efo re it e nte rs ith e cl e a r we 1, 1. Ba cl(wa sh wate r for th e fi ltierp u m p ed f ro m th e cl, ea r well. Water, Supply, Reedier Reservoir Reed er Reservoir,, created, by Hosler Dam, is located approximately one mile upstream of the WTP at the confluence of the West and East Forks of Ashland Creek. The reservoir ha,s a resulting 'impoundment of 280 MG of storage for the City's raw water supply. Water from, the reservoir is, conveyed to the City"s WTP through a 24-inch diameter raw water transmission line. -rID1 lnterde/Asl-ila[id Carical The City has an agreement with TO to proVide addlitional supply. The TID supply Is typically used only in drought years., When needed, TID water is pum,ped from the Ashland, Canal by the, City's Terrace Street P,ump Station up to the WTP, where it, is, treated with the Ashland Creek supply., To date, use ofthe Ashland Canal at the WTP has been for short pleriods only and. has been accomplished with) the Clty's current staffiling, level. However, in future years, the Ashland Canal may be used, more frequiently and for longer durations. Reeder Reservoir Terrace Street Pump Station A partnership was, creat,ed in 1997 between, the cities of'Talent, Ashland, and Phoenix to supply water tothesel Jurisdictions from the MWC,. MWC water is purchased by the partnership and delivered to Phoenix and Talent via the Regional Booster Pump Station, located north of Phoenix. A 24-Inech transmi,ssilon ma*in clonveys water supply from Phoenix to Talent. Supply to Ashland is conveyed through Talent's distributilon system,, then through a 16-inch transmis,sion main and the TAP B(PS to Ashland's 2,170 Granite Zone 1. The TAP BPS was completed in 2016 and, is located at 2073 W. Jackson Road near the northwesterly boundary of the City. The'TAP BPS consist of two vertical turbinie centrifugal pumps with a nominal # 4 a I installed capacity of 3.2 MGD (21,250 gpm) and a firm capacity of 2.10 MGD (1,400 gpm,).,'There are, 2-6 Z:\BOTHE�LL\PATA,\COA\1016-096 WM P 2:016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 201804 11\201,8-WMPCH2 20190601DOU (6/19/20191758 AM) CITY OF ASH' LAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN RITI, LI v 9, x I a ME 0 1 Me, provisions for a third pump to provide an ultimate firm capacity of 3.2 MGD (2f2,50 gpm,). The station is equ , i , pped with a booster chlorine system. The pump station and booster chlorination facility are controlled by an onsi�te programmable logic, controller PLC. Operation, status, and set points can be viewed and adjusted at the station. The station can also be monitored and controlled' by the City's, supervisory control and datia acquisition (SCADA) cointrol system. PL,,ji"i�)p Statior') Facilities The City's water system has four booster pump station facilities that provide supply to the ,25519 Alsing Zone 1, 2640 Crows,on, Zone 4, 2,586 Fallon Zone 1, and 2610 Crowson Zonle 8.-A summary of the purriping facilities is shown in Table 2-2, and a detailed description of each facility ts, in the following sections. Z:\B0THELL\DATA\C-0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIE RABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 2018041'1\2018-:WMPCH2 20190603.DQCX (6/19/2019 7,58 AM) 2-7 2 CITY ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 2-2 foster Pump Summary i � fy 1 1 i 1 r N l J 1 1 r r 1. t, / / r f t f I f t t r I r J i r r/ y, 1 i II I 1 I f I % A y 1 1 r- Hillview �Y, Jo ' I 1 i South Mountain BPS Unknown fi i iir Zone Zorie 600 40 2425 Crowson 2586 Fallon If l I Strawberry �y I Zone .. i J 2425 Crowson 2,610 Crowson f,I i Park Estates BPS 2019Zone 1, Zone; 1 III III I 2000 y��yy :7 originallyThe Hillview BPS was o, watersupply oI pressur�,in +j. bstation located at the northeast corner of Peachey Road and Hiliview Drive,. The two pumps have a miaximarn flow rate ,of 6501 gallons per minute (gpm) motors.horsepower (hp) station power receptacle to enablea, portable Soufl-i Mountain Booster Putioi-i, The South Mountain BPS is located on the corner of Ivy Lanef and South Mountain Avenue. The South Mountain BPS contains two differently sized pumps. The smaller pump has a designed flow range of 100 gpm to 145 gpm with a 15 hp motor T(` e, larger pum,p has a designed flow range of 400 gpm to 600 gpm with a 40 h1p moto,r.'The booster pump station has an automatic transfer switch to enable use of an adjacent generator, South Mountain BPS' Strawberi,-y Boloster, Pump Station The Strawberry BPS was, bluiltin 1994, and is located, near the intersection of Nutley Street and Alnut Street. ion was Th e designed to convey water to booster stat* the 2,586 Fallon Zone 1 and thie Fallon, Reservoir in the hilly northweist arefa ofthe; City. The two identical -f 200 pumps supply wateir at a flow rate o gpm and are powered by 40, hip motors. The booster pump station A has a power receptacle to, enableconnection of a portable generator. Strawberry,BPS Z:\BOTH'ELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DEUVERABLES,\CHAPTER S 1® 2018,0411\2018-WiM,PCH2 20190603,DOCX �6/19/2019 7:58 AM,) W, io NIMM "M I Park, Estates Booslei, Pt irnp Station AL a a M ob Oil] Ab oil Amb Vol Aso Stora ge Facilities, Original Park Estates, BPS various, zones in the 'The City, s water system has four storage, facilities that provi torage ,system. A, summary of the storage facilities is shown in Table 2-3, and a detailed description of each f facility il's, provided in the following sections. Table,2-3 Storage Facilities Summary, Crowson Reservoir" The Crowson Reservoir is located at the southwest corner of Ashland Loop Road and'Terrace Street and, provides storage capacity to the eight different Crowson, pressure zones. 'The reservoiris, supplied by the WTP and was originally constructed in 1928,. 2-10 2.�:\BOTHELL\DATA\�COA\1016-0,96 WMP 2016\03 DEUVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 2Q18041.1\2018-WMPCH2 20190,603.DOCX (6119/2019 7:58 AM) lonm�� The Crowson Reservoir a burilled concrete storage facility that is 19.9 feeit deep wilth an oval shaped cross -sectional area of approximately 13,813, square feet and a capacity of 2A MG. The reservoir is surrounded by a gated, 6-foot-tall fence with no barbed wire. The reservoir ha's �I ground elevation of 2,406feet and an overflow elevation of 2,425fieel; yew the storage volume provided by the reservoir varies by depth. Aksing Reservoir Built in 1984, Alsing Reservoir is an above ground -storage tank with, the with a capacity of 2.1 MG that stores, water for the Alsing pressure zones. This, reservoir is, suppilled water through the Hiliview Booster Purnp Station. The Alsing Reser�voi located at the en.d of Alsing Reservoir Road between Morninglight DrIve and Green Meadows Way. The 107-foot-diameter reservoir has a base elevation of 2,530 feet and an overflow elevation of 2,559 feet.The Alsing Reservoir is a concrete storage facility that 'is gated off at the road but is not surrounded by a fence., Falllot�i Reset-voir A Is Reservoir 'The Fallori, Reservoir was brought online n 1994 and �is located at 183 Hitt Road, about 0.3 miles south of Strawberry Lane. This reservoir provides storage fo both the 2586 Fallon Zone I anu the, 24,70 Fallon Zone 2. The Fallon, Reservoiris an above -ground tankthiat, has the capacity toi store approximately 0,5 MG. The Fallon Reservoir stands 25145 feet tall I ,,, has a d"ameter? of 58 feet, a base elevation, of,2,5161 feet., and an overflow elevation of' 2,586 feet. Water is supplIed to, the reservoir by thieStrawberry Booster Pump Station just off the intersection of Nutley Street and Alnut Street. Fallon Reservoir 7.\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 2018041,1\201,8-WMPCH2 20190603.00CX (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2­11 12 WASIMINAI I Gr&�'iite Reservoit The Granite Reservoir is, located adjacent to Ashland, Creek on Granite Street, between Ashland Creek, Drive and Glenview Drive. The A a reservoir is an abovel-grouind tank with a storage capacity of 2.1 MG for all three Granite pressure zones, and was constructed in 1,948. Distributiori and'Transmission System, & 4 P The City's water system con'tainsapproximately 119 miles of water main ranging I in size from 2 i , riches to 30 inchies. As shown in, Tabile 2-4, most of the water main (approximately 8u percent) within the system is 8 inchlesin diameter or smaller. The remaini,nig 2,0 percent, of the water main is 101 iinches in, diameter or larger.; Table 2-4, Water Main Diameter lnventoir�j J� ��� `���� r ' '�� � �� � i���>' � ��� JAI � `� � '�' >'�1 IIIIU � r 41 6 rsm, a e r .............. 111M 29.0% 21055 ; 16 'Miw 18 88 ......... ..... . . . 20 4, 61 i6 2 628?032 ............ OOCr 2-12 Z-,\BOTHEI.L\JDATA,\COA\�1016,.096 WM,P 2016�\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 2101804,1.1\2018-WMPCH2 2,0190603. Ix (6/19,/'2019 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The water m1ain in the City's, system is, constructed of either asbestos cement', cast lronl, ductile iron, galvanized 1, ron, HDPE, PVC, or steel, with approximately 56 percent of the system constructed of ductile iron pipe., All new water main installations, are requ' red to use ductile iron pipe, in accordance with the City's development and construction standards. Table 2-5 shows the City's existing water main inventory by material. Table 2-5, Water Main Material' I nventor�A Asbestos Cement - - - - ------------ 1.4% i 2440482 38.9% Ductile Iron 351�766 S6.0% Galvanized Iron, . . . . . ............... 2)708 0.4% HIDPE 0.2% PVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2)2610 Steel 2.7% Z.\B4OTIiEt,,.,(,.\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 D�EL,IVERABLES\CHAPT'ERS'l-4,20180411,\2018-WMPCH2 20,190601DOU (611,9/2019 7M AM) all CHAPTER2 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 2,-6 Water Main Installation Year Inven'to% mum Before 1910 215,89 0.4% 191os ...... - ........ ... 410171 - - - - 0.6% - --------------------- - ---- - - - 19,20s - ......... 10,0351 1.6% . - ................... . . . 1930s ..... .. .... I-- 261217 4.2%, 1940!s 331985 5.4% 19510s .................. 3165 5.8% 1960s 70,0,9719 1 11.3 1970s, 711925 11.5%, .. - . . . . . . . . . . - ................ 1980S 81,r693 13.0% 19,90s 88955, 14.2% 20,00s 100104 15.9% 2010s .............. 51325 0.8% Unknown . ............... ....... . . ..... ......... . 95)243 . . ..... . ... 15.2% Tot a I P r, e IS IS Ll I, e R e d'Li ci' n g a n d Co, n It r o I V a I v e S, tati o, n Is 4p Iw NIP 0 IMF A 4p UP IN I IN 0 0 lab 2-14 Z.\B4O:THELL\DATA\COA\1016-09i6 WM-P 2016\03 DEUVERABLES\CHAP TERS, 1-4 20180411\2018,-WMPCH2 20190603.00CX (6/19/,2019 7:58AM) CITY OF ASH LAN D WATER SiYST'E M PLAN WATER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION overr e,ssurization. Pressure sustaining valves are control valve's between adjacent pressure zones that allow water to flow from the higher pressure zone to, the lower pressure zone, provided the pressure 'in the higher zone i remairis above a certain! threshold. Flow controlstations allow water to �fl'ow from a higher pressure zone to, a lower pressure zone at a regulated flow rate, The City"s water system has one pr�essu're relielf valve station and 31 pressure reducing valve stations, a:s shown in plan view in F'I*gur,e 2-1 and in profile view Figure 2-2. A 11st of the, control valve stations and related data is contained in Table 2-7. Table 2-7 Water Main Installation Year Inventory PRV-11 2170 Granite Zone 1 70 Granite Zone 1 PRV-2 2170 Granite Zone 1 1980 Granite Zone 2 PRV-3 217'0 Granite Zone, 1 191,8,0 Granite Zone,2 PRV-4, ..... . . ....... 2170 Granite ',Zone 1 19810 G ral; n ite Zo n e 2, PRV-5 2,170 Granite Zone 1 1980 Granite, Zone 2 PRV-6 20,60 Granite Zone 3, 1980 Granite Zone 2 .. ... . .......... . ...... . ........... . PRV-7 2170 Granite Zo'he 1 1980 Granite Zone 2 . ...................... ...... PRE- 8 2,425 Crowson Zone 1 2170, Granite Zone 1, . .............. PRV-9 24�25Crows,on Zone 1 2170 Granite Zone 1 . .. .. . ... . .. .. . ... . .. .. . ... . .. .. . ... . .. .. . . ... ... . . ................... . ...... PRV-10 2586 Fallon Zone 1 2,425 Crowson Zone 1 PRE"-11 2,586 Fallon Zone 1 2470, Fallon Zone 2 .......... . ...... ........ PRV-12 26�10 Crowson Zone 8, 2270 Crowson Zone 7 . .......... I PRV-13 2425 Crowson Zone 1 2270 Crowson Zone 3 PRE"-14 2270 Crowson Zone 3 2170 Granite Zone 1 PRE-1 5 . . . .. . . ... . ............................................................ . ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2270 Crowson Zone 3 . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................................................... 2170 Granite Zone, I . ......... . .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ............................................................. - — ------ . ............................ . ...... PRE"- .6 2425 Crowson Zone 1 2170 Granite Zone 1 PRV-117 2,425 Crowson Zone 1 22,90 Crowson Zone 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................ ............. -.111111111--­ .............. .......................... PRV-18 2290 Crowson Zone 6 . ............ . . . . ....... 2170 Granite Zone I . . .... . . .. .. . . ....... . . ..... PRE-1 7�570 Crowson Zone 5 2425, Crowson Zone I PRV-20 .... . . . ................ . ........ 2142,5, Crowson Zone 1 2170 Granite Zone, I PRV-�21 2559 lsing Zone 1 2425 Crowson Zone 1 PRV-22 2559 Allsire g Zone 1 2425 Crowson Zone, 1 P RV-23 2425 Crowson Zone 1 2290 Crowson Zone 6 — — - --- — --- - --- - --------------------- PRV-24 2425 Crowson Zone 1 - - - 2200 Crowson Zone 2 ............ - — ----- Z;\,BOTt,,IELL\D,A,rA\(.'OA\" 1016.09,6 WMP 20,16\03 OFLIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 201804 1 ll,\201,8,WMPCH,2,201.190603.,DDC:X (6/19/2019 7:58 AM) 2-15 CHAPTER 2, CITY 0 F'AS H LA IN D WATER SS TE M P LA N PRV-25 2,290, Crowson Zone b . ...... . .. . ....... 2200 Crowson Zone 2 PRV-26 2,425 Crowso�n Zone 1 2,2,90 Crowsion Zone 6 . ........ PRV-27 2,425 Crowson Zone 1, 22290 Crowson Zone 6 . .......... PRV-28 2425 Crowson, Zone �2270 Crowson, Zone 3 2 — -------------- PRV-29 2170 Granite Zone 1 . . . . ....... ............................ G 2060 ranite Zone 3 .. . . ........ . . ............................................ . .. .... . . . - - -------------- PRv,,-30 2170 Granite Zone 1 2060 Granite Zone 3 PRV-31 ................................... 1980 Granite Zone 2 'Pressure Relief Valve Water Systen"i Operatior-i and Clonrol/Te,le,l�Tie,t,i"y and Supervisory ContI'-iol System� 04 lit im lip NVULN do Ah" M ah, ORR! 2-16 7-\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\10J.C-096 W'MP 2016\03 DELIVERABLESNCHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH2 2019,0603.DOCX (15/19/2019 7:58 AM) 3 Micl I I I 1 11 xt",, "01 . . . . ...... 1h, 4, 4, . . . .. ... ... . � FN W"* in, "p Ik ..Lj , "I,-,,,—,. I� -- I , , .. ....... I I .. ... . ....... . . . .... . . . .. . .. . . ..... I i - , I I , . ho "I A, py''O 0, I 4 T pj .............. . . . OT A WII I .... .... ... ..... 311 low F .......... flV- sa 'L.- . . . .... ! (—, MIR x.i fin 'M C011 0 (n I . ..... .. . . ......... OF A zz" or X0, p'�' ill if vo p Ad, rn ... . . ..... I. I rw .... ......... . V ul its 4y M % '16 L77 711 *v, . . . . ... . "j) 0 0 (DI P np I, �v ',', '71 vr I tn ........... l 041 ow 77/ to, "T CAN ........... AV . ....... .. 0 r1b "I'll I .. I . ............... 0 5i P., A*Mft & d '0 Ivt/ d LO CM .... . ......... N co� 0, ICLL It Aft 0' 0 oe 'N' 1 0,01, v LAI, A 17 0 , Ili / I V, CLI 011 N, 7- -31 if, — . . . .. .. .... R oo 4.4 2 .. I .. . .......... 4 . .. ....... S Mal Ilk OWN. ......... .......... . . --L� JAX rz, MfId 21 % M/, ARM/, Ail, A/f/m/All pas 'g f f I--- AM All - y/n, NO po AMM AQ 7., . ....... . .... .. . . . . . . . . . . MOB,', MOB XWER111 J/1 m/p/ CL V > > "lVlYlfirfe7YOPENS rq Ln MM ............... C-S 10 0,W 00 04 OFF* 00 Cq > 70 t: DUO71, 01 2 Hwy �r 00 � } LAND �USE AND ».\\� ` ^ ^���P01PU�L,A,TI�O � ©»©} �»° ?� / � ,° ^» ( \ , / ± / »/ «7 7/ : � �( \f. < <? 31<� � : ?m y<� ? � ?:« z > « � » < % ) 3 1 LAND USE AND POPULATION Introduction dil M dF W V! M IR Compatibility With Other Plans To ensure that the WIMP onsistent with the land use policies that gulide it an�d other related plans, the following planning documents were exam,ined. Oregon StatewidePlonnihg Goals & 'Gui,de)Mes - Goal 14 Urbanization - OAR 660-015-000(14) City of Ashland Comprehenswe Plan 0 Jackson County Co,mprehen,sive Plon 0 r e g o n 51 at, e wi d e P I ai n n , ing Goal 14 Ulrban Growfl-i Bouri,dary the Cfty G cooperate in designating a UGB adi'acent, tol the o a, 114 re cl u I r�es' t h at J a c kso n Co u nty a ni d i City's exist'! hg to ripo rate limits. The U, GB is based on a demonstrated need to accommodate long range urban population anid associate'd housing, employment opportunities, and other uses. The current UGB i's 8,hoWn in Figure 3,-11. Goal 14 requires that the UGB "'be adopted by all citles mtHn the bounclary and by the county or counties withIn which the boundary is located, consistent with intergovernmental agrelements." Consistency with population forecasting and planis for the provision of urba,,n faicilitles and services are also required' 7-,\BOI'HEL�\DATA\COA\1,01,6.096 WMP 2016\,013 DEI,.,IVf�ABI..ES\CFIAPTE1-4 20�180411\201-WMf'CH3,2,0190605.DO,CX (6/19/2,019 8:02. AM) 3-1 21 Concurrency, means that adequate public facilities and services be provided at the time grojwth ;tCCUrs. For' example, growth should not occur where schools, roads, and other public facilities are .#verloacled. To achieve lthis objective, growth should be directed to areas already served or readilly served by public facilities and servi,ces. When public facilities and services cannot be maintained at .2n, acceptable level of service, the new development should" be prohlibiteid., City of Ashland Cornpi-ehensive Plan The Cityl's, ComprehenslVe Monmost recently updated, in August 2016, describles the City's, vision of how growth and development should occur lover a 201-year horizon.'The Comprehensi've Mon considers the genlierial location of land uses, as well as the appropriate intensity and density of land [ven the current development and economic trends; The, public services and transportation uses g elements ensurl that new development will be adequately servIced without codd adopted levels of servi i , ce. Jackson, County, Plan is 8, 1 a a pp � MR 111 M dl a dab a A, a a The County-s Comprehensive Plan guides, developrnent in bloth urban and;, rural, unincorporated Jackson County and clesignaltels� I'land use in the unincorporated UGB. Similar to the City's ComprehensivePlan, the County's plan contains planning for transportation and public fadlities, and services, in uni'ncolrporated Jackson County. 4b a a 49 a a db Approximately 79.2 percent, of thel area within the curreent Cilty Limits or Water Service Area is. designated for residential use, as, indicated in Chart 3-1. Approximately 16.3 percent is designated for commercial, Industrial, and. mixed use, 4.4 percent is, designated for Southern Oregon University, and 0.1 plercent for open space. 3-l2, Z:\,140T��E,LL\DAT-A\�COA\.1016-096 WM? 20116\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 201,80411\2018-WWO-13 2019,060lS.DOCX (6/19/2019 8.02 AM) CITY OF ASH LAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN LAND, USE AND POPULATION Commerdial/Industrial/ red Use 6.3% Within the City'unincorporated UGB and outside of'the City, 1imits, approximately 88.1 percent of the land area is designated for residential use, as shown in, Chart 3-2. Approximately 8.3 percent of the land area is designated for commercial use, and the, remaining 3.61 percent is ignatfor agi-licultural use. Chart 3-2 Zoning Inside ILIGB (outside City, Limits) Ag,riculture 3.6% Z ABOTH E LL\DATA\CDA\ 1016-096 WMP 21016\03 DINAVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 2018041 1\201A-WMP(--H3 20190'6n5.,D0CX (6/19/2019, 8:02 AM) 3-3' CITY 0 F AS H LAN! D WATER, SYSTE M PLAN Population The City's residential areas are comprised largely ofgle-faimily res"dences. The Census Bureau' 20,15,American Community Survey (ACS) estimated, a total of 10,37 1 2, housing units in the City, wilt 9,446 occupied. and 926 viacant. The ACS-estimated average household size for 2015 was 2.10 Ems= Existing and Future City' ROPLIlatJ101111 The C�ounty has experience rapid POPUlation growth and extensive physical developments since ,2000. The population of the County increased by approximately 18 percent from 2000 to 2016, based on Portland State UnIversity's Population Resea,rclh Centeet (PIRC) estimliates, In contrast, the to popula ion of the City increased by only approximately 5 percent during the siarne Period. Tabl e 3 illustrates the historical population growth since 2000, with years 19951, 20100, and 2005 included for refence. Table 3-1 Population Trends within the City Limits, ONEENS �1,2, WL 1995 17)985 2000 19,610 2,005 200,880 2010 20,095 2011 20,225 . .............. . . . . . 2012 201,3125 2013 20,295 2014 .............. . . . . . . . ...... �,,, �., _ -... www�.� .� �m�m�� �... __ 2,01,340 ww�� ��� ������� �.................. ..m_�---__ ����...... ............ 2,015 . . . . . ....... 20405 . ....... ....... 2016 20,620 - - Pro'ected future growth for the City limits and unincorporated UGB i's shown in Table 3-2,. Estimated UGB, and City limits population projections were provided on 5-year intervals by the PRC. P ro for 'nit 11 �ing a uniform populati ,jected population �i ermed*ate years, was, calculated by assumi ion growth rate, between the available �PRC estimates, for 2015, 2020;, 2,02,5, 20301 2,03,5,, and 2040. Therefore, the proected 2037 population was calculated, by interpolating bietween the PR,C's 2035 and 2040, estimates. 3-4 Z�,�,BOTIIELL\DATA\\1,6-09,6 WMP 2016\03 DEra VERA8[.Es\cH:AP'1ERS 1-4 20,180411\20(18-'WMPCH3 20190G05,=L-X (6/19/2019 8.102 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN LAND USE AND POPULATION 'Table 3-2 �bpulation Trends wl f thin, the City 2017 2 1� 162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 2018 . ........................................ 21,290 210,19 21,1419 2020 . . . . . . . .. . . . ........................... . . . 2021 21)684 21022 . .......................................... . ..... . 21,0821 2023 (+6, years), 21,957 2024 22,094 20,25 22j231 ............ 2026 21,252 2027 (+10 years,,) 221474 - - - --------- 2028 22,596, 2029 22;718 20310 2239 20,31 ... .. . ....... . ..... ....... . .. ..... . ....... 22,908 2032 221977 2033 . . .. . . .......... 23,045 2034 23,114 . ...... --- 2035, - - - - - ---------------- - - - -- -- - - - - ........... 231183 . ..... 2036 . . .. . ............ 23),2 �13 (+20 years), . .... . .... 23,224 Historic and pr jected are population shown in Chart 3-3. The population of the City limits is shown 01 a for years 1995 to �nd the popiullafion of the Citylimitsi and UGB are shown for 2016 to 2037. It is, assumed that the entire UGB will be annexed into the City by the end. of the 20-year planning period as describedlin, the City's Comprehensi'vie Plan. Z;,\BOTH ELL\Q,ATA\(.'0A\1,01,6-0961MP 2016NO3 D,E[IVI"."li,A,BL,ES\CHAPTERS 1-4 �0180411\201-WMPCH3 20190605DOCX (0/'1,9120119 8-02 AM) 3-5 2 '2 CHAPTER 3 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN �30,000 280000 26,1000 24,000 221000 20,000 18,000 10 16,000 4.j 14,000 CIL 12,000 10,000 80000 6,000 41000 4000 0 Chart, 3,-3 Population Projections Base Line Year: 2,0117 . . . ..... 2016 to 2037: City Limits and UGB 1,995 to 2016: Population City Limits Populat]M 0 Year, Water Systeari POPLIlation 3-6 Z,\B4O,THELL,\DA'TA\COA\,10160,96 WM 11 2,016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 210180411\20,18-WMPCH3 201,9'0,6-05J),0CX (G/19/2019 &G2 AM) J J , n 'V ( r r I I, � r i a 4 ry d f i u 1 jar aw _ T A u I r x I � N o 0 4 I� I 0 r r � � � 1�� �� t� i I ��///� r J � a rir /f / 4, 1 WATER DEMANDS Introduction III TV piiq�iri 1 111406 :111, a' I A a ip 40� AP # Demands on the water system cletermli,nelhe size of storage reservoirs, supply facilities, water, eatment -al iff tent types f demands, wea re anlyzed and are mains, and trfacilities. Sev�et d e 0 J peak hour addressed in th*s chapter,, including average day demand, miaximum day demanc demand, fire flow demand, future demands and b aemand reduction, NMI sed on the Water Use Efficiency program. a Currient Population and Servil"Ce Connections r, Us e, C I a s s i fi c a ions, I mg purposes. These classes The City has divided water; customer's 'into eight different classes for b"'11* 5) Industrial; are: 1) Single-family,- 2) Multi-familyo 3) Commercial/Residential- 4) Commerciat 8 6) riga jo Municipjal,;7) Governmental, and 11ir i t" n. The demand analysis that f011ows will report on S; t the water use pattierti,1 , of hese eight user gto,ups. Residential POP11tatilon Served 'The population within the City li'mits, was 20 620 in 2016, based on estimates from, the Portland J�Iversity PRC, Chapter 3. contains a more detailed discussion of the City's population and State Uni household trends. As shown in Table 4-1, the, City 'provided water service to an average of 8,796 connections in 2011 Approximlately 7,826 connectilons (89 percent) were residential or mIxed commercial/residential customers, 593 connectioe commercial customlers, 111 connections, (1 percent were municipal or governmentall customers, and the remaining 2615 connections (3 percent) were Irrigation connections. Multiple multli-family residential units (unlits represent individual Z:\iBOTfIEL�L\DATA\,10.1.6-F)2016\0.9,[)ELIVERABLES\C[iAPTE�RS1-018041,N203,8-WMPCII405�C)OCX'(C)1'191201911,,11A,M) 4-1 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER, SYSTEM PLAN apartments, condominiums, or other components of a Multi -family dwelling) are served by each, multi- family connection, as shownin, Table 4-2. in lon- M_ Average Annual Metered Consumption and Service Connections Single-family 61957 61,964 71000 7�022, 7)0,68 711,05 70127 M u I ti -fa rn i ly 589 597 599, 603 604 603 619 Corn mercia I/Res ide ntial 58 62 62 65 72 76 80 Cornmercial 579 581 588 586 590 590 593 Industrial 3 2, 2 0 ..............WlutwtiMygWualWuwrelWu 0 0 Municipal 16 16 15 15 29 63 65 Government 96 101 1.06 98 101, 63 46 Irrigation . . . . .................. 372 . ................ - — — 376 — - - ----------------- - 339wnrwn . ...... 2108m�wmummmm 2,01, 201 ...... . 265 Tota Is 80671 81699 8)711, 8)597 8�665 8)171011 8�796 Single-family 488,100,190 474,070,759 506,812.1,036 5313,363,462, 481,966,6_12 45S,536,334 461,125,696 . ............. - Mold- family 152,611,315 146,276,774 158,560,229 163,6519,886 159,0440218 152,323,802 1.46,529,929, or rn e rda I/Reside, n da 1 8,909,187 9, 172988 9,743,138 10,9180,461 1.0,542,835 10,951,526 11, 0 10,9 07 Compiercial 136,133,308 137064,91340 141,214,766 14Q,110,401 134,557,956 . . . 13 6,443, . . .. . . ................. . .. . .. 136,245,374 . . ...... Industrial 1,022 409 275 0 0 0 Municipal 6,78,4,577 7,1551087 61676,933 7,0,91,256 7,818,924 61,121,481 72P916,421. Government 41,042,63,6 41,119,040 441964,433 49,158,394 72,990,366 55,681,857 33,083,654 Irrigation 132,3251,776 115,967,240 139,613,067 137,913590 186,92.8,21.6 3 77,344,959 204OD990607 Totals 965,908,12 932 0 01101636 10007,593,876 1,042,277,451 1,053,949,187 111049AG3,215 1006�,011,589 Single-family .192 187 1918 208 .1,87 .1, 7 6 17 7 189 Multi -family 709, 67'1 723 743 722 693 647 701 Co ni m e rc i a I/ R e s i d e rural 418 409 426 466 401 395 375 413 Commercial 644 649 657 656 6125, 633 627 6,42 Industrial 1 0 10 N/'A NJA N/A N/A 1 Wfflicipal 1J50 1,1225 1J901 1,1295 734 2)6162 31045 10614 Government 1,11,68 11128 1J64 L371 119,78 21,412 1,958 1)597 Irrigation 974 844 11124 10815 2,1545 21418 . . . ........ 21106 _Mmmm ..... --.M—m 11 690 Tota Is, 305 294, 317 332 3.33 330 3 3 1. 3,201 4-2 Z:\BOTH�El.t.\Dl\COA\1.016-096 WMIP 2016\93 DELI VERABLES�CHAPTER S 1-4 �011,8041.1,\,201,,,B-WMPCH4,70,1'05,UOCX 16/19/2019 11.11 AM) CITY 0 F AS H LA N D WAT'E R SYSTE M P LA N' WATER DEMANDS Table 4-2 u It'l Existing Water Demands 'Water ConSUMption 4 0 4W A m AL M, Aft 40 w w w m of 9 9 G Z If Z.�BOTIIE,LL\DATA\('.-OA\�1016096WMP 2016\03 DEELIVEIIABI.F.S\CHAPTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH4 20190605,.DOCX (6/19/2019 ll,'ll AM) 4-3 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Ch a rt 4- 1, 2016 Watier Connectl I ons by Customer Class N Chart 4-2 is mption, by Customer Class 2016 Water Con U Commercial/Residential 1% nmental M Table 4-3 shows the largest water users of the system lin'2,016 and their total amoiunt of metered consumption for the year. The toital water consumption of these; 20 water accounts represented approximately 17 percent of thesystem's, total metered consumption in 2016. 4-4 ?;,\H2O"r[,.IELL\DATA,\CO.A\101 6-096 WM P 201.6\03 DELI,VEABI..ES\CH'Af'T'El 1-4 2018,0all \2018-WMPCH4 201906,05.1)OCX (6/19/2019 11.11 AM) CITY'OF'ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Ta bl e I C016 Largest Water U, sers j��%r/�iirDi/////,,,!/.. / v .../f ����r��>�j�//�//%r!�1P/ f� � /%%%ol�. � /%i / r,r / � //,��/!/r„- , /!�/ /i 551 471,845 Ashland Parks Department H 11,424,503 Ashland Parks DepartmentMountalih Aven e u 990615,12 ff.A1j,*j tj r 440 Normal Avertue 91, 7916 519 CPM Real Estate Services, Inc., 321 Clay, Street Southern Orle gon University 1361 Wincy Street 8,168,908 WRON1111 1165 Ashland Street 8 11146 4681 I Ashland Comernunity Health Care Systern ....... ....... 280 l Mape Street ="* Ashland Springs Hotel .......... 6,2944,420 438 Wightman Street 5483II,408 As h !a n der Apa rtmen ts 22314 Siskiyou BouieVar . ... .. ... .. I .. .... . . ... . . ......... ... ... ... F "1411: M-7 M1 Ave 5,262,030, Ashland Public Schools '1070 TdImah, Creek Road 41 9571,894, 950 Skylark Place "1, 116 9 Ashland Springs, Hotel .............. 212 E. Main -Street 99= .......... --- -- ----- - Windsorinn 252,0 Ashland Street 3,721,300 I MT1019M 2 Wl"inburn Way 311698,860 H F I Tal 1 .......... ''I'', 25,25 Ashland Street 71, A# 19 176,674,,443 2016 Water System, Total 0 rce n It of Tota I MINE ns a M [e Off 't got 60, Will U F-ff wor, I Z�,\B4OTHEL,L,\DA.TA\COA\1016-096 WM P 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 2018041 1\2018-M PCH4 201,90605. DO CX,16119/2019 11: 11 AM) CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN months. The City reads, most, meters every month as shown 'in Chart 4-3, Chart 44Chart 4-5, Chart, -8, -9, and Chart 4-10. 4-61 Chart 4-7,, Chart 4 Chart 4 Chart 4-3, Historical Monthly Single -Family Consumption, Chart 4-4 Historical Monthly Multi -Family Consumption ...... ...... . . . . ... 4-6 Z.\B4OTHIELL\DATA\COA\,,1016-096 WMP 20,�16\03 DELIVERABLE 5\,C HAFTERS 1-4 2D1S0411\201S-WMPCH4 2,0190,605MOCX (6/19/2.019 11:11 AM)i CITYOF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS 4-5 Historical Monthly Cornmercilal/Residential Consurnptiol �a Hs "storical Monthly Commerc"I I C6h umption .. . . ... w\ZAB0THELL\DATA\CO3A\10116-096 WMP 201603 DELIVERABLEACHAPTERS 1-4 201804I1\2.019-WMPCH4 20,190605DOCX (6/19/2019 IIAM) 4-7 CHAPTER, 4 CITY OF ASKAND WATER SYSTEM PFAI, I Ch, a, rt, 4-7 Historical Monthly industrial Consumptiol Historical Monthly Municipal Consum ption' . . . . ........ 4-8 Z�-\OGTHELIL\DATANCOA\1016�-iO�96 WMP 201,6\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1.4 20180411\Z0:18-WMPCIH4 20190605,DOCX (6/19/1019 11:11AM) CITTi OF ASHLAND WATER, SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMAND§ Chart 4-9 Historical Monthly Governmental Consumption - CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Chart 4-11 Average Monthly Peaking Factors by Customer Class e 1- S, u p p,l,, y oil Ak w w qlwa 40 V . . . ......... 4-10 ZA00THELQDATA\C0A\1016-096 WIMP 2016\03 DELJVERAHLES\�CHAPTERS, 1-4 20180,411\2018-WIMPICH4 20190605.D0CX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Table 4-4 Historic Water Suppl� (gallons (gpm) (MGD) 9 943142 1 '1 0, 0 2012 968#775iq300 2.655 N -OWS, 011 X 2*014 967y3351304 2015 91889011814 2016 1 j000,034,919,8 2.74 1,05171499j874 Uke most other water systems, the Cit'Vswater use varies seasonally. Chart 4-12 shows the �ied t6 he it s systemf for each month frorn 2010 to 2016. histiorical arnount of water supp! I t C I Chart 4-12 Average Monthly Peaking Factors by, Customer Class Z.-\B,;OTHEL,L\DATA\COAkIO16-0916i WMP 20161\013 DELIVERABLESNCHAPTERS 1-4 20180411N,201.8-WMPCH4 20190605-DOCX (6/19/2019,11:11 AM) 4-11 CHAPTER, 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN As shown, In, Chart 4-12, water supply increases signcantly during summer months, primarily, due to Irrigation. The City s highest water usie typically occurs in July and August., On, average, the amount olfwater supplied during these 2, months, 'is approximately 30 percent of the tiota] supply, for the entire year. 1pq qjii� 11 I I i Chart 4-15 showsthe annual wiater supply by source from, 201,0 to,2016. The years 2013 to 2015 i reflect the City's supply datla during years where dule to drought or other conditions, TID and the TAP BPS were used to meet the required watier demand. 9 2015 Monthly Water Supply Source 4-12 Z' OTH�ELLI\,DATA\COA\1016-096WMP2016DELIVERABLPTERSI-4,20180411\PCii4201,.D,(6/':,IIAM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Ch art 4-14 2016 Wo-it�llv kl/atpr -Su-mvt]v Ss4itimp Lnart4-:L5, Annual Water Sunblv by Source 7.\80THE U.NDA,rA.\CO3A\1016,,096 WMP 2016\03 DE L1VFRAB,L1"iS\CHAP I ERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH,4 2019000S.D0CX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) 4-13 W2 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASH LAND WA TER SYSTEM PLAN •10A z a 5 "A Per Capita Demands Table 4�6 presents the computation of the existing system per capita demand based on 2,1016 dat As shown in the upper portion of the table, the total residenitial population served by the City's 4-14 Z:\BOTI,IELL\D,A.TA\COA\,1016-096 WM,P 2016\03 DELI VERABLES\CHAPTER51-4 2018cm 1.1\2018-WMPCH4 20190605MOU, (6/19/2,019 1 A J1 AM] CITY SHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS water systern In 2016 was approximately 620. This population served, and the City's total water consumption in 20116, were used, to arrive at the existing pier capita demand of 141 M. 1 01 M AM. Historical Average Dally Demand led As AN M OF Ah Ah W W Ir Tab I e 14-7 Futuir'e pler Capita Deman Projectio Demand's Per Pres,Sff'e Zoine Table 4-8 shows the average demand of'each of the City's 14 existing pressure zonels. These data were developed using the City's hydraulic model estimated demand allocations. The City s two largest pressure zones, the 2425 Crowson Zone 1. and the 2170 Granite Zone 1, account for 7.,\BGTFIELL�DATA\COA\1,6-096 WMP 2016\03, DELIVERABI ES\c:HA,PTERS 1-4 201804 1 1\2018-WIMPO-14 20190605MOCX (6/19/20.1.9, 11:11 AM) 4-15 CHAPTER, 4 ENT " OF AS H LA N D WATE R SYSTEM PLAN del 2170 Granite Zone 1 4251333,455 42.5% 1 980 Granite Zone 2 9 8,5041 581 1 2060 Granite Zone 3 561 0 i8413 01 107' 24,25 Crowson Zone 1 Le" Me M 384 . ................ 20.2% 2200 Crowsioin Zone 2 551151641D66 5.,5% . . ......... 22710 Crowison Zone 3, 2640, Crowson Zone 4 0.2% .......... 2270 Crowson, Zone 5 1 18603,474 0.2% 2,290 Crowson Zone 6 145195712117 27'8 25,70 Crowson Zone 7 601;015, 610 Crowson Zone 8 ......... . ....... . . . ............. . . ......... 2,586 Fallon Zone 1 310851787 0.3% ................... 2470 Fallon Zone 2 1 ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,186,322, .................. . 0.5% 23$2151920 FA Tota 1 . ......... 1 000 0341998 100.0% Equivalent Residential Unlllts The demand of each custorner class calnbeexpres�sed in terms of ERUs for demand forecasting and us equivalent to the amount of water used by a single-family planning purposes. One ERUI Ir of' ERU!s, represented by the demand of the other customer classes is residence. The numbe, determined from the; total demand ofthe customer class and the unit demand per EIRU friorn the i single-family residential, demand daita. A all M IMM all N MAOMWARTIMMUTIZ71ro .4WWkTXA- 4-16 Z',�B4OTI,iELL\DATA\COA\1011.6-096 WIMP 2016\03 DEUVERABLES\GJAPTERS 1 4 201.1804 1, 1\20 1, 8,W M PCH4 20190 605. DO CX (6/1912 019 1, 1 jI I A M) CITY 0 F ASA LAN D WATEi, R SYSTE M5 P LA N WATER DEMANDS Table 4-9A Equivalent Residential Uniti:ws igverogeirv�mper /�verege wnnuai uemantl e f eRu °0°°111°° °°� I���lup III Year »»iil00i� !II t of yh�y�4itp��n�trll�illllli��iiul��uuuuu�uium�uuuup������ Cbnnection; � ui i, t ��i011uu ��De�mand i (gallons) IIII i ��� ��I'IiQiii�uii�lllllllili��iii�ul (Gal/da ii ifX /�RU) �� ��� ��i��ll�l,llli�llli�l � I Total - il���uWl��ilm���������i €ICUs Illluf� i�� � ,n,a,�<v��i,a, 2010 .ia,�i ,�„ 64,957 ;.n��S�nHIaf�II��IY�Cslde�tJali��u��tiuh!.,, 488,1001,1901 r r�lii �i fi �Uu.11d�. 6)957 474,070 7� 6111,964 7,000 5061821,03,6 �198 7,0001 2013 71022 533,363,462, �208 . ...... . .. . ........ 71022 71068 1 - — 7,105 — --- — -------- - 45,55316, 334 7) 105 ������ i �I "� � ` � ... tr�i,� � �'iiiiilliiii� m 7; 12,7 u'iiIVliVi I m 461,1125l,696 umlluuullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll �' � a iiwi Iluuuullliiiiiiii iii ui Illlmluumuuiiiiiiii 4i wi um ull III�I � iuoi�i n � uuuum 7)127 i and I � ��P; iPsu�i��'u'� i � ,.�, � u,',a."�r'M�ItF, faro i�1���tefi� 8419,091,187 d ti fir � (ul �n al.� �.�u�q ��iu1iuplum.���Niiuuu�iulldliuumtiuuui;'yy�. I ii I �9)172,1i988 187 2,012, .............. 1,35 20,13 10,191 8014i 61 01 0 14 10542,835 llliil�l���iiii�i li�l y lill llluu iii` i� ° II III 9,0077 uullliii� iYi�iiIIIVVI����llllll �i���iiillluuu 1 �Ha. �il�i �t,�;: (�J I,.� .:.l : un.�...! ill�li, �` orH MAINE ftiall�ll �...�I/Re#�{I� Fli�l ��al,:, l uiidl,�k�.�� ll����l lllllllulljl ��,,;,'s ,w IIIIii��Ili��IIIIIIIIIh����IIIIIiI�IluluU,, i�!I� �' .it !i 8)9091)187 127 9;172,lII,988 . - ...... . — ..... 2012, 1 ............... 9)7431 oil 210,13 10;980,,461 ..... . ....... . 2018, 20,14 Is 10�5421835 loll 10,19511,526 2,016, a Z,." BOTHELL\D,ATA\COA\101,6-096,WMI' 12016\03DELI'VRA,Bt.ES\C,,IAPTERSI-420180411,\201,8-WMPCIH'420,�190605.DOCX/:1"9`/20191,,I-I,A) 4-17 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table,4-% 7- -quival,ent Residential Units - Continuei •1361133)3081 .. . .......... 137,649,340 . .......... '198 140,110,401 208 L 845 . . ............. . ..... 134,557 ....... . ........ - . . ...................... 187 ---------------- 1973 590 136,4431256, 2J26 593 ............... 136,245,374 10Q22 - - ------- -- --- 409 - - - - - - - ------------- - - - -------------- . .. . ......... ....... . . ......... . . ........ I'll . ....... .... I'll 2,0110ww 6j7840577 711,5 510 8 7' . . . ... .... 64676)933 . . ......... . . 2013 71091)256 ............. 208 ------ . ..... . ............. 2014 71818,192,4 . . ........... 187 2015 63 176 953 66 72��9161421, 4-18 Z.\BDTHEI.1,�\PATA\COA�1016-096I WMP 20,16\03 DELI VERA 01 Es\C'H.A,P TERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMP'CH4 2019,06,05DOU (Q19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OFASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Table 4-9C i7quivaleint Residential Units - Continuet', Il�l��llllll��i� il�i��ii � � �°i° � ��III��II���i�iiV ih', �� jiii� V i � c,�var . i nu�l�llll MCI 41 585 411,719,0140 613 2013 647 2,014 72�990o366 1,0�70 A 868 3310831654 . . ........... . ..... _.__ 132,325,1776 . ............ ........... 1p866 115�967j240 11704 2012 . . . ....... . 33�9 13%613, 0671 1,928 20136 1913,590 2014 ................ 186 928 216— 2,015 . . . . . .... .......... 2016 265 204,0991607 I jI j� I I 3 155 I i I I. 1 ... l � 2 0) NO � I � r 1 i �: t � 1 .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� , 1 I 1 I . . . . .................................. ... 13j767 81699 932,011,63 6M 131626 8)711 — — — ---- ---- - ­­�� .......................................... 0: A 13,921 ................ 2013 81,0597 11042�277)451 2014, .............................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,053,849)1817�1 ........................ 187 . . . ............................................... 15�455 1104914031215 17 16�367 2016 I. The average dernand per ERU fro'M 20513 of 208 gpd will be used later in this chapter to -forecast ERUs In future years based on est'', mated future demands. Thi's demand per E'RU value allso, will bit used to determine the ciapacity (in terms of ERUs) of the exIsting system In Chapter 5. 7..\BOTHELL\DATA\COA\1,016-0�96WMP �2016\03 DELVVERAHLUS�CHAPTERs 1.4 20180411�2018VMPCH4 20190605.DOCX (G/19/2019 11:1-1 AM)i 4-19 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Average Dially Dernand ON AMR rM A Ali I M A% I Im ISEVUl Em.ml.011 ........... M a x i rr"ll Ll tn D a y' D e m a, ind 11 w AMR demand ofthe system on July 26, 201%, or MDDwas 4,106 gprri iFflerl-SAIWO Maximum Day Dem"ands and Peaking Factors 4-20 Z\BOIHEI I \0ATA\coA\lol6,.,oq6WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAP'TF"RS 1-4 201S0,411\2018-WMP'CH4 20190605.00CX (6/19/2019 1111 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER, SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS Pea 1< H01i r Dem a nd PHD is the maximum amount of wa�ter used throu ing a ,ghout the system, excluding fire flow, dur' one -hour ti�me, period of a given year.'The PHD, 11 kethe MDD is typically cletermined from the combined flow of' walter into the systern from all supply sources and reservoirs. Five-minute interval reservoir level and water production records were reviewed to evaluiate the PHD. As shown in h, from 6-00 AM to Table 41-10, the City's PHDi for 201,3 was 9784 gpm, which occu�rrefd on August 5t 7 4,11 010 AM# Table 4-10 also shows the, peaking factors of the water, system based on the, ADD, PDD, and the PHD data. Fide Flow Demand M I . . . . . . . . . . . General Planning -Level Fire Flow Requirements 7�,\BO,I"t-IELL\DA\COA,\1016�096WMP 201.6\03 DE-LIV[f,�ABLt,-,S\CIIAPI"F",RS 1-4 20180411\201.8-W'MPCH4 201190605MOU'(6/19/2019 11:11 Am) 4-21 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Fluture Walter �Demands Basis for Projecth,'-iig Dernatids Future demands, were calculated from the results, of the future per Capita demand computation ,shown iln Table 4-7 and the projelcted popa from Chapter 3. Future demiand projections were computed with and without water savings expected from implementing conservation -wide averiage measures. The Citly"s conservation progralm presents, agoa] to reduce the systern daily demand from projected non -conservation demand by 5 percent by 2020, 15 percent by 2030� and 20 percent by 20150. rtand Forecasts mild Conservation AL Ah, AL 04 AML W oil J dF 44IFF Table 4­12 Future Demand Projections PoPulation Data - i; 0"-pu, -Ia-t _io' 'r"ii _nW a t e r S le r v i c le 2006201 21,162, 210,2910 21,41.9 21,54.7 2 1,68 4 21,182 21,957 22,4714 23,2�44 Area ............ _­­­ . ...... . . ....... Average Day Demand (gpm) Demand without 1,,823 2,203 2,214 2,225 2,236 2,247 2,259 2,271, 2,315 2,380 Conservation Demand wIth Conservatidn 4176 2,160 2A144 2,129! 2,120 2"I'll 2,102 2,067 .... . ......... 2,,039 Maximum Day Demand (gpm) Dernand withot,ft, 4�,106 4,491 4513 4,535 4,5�58 4,581, 4,605 4,629 4,718 4,852 Con�rvwwwwwservation . ....... . . . . . ........ . .. . ..... Deman ith nservation 4,435 41403, 4,371 4,4O 4,322 40304 4,286 4,213 4,156 . . ....... . . . Peak Hour, Demand (gpm) ......... . . ­_ -6-0 - _M_�� n d w o its u t 9,784 . . ....... ....................... 10,699 107s.2, 1.0"805 10,858 10,91.5 101,972 11,028 11,242 11,S60 Conservation Dernand with Conservation 101,567 10,490 10,415 100341 I 101254 10,037 9,901 -0-1-6-M a x � `�it i i u, n i _D, a y D'_e ... m"'an-d-a" n �dP le -ak ['I' rvrvmo" -u-r _D e n a_n5 values are based on actual average day, demand, amounts for- the given year and typical' peaking factors, and do not necessarily represent actual peak demands for 2016. Projected population data beyond 2016'is based on, projected GEC population; p1lus City limits POPUlation, as sl�'iown in'Table 3­2. . . ........ . .... . . . ...... . . . . ............ ------ _._ . . . . . . ......... 4-22 Z:\BOTHE�l-L\DAT',A,\COA\1016-096M, P 2016\03 DELI VERABLES\01APTERS 14 2018104 1 1\20I8-WMlPCIi4 20190605.00CX (6/19/2019 11:11 AM) CITY OF ASHLANDWATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER DEMANDS The analysis and evaluation of the existing water system with proposed improvements, as presented in Chapters 2 and 5, is based on the 2037 projected demand data without conservation reductions. This ensures that the future system will be sized proIperly to meet all requirern,ents, whether or not additional water use reductions are achieved. However, the City will continue to pursue reductions in water use by implementing the current conservation program. Chart 4­16 Maximum Day Demand 'Projections, Maximum Day Demand Prod coons 8.00 7.00 NOW 6. 00 p4m, IWO =10 5.y. 00 4.00 100 . ......... . Hi st o r 1 c M D D 2.00 1,00 M DD Without Conservation MDD With Conservation, 20,10 2015 2020, 2025 2030 2035 204O 7,'.\IIOT'�lELi-\DA:TA\COA\101�1.6,0'96 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLEACHAPTERS, 1-4 20180414\2018-WMPICHA, 20190605.D0CX (Q11/20 19, 11.11 AM) 4-23 CHAPTER 4 CITY OF ASH LAN D WATER SYSTEM P LAN Table 4-13 presents the existi'ng and projected ERUs of the system. The ERU forecasts are based on the projected water demands, from Table, 4-12 and the average demand per ERU that, was computed from actual 2013 data., Table 4-13 Future ERU Projections, ADD without Conservation 10823 2,203 2�214 21225 2t236 2o247 2,259 2,271 2,315 2,38,0 ADD with Conservation 2,176 2,160 2,144, 2,129 20120, 2, 1. 11 2,102 2,067 2,1039 ERU Basis Data (g,pd/ERU) .. . .. mw�w�w�w�w rvrvrvrvrvrvvuv r5ewwmpmmimWmmmW —mar—id— pet" ERU Without ............... ................ 177 208 2,08 2,08 �208 208 208 2,08 208 208, Cormervation Deman.d per ERUI with 2016 203 201 198 196 194 193 186, 1.78 Conservation MffffkYIM%'f W ....... .. .. .. -j . . . . ............. . Equilvalent Residential Units (ERUs) . ...................................... Totll System ERUs 16,461 15,244 15,319 15,395, 15,471 15,5511 15,632 15,712, 16,,01,7 16,'0 . ........ Det-nand data calculated as in Table 4-2- Z�.-\BOTHELL\DA,'I"AN�COA\1016-fJ,96 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABI ESNCHAPTERS 1-4 2018,0411\2018-WPARCH4 20190605,00CX (6/19/2019 U-11 AM) 5 J'W�AT�EIR SYSTEM j i/ j/ �� i%/�✓ 5 1 WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Introduction dt Illiq 1111p ipp�� 111111� pq 41 W Chan,gesi Since Last Watiei- Master Plan Since completion of the City' last per Master, Plan, several improvernents have been decided upon and implemented that influence the system analysis. These inclu!de the following: 0 ion structalon of'the TAP Emergency Supply, System. This new emergency, supply provides MW'C water I the City and makes use the Clity"s Lost C gel Reservoir water rights purchased for this purpose. 01 Construction of the New Paon., Thi's pump, station upgrade ICI rovides a much higher level of re Ilia bi lity aomers at the highest, elevations in the City. 0 imp'rotves the City's abilwity to boost TlDe,S'pd4jYI en r' tPhue mApshSltaantd I oCn nThlIs pump station upgrad aae to the W"TP and new WTP. New Walter Treatment PlIant Decision on C a?fir new WTP i's planned to be a 7.5 IVIGID(capiacity plaht (expa nda bile t 6110 MGD).'The location, of the plant i's at the granite quarry southw'est of'_�the Granite'-, Reseirvoir. Pipe Improveme'nt Projectsi. Several 1p'Jpe improvernents,havie been made related to new development and improVinog Oistributioin system capacity. Gene ill'al Systern Ch,allerilges 4111 a W 4W An Z.,\BOT�IELL\DTA\C,OA\101,6-096 WMP 201,6\03 DELIVERABI B\CRAPTERSI-A 20180,411\2018-WMPOIS 2019061I.DOCX (61192019 1134 AM) 5-1 CHAPTER 5 CITYOF AS LA WATER SYSTEM PLAN cap i I Improve Grianite Zone trans,rinissli acity g otomers, in wson Zorie 6E o Extend' pipinto serve? lw elevation cus Cro Challei,,)ge 2,- Gi,,-arilite Reservoir is, Aging anid in a Poor Locatioill'i, • Confirm, abillity of TAP systern to function without a terminal reservoir* na I • Confirm if WTP clearwells can replace the Granite tank, functio Ifty, dill Challenge I Overs,ized Alsii"ig, Reservoir, I AM da AN a C"Viallenge 4: Fite Flow Deficieribes al-11 Higlie-st CUstornei,"s (Piari Estates, and Soutli, MOL.H'i'taii,­i) IN I M 4, • Expand Crowson Zone 8 to cannect to Crowson Zone • Reconnect piping for high Crowsion Zone 1 customers to Crowson Zone 4. C[iiallienge 5- TAP Emergeln�cy Supply Catinot Reacl,-) (-,,rowsot-i Zone The'TAP Booster Pump Station I supply water during an emergency to customers in the Granite Zones, which, comprise approximately half of all system demands, but clannot boost water as high as the Crowlsolin, Ziones. In the case of a WTP outage for more than one day', the iwateir, system needs 5-2, Z\BOTHEtL\DATA\C0A\1016-09G WMP2016\03 DEUVER,ABLEs\c.HAP'TFRS 1-4 2018041 1\20,19-MP015 20190611.DGCX (6/1�/20191 13:34 AM) C ITY0 F AS H LA N ID WATER SYSTE, I M P'LAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS a way to boost water, to meet the demands, of all customers, including those in the higher pressure zones. See Pump Stotion, Analysis for further details. Goal., Identify the location for permanent pump, station. 0 Because the City has a location for a temporary pump to boost water from the Granite Zone to, the Crowson "Zone, this project could be delayed as needed. Ch,allenge 6. Pressurie Extrernes in Mat-iy Locations D u e to th e I a rge va ri ation 1 n e I evatl o ns with 1 n ;ea ch p ress u re zo n e, , the water syste m ha s m a ny locations, of low and very high pressures. See Pressure Z6ne Anolysis below for further, details. Goal: Rezone where feasible. Cl-iallenge 7: Inability, t1o, Meet Higher Fire Flow Standaill-ds Many nietghborholods, in the water system were origally Wilt for lowleir fire flow rates,- such as those with 4-inch diameter pipes. These areas are u1nable to meet the City's updated criteria to provide 1,500 gpm In residential areas and 4,,000 gp'm for non re'slicilentiai customers. See Fire Flow Anolysis below for further cletails. Goal,,- Build in distribution capacity, concurrent with rola,climprovernent projects to reduce costs, Challenige, 8,.-, P'otenflal Storage Deficiericy Storage volume evaluations in the past have idenflfi,storage deficiencies in, the Crowson and Granite Zones. However, these deficiencies are, high,ly, dependent on the emergency scenario for which the City is planning. See Storage Anolyst's bellow for, further details. Goal.- Revise, criteria to account for new redundant, reliable supply sources. Challenge 9: Many Agitig, UrisiZed Pipes Despite, the City" s ongo,,ing pipe replacementsmwry y pipes in the water system are aging and are undersized fir current day pressure c I riteria. See Pressure, Anolysbelow for further details., Goal'.- Replace aging pipes, as budget allows, and concurrent with road improvement projects to reduce costs. Supply Evaluation Thi's section evaluates the City"s, water, supplies for meeting existing and future demands of the water service area. SUPPly Critieria Table 5-1 presents the City'sSupply, Level of Service Goals., These goals are continued from the City-'s la,st master planning efforts. Z,�tIO",riHEI,,IADA'TA\COA\�1016096WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 20190611.DC)CX (16/19/2,019 1.1-.34 AM) 5-3 CHIAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 5-1 Suppity Level of Service Goall MM7Have MEN= siufficlent suipply, to rneet pro jected demand' :s that have, reduced based on achieving 5, plerceint Water System Capacity add itio n a I co nservation from base year 20091. However,, City will have a goal of achieving 15 percen,t conservation. . ............ Comm ul nity will accept curtailments of 45 percent WaterSyster n Rellabli'lity during a severe droulglit. The City will prioritize, source water available duringi drought conditions. Implement redundant supply projects to restore fire protection and. supply for''indolor water use shortl y Water System Redundancy after a treatment plant outage. Supply ADD with reclunclarat. supply. ............................ . ....... ---- - - Meet or, exceed all current and anticipated regulatory Regulatory Requirements, requirements, including cross -connection prograrn improvements. SU pip ly An a lysiks Each supply level of service goal is evaluated for the City's water system as follows. Water Syster,ii Capla(-ity The planned capacity of the new WT'P is mote thaln adequate to supply the proJected 2040 # Maximum Day Dernands (MDD) and beyond (Figurie 5 thus, the Gity amply meets the water, system capacity leivel of service goal. Water System Reliability During water supply disruption or drought conditions the City's, supply strategy is as follows in order of priority: 1. Supply East /Wesit Fork Ashland Creek water as available to the new WTP (stored in Reeder Reservoir and soon, to be able to, bypass Reeder Reservoir). 2. SupplementAshilland Creel< water with TO water to the new'WTP. 3. Use the TA,P Supply System, to suppily, water from MWC. 4. Curtaill supply according to, the City"s Water Curtailment Plan. 5-4 z.\,BOTHELL\DA,TA\COA\101.6-096 WMP2016\03 DELIVEKABLES\CHAPTERS 1-4 201804 11\20118,-WMPCF15 20190611,0010, (6/19/2019 11:314 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND, WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Figure 5-1 New WT P Capacity vs. Maximum Day Demand Projections New WTP Capacity vs. Ma,ximum Day Demand, projections 10.00 9.010 8.00 7.001 6.00 5 �1,00 4.00 3.00, 2.00 1.00 01.010 202# 2025 2,030, 2035, 2,040 Year, 'Wat�er System Redundancy a AL �Zo\BO:T[iEtL\DATA\COA\1.016-096WM�) 201,6\03 DELIVERABLES\01APTERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WIMPCH5 2019016ILDOD X(611912019 11:34 AM) 5-5 12 CHAPTER 5 CITY OFASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Figure 5-2 TAP Supply vs,. Average Day Demand Projections, e Day Demand Projections TAP Emerg�ency Supply vs., Averag Off" 0011 PO WIN ADD (No, Conserva,t[on) ADD (With Conservation) (mid) rvm TAP BPS, Firm Capacity (2.0 mgd) ............ KRRN'TAP BPS Total Capacity (10 mgd) 2025 2030 20,35 2040 Yel a r, RegUlatory Reqt,.tJrer-nents Th U 1� g e Cityis meeting all regulatory requirements incl d'n those for cross -connection controll. "ent the cross -connection control program However'. City staff think it would be prudent toirnplem, more aggressively, this is discussed fufthe'rin the City's 2019 Operafbonsand Maintenance Plan., New W'TP Integraboili with Existing Syster-in A iscussed in General SV'stemi Challenges abiovef,, the site of the new WTP is at an elevation'that s d" results in approximately ha,lf of the City's demands located higher than the new WTP, and ha If -13) located below the new WTP (Rigure 5 - Supply to the zones above the WTP require water to be boosted to these custorners with a new `VTP to Crowson" Booster Pump, Station.This pu�mp station 'is planned, to be constructed with thet- the new pump station of 22,55 ft ( new WTP. Assurning an elevation o as provided in the Report), 5-6 Z,'\8OTHEL.L\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\0iDEL,,,IVERA,B�E�,S\C�,,I,iAPTERS 1-4, 20180411\2018-WIMP015 20190611,DOCX (6/19/2019 11:34 AM) CITY OF AS H LAN D WATER SYSTE M P LA N WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS .......... the purn p station static head shou Id be a pproximaltely 170 ft tol meet Crowson Reservoir overf low elevation (2425 ft). A total head of 200 feetwas assumed for hydraulic modeling., The capacity of the new pump) station depends on continued reliance of the PRVs from, the Crowson Zones to the Granite Zones. Granite Street Piple aiA VaIving, 'The first pipe identified for im r vement pis the mam,t'nsmission supply pipe in Granite Street that supplies water from the Granite Reservoirtotrue Granite Zone customers. The existing Granite Street pipe, is a combinatlon, of ol2-inch, 14-inch, and newer 16-inch steel pipe. The model, predicts, a significant drop i'n the hydraulic grade in this pipe, during PHD. By increasing the size of this pipe, the hydraulic grade in the zone is maintained much closer to the 21710 ft, gradient provided by Granite Reservo*ir (when full). The following options are recommended dependent on how, the Granite Reservoir is, addressed: 01 As lon g as the Granite Reservoir remains in its, current, locatiIon,, or if the, City abandons the Granite Reservoir,and constructs, two c1learwells at the new WTP to serve the Granite, Zone: o, The Granite Street pipe is recommended to be a 2,4-lnch diameter pipe from Granite Reservoir to Strawberry Lane to provide PHD to, the Granite Zones. o The Oxisting 16-*Inch (Granite Zone 1) and 24-inch (Crowson Zone 1) pipes, in Granite Street,, should be r'ec'bnhected in Sltrawbierry Lane and Nutley Street to allow, the, 24-Inro ch pipeto supply the Granite Zone. 0 If the Granite Reservoir is' abandonecland a new Granite Reservoir is constructed elsewhere in G raOite Zone 1: o The Granite Street pliple''is, recommended' to be a 16-inc h diameter pipe from the current Granite Reservoir, ' site to Nutley Street to priovidle MDD to, the Granite Zones,. o A new flow control valve would be required along the pipe to provide maximum day demands, to the Granite, Zones. j2Y.,.NBOTHEI.IADA�I'A\(70A\1016n096,WMP 2016\03 DEL.IVE-RAB,LE��SNCIIAPTERS'l-4 2,0180414\7018-WM.PCHS 2019061LDDCX(6/19/2019 11:34 AM) 5-7 CHAPTER 5 CITY 0 F'ASH LAN D WATE R, SYSTE M PLAN Piping from the new WTP to the current Granite Reservoir location, is recommended to be replaced with a 16i-inich diameter pipe and located in Granite Street. This replaces an aging steel Pipe, Improves reliability of a major transmission line, abandons two aging creek crossings, and improves the hydra,ulic grade of the, zone. Scerflc Drive and Nutley Streiet Pipe To reduce reliance on PRVs 8 and 91 on the west side of the Granite Zone the pipies in Nutley Street ran et (from G ite Street to Scenic Drive) and Scenic Drive (from Nutley Stre to Wirner Street) are nd' 6-inch recommended for increasing in size to a 12-inch pipe. Thiese 'projects replace agi, pipesin these streets and grMINatlyimprove tranismi,ssion of gravity supplied water.This, project included In Chapter, 61. Crowson Zones 2. ai-id 6, Rezoning 0( lop OW 1 1P W W W W qWP W 4P, JAI NJ 111L New W"'r 1-1 Integration Recon'Iu-neridation SLIrrirriary Until the City can fund the above transmission projects,, it, is, recommended that the City plan for the WTP to Crowson Booster Pump Station'to have adequate capacity to meet the demands ofthe Crowson and Alsing Zones and provide adequate supplyto the Crowson to Granite Zone PRVs ucumagpm (see Pump Stotionnder rrent dends. This capacity equates to approximately 3,' Analysi's below). if and when the City is, ableto reduce all supply through the PRVs, this capacity' could be reduced to approximately 1,650 gpm.) It is also recommended that the City reduce, the pressure settings in the Crowson'to Granite PRVs once the, new WTP is, constructed,, according to Table 5-2 below. A, second 0.85-MG clearwell ishot recommended at this time, but a new 0.85-MG Granite Zone Res,ervoiris recommended instead,— see Storage Analysis below. The Granite Street and NutIley/Scenic Drive pipe improvements are included in the recommended capital improvemen't plan (CIP), presented in Chapter 6., Due to th�e decision to construct a new Granite, Zone Reservoir -'nch pipe from the elsewhere in Granite Zone 1, the Granite Street, pi�pe is recommended to be a 16 i DTP' to Strawberry Lane. Future rezoning, of Crowson Zones 2 and 6 is also includedire the CIPin Chapter 6. 5-8 Z�:1\801'HELL\DATA\C(),A\10l6,096 WIMP 201.6\03I DELIVERIABLES\01APTERS 1 4 20.180,411\2018-WIMPICHS 2019061 1,DOCX (6/191/2,0,19, 11341 AM) CITY OF ASH LA,N D WATER. SYST'E M PLAN WATER, SYSTEM ANALYSIS Table 5-2 -,,ecommendecl PRV Settings to Reduce Crowson to Granite PRV:-! 8 . ...... ------ - ............ .. . ......... ---'40/35 9 45/38.5 401/35 14 . . .......... . . 70 . . . . . . ................... . . . . . ......... 60 15 . . . ........ 79 ........ ... 60 16 7 1--11111— SUpply Riecoi-m-nendations The following summarizes the recommended sq'ply, improvements., 0 Construct new W'TP and associated projects. 7.5-M'GD WTP (expandable to 10.01 o One (1) 0.85-MG cl�earesell for storage; o Pump station to boost water from the new W`TP to, the Crowson Reservoir; o 16-inch Granite Street Plying fr'om, the newWTPto piping that supplie s Granite Reservoir (required unt�il Granite 'Reservoir is abandoned); o Emergency Ashland' Creek intake; o SCsystem, upgrades. Expand the TAP SupplySystem to 3.0 MGD: o Additional pump atAshlan"dTAP, BPS to achileve firm capalcity of 3.0 MGD; o Emergency BAck-up,Gee rator at Ashland TAP BPS; o Expansion of the'TaIllen't TAP BPS; o Potential expansion of the Reglonlal TAP BPS; o TAP System Transmission Capacity Improvements. Install transmission piping'Irriprovements and rezoning to minimize plumping to Crowson Zone 1: o Redu'ce PRV settings, as shown in Table 5-2.- o 16-inch piping in, Granite Street from Granite Reservoir to Nutley Street; o 12-inch piping in Scenic Drive and'Nutley Street; o Rezone portions of Crowson Zones 2 and 6 to be supplied by Granite Zone 1. '7-,'\80,1'HEI,I.\D.AT,A\(--OA\1016�096 WMP 2016\03 DEI,IVE-RALII,,� �, A��l,"rc�ns 1-4 201804 1.1\2018-WwOls 2019a61. 1.D0CX (69/2019 11:34 AM) 5-9 IN 91 rim-"f 0 Storage Facilities This section evaluates the capacity of the City"s existing water storage tanks to meet the existing and future storage requirements of the system., Sto,rage, Criteria ati hial storage, emergency Water storage is typically made up of the following components,-, 01per io e ffferent purpose and will vary storag , and fire flow, storage. Each storage componfen�ti, serves a di oiu from system to system,, A definition of each slrage component and the crilteria to evaluate in Tabile 5-3., the capacity of the City"s storage tanl(s is provided below and summarized AL M dt W V IN Rre Flow Storage — Volume of the reservoir used to supply water to the system, at the maximum rate; and du ration req ui red to; extingu ish, 'a fire at the building with the h ighest fi re f low requirement in the zone. Them'agnitude' of the fire flow storage is the product of the fire f ow rate P I and duration of the operating area Is highest fire flow neleds. These fire flow planning goals were presented In Chapter 4. Nesting of S'tloriage — Some) water systems allow for esting" of fire flow and emergency storage, ng thatit is assumed that a fire, and asupply, disruption would not happen at the same time mearill a,nd therefolrgip. only the greater of the two storage volumes is used in the storage analysis. 5-10 Z�\,BOTIi'[E.LL\DATA\COA,\��1,01,,6-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 14,2018:041 1\2018-WIMP0,15 2019061 LDOCX (6/19/2019 11 :34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAN D WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER, SYSTEN) ANALYSIS Table 5-3 17% Storage Critert.- Storage Analysis The total combined storage, capacity of the City's reservoirs,is ', 63 million gallons. The City"s original criteria for storage requirements for operational, emergency,, and fire, flow are compared to the existing storagle to determine storage adequacy for the planning pier I iods, as summarized in 'Table 5-4. The table includes the sto,rage's,urplu�s/de,f,ic,iency,, As seen at the end of the table, under the City"s original criteria,, the City would,have an, exis'tilng storage deficit of'01.37 MG and a 2040 deficit of'1.34 MG'given all current, storage facilities. ZA,BOTHELL\DATA�COAN1016-096 WMP \03 f)Et,,IVI,-RABt,,ES\CHA$T'ERS 1-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH51 2019061, 1.D10CX (6/19/2019 1 P34 AM) 5-11 1" �2 I �03 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASAND WATER, SYSTEM PLAN' Table 5-4, Existing Storage Evaluatio'n 1, # IA Maximum D:ay Demand (no conservation) (MGD)'" er Storage (MG) Operational 0.70 .......... . . ........ . . . ..... ...... . .. . . . . . ........................ Fire Flow 0.96 — — — - - — — - - ------------------------ 70'.90 3.06 Xi 0.9i6) 163 0.72, # 0496 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Granite Required . .......................... Storage Total Granite Existing Storage (MG) 2.00 A 0 0.03 0 0.96 . ......... 0.96 0.96 0.06, - ----- . ....... F. 0.07 5-12 Z.\60'1"flELL\DATA\COA\,�1016-0915 WMP 20116\03 DEUVERABLES\�HAPTERS 1-4 2018()411\2018-WMPCH5 20190,611MOCX (6/19/2019 1134 AM) CITY OF AS, H LA N D WATER SYSTE M P LA N 'WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS ........... ......... .. ...... 0.04 Required Storage (MG) Operational Ernergency, 01.102 0.013 1 Total Fallon Required , oira Sit wn 0.22 . .. . ....... 06150 0.50 Fallon Storage Excess/i(Deficit) (MG), I m'� RIT MIMI ,STORAGE OPERATING AREA Storage Excess/(Deficlit') (MG) CROWSON GRANITE FA Storage ReqLflii,ements is A a, A Al I. Table 5-5 presenits the revised storage analysis using the adjusted criteria, the expanded Alsing ram,,, area, and reduced demands reflecting the City's conservation goal's shown in Chapter 4., 7-.\BOTH'.F'LL\[),A,'rA\(,'OA\,1016-0,96 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\0 1APTERSIA 20,18,041 1\201.8-WMPCH5 2019061 1,DOCX (6/191201 .9, 11-34 AM) 5-13 CHAPTER 5 CITY O,F ASHLAND, WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 5-5, Storage Evaluation — Criteria Adjustment, Alsing Expansion,, Conservation Goal.A IN a F C V Fi M7 Run- 07 - - - - - --------- 2020 2030 2040) CROWSON 0.,37 0.42 0.381 GRANITE ............. 0.54 ......... 01.67 0. 57 ALSING 0.43 0.51 0.48 . .......... FALLON 0.29 0. 2 9 0.29 TOTAL SYSTEM, 1.63 1.89, 1.72 Granite Reservoir Replacerrient 4. Granite Reservoir is in major need of replacement or removal. A recent estimate for improverneriLb was $560,00Q, but even this investment would not improve the reservoir to current day seismic h City staff', It is eornmended rcthatt r I standards,. In discussions wit he , G ahite Reservoir be eventually abandoned,, and a new Granite Zone Reservoir constructed elsewheref In the system.'This recommenclation is largely due to the importaInce of the reservo,ir to the operation o t e TAP supply system into Granite Zone 1. is i 0 11 6 4", a #1 low ]w W 0401 A #Mtl 1p Table 5-6 Storage Eva, I uatio n —1 R e m ova I of G ra n ite Reise rvo 1 r . ........ . . .. . ..... . . . . . ........ . 2020 2,040 CROWSON 10.37 . . ............... . . . . . 0.42 01.38 ...... ..... . . .............. GRANITE 0.14 . . ........ 0.27 0.,17 - - - - - - ---------- A,, N G 0.43 0. 5 1 0. 4 8 - - - - ---------- . ................ FALLON 0.29 ...... 01.29 ........ 0.29 TOTAL SYSTEM 1.23 1.49 1,.32, 5-14 Z�,\BOTHELt,,,\DATA\COA\11016-096'WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\C1,1APTERS 1 -4 201.80, 411\2048-WMPCH5 �2019061 1 DOU (6/119/2019 11:34 AM) NIVIOMMMIM11 Als,ing Reservoir Service Area Expa n sio ill, R All tyl IN W a All 04, MIS A A a OP 10, • Tolman Creel( Road Pipe —To supply the cornmerckal fire flows (4,000,gpm) in the Crowson Zones 2, and 6, the piping in Tolman Creek Road abovethe new PR'V is recommended for upsizing to a 12-inch pipe. • Valve Mod 'ifications — The Alsi ng, ex'pansi�on reclommerr dation takes, a dvantage of existi ng parallel pipes in Siskiyou Boulevard while,keeping t ' he south pipe for Crowson Zone 1 and the north pipe used for the, expanded Crowson Zone 6., To do this,, the following valve modifications are recommended.- o, Deactivate, PRVs 18, 23, 26, 2,71-1 o Open valves in Tolman Clreek Road and Jacquelyn Strelet isolating Crowson I from Crowson, 6 as shown in Figure 51,44 o Close valves along Sl l lVd,to isolate the expanded Crowson Zone 6 from Crowson Zone, 1, as shown in figure 5-4,; o PRVs 17 and 19 are still as,sumed active PRVs to Crowson zones 5/6. By implementing the, above ,changes,the Crowson Zone 6 i's adjusted to include all pi'pes shown as blue, lines in Figure 5-4. Rezoning the northern section, of Crowson Zone 6, and the airport area in Crowson Zone 2, j,�alsorecommended (see Pressure Zone Analysis below) but is not required as, part of the Alsip' g,zo'he e'xpa I n si i o h Sto ra orTnImendations, SLH Ige Rec al r"n a ry The folliinlg summari , zes the, recommended supply improvements: • Revise storage criteria, to account for redundant system supplies. • Expand the Aling Re,servoir Service Area. as recommended. • Construct, one 0.85-MG clearwell at the New WTP to serve, the Granite aind Crowson Zones., o As long as PRVs from Crowson to Granite are set to provide fire protection pressures, fire volume for Granite can be stored ire the Crowson Reservoir. Z-,\H2OTHEH,,\DA I'A\COA,\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABI ES\CHAPTERS 1-4 201804.1 1\2018-WMPCHS 2019,061 LDOCX (6/19/2019 1 t-34 AM) 5-15 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Abandon Gservoir and plan for construction of a new reservoir In the cinity, of Ashland Mine Road and Lakota Way. of Pursue property acquisition in this are -al @I Continue water conservation efforts. 0 Pump StaUon Capacity Analysi's Punwi Station Ar-ialysls Table 5-8 presents the required pumping capacity for each pump station considering the demand.si in its service area. Table 5ji-9 compares the required pumping capacities, to the firm capacity of the existing pump stations to identilfyany deficiencies. The results for ealch pump, station are described below,. N e, w, WT P to Crowson, BPIS 5-TI,IELL\DATA\COA\.1,6-0,96WM;P2016\03, DEUVERABLEPT ERS 1-4 20180,411\2018MMPcHS 20190GILDOU, (6/19/2019 11,34 AM) CITY 0 F AS H LAN D WATE R S,YST'E M P LA N, WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS to be served by the Granite Zone; (discussed i'n Pressure Zone Anfa/yvsbelow), the pump station's, 20540 capacity could be, reduced from 4,219 gpm to 1,624, gpm. wagul # Ell aaamw 11 WIL49119po!wl IRWIN] Both ;the Park Estates and Strawberry BPS meet the City's capacity criteria through 2040, and both have backup, generators. No m odifl, talc ion's are recommended for these pumlp stations. Z-.\1101"lif-tL\DTA\COA\1,01,6-ro96\NMP20,16\03t)EI.IVER, ABLES\CHAPTER S1.420180411\201-WMP,CI1520�15)0611.f),OCX(,6/19/'2019,11;3dlAM) 5-17 �2 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 5-8 Booster Pu m p Station Capacity Req ui reme, nts Pumping Zones with Storage, (Criteria = MDD) Crowson Zones 1-8, Alsing, Zones 3)1.7'2 41,219 N/A N/A N/A 3)17'2 4.01219 New WTP to Crowson Zone Alsing Crowson Zones Rezoning of Crowson 2 & 60 PRV Reduction' 31,172, 1),624 N/A, N/A N/A 30172 1)624 Alsing Zone 1 89 1,02 N/A N/A N/A 89 102, Hillview Alsing Zon�e 1, Crowson Zones 2 . . ........ & 6 859 677 2 N/A N/A N/A 8519 677' Strawberry Fallon, Zone 1 &2 32 38 irnW" ffi��W� N/A N/A N/A �32 "I 38 Pumping one without Storage (Crite da = RH D + F F) SOUth Mountain Crowson Zotie 4 8 . ........... 20 23 11500 .1.1520 11523 0"owsoll Zone 7 & 8 16 18 37 43 1)5010 11537 10543 Park Estates Crowson Zones, 4,,, 71 & 8 16, 18, 37 43 11500 11537 1.1543 1) Note reduction in required 2040 deniands reflect recommended reWning of lower to ns of Crowson'zones 2, &. 6, and recommended Granite Zone 1 transmissioti projects to reduce supply through the Crowson to, Granite Zone PRVs, 2) Reflects reduction in demands clue to rezoning lower sections,of Crowson Zones 2 & 6 to Grarl]te Zone 1. 5-18 7-,\BOT'lELL\DATA\COA\101.6,096 WMP 2016\03 DELI VERABLES\CHAPTER5 1-4 20,180,411\2018,-WMPCH5 2019,0,611.DOCX (6/19/2019 11A4 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN Pump Station Capacity Evaluation WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS i Pumping /-ones wit n Storage (Criteria = MIDD) Alsing Zone 1 89, 102 350 261 248 Zones 2 & 6 551 67'7 35,0 (2,01 ('327) Strawberry, Fallon Zone 1 & 2, 32 38 200 168 162 Pumping Zones without Storage (Criteria =PHD + F) South Mountain Ctowsoll Zone 4 1Y520, 1,0523 145 (10,375) (1, 3 7 8) Park Estates Crowson Zone 71 �& 8 11537 '111543 2J50 1813 8107 Crowson Zor es 4, 7, & 8 L537 11543 2,8150 81.3 807 Ne w G r'a n it e t ol WTP B 1:1 S To, address the rieed for the emergency TAB ,supply to be 'boosted to the City' s hi h t pressure zones during a; WTP outage, a new pump station is needed to boost water from Granite Zone 1 to, the clearwell at new WTP. This pump station is herein, called the "Granite to WTP BiRS". The new WTP to Crowson BPS couldthen boost water to the Crowson Reservoir that serves all of the highest 0, pressure zones. An ideal location for the pump station would be, 'in the Granite Street pj ipe and in parallel with a new flow control valve ftom the WTP'to the Granite Zone. Time Granite to WTP BPS, requires a sta"tic,head of 95 ft'(assuming a clrwell overflow elevation of 2,255 ft and'a, Granite Zone I hydraulic grade -of 2,160 ft). Capacity of"the pump station should meet the pr 'ected ADD of the CrolwlsohAlsin an Id Fallon Zones; thisis, estimated at 1,000 gpm., 0.1 9, This, project is included in ° ,e CIIP in, Chapter 6. PUMP, Station Recommendations • The new WTPto'Crowson BPS,should have a firm capac�ity of approximately 3,,200,gpm to supply the Crowson and, Alsing Zones. The pump station should be designed for a future reduced capacity of approximately 1,650 gpm. • Replace the Hillview B,PS to bring this pump station to c,urrent design standards and meet demanuirements of t1he Alsing Reservoir Service Area expansion. o Recommended capacity: 680 to 860 gpm Abandon the Soluth Mountain BPS concurrent with, pipe installation that connects Crowson Zones 4 and 8. Install the Granite, to WTI I BPS as part of a flow control and pumping structure in Granite Street. Z.'\BOTIf,E�ILL\DA,TA\COA\,1016-,0,96WMP 2'016\03 DEL IVE' ABLE S\CHAPTERS 1A 20180411 ,2.018-WMPCH5 2,0190611,DOCX(6/19/21.019 11*34 AM) .5-19 �2 C ITY OF S H LA N D WATER SYSTE M PLAN Pressure Zone Criteria The ideal static pressure of'water supplied to, customers is between within 40�1�nd 80 pist. Pressures a water distribution system are commonly as, high as 120 ps'l, requiring pressure regulators on, U individual service lines to reduce the pressure to 80 pis' or less. It, I S diffic It for the City's water system (and most others) to maintain distribultion pressures beitweISM. 'n 40 an�d 80 psi, primarily due tothe topography of the water service area. 'The City has adopted the following service pressure criteria, which are consistent with industry standards: Minimum Pressure (during Peak Hour Demand): 30 psi Knimum Pressure (during Fire Flow): 20 psi 0 Maximum Pressure: 1,20 psi Press�..,,ire Zone Analysis M, A 7CR OLIVA 9 WORL*ffil RP ILW,LwLIR 11! OP 00 l DI� � it !{ � I I1 �� � 1)11I � l � � J 70 Granite Zone 1, 2024 ♦ 1724 1980 G ran ite Zone 3 TM 1757' 2420 Crowson Zone 1 2359 . . . . ..................... . 1967 22010 Crowson zone,2 1884 2,2,70 Crowson, Zone 31 ............... 1,955 2341, 227'0 Crowson Zone 5 058 2043 6 0 1 N mv�� 5-20 7�:'\BOTfiELL\DAT,A,\COAN,1,016.-096 WMP 2016\09 0EL1VFRABLE:S\C1'JAPTER5 1-4 2.0180411\2018-'WMPCH5 20190611.DOCX (6/19/2019 1,1,.34 AM) I CITY OFASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Pressure Zone Recionii mend ations the following actions are recommended for each prbssu" r"e, zone to meet the pressure criteria. 2170 Granite Zone 1 • Perform a rezoning study to lower pre's,sures I to Ilow elevation customers, in the northwest end ofthe zone., • Rezone customers in Normal Avenue, day Lahe,i a,'nd, Lit Lane between Ashland Street and Siskiyou Blvd to be served by Crowson Zon"e, 6. This can be, done by closing valves in Lit Way and Ray Lane north ofAshland Street end opening the closed valve above these customers (see Figure 5-4). • Other transmission projects described earlier to,'reduce reliance on Crowson to Granite PRVs (Granite Streletripe irnproVeIment,, Scen,ic/Nutley Street pipe improvement). 1980 Granite Zr 2 Reduce PRV settings to lower overall zone pressures as, listed in Table 5-11., City staff will need to confirm if PRV 31 is, able to achieve the significantly lower pressure settings recommended without replacing the valves., Z.,�BOTHELL\I)AT'A.\COA\1016-,096 WMP 20.16NO3 DELIVERABLES\04APTERS, 1-4 20180411\2018-WM[ICH'S 20I9061I.D0,CX (6/19/2,019 1134 AM) 5-21 "12 CHAPTER, 51 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER STSTEM FLAN Table 5-11 ,ecommended PRV'Settin_,qsforfiranAe-Z-one-2' m7 �=J 2, 83/76 . ............... 78/701 ....... ---- . . ......... �3 87/80 82/74 ...... 4 74 .... . .... . . . .... 68 ...... 5 67/60 — - - — ------- - 58/5,C) 6 60/55 .......... --- . ....... . ... . 163/ 55 . . . ............... 28 92/8,7 83,/75 . ................................................ ............. . . . . . . . ........................... 31 135/120 - - — --------- ....... . ............................ . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ........................................ ............ 74/66, 32 . .......... . ................................. 85/82 81/74 2060G,ratiite Zonle 3 TOWS 2420, Cr,owsoi"i, Zone 1 0 Perform a rezoning study to lower Pressures to low elevation customers,,, particularly if PRV's from Crowson to Granite Zones are no'llonger used (they currently alleviate high pressures in low elevation areas of CrowSon Zone 1). 40 For high elevation customers, on Emma Street, and South Mountain St, reconnect piping to supply customers from the, 2,420 Crowson Zone 4. I Rezone customers north lof Silskiyou Blvd from Normal Ave to Cro;wson Road to be Crows,on Zone 6. (This, is assumiled as part of the Aising, Reservoir Service Area expanision). 2200, Crowson Zone 2 Extend 2170 Granite Zone I p1pinig to supply lower elevation customers in this zone around, the airport.'This recommendation also reduces the required plumping from the WTP to the Crowson Reservoir. New 'Transm,ission Pipe, in East M�ain Street. Install a new 12-inich trainsrinisision SUPPI pi'pe ifrom Walker Road lacioss 1-5 to connect to 2200 Crowson Zone 2. Thisprojectcould beeveliopmentof undeveloped lands in the northeast areas of the City. 0 This projectwill allsoserive lower elevation customers, in 22910 Crowson Zone 6. o Rezolne 2200 Crowson Zone, 2: Identify the correct valve locations, to isolate thle lower elevation customers in 2200, Crowson Zone 2 and supply them from the 2,170 Granite Zone 1. 5-22, Z.,\B4OTHE'Lli.\DAT'A\CO,A\1016-096WMP 2016\03 DELI VERABIES\CHAPTERS 14 2,01.80411\2018-WMPCH5 201906,1LUOU (6/19/2019 1,134 AM) CITY 0 F AS H LA N D WATE R SYSTE M P LA N WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS 0 Install piping alorig Green rings Highway to isolate'the airport area fror � Oak Knoll neighborhood. a Allow the A,ls,ing Reservoir to supply emergensupply to, the zone, by instailling/setting PRVs to meet reduced piressures for fire flow only. 2270 Crolwsot'i, Zone 3 a Reduce, PRV settings by 10 psi each, to lower overall zone pressures., 2640 Crowson Zone,4 0 Extend sup� ly from 2570 Crowson Zone 8 (supp'lled by the new Park p! Estates Pump Station) P to supply customers in 2,640,Crowson Zone,14., o Install piping from Morton Street to ly' Lane. o Abandon South Mountain Plump Slat'loln. o Modify piping to supply high elevation customers in, 2640 Crowson Zone 1. ,2270 Crowson Zone 5, Reconnect piping in Siskiyou B,Iv d and Ray Lane to re,zone pipes in Ray Lane and Lit Way to con nect�, to 2290 Crowson Zone, 6. This will alleviate low, pressures in Ray Lane and Lit Way. 2290 Q-owson Zoiiie 6 0 Rezone customers north of the railroad tracks ' between Clay Street and Interstate 5 as shown in Figvre 5-4 to reduce, high pressure customers in these areas. The rez,oning would rezone these customers from Crowson Zone 6, taGranit e Zone 1. o, Install a PRV'station in Clay Street just north of Ashland Street,, closet o where a previous PRV station e'xisted. o Install a PRV'stat*oln, in Tolman Creek Road just north of the railroad tracks. 0 Extend 2170, Granite one to, supply lower elevation customers in these zones. 'TIsis recommendation also reduces the, required pumping from the WTP to the Crowson Reservoirs o In,stall a new 12-in,ch transmission pipe, In East Main Street from Walker Road across 1-5 ,to Crocker Street. o Reduce settings on Cl,y,$treelt and Tolman Creek Road PRVs to only supplyfire flow. 2570 Crows,oi,'i, Zone Is, No recommendations* 2610 Crowson or e 8 7.,\Bo"rfiELI,.\DA"'rA\COA\1016.0,,9,,6 WiMP 2016\03 DEUVERABLES\CIIAPTERS 1,4 2018041 1\2018,-WMPCH5 21019061 I.DOCX (6/19/20 19 11:34 AM) 5-23 "ATER SYSTEM 11LA-ft CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASAUM"T"T, 0 ` Distribution andTransm, I 1's,sion System This section evaluates, the City's existing distribution and transmission system i(iel., water mains) to determine if they are adequately slized and looped to provide the nec ; essa ry f low rates a n d pressures, to meet the existing and future requirements of the sysitem',.1 Distribution Systern Ariialysis, Criteria As discussedire the Pressure Zone Analysis section of this chapter, ideal water pressures delivered to customers, in, the range of 40 to 80 p,s,l,, and the City's criteria is to deliver pressures between 30 and 120 ps]. 1-lydraLdiC Model 'tialized with computed estimates based oin Hydraulic modell pipe roughness coefflicie nts were ini I the water main material and ageinfoirm'ation from the City"s water main GIS shapiefile. Based on the premise thiat the internal surface of water 'mains becomes rougher with age, old,eir water, mains were assigned higher rough inelss coefficients t An, newer water mains. The hydraulic lbdel 'of the existing s'y I s, elm contains demands based on 2014 individual customer t m tr-buted to eter water demand datia provided by, the City. Demand data for each plaricell wa,s d I the closest representative junction node of the model based on the recorded usage. These demands were increased to represent 2020 demands. The peaking factors shown in Chapter 4 were used to analyze the system undAIM �r, PHD and MDD conons. 5-24 7-,\BOT�tELL\DATA\,CO,A\101,6-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\�-HAPTER,51-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH5 Z0190611.UQCX (6/19/2019 11.34 AM) NO Jill All do AII6 a Alk all AM Calibration the model was calibrated as part of this WMP. Calibration isachieved by adjusting the roughness coefficients of the water mains, in the model so the re,sultilrig pressures and flows from the hydraulic analyses closely match the pressures and flows from, actual field tests under sir rillar demand and operating conditions. Initial Darcy- We'Isbach roughness coefficient,� were entered in the model based on, computed' estimates of the coefficients, from, available pipe age and material data. For example, older water mains, were assigned higher roughness coefficients than, new water mainsi- thereby assuming that, the internal surface of water pipe becomes rougher as, it gets older. Th e model was, calibrated using 25 hydrant "low tests, performed in the system in the spri ng of 2016. The model is considered calibrated hen model results are within 10 percent the field results. After identifying a few closed/part[alily closed valves in the system and adjusting roughness coefficients, the modeled results closely match,'(W ' ih tiri 10 percent), the field results for all 25 tests; trerel thmodel iconsidereequatela,11 "brated for use in thm an e following systealyses. hiefoe s d aldy c1, HydIC Analysis Pressure and fire flow analysis of the existing system were performiled using the model it 2,020, 2030, and 204,0. Pres,sui,"le, A,tialys,is AMR a did 2 A dw IN Ah WII dY W4 M 71 Fire Flow.Analysis Fire flow demands, were, assigned to the water, system based on land use and the City's fire criteria I -ts are shown " presented in Chapter 4, and are shown in Figure 5llllllli6, Maps of fire flow resul in F i igure 5-17. The maps are color coded toshow i'f each junction in the system satisfies, does not satisfy, or is w�ithin 10 percent of' del,livering assigned fire flows (10 percent is within thel eirror of the model). Z,\BOTfIELL',DATA\('OA\3,016,096 WM P.2 01 6\03DE LI VE11 AB LUSN�_ HAP TER S 12'1'G411\2M8-WMPCHS 2019061LDOCY (6/19/2019 11!34 AM) 5-25 CHAPTER 5 CITY OF AS H LA N D WATE R SYS�TE M PLAN The map shows many, deficiencies in meeting the City's fire flow criteria. 'This is due to a few factors: High elevation customers within a zone are, uniable to maintain 20 psi during a fire flow I ation customers. elsewhere in the zone. This, can blef solived by rezoning high e, ev Many pipes were built before'rnore stringent fire codes were Odopted. Fire districits, I ti S commonly classify buildings In these areas as exis Ing non tonforming and: i'nce they met previous f[re code requirements when they were constructed, Improvernents, to these areas are considered a low priority. Resol e implementing larger diameter pipes over time as budget allows. AN AR Ok ­J� Distriibtitiori, Systern, Recornmendations, Recommended pipe improvements to address the pressure and fire flow deficiencies are presentect, in Chapter 6 (Table 6-3). The, general recomi-nenclati ons are as follows: Implement recornmendations as descried' the Pressure Zone Recommendations section. h pipes and anlarger. a Upsize local pipes from 4- d 6i inch pipes to 8 I"hc 40 Increase transrnission capacityi in thie 2170 Granite Zone 1. o �Replace the upper, section of 2,170 Granite Zone 1 transmission main (from new WTP to connection to Strawberry Lane). o Extend transmission capactity of,2170 Granite Zone 1 in East Main Street to, serve low elevation custoran ers a,nd newgrowth to the east of the, system. Set PRVs from Crowson, and Alsing Zones to Granite Zones to only supply fire flow. To red Oce reliance on PRV 20 (�kiyou Blvd and Normal Ave), which appelars to provide needed, supply to the zone cluring fire flows according to the City's modelextending Granite Zone piping, in Ea st Main Street from Siskiyou Blvd to Walker Road i's recommended. Additionally, increasing the transmission pipe in Siskiyou Blvd from 8-inch to 12-Inch is re co rn m e n, d e d t o I rn p rove f I", re flow WSW and apartment complexes in the Wightman and Iowa Street areals. 5-26: Z,\BO,THELL��DAT,A\COA\,1016-0AMP 2016\03 DELIVER,ABI ESWIAAPTERS 1-4 20,180A,11\2018-WMPCHS 201,9061.1,DOCX (6/19/2019 11.34 AM) CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Ma i ritenia nice Recommendations a Annual Pipe Replacement o Replace aging and undersized pipes throughout system,, 16 Hydrant, Replacement o Replace hydrants that do not meet current standalrds for hydrants. Telemetry and Supervisory Control System This section evaluates the City'exist rig tellemetry and, suipervisory control system to identify deficiend'es related to its conclition and current operational capability. Evaluation and RecorTirriendatiolls The City's SC ADA system is headquartered at the WTI.. System facilities, including source, storage, and purnping, can be controlled" with the, telemetry s'ystem. At the WTP and on, remote computers,, City staff can rrionit ,or and control supplies, reservoir leve'lis, and pump station, flows,. The system communicates to all facilities using radjo towers. SC system ,hardware , and software require regular maintenance and occasional replacement. There are no significant deficiencies, with the ex1i'sting tell-errietry/SCADA system; however, some meinor changes would improve operations and mianagement., As part of the new'WTP updates, the City is reviewing alternatives to the cpurr en't'SCADA software system, which requires several third -party applications to achdeve the, functional ' its desired' by City staff. As a result, the City may be required to replace the, rad'io towers throughout the system. Further details are discussed in Chapter 6. Z'\,BOTVIELL�\DATA�CO3A\1016-09,6 WMP 201G\013 Of-t.IVF,'[iA�Bt.,ES�CH,AP'TERS.1,4 20180411\201B.-WMP015 20190611,.DOCX (6/19/2019 11.34 AM) 5-27 2 con 0 cow U ov) con NO cd In leN44 04 > Iry P.0 cf > C4 �Z tan) > co 00 0 C4 16" > tv tot 0 OR IN C> 0 ten rP.: ir4 rim I allO'Z JU;)IU'JL f7181 01 ff CL. CD cq C) CD C) C) IN CN CN N cs IN ^^ I 4I uI„ A " ^o, u, of r �I r. H I " dlf'WIWMMMI � f y, f ` J du.,w 1 ✓' �U^ � O`'fr ;Jlr Il { RNM 0 V,. 'wI�YIWN Ml/ ' J ✓, � ,,, >' l,,"r rr��r✓��r,lr I "�" 1 r +o r r ! o I .,. ,: ,,,,,�. 7�, r �, / arm .' =' r%rf, G �n� �ir� �, �l u✓;, ,.:, �r ,�rf� , „ vr;� w��n"rrr. ,., ,,, ,�• ��„", ,. „�k G/x,(, a¢ ,�" r i u / ",,..,. /,, ;, ,�.,.N I' r /f.. //N 'r., rr ,a, ,,, ,r' , „ m. ��A , ✓0 , ,.,�,. ,,, ". ,'Y.. f � " �-.,,, � �.. r ar �r r /'m a :': lea r, � , , „`, '. �✓„ /J „m *RAW / rn Gr ✓ N , r, a ,,,,;,% ry r�, /i a, r! ,.r4f L✓%,r, �I i,,u ,a,,, r�l -t; ,,,, ,,, ilJ ,r . lc? `r ':h w /'M: �„� , „ lmi 1, ://lJr „�r ,.,.,� �f�,: r� y ,' n, ✓, N� o✓, 'Iz, ,,, ,: /r ! m1i f"' »IYPr „�t "xr %m " " ,Y a '""' r I ✓ 11 A r n „ ,,,,,.. _, ,,,,. W .,,,.,. ^^ i I,... / ✓ '/7"'/rrr, J.. w,,, �e: �',,,. , ", n ,;w„ - :: 7rNY"r , 6 Idi.. /, »' � ✓ , r V„ i r, ,.. r...J. r„r o ... ,.., ,r ✓,. ,/� , f rr __. r, r� r,, fe, %n✓ Pci, , , m„ ,1 , f 'A f rr, I. r a r , r. Pill � PIN"), U r r ,. r�9 r V r r pf r !%rri ! 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I. , Jw jgpfip� F J �g/ A, # F P! 7311 1 J j Z . . . ... I. ... ­0 W"d, w IN, .Pop" g/p ppl jJ W", art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... lip PMWAAMI wom ............. T im" )h, .......... c //Y/jp/ All P A* 0� le, � '6 'AN On, All/ gr A `%Q A sn;a//. J pw ORM, p"N'S jp" o/o/a/00 o -4/000/0 I'll'., 717var"C.", IF ....................................... 6 1CAPITAL IMPRO,V'EME,NT'PL,AN 6 I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the, recommended Capital Improvement Plan': (CIP) for meeting the City's, level of service, goals of continuing to provide safe, reliable wateir to current and future customers. The, improvements described below weire developed from the system analysis described in Chapter 5, as well as interviews with City staff, to address ' ' "Current and future water demand conditions and to sustain system reliability. It is important to, note that th I is plan, represents the latest decision -making given current conditions and may likely change in th:o future as icond'litions change. 'The capital improvernent projects are categorized as, follows: 61 Supply Improvements • Storage Improvements • Purnp Station Improvements 41 Pipe, Improvements 0 Operational Improvements, New 4 1 P •III W a a Cost Estimate ab, A wN R R Will Z:\BOTfi.E�L.L\DATA\COA\1016-096 WMP,2016\03 DELIVERABLESNCHAPTERS �1-4 201804 1 1\2018-WMFICHIS 201906,12,OOC,-X (6119/2019 11'26 AM), 6-1 CHAPTER 6 CITY OF ASHLAND, WATER SYSTEM PLAN Estimlated, total project costs for each project are comprised of m�ultiple components: directly estimated construction costs, an allowance toIr contingencies, and an allowance for engineering, I e; gal, and administrative costs. These components are described below'. C Colnstrt,ictllori, osts, i n Planning -level! construction costs were estimated assuming a traditi'd al public works procurement 4 tr ctor u ing commonly award and construction by a, licensed con, a s process of design, bilddl accepted means and methods. Property, easements, or land accluislition and Maintenance costs are not included. trUction cost', assumptions for pipe Error! Reference source not found., presents !the unit cons improvements Used in the CIP. These are based on recent�,, local projects and include mobilization, materials, labo1r, contractor overhead ancl profit, and all elements expected to be included In, a contractors bid. Pump station costs were estimated using previous projects a,,,n comparing building square folotage, total motor power, ultimate capacity) and'startup capacity. Co ri-ti ngen c I es 'Table 6-1 Pipe Installation Unit Costs all a 9 lop Engirieering, Legal, Administ,ratioIre Total construction costs were increased by 25 percent to achieve the total project cost. This ive anagementi, lega�l, and admilnistrati markup accounts for engineering design, construction m project, costs,,,, Costs shown in the CIP are estimated total project costs. 6-2 Z.,,\BOTHI�'EL,,[,,,N,OAT A\COA\1016AMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1,-4 20180411\2018-WMPCH6 20J90G1,2,D0CX (6/19J2019 11:26AMI) CITY OF HLAND WATER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN SD i C Allocation & Devetopment Con't.'ributions, Projects that are required for meeting, increased demands are eligible to be fUn,cled from System. Development Charges (SD Q and will be used to estimate an upda.ted SDC value for the City's water system in Chapter 7. Some projects are recommended for capacity Upgrades and maintenance or other non -growth -related reasons. The portion eligible for, SDC funding was calculated as the additional! cost, for increasing, capacity. Chapter 4 presents the cuirrient and future estimated ER.Us for the water system. New ERUs, comprise approximately 10 percent of all total 2040 ERU,s" thus,, an ADC allocation of 10 percent was assigned to several projects, where gonera I I infill is, anticipated. In other projects, the SDC eligibility is greater due to the project specifically benefit in future growth. A, few pipe projects (P-20, P-28 through P-32) were identil"fil"edto serve future development area and are assumed to be installed by, developers when development occurs. These pro" is are noted * in 'Table 61-3. Project Prioritization As described in Chapter 5, the City'water system has several challenges to, rcome that will take many years and significant funding to resolve. The, following priot tizafion was assigned to the, recommended projects: 1. Currently planned projects for'the next two years aM 'Including the new WTP and its required associated facilifles., 2. Projects that resolve significant fir e'flow, deficiencies. (These are defined as fire flows that are approximately 5,0 percent below the fire'flibw criteria when in a non-residential area. These projects are labeled as "f it Flow 1" in the notes in Table 6-3 end are prioritized for the next twienty,yea,"irs.) a. Projects that correct low p''ress'ure conaiti, , o ns saes , in i g fire flow deficiencies elsewhere in a pressure zone. 3. Projects that reduce supply from the Crowson to Grianit e zones, (thereby reducing pumping 'to Crowson). 4. Projects that correct high 'pressure conditions. Schedule of Improvements The recommended projects were added to an implementation schedule that can be used ,by the City for preparinIg its CIP and annual water budget. The, ilmplum entation schedule for the proposed improvements i's shown, in Table 6-2. As seen in the table, projects, are allocated into S,ho,rt-Term,, Mid -Term, and Long-Ter'm,s'the d u lies., The Short -Term shows projects allocated annually for the next ten years. The table'all"so, Ish 6ws, the calculated SDC eligibility. Description of Improvements, This section provides a general description of the r�ecommiended improvements and an overview of the cleficiencies they resolve. Most of the improvements are necessary to resolve existing system ZF\BOTHEII\OA I A\(-_0,A\101&096WMP 201.6\03 DEUVERABLUSNCHAPTIRS -4 01,804,1l\,2018-W'MPCI,.l019061,2,()OCX (C)119/20n 11,26 AM) 6-3 2 CHAPTER 6 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM, PLAN deencies. Improvements have also been identified for serving future growth. Recommended infrastructure improvements for Short -Term, Mid -Term and Long -Term planning periods are shown in Figures 6-16-22 and 6-31 respectively. SUPP[y I ni p, rove ry,i ei'its The following improvernents are recommended for the City's supply syst,em. The City Is already rovidedcosts'. Costs and timing of suppily planning on the majority of these projects, and City staff p improvement projects are shown in Table 6-2. S-1: Dani Saf&ty Improveirriet-its J ry Commission (FERC) Part 12 Inspection o, 'The City recently completed its Federal Energy Regulatol Hosler Dam and associated appurtenances. The Part 12 inspection and associated Potential Fiallur Modes Analysis Update (PFMA) details areas of' concern, with the dami.'This project covers the cost of developing a plan and schedule, and further evaluation aind potential improvements, of the splillway structures and dam piping penetrations., The Ci ity has determined that this, project is 25 percent S,DC elligible., I S-2: Ash]and' (IFID) Canall Piping Project The City has secured a $13M loan from the, Departmetit pit EnIvironmential Quality C�lean Wate improve creek health by p'ping the Ashland Canal., This project State Revolving Fund Loan to 1 n cl u d es p I p I ng a, p proxi mate ly 10, 000 feet of ca na I fo r bqthl w, a, ter q u a 11 ity a n d co nse rvati o n purposes., The City has cletermined that this project i's 1001 plercent S,DC eligible. East and West Fiork.s Linie Rehabilitation a The East and West Forks, transmil's,sion lines are critic I for providing raw water supply to) the City sor sediment removal. Severalsegments of'these while clewatering the Refieder Res';ervoir fbr repair �ngs, of the eerseervoir. ThCity has etermi'irie fl at pipes are in nd eof repairinciuding, two crossi this project is 75 percent, SiDC eligible. S­zl,,:fl�eelder Reservoir, h"itake Repairs Recent water quality studies identified the needl to be able to draw water supply from 1 erent depth levels of Reeder Reservoir during clifferent times of the year. TKIs will, allow the City to, better manage raw water puality for treatment of potable water and temperature control for wastewater effluent. The City has determined thatt,his project is not SD,C elligible. S-5: Reeder" Reservoir.SedirT-ieteit Renrioval 'To, rneet regulatory requirement's fbr sediment! in Reeder Reservoir, the City must manage on�goin in three, to four ye?ars.'The Cut sediment removal in the upper dams that to thne reservoir every has determIned that this project Is 75 percent SDC eligIble. i 61-4 Z:\80"rHELL\DA.TA\C�0,A\,1016-096 WM? 2016�03 DELI Vr ERABLES\CMAPTERS 1-4 201804 11\2018-WMPCH6 201906 1100CX (6/19/2019 11:26 AM) CITY OF'ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN S-6: 7,5 MGD Water -Freab,-Y)ent Plant The City i's already under design of the new WTP that replaces the existing WTI" that is in major need of replacement. This significant project will build in critical waster supply rieliability, and resilience. The project includes a new WTP, clearwell, pump station, and associated piping to connectto the water system. The, new WTP is planned for construc, I t , ion at a site, southwest of the Granite Reservoir on City property.The City has determined that thi's project is 10 percent SDC eligible. S-7-, WTP Backwalsh Recovery Systei'n M poi A, follow up project to the new WTP is additional mecb,ahical and structural co' hents at the plant to allow the City to reuse filter backwalsh wate� thereby reducing water waste.This project is assumed to be delayed unti] funding is available. Sima,r to th� pew VVTP,, thi's project is assumed tilt be 10 percent SDC elig'IbIle. S-8:1'TAP Systern Ir-nprovernetits ..... ....... 0 S--9.- Deferred WTP lrnproverii�ent Proi I ects To save upfront costs, the City anticipate''s, deferring other ancillary WTP improvements that can be delayed until funding is aViaila'ble. 1\16collsts are,associated with these improvements at this time. Storage Improver-nents 00 o 4p AN an; ON a i yrF 0 0 ...... .... .. Z-\BO'FliELIAI)AI"A\CO,A\101fi,D96 WMP 2016\03 DELI VERA BLfS\Cfd APTERS 1-4 2018:041, 1\20,18-WMP06 2,0,190612.DOC'x (0/19,/2019 11:26 AM) 6-5 1 2 '14 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER SYSTEM PLAN P'LlinpStation Improvements The following pump station improvernents, were identified from the, results, of the water system analyses in Chapter S. Theimprovemients are primarily necessary to resolve existing system I Wt deficiencies, but also have been sized to accommodate projected grq h. The project costs for pump stations in Table 6-2 are for the pump stations only and do h6tinclude costs of new pipes. Provide backup, power to TAP BPS by 2024. This project is assumed to be 10, peIrcent $DC, eligible. P P S-2: 1101view BJS Replacement ity to support the Alsing Reservoir Replace this aging booster pump station and increase calpact Service Area, expansion.Thie recommended capacity i's 8,610 gpm,, With''the ability to be reduc�ed t, 680 gpm.'This project is anticipated tio be 8 percent'SK eligible, Which reflects the additional growth In the expan'ded Alsing Reservoir Service A,rea. PS-3:- Granite to W1 P BPS 4ft a AL Ah A P i p e I rp r, ov e rn e r,i� t S Ab AN of � � a 11 � 11 a ; I 1 6 — J a A W, 1p AR op 4F 4ft 'AL a A A�h AP-1, fl-iroi.,igli AP-25: Ann'Lfa� Pipe Replaicemerit Proposed CIP prlojlects,AP-,l through AP-25 are a group of plipe; improvements which address aging, undersized p1pes, many of which could; be implemented by City staff. Several of these projects increase pipe size to accommodate infill and higher, fire flow requirements, due to the increased fire 6-6 Z:\BO"rHEI,L,\DA,T'A\COA\'1016-0,96 WMP 201,6\P3 DELIVERAKESN04APTERS 1-4 2018,041 1.\2018-WMPCH6 20190612MOCX (6/19/2019 11!26 AM) CITY OF ASH LAN D WATE R MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN flow, criteria. The City has adopted an annual pipej replacement budget of $300,,1000. The recommendied projects are sum rna rized in Table 6-4 at the end of' this, chapter and into a si ngl'e line -item on the CIP summary shown in Table 6-2.'The projects were: placed i'n priority of those that resolve significant fire flow deficiencies. The City may opt to adju.stthis recommended pipe replacement scheidule to accommodate road improvement projett,sdr other priority projects. These projects are assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. P-'1111- tlirolugh P­32., Djlstribulfibri� Pipe PrioJects, Distribution pips projects P-1 through P-32 are, 8-to 12-inch diameter p1pe' improvements necessary for meeting the Cit's pressure and fire flow criteria. The first five years, include projects that the City recently adopted as part of its FY20/21, biannual'CIP. However, som'o projects have been delayed to allow budget for newlyidentified projects. The ' se include, funding for Project P-3 (Morton Street to Ivy Street connection), and Project P-5 Sill Blvd pipe upsi zing) that should be done concurrently with the street overlay pr,ojec , t in FY24. I Ustribution pipe proJects are sprelad out between, short-term, mid-term and long-term planning perdods and are, listed in Table 6-3. These par t y are assumed to be, 10 percent SDC eligibll'e. T-1. through T-5:1"rairisniission Pip,ei Projects Transmission pipe projects are 12- to 16-dinch,dia'Meter pipe's trat supply wateir into the system., These projects, are assumed tio be 80 percent SDI: eligible as they resolve some fire flow issues but are mostly required to support new grolwth�,,, T-1-1 Wa/ker,Ave Pip�e, Replo'cernent New 12-inch pipe in Walker Avenue from Siskiyou Boulevard to Ashland Middle School. This project greatly improves the fire flow f'or Walker Elementary School and the, Ashland Middle School and was, included in the City's five-year CIS". T-2'.- Gronite St Pilp,e Replocetrient ilk M, M• 0.10VU6 2-,NBOTIIELL\()A"TA\COA\1016w09,6 W'MP 201.6\03 DELIVERARLES\CHAPTERS 1A 20180411\70-18VM4106 20190612.DOCX (6/,19/2019 111-26 AM) 6­7 CHAPTER 6 CITY OF ASH LAND WATER, SYSTEM PLAN recommended for, rezoning to the Granite Zone. This it could also, be constructed to serve develoent east of 1-5 and south of East Main St. Operatior-lis, and Mallinitenance The following operations and maintenance improvements, are recommlended and are shown in Table 6-2. OM-11: Tcflrnai-i� C-Al-eek Road PRV S-1-ation Thils project- is recommended for expansion of the Alsing Reservoir Service Area,, The timing of the project is recommended to be concurrent with replacem eri�t of the, H I I Ivi ew B PS. This �p roj e ct is estimated to be 8 percent SDC eligible, which corresponds to projected, growth in the expanded OMl 2: Hydratil Replaceryilent Prograt"n City staff have identified the need for funding of a hydrant replacement program to bring hydrants throughout the City into improved, more rellable conditions for fignting fires. An annual bludget, of 10 hydrants per year is recommended, for the first ten? years (except f'or the first two years), and, 20 1 to be SD( per eligible. year; beyonid this. This program is, not a8lsluoefd� GIVI-3- TelerTietry Upgraides requ ire infrastructure improvements to As, discussed, in Chapter 5, the City's telemetry syslte�m Wi keep up with improved tec1hriologies, and to match the slystem decided on, for the new WTP. This 4 proj , ect is assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. GM-4: AW/AMR Evaliiatiotii 0 lip 4 do 01M-5:, Piple Cot'inectioni/Pimp V AdjLlstrn, ents fro� i RE!ZOne Studies Pipe improvement or PRVPr6llll:'s are anticipated to result from the recommended' rezone study (RS-3) for addressing low- and hIIII'llgh areas, in the system. Costs are unknown at this, time, but a cost of $200,000 is a placeholder until thel costs can ble further ref'ined. This projectis assumed to be 10 percent SDC eligible. 6-8, Z-,\BOTIIELL\DATA\COA\�1,0�1(i,-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERABLES\CHAPTERS 1,-4 4180411\201,8-:WMPCH6 20190612,00CX (6/19/2019 11:2l CITY O,F ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN OM-6: Clay Street at"id Tolman Creek Road PRV Stations These two PRV stations are recommended for rezoning lower sections of the Crowson Zlones 2 and 6 is project could happen pri or to extending Granite where significantly high pressures exist. Th" Zone 1, piping in, East Main Street to these areas. Once the East Main pi'ping i�si installed, these customers could be su,pplied mainly by the Granite Zonie, and, thes�e' PRV stations; would be u1sed for fire protectlon (supply fire fromi the Alsing Reservoir). This, project is estimated to, not be SDC elligible. OM-71- Pres,SL,ire Relief Valves Due to high pressures at low elevations within pressu ' re, zones) City staff a 'e ' n ' fifiled the need' for installing pressure relief valves at critical locations. The number of relief valves and their locations are unknown atthis time. This project 'is assumed tonot be S,DC ligib,le. Recat-ni-nended Studies RS-1: TAP Walei- Master Plan and Future Updates RS-2: Risk and Resilience Assessrnent and Emergency Respse 0 0% A oil IF late INIMI ItS 9100INTrel if r.2 It= I OTWIV.4 M MUM WITAM-3 I AR-31INWAM RS-,4,, Water Master Plan Updates The Ore I I ,gon Drinldng Water Program (DWP) requires that each water system have a current water master plan. A revised master plan ts recommended every ten years to capture changes in demands., However, the City may opt to prepare an abbreviated upiclaitied Plan once the new WTP Is Z-,N801 HELLN0,ATA\C0A\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DELIVERAUES\CHAPTERS 1-4 2018041 1\2018-WIMP016 20190611,2.1,)OCX (6/19/2019 11.-26 AM) 6-9 CHAPTER 6 CITY Of ASH LAN WATER SYSTE M P LAN completed; thus, a lower cost Plan is recommended in the first ten years of the CIP., This proj sec is assumed to be 10 percent SD,C eligible. 6-10 Z,-\BDTIIELLNDATA,\COA\1016-096 WMP 2016\03 DEUVERABLE%CHAPTERS 1-4 2G180411\2018-WMPCH6 20190612,00CX (6/19/2019 11-26AM) ._ -1 I - - 11 11 ..... . - - _,", __'� � ... __ , � Y, "1­":, " , ­11 Ill (D .!L- Z: _,(� - - -`%""',,, I-..-- � � I ...... "I'll "I, , ­­­,�,_ ,tg vq,10.� )j, �' ""' �'_ . .... .... . . .... ,",-, ­­ I '@ it 0 -0 (!) 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" '4`� , Ili � �1, , , �,' 11 ­`/$ C:, x c l!", ­�',',, " ', ', � T'"', ___ I ,", 1�11� �i, 1" , , �.� " , ................... I","",,"",', "I'll", ������ � ... 1­ f, I ,Wyj W �< 5 P L 3�� " ."', i, is: "J"'I'l � I 1/11-1- � P-1 W fil �1 K - ..... ...... % I id � low A 0 1 �, I , ,�� . 7 E Is 11 I= 1, ", S � f ,11,o�1114101"' 'r,", 'Zi 1"'Wwww"I", Ill 1111, ,� 1, f , " E � " � 11 A ,,,,, 11 1. a I ­­ r ''I #�,/�� , (�, d,ip , ­­­-o , .1 I-- I / ,/,/ ....... v P A � 11,7W , ii "I", Ir, 4 �, Wi " " H ,�,� - r', UD " V I ,,� i � . , -, "" 1 1 I - -, � j", '(1 � , - tor I r, if . . . . .. ... 11 11 11 ? ,/ , �,, `/ - ", 1, 11111'tf ,,,, ­F, " � , I "' "..", ,',,;,','�'.'�,j W,N I I , ,,,eP, /// , � , �, , : I , 3:� : (DI � I "'r, �* �1, ,�/, , � � 1b. .- I I N 1h , � �111111_1� ,1,1,�,��', 'I'll' , /I ,""I'll'''. 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