HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-28 Water Advisory Committee Agenda PacketASHLAND WATER. ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 28, 2019 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 PM, Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way Ashland, OR II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 23, 2019 IV. PUBLIC FORUM V. OLD BUSINESS A. Done VI. NEW BUSINESS A. RH2 Master Plan Pre sentation/Discussion a Water System Analysis a Capital Improvement Program VII. ADJOURNMENT: 6 : 0 0 PM CITY OF ASHLAND lwwAli ASHLAND Water Advisory Committee MINUTES April 23, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Williams called the meeting to order at 4.09 PM Committee Members Present: Pat Acklin, Joe Graf, Rich Miller, Don Morris, Donna Rhee, Alex Amarotico, Darrell Boldt, John Williams Committee Members Absent: Lesley Adams, Kate Jackson Staff present: Paula Brown, Scott Fleury, Steve Walker, Michael Morrison, Kevin Caldwell, Taina Glick ANNOUNCEMENTS None APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 27, 2018 approved as presented. March 26, 2019 approved as amended. PUBLIC FORUM None Old Business A. Water Treatment Plant Update — Fleury stated that HDR is set to have 30% design completed by end of May and Mortenson will have an updated cost of construction estimate at that time. Mortenson, HDR, and City staff will meet to discuss/make adjustment to the plan after which HDR will finalize the basis of design report. Initial bid package should be released in spring 2020. Construction will take approximately 2-3 years. Basis of design package should be available to committee members at the June meeting. Solar is being considered to offset some of electric consumption of the plant. Electric service redundancy is also being evaluated. Committee members and staff discussed the need or appropriateness of a public forum at this stage. It was suggested to provide information about the project in the City Source and a press release and encourage citizens to come to the AWAC meeting before the plan goes to City Council. Project information is available on the CIP Storybook section of the City of Ashland website. B. Pump Station Update — Fleury informed committee members that both stations are substantially complete. Caldwell added that both should be operational mid -May. When the canal comes on, testing can begin at the Terrace Street location. Brown thanked Caldwell for the management of this project and keeping the costs within budget and time. Fleury thanked Glick for maintaining compliance with loan requirements. C. Canal Project Update — Brown informed committee members of the City Council's request for an additional listening session (June 17), another study session (July 1), then potentially a decision on July 16. Brown indicated a survey may be sent out by Administration to gain citizen input. Acklin suggested seeking support from the climate and energy action group. Williams asked if DEQ is requiring this project. Brown indicated they are not. Ashland Water Advisory Ad -Hoc Committee (AWAC) April 23, 2019 Page 1 of 2 ASHLAND Water Advisory Committee MINUTES April 23, 2019 NP-w Rn_ginp_c;s A. RH2 Master Plan Schedule Update/Progress Report a Master plan development to date review o O&M Manual development to date review a Current Status o Shared vision planning — removal: This task was to determine if additional climate modeling is warranted. Committee members and staff discussed why it was originally included and if this part of the plan is still necessary. Acklin moved to omit task 15 and the shared vision model and summarize the City's supply strategy in the systems analysis. Graf seconded. Motion passed by concession of the committee members. Rachel Lannigan from RH2 presented the Water Master Plan. The presentation is attached. Williams asked for clarification on the rate structure agenda topic. Brown informed group that rates will be discussed at the May meeting but provided basic information about the topic. Williams reminded the group not to discuss rates with members of the press. Brown requested that rate inquiries be forwarded to her. FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS May -- Capital Improvement Program/Rate Structure June — Document review and recommendations for adoption Next Committee meeting May 28, 2019 4:00 pm ADJOURNMENT: at 5:24 pm Respectfully submitted, Tain a Glick Public Works Administrative Assistant Ashland Water Advisory Ad -Hoc Committee (AWAC) April 23, 2019 Page 2 of 2 r o El 49 A&� I It 0 (A 0 10 #A"Wo 4,-) ul \\, 0 Ol am"am* 4-j M 0 C L 4- 0 4-J1 M I I I I I :�. 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CLII. mPo 0 :5 C). 0 m mlmmM q� mlummm� Y ommmm un�mmm m� mII I� m �§loommum U) m 70 10 H W C)i 00 z C) U) 4—j C: ww E valml SEEN= —0 C) M 0 mumumomm w I I i mm �wwl mmwmmm wun'II� 0 LL u � u i m I (Ul wmm Woo wuw' N-N uuuuwuwml 06 IN MINES= M mwmI 0 2mm wu summoff= (1)awe > > (y) (D Wl st000 U) iiii �iII l ,e, G, <".�., .,,.r i ,,,, , ,, ,, ,,,,,,, i ,, ,,.. ,,.,.. ,,,,,, ,,,,,.. ,, ,: ., ,,,,,,,, ,, ;, ,. ,,,,,,,,.,., ,,,,,,,,,, ,.,. , ���/ //�// /j %� /���/ ��/ //�', �; ,,,,, .. r1�'" ���j ////jj/// �� ;.. /..... ��� //��1/����jµ :;�j// .// I :� /����j �j���� j � jj����j , �j�jj',.. ,����1 � / %���� �j /� /// � /�//��� ������ �//�� j�jj�j�, �',, rr 1 „, i ,,,., w.. ,,,., .,,. 5 1 WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the capacity analysis of the City of Ashland (City) water system. Individual water system components were analyzed to determine the ability to meet policies and design criteria under existing and future water demand conditions (presented in Chapter 4). The policies and criteria are summarized below for each analysis. CHANGES SINCE LAST WATER MASTER PLAN Since completion of the City's last Water Master Plan, several improvements have been decided upon and implemented that influence the system analysis. These include the following: • Construction of the Talent -Ashland -Phoenix (TAP) Supply System. This new emergency supply provides Medford Water Commission (MWC) water to the City and makes use of the City's Lost Creek Reservoir water rights purchased for this purpose. • Construction of the New Park Estates Pump Station. This pump station upgrade provides a much higher level of reliability and ire protection for customers at the highest elevations in the City. � Construction of the New Terrace Street Pump Station. This pump station upgrade improves the City's ability to boost Talent Irrigation District (TID) supply to the WTP and new WTP. • New Water Treatment Plant Decision on Capacity and Location. The new Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is planned to be a 7.5-million gallons per day (mgd) capacity plant (expandable to 10 mgd). The location of the plant is at the granite quarry southwest of the Granite Reservoir. • Pipe Improvement Projects. Several pipe improvements have also been made related to new development and improving distribution system capacity. GENERAL SYSTEM CHALLENGES Challenge 1 : Moving from a Gravity System to a Partial Gravity System Goal: Reduce pumping to Crowson Zones • Allow Granite Zones to expand • Reduce/Eliminate PRVs supplying from. Crowson to Granite Challenge 2: Granite Tank Is Aging and Is In A Poor Location Goal: Abandon tank without compromising system hydraulics • Confirm ability of TAP system to function without tank ■ Can. WTP Clearwells replace Granite tan1�,- functionality completely? 5-1 Z:1Botheffiata=A11016-096 WMP 2016\10 Reports12018-WMPCH5.dmx (5r=1912:33 PM) CHAPTER 5 Challenge 3: Oversized Alsing Reservoir Goal: Expand service area to achieve reservoir turnover CITY of ASHLAN❑ WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE Challenge 4: Fire Flow Deficiencies at Highest Customers (Park Estates and South Mountain) Goal: Now that PS is rebuilt, increase pipe sizes, expand service area to Crowson Zone 4 • Reconnect piping for high Crowson zone I customers Challenge 3: TAP Emergency Supply Cannot Reach Crowson Zone Coal: Identify ideal location for permanent pump station • Could be a delayed project -- City has a temporary pump station location for this if needed. Challenge 6: Pressure Extremes in Many Locations Goal: Rezone where feasible. Challenge 7: Inability to Meet Higher Fire Flow Standards Goal: Build in distribution capacity over time. Challenge 8: Storage Deficiency (or Not) Goal: Revise criteria to account for redundant, reliable supply sources Challenge 9: Many Aging, Undersized Pipes Goal: Replace as budget allows 5-2 Z-.&the1N)ata=X1016-096 WMP 2016\10 ReportsM18-WMPCH5.docx 5i2=i 912:33 PM WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS CHAPTER 5 This section evaluates the City's water, supplies for, meeting existing and future demands of the water service area. Goal Element Goal Water, System Have sufficient supply to ineet projected demands that have reduced Capacio) based on 5 percent additional conservation asie year 20109. However, City will have a goal of achieving 15 petcent conservation. Water System Community will accept curtailments of 45 percent during a severe Reliability drought. The City will pi`or-t- I I IZCI SOLINe Nvater available CLIT'ng, drought conditions. Water Systein, Implement redundant sup plyper oject to restore fire pt-otection and Redundancy supplyfor indoor water use shortly after a treatment plant outage. Stipply AM with, red'Undiant supply., Regulatoiy' Meet or exceed all current and anticipated regulatory requirements Requirements HICI-Liding, cross connection prograin anproVretnents. 0 Water System Capacifty: New WTP has adequate capacity to supply 2040 Maximum Day Demands (MDD) and beyond (see Figure 5.1). ol The new WTP is located lower in elevation than the City's upper pressure zones served by the Crowson Reservoir (see Figure 5.2). (The existing WTP serves the Crowson Zone by gravity).To minimize pumping to Crowson Reservoir, the City should consider system changes to reduce supply from the Crowson zones to zones that can be supplied by gravity from the new WTP. 0 Water System Reliability: During water supply disruption or drought conditions, the City's supply strategy is as follows in order of priority: 1. Supply East/West Fork Ashland Creek water as available to the New WTP (stored in Reeder Reservoir and soon to be able to bypass Reeder Reservoir). I Supplement Ashland Creek water with Talent Irrigation District (TID) water to the New WTP. 3. Use the TAP Supply System to supply water from. MWC. 4. Curtail supply according to the City's Water Curtailment Plan. N 2ABothefflatMCOX1016-096 WMP 2016klO ReportsM18-WMPCH5,docx 0212019 12:33 PM CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE • Water System Redundancy-, Neither the firm or total TAP Supply System capacity is ab�le to, meet Average Day Demands (ADD) witho�ut conservation in the case of a WTP outage (see Fl*gure 5.3). o The 00) plaiis to provide 3'. 0 ingd of supply capaci'o) through, Hie TAP, sj)steni. • Regulatory Requi'remarts: The City is meeting all regulatory requirements with the, exception of actively implementing cross -connect on control. Figure 5-1 - New WTP Capacity vs. Maximum Day D�emanProjections New WTP Capacity vs. Maximum Day D�emand Pro,jections gMMM;[T4M3!=3j mnlylym ffj ZABothellUatACOM1016-0% WMP 2016\10 Reports' 20118VMPCH5.doa 512212099 12:33 PM WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS CHAPTER 5 Figure 5-3 TAP Supply Capacity vs., Average Day Demand Projections -a w 3.00 E 2.501 E 2.0�O 1.50, U 1.00 01,50, 0.00 2020 ADD (No Conservation!) (mgd) ADD (With Conservation) (mgd) TAP BPS Firm Capacity TAP11"BiPSTotal Capacity (3.01 mgd) ... . . ....... - 2025 2030 2035 2040 Yea r SUPPLY RECOMMENDATIONS Construct new 'DTP and associated projects: • 7.5-mgd WTP (expandable to, 10.0 mgd). • Two (2) 0.85-MG Cleat -wells for storage. • Pump Station to boost water from the new WTP to the Crowson Reservoir (see pump station analysis below). • Piping and Valving to, supply Granite Zones. • Emergency Ashland Creek Intake. • SCAD,A System Upgrades. 49 TAP Supply Expand to 3.0 mgd o Additional pump at Ashland TAP BPS cal Expansion of the Talent TAP BPS of Potential expansion of the Regional TAP BPS o TAP System Transmission Capacity Improvements 0 Transmission piping improvements and rezoning to minimize pumping to Crowson Reservoir and associated pressure zones (see pipe projects below). M ZABothefflata=A\1016-006 WMP 20W10 RepoftSVO18-WMPGH5.docx 512212019 12,33 Phi CHAPTER 5 CITY of ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE STORAGE FACILITIES This section evaluates the capacity of the City's existing water storage tanks to meet the existing and future storage requirements of the system. Water storage is typically made up of the following components: operational storage; emergency storage; and fire flow storage. Each storage component serves a different purpose and will vary from system to system. A definition of each storage component and the criteria used to evaluate the capacity of the City's storage tanks is provided below. Operational Storage — Volume of the reservoir used to supply the water system under peak demand conditions when the system demand exceeds the total rate of supply of the sources. In the past, the City has calculated operational storage as 25 percent of MDD for the zone it serves. Another criterion is to calculate the volume needed to meet peak hour demands that supplies to the zone are unable to meet. Also called "Equalization Storage." Emergency Storage -- Volume of the reservoir used to supply the water system under emergency conditions when supply facilities are out of service due to equipment failures, power outages, loss of supply, transmission main breaks, and any other situation that disrupts the supply source. Common emergency criteria in the state of Oregon is to assume emergency storage as two times ADD (approximately equivalent to one times MDD). The City's previous criteria assumed 25 percent of MDD for emergency storage. This lower criteria correlates to the City constructing a new reliable WTP. Fire Flojv Storage — Volume of the reservoir used to supply water to the system at the maximum rate and duration required to extinguish a fire at the building with the highest fire flow requirement in the zone. The magnitude of the fire flow storage is the product of the fire flow rate and duration of the operating area's highest fire flow needs. These fire flow planning goals were presented in Chapter 4. .Testing of Storage — Some water systems allow for "nesting" of fire flog and emergency storage, meaning that it is assumed that a fire and a supply disruption would not happen at the same time and therefore only the greater of the two storage volumes is used in the storage analysis. 5-5 ZABothefflata100A11016-096 WMP 20*10 Reporfsl2018-WMPCH5.docx 5f22t201912.33 PM WATER SSTEM ANALYSI-S fFtl #I Parameter CritcHOR Operational 0'.25 x Maximum Day Demand of the area served by each reservoir Storage Or (PHI) — Qs)('1501 mlliutes), but i'll tio case less thati. zero Where-, ES=Equall'zation Storage iti Gallons P'HD = Peak Hour Deniand,,11.1 gpm Qs = Stim of all itistalled, and active sources, except emergeticy supply, in gpin, Fire Storage Provide volume for shigle most severe requiredfire flow wid durationfor each t',eser-voir service area. System -wide, provide volumejor two largestfires. Emergeiicy 0. 5 x Maximum Day Demand of the area se�rved by each reservoir Storage Or ES = 011L)D — 1-f"irm Sup ply Cal),acitj) (I daj), or 200, gj,.,)d,per ERU The total combined storage capacity of the City's reservoirs is 6.7 million gallons. The City's original criteria �for storage requirements for operatioinal, emergency, and fire flow are, compared to the existing storage to determine storage adequacy for the planning periods, as summarized in Table 5-31 The table includes the storage surplus/deficiency. As seen at the end of the table, under the City's original criteria, the City would have an exist-Ing storage deficit of 037 MG and a 2040 deficit of 1.34 MG., M ZABothelMatakCOAM16a6 WMP MUM ReportsVO18-Wh1PCH5,do cx 5/22)2019 12:33 PM Existime' a Store a Evluation, Q1 9 we" Z.,)Bothe,IIUaWCOA\I 016-096 WKIP 2016M ReportsQ018-WMPCH5.docx 512212019 12,:33 PM WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Table 5-4 presents the revised storage analysis using the adjusted criteria, the expanded Alsing Reservoir service area, and reduced demand due to conservation. we ZABothelMaWCOM1016-096 WNIP 2016110 ReporW2018-WMPCH5.docx 5/221201g 12:33 PM Table 5-4 Storage Evaluation — Revision 1 2020, I 20:30, 2040 CROWSON 0'.3,7 0.42 0.38 GRAN ITE 0.54 0.67 01.517 ALSING 0.43 0.51 0.48 FALLON 0.29 0.29 0.29 Total System 1.63 1.89 1.72 Granite Reservoir is in major need of replacement or removal. A recent estimate for improvements was $560,000. To replace the Granite Reservoir, the design for the new WTP is plannmg on including two (2) 0.85-MG clearwells that will serve as system storage. The first cleat -well will be built with the W'TP. The second is planned for when Granite is abandoned. Table 5-5 presents the final storage evaluation considering, the removal of the Granite Reservoir and addition of the two 0.8�5-MG clearwells at the new , Table 5-5 1 Storage Evaluation — Rernoval of Granite Reservoir Storage Excess/(Deflcit) (MG) .. ...... .... 2020 2030 2040 CROWSON 037 0.42 038 GRA�NITF 0. 14 01�0 27 0.17' ALSI 0.4 0,51 FALLON 0.29 0,29i 0.29 Total System 1.23 1,.49 1.32 FIMI"IZIMF4 V1,11-14*1 :41,19 MID Figure 54 shows, the recommended Alsing Zone Expansi , on, and other potential �rezoning Specific locations of valve reconnections should be confirmed with City staff. IM 11M 0 Revise storage criteria to account for redundant system supplies. Z-Moth ell\Da WCOMI 0 16-096 WMP 20161101 Reports= 8-WMPCH 5.docx 5/22/201912.33 PM WATER SYSTEM AN, • Expand the Alsing Reservoir Service Area o New PRV on Tolman Creek Road and Sis,kiyou Blvd. • Construct two (2) 0.85-MG clearwells, at the New WTP to serve the Granite and Crowson Zones., I r� o As long as PRVs, from Crowson to Granite are set to provide tire protection pressures, fire volume for Granite can be stored in the, Crowson Resei voir. N&MIZ ��Mi 111`1"I liq 111 111111111 111111111 !!!111 F M' 1141rair, I . I I V=A W 0 , 0 Plar:ametei- Criterion Capacity for service levels with storage, Supply Maximum Day Demand to service zone facilities assuming the single largest capacity purn is firm capacity) Capacity for service levels with no Supply Peak Hour Demand and fire flow assuming the storage facilities single largest capacity pump is offline (i.e., firm capacity). Power Supply New pump stations require a main power source and an emergency source. Secondary power source for new pumps stations to be sized to meet full pump station demands. City will plan and design facilities, to optinii­ze energ,y efficiency. PUMP STATION ANALYSIS Tables 5-7 and 5-8, present the required puniping capacity and pump station capacity analysis -results respectively. • The New WTP to Crowson Reservoir Pump Station should be sized to provide approximately 1,8010, to 2,100 gpm to supply the Crowson and Alsing Zones. • The Hillview Pump Station meets the City's criteria through 2040 but may be deficient in meeting MDD if the Alsing Reservoir service area expands. o With the planned expansion the pump station capacity should be XXX gpm. 5-11 ZABAOUXOAMIM96 WhIP 20100 Rep ortsV018-WMPCH5.docx 5122120ig 12:33 PM o The H llview Pump Station is aging almost 40 years o1 and warrants replacement in the next 10 years, ., erry Pump Stations et the "1 Souths criteria through 200, The Pump Stationocurrently .. Table e.e Pump Station Capac'fty RequiremenI li VI 0 I 111 . • Largest Pump Station Zonesr �Fire Flow Required Required SU ply Supply Purnping Zones With Storage (Criteria MDD) New \/VTP to 1« Crowson Zones 1-8, Alsing Zones, Crowson PS '" onCrowson w ■ � � MIS IIM Pumping ones Without _ Storage'" South Mountain Crowson Park Estates; me mmm� Table 5-8 Pump Station Capacity Evaluatioll aTotal2040 . N �" ump 2020 "` ss I Required Required •Station Zones 1 Supply N . N *' • i 'i 1-------------------------------------- Purnping Zones Without Storage e. P South u Moiuntain Crowson o Zone e 4 I Park Estates Crowson '"s 7 a' The New WTP to Crowson Reservoir Pump Station should have firm capacity of approximately 2, 100 gpm to su/ i Z %othefiVakaICOXI018 MP 2010110 Repor 018-W%IP H .fix 122/201912:33 P WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS t o The required capacity may be as low as 1,800 gpm, if the City is, able to rezone low elevation customers in Crowson Zones 2 and 6 to be supplied by Granite Zone 1. Hillview Pump Station Replacement. Replace the Hillview Pump Station to bring, this pump station to current design standards and avoid high maintenance costs. The ideal static pressure of water: supplied to customers is between 40 and 80 pounds per square inc Pressures, within a water distribution system are commonly as high as 120!requiring pressure regulators on individual service lines to, reduce the pressure to 80 psi or less., It is difficult for the City"s water system (and most others) to maintain, distribution pressures between 4,0 and 80 psi, primarily due to the, topography of the water service area. I The City has adopted the following service pressure criteria: * Minimum Pressure (during Peak Hour Demand): 30 psi • Minimum Pressure (during Fire Flolw): 20 p • Maximum Pressure-. 120 psi I Table 5-9 lists each of the City's pressure zones, the highest and lowest elevation served 'in each zone, and the minimum and maximum distribution system pressures within each zone based on maximum static water conditions (full reservoirs with no demand). While this table presents the results of the pressure evaluations based on the adequacy of the pressure zones under static conditions, the hydraulic analysis section later in this chapter presents the results, of the pressure evaluations based on the adequacy of the water mains under dynamic conditions., As seen in the table, .any pressure zones, exceed the maximum pressure to customers. This, is due to the complex topography and pipe networldng within the City. Table 5-9 Minimium and Maximum Distribution System Static ---Pressures Highest Elevation Served, Lowest Elevation Served Pressure Zone Elevation (ft) Static Pressure sl Elevation t................ _ Static Pressure (psi) Granite Zone 1 (2170) 2024 63 1788 165 Granite Zone 2 (2060) 1846 58 1724 110, Granite Zone 3 (1980) 1852 90 1757 131 Crowson Zone 1 (2420) 23,59 145 1884 35 Crowson Zone 2 (22001) 213;8 35 1884 145 Crowson Zone 3 (2270) 2153 51 1955 136 ZABothefflatXOM1016-096 WMP 2,016114 ReportsVO18-WMPCH5,dOGx 5122/2,019 12M Phi CHAPTER 5 CITY of ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE Crowson Zone 4 (2640) 2476 71 2341 130 Crowson Zone 5 (2270) 2058 92 2043 98 Crowson Zone 6 (2290) 2100 82 1911 164 Crowson Zone 7 (2570) 2371 86 2370 86 Crowson Zone 8 (2570) 2578 14 2382 98 Fallon Zone 1 (2586) 2431 67 2248 146 Fallon Zone 2 (2470) 2396 32 2224 107 Alsing Zone 1 (2552) 2336 94 2165 168 PRESSURE ZONE RECOMMENDATIONS Granite Zone I • Perform a rezoning study to lower pressures to low elevation customers. o Rezone customers north of Siskiyou Blvd from Normal Ave to Crowson Road to be Crowson Zone 6. (This is assumed as part of the Alsing Storage Area expansion). o Possibly rezone customers south of Siskiyou Blvd from Normal Ave to Crowson Road to reduce high pressure customers. • Rezone customers in Normal Avenue, Ray Lane, and Lit Lame between Ashland Street and Siskiyou Blvd to be served by the Crowson 6 zone. Granite Zone 3 • Reduce PRAT settings to lower overall zone pressure. Crowson Zone I • Perform a rezoning study to lower pressures to low elevation customers. • For high elevation customers on Emma Street, reconnect piping to supply customers from Crowson zone 4. Crowson Zone 2 • Extend Granite Zone 1 to supply lower elevation customers in this zone. This recommendation also reduces the required pumping from the WTP to the Crowson Reservoir. ■ New Transmission Pipe in East Main Street. Install a new 12-inch transmission supply pipe from Walker Road across Interstate 5 (1-5) to connect to Crowson Zone 2. • This project could be implemented as part of development of undeveloped lands in the north east areas of the City. ■ This project will also serve lower elevation customers in Crowson Zone 6. ■ Rezone Crowson Zone 2: Identify the correct valve locations to isolate the lower elevation customers in Crowson Zone 2 and supply them from Granite zone 1. * Allow Alsing Reservoir to supply emergency supply to the zone by installing/setting PRVs to meet reduced pressures for fire flow only. 5- 4 BBotheffiatMCOA11416-M WMP 2016\10 Reports12818-WMPCH5.aocx 5122I241912:33 Phi WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Crowson Zone 3 • Reduce PRV settings to lower overall zone pressure. Crowson Zone 4 CHAPTER 5 • Extend supply from Crowson Zone 7 (supplied by the new Park Estates Pump Station and reduced in pressure by PRV 12) to supply customers in Crowson Zone 4. ■ Install piping from Morton Street to Ivy Lane. ■ Abandon South Mountain Pump Station. ■ Expand to supply high elevation customers from Crowson Zone 1. Crowson Zone 5 • While this zone has no identified pressure issues, the zone could be connected to Crowson .Zone 6. Crowson Zone 6 • Extend Granite Zone I to supply lower elevation customers in these zones. This recommendation also reduces the required pumping from the wTP to the Crowson Reservoir. o New Transmission Pipe in East Main Street, Install a new 1 Z--inch transmission supply pipe from Walker Road across Interstate 5 (I-5) to Crocker Street. o Rezone Crowson Zone 6: Isolate the lower elevation customers in Crowson Zone 6 north of Ashland Street and supply from Granite zone 1. ■ Allow Alsing Reservoir to supply operational supply to the zone by installing/setting PRVs to meet normal pressures. Crowson Zone 7 • Extend to Crowson Zone 4 (see Crowson Zone 4 above). Crowson Zone S • None DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM This section evaluates the City's existing distribution and transmission system (i.e., water mains) to determine if they are adequately sized and looped to provide the necessary flow rates and pressures to meet the existing and future requirements of the system. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS CRITERIA Distribution and transmission mains must be capable of adequately and reliably conveying water throughout the system at acceptable flow rates and pressures. Hydraulic analyses of the existing system were performed under PHD conditions to evaluate its pressure capabilities and identify system deficiencies. The existing system was also analyzed under MDD conditions with fire flow demands to evaluate the fire flow capabilities. Additional hydraulic analyses were then performed with the same hydraulic model under future PHD and MDD conditions and with the proposed 5-5 2-ABothe1WaWC4Al1016-096 WMP 291W0 Reports12418-WMPCCH5.docx 021241912:33 PM CHAPTER 5 CITY OF ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE improvements to demonstrate that the identified improvements will eliminate the deficiencies and meet the requirements far into the future. The following is a description of the hydraulic model, the operational conditions, and facility settings used in the analyses. As discussed in the Pressure Zones section of this chapter, ideal water pressures delivered to customers are in the range of 40 to 80 psi and the City's criteria is to deliver pressures between 30 and 120 psi. � 40MIMAMIR411 Description A computer -based hydraulic model of the existing water system was updated to version 81 of the waterGEMSO program (developed by Bentley Systems, Inca with the City's most recent GIS shapefile, to reflect the best --known information on distribution system geometry and pipe characteristics, including diameter, material, and installation year. This was further refined to include the latest construction projects and changes to the system. Hydraulic model pipe roughness coefficients were initialized with computed estimates based on the water main material and age information from the City's water main GIS shapefile. Based on the premise that the internal surface of water mains become rougher as they get older, older water mains were assigned higher roughness coefficients than newer water mains. Demand Data The hydraulic model of the existing system contains demands based on 2014 individual customer meter water demand data provided by the City. Demand data for each parcel was distributed to the closest representative junction node of the model based on the recorded usage. These demands were increased to represent 2020 demands. The pealing factors shown in Chapter 4 were used to analyze the system under PHD and MDD conditions. Facilities The hydraulic model of the existing system contains all active existing system facilities. The facility settings for the pressure analyses corresponded to a PHD event in the water system. All sources of supply were set to operate at constant rates (i.e. MDD). Reservoir levels were modeled to reflect full utilization of operational storage. The hydraulic model for the fire flow analyses contained settings that correspond to MDD events. All sources of supply were set to operate at constant MDD rates, and the reservoir levels were modeled to reflect full utilization of operational, emergency, and fire flow storage based on the maximum planning --level fire flow requirement. Calibration The model was calibrated as part of this Plan. Calibration is achieved by adjusting the roughness coefficients of the water mains in the model so the resulting pressures and flows from the hydraulic analyses closely match the pressures and flows from actual field tests under similar demand and operating conditions. Initial Darcy-Weisbach roughness coefficients were entered in the model based 5-6 ZABothefMata\COX1416-096 WMP 2416M Repodsl201$-WMPCH5.doa 512201912:33 PM WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS CHAPTER 5 on computed estimates of the coefficients from available pipe age and material data. For example, older water mains were assigned higher roughness coefficients than new water mains; thereby assuming that the internal surface of water pipe becomes rougher as it gets older. The model was calibrated using twenty-five hydrant flow tests performed in the system in the spring of 2016. The model is considered calibrated when model results are within 10 percent of the field results. After identifying a few closed/partially closed valves in the system, and adjusting roughness coefficients, the modeled results closely match (within 10 percent) the field results for all 25 tests, thus the model is considered adequately calibrated for use in the following system analyses. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Pressure and fire flow analyses of the existing system were performed using the model for 2020, 2030, and 2040. Pressure Analysis Figure 5-5 presents a map of system pressures color coded by pressure range during Peak Hour Demands. • Low pressures at high elevation customers within a zone. • Many locations of high pressures exceeding 120 psi at low elevation customers within a zone. Crowson Zones are supplying Granite zones over 2 mgd through PRv stations. Fire Flow Analysis Fire flow demands were assigned to the water system based on land use and the City's fire criteria presented in Chapter 4 and are shown in Figure 5-6. Maps of fire flow results are shown in Figure 5-7. The maps are color coded to show if each junction in the system satisfies, does not satisfy, or is within 10 percent of delivering assigned fire flows (10 percent is within the error of the model). ■ Deficiencies where fire is unavailable while trying to maintain 20 psi at highest elevation customers. Deficiencies where neighborhood pipes were built before more stringent fire codes were adopted. Fire districts commonly classify these buildings as "existing non -conforming" and since they met previous fire code requirements when they were constructed, improvements to these areas are considered a low priority. o Several locations of fire flow below 750 gpm. Several more deficiencies than the previous master plan because fire flows were assigned at every hydrant in the current system. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS • Rezone as described above in Pressure zone Recommendations. ■ Increase transmission capacity across Granite zone 1. a-7 ZABotheJMata\C0A\10i6-096 WMP 201W0 Repodss12418-WMPCH5.docx 51221201912:33 PM CHAPTER 5 CITY of ASHLAND WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE o Reconnect Granite Zone 1 and Crowson Zone 1 pipelines in Granite Street to make the larger pipe available to Granite Zone 1. o Replace upper section of Granite Zone 1 transmission main (from new WTP to connection to 24-inch pipe). o other transmission improvements. Set PRVs from Crowson and Alsing Zones to Granite Zones to only supply fire flow. o Abandon PRV 9. ■ Extend transmission capacity of Granite .Zone 1 in East Main Street to serve low elevation customers and new growth to the east of the system. • Local pipe upsizing from 4- and 6-inch pipes to 8-inch pipes and larger. Recommended pipe improvements are presented in Chapter 6 —Capital Improvement Plan to address pressure and fire deficiencies (see Table 6-3). Maintenance Recommendations Annual Pipe Replacement o Many aging and undersized pipes throughout system. • Hydrant Replacement o Many hydrants do not meet current standards for hydrants. TELEMETRY AND SUPERVISORY CONTROL SYSTEM This section evaluates the City's existing telemetry and supervisory control system to identify deficiencies related to its condition and current operational capability. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The City's SCADA System is headquartered at the water Treatment Plant. System facilities including source, storage, and pumping, can be controlled with the telemetry system. At the WTP and on remote computers, City staff can monitor and control supplies, reservoir levels, and pump station flows. The system communicates to all facilities using radio towers. SCADA System hardware and software require regular maintenance and occasional replacement. There are no signficant deficiencies with the existing telemetry/SCADA system; however, some minor changes would improve operations and management. As part of the new WTP updates, the City is reviewing alternatives to the current SCADA software system, which requires several third - party applications to achieve the functionality desired by staff. As a result, the City may be required to replace the radio towers throughout the system. Further details are discussed in Chapter 6 — Capital Improvement Plan. 5-1 8 Z:SotheiinaMCOM1416-096 W€ IP 2416M ReportsU018-WhIPCH5.docx 512=1912:33 PM 0 0 u 0 I C:) u Gig b b FD b b b b C> m C) CD <D CD *Z o< pp i�Avd I-= llb gg m Cot 00a 0 rvn 04 1171 00 > P4 NO NN'Z" ori. g a " o o �C4 0 a 0 U U ONZ- 0 t- 00 Ln 4w U L) of L) tj 1.04 0 0 0 0 0 W� LA tM V. tn t1l tn 7t c li le, i 14 It'll I 3UOZ JU31UI 17181 Off, to� 4-0 CQ uIf sv ti ON C to ne m 0 G CL "Z5 F— ac -6 C) al 0 1 cl U. z 0 0 z 3 c a .0 E -5 1. ?i 1C V) I 0 < q IN 44Z Ln 0 -9-9 sde3uo 9 ua dxg al,uoZ �uisIV e � e__zo � _�� Lith a �� " � � � ei n d 41 a5�535' arch 15 r� as jaaq Z09C SdIJ LonoS w6aap aueldOIELS C96L CI:walsAS ajeutp ,o swej4:Alg, pm-sidaauno 6utuaaa�j pue uaisued 3 auoz 6ulsly O-c, aan6t�1��4"�51 1 Lied dW"�r'w"G I� -9LojG Vo3\ujLC7VIa41og%-.2 �7 NI r4 v sains 3 j IIJSIX3 OZ^Z u emBij f wmt �,� m"a A ­9 C4 CPJ X 0 0 c c N N N AN' 0 0 N ... ... . ............ . W C C: �= — . LL LL C3 ol a C) C) a :,jp f- r� co (ol N Cq CN to (0 Lo 0 a CA CN 'p, loe A 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N C4 0 a 0 a 0 0 (11),,,//,,/ . . . . . j g/ I ; 4 0 2 2 2 2 2 "A ol < 0 L) 0 0 o, co a a o N! (n u r- CD U-1 1 04 04 C14 04 14 06 V", 4/ C EL fn 40 W/ I JI, . ...... . ... .. .. 00 oAl 0 AUI�7 Co a If' 1111�",,�,m"ljj,,,�r��,1,1,1,f d3 f 03 IL co �2 0 43 zo Al I'll , IN 0 0 4, C,2 C14 0 C3 j di v C4 m co, A ff cn n/ ...... . . .. . . / m/f 0111 7— N, Zlmi IF� lk 2, ji, Al", Wl A ID j, ­,�,( . . . . . .. . (A IIJ Tem . .. ..... ..... . cn c4 C, CL /d/or ra, BI . .. . .. . . . . :3 0 off Vol c 0 �(Aw Flo di 'a i(' 0�1,�f�, 01,11", W/ �o yg�'�, 0 44 W,V/ W Inj 0 f. . .. ... . .. .... . . 14" a 0 mgtr r WIr JI 2 .. ... . . % C 0 00 V, 01 _7 INUM Y"o�/ w IN 0 f 7 J� f LL T, "a' c4 U) 0 4 J, IL \�X in C, \CD mom a. 8'� Wn K x". ""N c c; I UJ Z, LF....... . ... P gj A/m, r if ...... . .. .. ....... . ..... 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Wad Z09E SdIJ 14TOS UOOWO OVEWMS CM OVN:LUD;SAS OleUIPJOOO suieppq pxursluawailnDaN moij aiij 9-S ainDizAGEVASIOMOZ d'ViM 960-%Ot\VO3ME?OlJlaL8OER:Z Ri solouelol a tu,045;is FjiuljslX3 OZOZ L .. .. .. . . ..... ej n ol laaJ Z09C SdlJ WOS U00010 aUL-1dal21S EM (1VMWajSAS @jUUlPJWj 5UJU;q-�AE1 pxw-tiiss',)Uarjljd(j m"Ll Uj!:i WiJjtiiA!Z; UU115�XZJ UI&U6 L-S dJIIU!, dVjM UdU-jjLU�jVUJXltZjUUUjd4juHj�L �v 'M 7" r- co a 0 cq N ce) r — C 0 0 015, N N a 0 c c N N 0 0 43 4) d) 0/1 .2 .2 0 C) U. w 0 0 0 J, C) 0 (D a a C3 C� fl- — CO t- f- CO CO Im Ln 'T (D C:� Ln to C14 C\l 04 N L4 CY C14 cl) Ul) to 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N lk/,� "N' r_ C: c c 0 0 0 0 0 0 And/g, �v0 &,/ ",-/0, w- G 1W,31i 2 pi 2 2 R 0, o QA 0 < U 0 0 U N 0 Ln C� a a 0 ci LO N C3 I,- �t tl- ol j/ to f ILJ . . . . . . . . . . . . 7111 (A . . ..... . if r I 'g- 0 (33 *J1 .... ... ..... ..... .... / c LL cq�:/ 0 01 co N wif / J/ e A . ....... ... mugof",- Z;7- IOU' Cn Sj Igo' j 4-J/ 0 J, N, 1/1, . .. ... . .... .... i"j''as or sw ��l ",164,1 0,0 0- A �j 210 > Well A W, 0" J -zv oe a famwo /m h mg/gp pomm J 77 T", Ile" 3 3 6 OF �l pi ol 0 W, 0 V gg- vr �4plgm, oq "A Im Pi 0 0 LAIF W oj ­ m =. �-A N 7 "A wor, ....... ... . �, 0 POP, W, AI 60 A'j, 11' / p/ 7"A 4 a. Lij 00 .... ... .. . t: 9D % 0 �'OV, /�j C j T-; QD U) V, c A. dJ LL r I U, 1 Wl 0 7, J, V/// UJ //Pg CL 1-5 I . . ..... ..... dg I 'O,g 's --- ...... 9N F-4 'Ir MOR!"­1 4� jo, or it "A 11/d/rO .00 e v—, 0 W/ 4 P a p p/m&.1a I/////, 1�4/01'11/1'1 J 110111 CL 03 g/j, f m 'o, f " Y11,11,111 P// IN go 2 21" pwI, F/I wc, //////////,,,////////// .......... off/ c Al I 6 I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the recommended Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for meeting the City's level of service goals of continuing to provide safe, reliable water to current and future customers. The improvements described below were developed from the system analysis described in Chapter 5, as well as interviews with City staff, to address current and future water demand conditions and to sustain system reliability. The capital improvement projects are categorized as follows: • Supply Improvements • Storage Improvements • Pump Station Improvements • Pipe Improvements • operational Improvements • Recommended Studies • Additional Recommendations A summary of the recommended pipe projects is presented at the end of this chapter in Table 6-2 and the full recommended City CIP is developed and presented in Table 6-3. This summary provides total probable costs, a brief description, and prioritizes each capital improvement based on recommended year of implementation. Project priorities should be considered flexible in order to accommodate concurrent construction during other street opening projects, budgetary constraints, specific development projects, and other factors that may affect project implementation. The following sections include the basis for the cost estimates, a brief description of each improvement, and the recommended prioritization and schedule for implementation. COST ESTIMATES Planning level cost estimates were prepared for the recommended projects following the American Association of Cost Estimators (AACE) Class 5 estimates, which assume 0 to 2 percent of project definition as appropriate for master planning. This level of opinions of cost are assumed to be within the range of plus 50 percent to minus 30 percent of the average of contractors' bids. The estimated costs of the facilities should be expected to change along with the accuracy of the estimate as a project proceeds into preliminary and final design. These opinions of probable cost are based on year 2019 dollars and no allowance has been made for inflation in future years. Since construction costs change periodically, an indexing method to adjust present estimates in the future is useful. The Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction. Cost Index (CCI) is a commonly used index for this purpose. The CCI used for this study is 11230, the May 2019 20- Cities Average. For comparison the last water Master Plan CCI for September 2011 was 9030. Thus 6-1 Z:1BOTHELLOATMCOA11016-096 WMP 2016\10 REPORT51DRAFT 2019-WMPCH6.DCCK 5/2212019 12:25 PM CHAPTER 5 CITY OF PHOENIX WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE costs are assumed to be approximately 25% higher than estimated in the previous water Master Plan. Estimated total project costs for each project are comprised of multiple components: directly estimated construction costs, an allowance for contingencies, and an allowance for engineering, legal, and administrative costs. These components are described below. CONSTRUCTION COSTS Planning -level construction costs were estimated assuming a traditional public works procurement process of design, bidding, award, and construction by a licensed contractor using commonly accepted means and methods. Property easements or land acquisition and maintenance costs are not included. Table 6-1 presents the unit constz-uction cost assumptions for pipe improvements used in the CIP. These are based on recent, local projects and include mobilization, materials, labor, contractor overhead and profit, and all elements expected to be included in a contractor's bid. Pump station costs were estimated using previous projects and comparing building square footage, total motor power, ultimate capacity, and startup capacity. Table 6-1 Pipe Installation Unit Costs Diameter Unit Construction Cost (inches)_____201 T $1 Linear Fovt 6 $1 80 8 $225 10 $235 12 $240 16 $250 18 $260 20 $280 24 $300 CONTINGENCIES A contingency of 30 percent was added to estimated construction costs for all projects except small pipe improvement projects that require minimal traffic disruption. The allowance for contingencies covers items such as variations in the project configuration, which are developed during preliminary design and final design, unforeseen site conditions encountered during construction, and reasonable project changes during construction. The contingency allowance does not include major project scope additions or additional costs resulting from permit mitigation requirements (such as wetlands enhancement) . ENGINEERING, LEGAL, ADMINISTRATION Total construction costs were increased by 25 percent to achieve the total project cost. This markup accounts for engineering design, construction management, legal, and administrative project costs. Costs shown in the CIP are estimated total project costs. 6-2 2:OOTHELUOATAICOAli016-096 WMP 2016110 REPORTSORAF 2019-WMPCH6.DOCX 50A01912:25 PM WUNDI WEI` M Wflem WN Projects that are required for meeting increased demands are eligible to be funded from System Development Charges, (SDCi) and will be used to estimate an updated SDC value for the City's water system in Chapter 7. Some projects are recommended for capacity upgrades and maintenance or other non -growth -related reasons,. The portion eligible for SDC funding was calculated as the adonal cost for increasing capacity only. SWIlbeh"10, t'1ev)t-,&V)e(L 6 , Oth i- er projects are identified below to serve future development areas and will be required by developers to implement when they occur. These projects are noted in Table 6-2, CIP Summary. As described in Chapter 5, the City's water system has several challenges to overcome. 1. Projects, that resolve significant fire flow deficiencies. a. Projects that correct low pressure conditions causing fire flow deficiencies. 2. Projects that reduce supply from the Crowson to Granite zones (thereby reduce pumping to Crowson). 3. Projects that correct high pressure conditionj This section provides a general description of the recommended improvements and an overview of the deficiencies they will resolve. Most of the improvements are necessary to resolve existing system deficiencies. Improvements have also been identified for serving future grow th. Recommended infrastructure improvements are show in Figure 6-1. Stdlbeitig (Ieeloj)ed. 6-3 ZABOTHELUDATMOM1016-W6 WMP 20W10 REPORT&DRAFT 2019-WMPCH6.DOCX 512212019 12:25 PM E 0 Q11 N k6 CL m ai u E -0 ai vi 0 Cy L 0 4) OL = a > 14 as C 0 .0 0 CL E 0 ;�� U) rr—SD CL =3 0 CL CL c 2) W 4e� CL ru wo E cu aj = cn 0 = I La 4), U, C-9-- 0 a) CL C� -0 CO I B 0 'Cry'CryOL CO eri CL a C3 v) 0CD 4 w 0 E CL co t-- �g 0 0 cs W > a) ....... ... . . 40 tn w9Ff.0% cl Nr V- ate, C� CD C� LO C� C=9 Cl 4D tn Cl) 4^ V) CD CD C:) to C� <0 C) C� to C3 C� CD CO U') m ca 40 C3 C4 C3 A.F* V)arA 60 C> CD to 5, C5, eq to 44 C:O C3 C) C) I=t 4cL Ln 141 C4 eq CD C3 CD to cl 4^ CD CD td 4^ 409, CD CD c:A C; to tO CD C� C� CD C M 4:1 1=1 Iq Ln C4 N CD C) Ci Kn 401,ts34^ C� C3 CD C, CD C� C3 to LO m 4:0 (01 03 04 44 1R. C4 . C) C-5 to . .... . . . .... C) as CD C) CD to CD C> C� CD Cq .. .... ... - --- ------ C:O C) C) in Ct Ct «xwMb to ll�� Z C:) Cl C) C) ca ........ . ..... to C:) CZ) CD ci, Un 401) 4 CO Mt f4 L6 CD CD to C� Ct C> C), 6 =� 6% 4m, im czk as C� C� C� 4= C) d=, c z:�Arm I— CD C4 4=1 C; Ln C) C) 's qD, c; cs 4LO r- ") C) 6 to C) g to Ct Ln Ca 417 C= �t I=t 4=1 CasC� to LO :�. lc:t C� 00=1 to 4,f* to Olrll u . . 40 .. . ........ ...... 6030 ju, 6% L) 40 40% 4*1* 44 ul7 to 40 1w 4? 4A .4u W 48A ci Wcry 0 ary C 0 cc CL >* CL "a =3 CL 0 CL .= E a- CL _0 c 12 41r1: OL tn T�', Ir"', = 13 (D 'C3 2"1 w E E C: 4� > F E 0 0 E dEca ) LU z 0 Z An E FynC: CL CL E F- 0 D CL ca 0 2 07 lu 4n tn (A t a) CL E cn E -= cu E m > E 8 4) 0 :> w 9 a) re 0- - E CO ul aj cry�O l co _0 "ca C:L 0- 0 LL- 3 a C— 1 x ink. 2 K E CL 0. =3 :3 c 4) CL W, E a) aaw C-1) E it f OL 0 m CL 0 CL U =3 m — Im 9 0 t ch ci CL = 0- N M con con E d) (n ca (J) CL E 3� :3 2 CL Kn 0 W LU 4) =$ (D CD CA -pz, E 0 w a_ a. CL CU zt- 0 :3 E M e mi CL M CU m Uj W 43 w tn cu cq CrPN ;� 9 . .............. -E 12 T CD < L- (L . . ..... . ... g V IL F CU E Of: M C13 in (n fl- CO cy) cL M 0 0 0 1-21 0 0 0 R .... . ...... - - ----- -, —," ­­" ­- ,-"", ---- mr/ CL cn E e a:)ueuajuieLAj pue suoilejadoi salpniS 0 papueWWO308 m r4 Cp Ln fl- a v to U- 2 �r LL -0 r Rummil I E ';2 rr c a u 7o w CL -o ; 3 c`a ¢ 0 O. LO O Xcl,, cp 12Q a c c� a, E; e r E E Ew c a E r ra c as it .... - ...__ _ - i S to to cc � ui r c, cr r cs cl i �Iesr j eFr ee a 64 Ub #.0r car c I cw ua Nr _ .. _........._. _.... ... ..... ._ _ .,...�-_. __ _. _. Ln m _. 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