HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-23 Water Advisory Committee Agenda PacketASHLAND WATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE April 23, 2019 AGENDA I. CALL To ORDER: 4:00 PM, Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way Ashland, OR II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1 March 27, 2018; March 26, 2019 IV. PUBLIC FORUM V. OLD BUSINESS A. Water Treatment Plant Update B . Pump Stations Update VI. NEW BUSINESS A. RH2 Master Plan Schedule Update/Pro gress Report o Master plan development to date review o O&M Manual development to date review o Current Status o Shared Vision Planning -removal B. May -Capital Improvement Program/Rate Structure C. June -Document review and recommendations for adoption VII. ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 PM CITY OF ASHLAND I.�.� III 'SHLAND Water Advisory Committee A MINUTES March 27, 2018 Graf called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM Committee Members Present: Pat Acklin, Alex Amarotico, Joe Graf, Rich Miller, Don Morris, Darrell Boldt, Kate Jackson, Michael Morris (Council liaison) Committee Members Absent: John Williams, Donna Rhee, Lesley Adams Staff present: Paula Brown, Scott Fleury, Mike Morrison, Steve Walker, Kevin Caldwell, Julie Smitherm�an, Greg Hunter,: Tara Kiewel, Jessica Bain mi"W, InTolm(IM] 2111][11%111111 7 "ev February 27, 2018 Am,arotico motioned to approve. Don Morris second All ayes. Minutes approved as presented. Fel re F-0- M a mA-= A. T.I.D. Piping Project Update - Caldwel�l updated the Commission that staff is currently meeting with proiperty owners to discuss concerns regarding the project., Feedback has been mostly positive with loss of trees, loss, of open water, and property values being the main concerns., Brown saidi the public meetings went wel�l and most property owners are supportive of the project. Atkins mentioned that the only concern she had heard was regard�iing tree death. SmitheIrman explained that part of than canal is not li nIed and that in 2014 and 2�O 151 there were reports of tree death. It is unclear if it d was due to beetles, loss of water, or other issues., Siskiyou B,io Survey will be looking at I trees anlandscaping to give suggestions of the area. The next community meeting will be held April 18, 2,018, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pim in the SOU Arena Room. Staff will bring a summary of feedback to the next Committee meeting. Construction on this project is set to begin in 2020., B. Terrace St. and Park Estates Pump Station Improvements — Caldwell updated the Committee that Council has approved the contract with McClure and Sons to rebuild both facilities. The total cost of this project is $2�.91 million which is under what was bud�geted�. A preI-construction meeting is scheduled for I March 29, 2018. Construction of Park Estates will begin this summer and Terrace Street will begin after irrigation season. March, 27, 2018 Page I of 3 ASHLAND Water Advisory Committee MINUTES March 27, 2018 `-77- 77 77, 77= C�. Current CIP Project Updates —Attached Brown gave the Committee the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) spreadsheet and had'a brief'revie of the current CIP water d'istribiution projects. W V a 0 lop a 40 0 Graf mientiolned that this was the original recommendation of the Committee to bui!ld a new plant. Brown i will not recomilmeaird two plants. Graf asked how this, will affect the original fee sitructure. Brown! said thleire is enough in the budget for the plant. Atkins motioned The Committee is in agreement with Brown on recommending to Council to build a new Water Treatment Plant at the lower granite pit. Don Morris, seconded 117.91O.-MR111 =- A. R82 Master Plan Schedule and Update/Prolgress Report - Jeff'Ballard'P.E. (Ril Ballard is looking at next steps depending on Council outcomes and is stillplanning completing the I i Master Plan in July. When complete Ballard will give a presentation to the Committee regarding cl'imate change and water supply modeling. der a I W 0 1 1 V 0 dF a Ah a v to A I A All, AL UNI al loll March 27, 201 Page 2 of iar%4 Rowlr.1111121 ASHLAND Water Advisory Committee MINUTES March 27, 2018., jijqp�ii ��l�illi 111111 � I q 11111 : iq� I III II R Brown explained that there is a cost estimate. What the Comm,mee was reviewing was a comparison study for improvements of the current WTP foiri a twenty year period to a new simi'lar plant at raw costs. Brown explained costs provided were $ 22 million for a new plant but these costs are prel'iminary and will not be the same if built elsewhere. The study had a cost estimate of $5-6i milillioin for upgrading the current plant�., Smeenk's expressed concern that 7.;5 mgd i's low and feels we are not spending money in the right place on the right things. He would like to see an in depth analysis, of how big and where a plant should be located. Smeenk thinks the I community should have more information and time before a decision is made. Brown explained that after numerous evaluations the recommendation to Council i's to move forward with the; bui'ldinig A of a 7.5 mgd WTP with the capacity to upgrade; to 10 mgd at the lower grani i te pit., The next step would be to get design which would give us real costs and then we would be able to evaluate budget plans and make changes. Boldt added' that in the long term it does not make sense to upgrade the ex�isting plant due the locatioln, environment and'all the potential risks. Atkins said we will have more information on cost after Council makes a decision., i ;;; 1piplirl .0041111111'' 11-1`111 111-11, � ;lllll CM Respecffully submiffed, Tara Kiewel Public Works,4*�ipli,,lstrgtive,4,ssistvpt March 2720 4 0 Page 3 of ASHLAND water Advisory Committee MINUTES March 26, 2019 'T1 ne edn a`` l` a "gym:; v� s mlte' CALL TO ORDER Graf called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM Committee Members Present: Pat Acklin, Joe Graf, Rich Miller, Don Morris, Kate Jackson, Donna Rhee, Committee Members Absent: John Williams, Lesley Adams, Darrell Boldt, Alex Amarotico Staff present: Paula Brown, Steve Walker, Michael Morrison, Kevin Caldwell, Julie Smitherman, Lea Richards, Taina Glick ANNOUNCEMENTS None PUBLIC FORUM None Old Business A,, Dater Treatment Plant Pre -design Progress — Caldwell and Brown apprised the group of the status of the design phase of the WTP. Cost estimate and 30% plans should be completed in May. Potential start of construction in 2020. B. T.I.D, Piping Project Update -- Brown shared the presentation of the piping project to the group and requested input on ways to improve how the data is presented. Committee members had the following concerns and suggestions: • Storm water runoff ■ E Coli levels ■ Make presentation available on paper as well as digitally ■ Flow rate reduction • Clarification of anticipated tree removal and parameters for removal • Clarify the term "connectivity" • Highlight the challenge of quantifying the projects effect on property values ■ Actual excavation size ■ Amount of theft Committee members and staff discussed costs associated with the project. Staff thanked committee members for their input. Graf inquired if action was necessary from the Committee. Brown requested that the group submit a letter of support for the project. Committee members suggested. Jackson moved to submit a letter of support to City Council. Motion was seconded. Jackson amended her motion to support option 1 and not support Option 4. Amendment seconded. All ayes. Brown indicated staff would compose a draft and send it to the group for editing. C. Next Steps for Dater Faster Plan Brown described that wTP costs and treatment process have been outlined. Committee members were asked to attend three more meetings related to the plan: April, May, and June. Ashland Water Advisory Ad -Hoc Committee (AWAC) March 26, 2019 Page 1 of 2 ASHLAND water Advisory Committee MINUTES March 25, 2019. ..... . .... .. . .. ........ .. ............ ... . ...... .. .. These minutes end ; y . U tip; Ao t�v a........ .. .i s;_ 3mml e New Business None Next Committee meeting April 23, 20 9 4:00 lam ADJOURNMENT: at 5:35 pm Respecffully submitted, pain a Glick Public Works Administrative Assistant Ashland Water Advisory Ad -Hoc Committee (AWAC) March 26, 2019 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF ^ASHLAND Date-, April 15, 2019 From: Scott A. Fleury To: Ashland Water Advisory Committee RE: Design of a 7.5 MG D Water Treatment Plant This memo 'is meant to provide a brief review of activities performed to date with respect to the change in scope of the previous 2.5 MGD Water Treatment Plant project originally recommended by AWAC and adopted by Council in the 20112 Water Master Plan. 9 4 Engineering staff developed a formal soficitation for engineering services and the preliminary engineering contract was awarded by Council at the September 18, 2018 Business Meeting. htt�ps,Vlw�ww.a�sh�land�.ol.r.,u,s SJBI/fles/ I --Q-91818 Award Contract WTP FINAL-0-Of - N d IR-0-0-4 HDR is, currently moving forward towards the 30% design marker for preliminary engineering and a review/value engineering workshop will be held at the end of All Moftenson Construction will be providing a fully updated cost estimate oased on the 30% design documents. Once the value engineering workshop is complete HDR will make appropriate updates and complete the basis of design report (BODR). The BODR will detail the reasoning and decision -making process to date (3010 pages). GApub-wrks\eng\2015 Project YeaAl 51-12 Water Master Plan Update\Agendas\MemoWAC WTP Design Synopsis Memo 4-9-2019.doc After completion of the preliminary engineering phase, staff will work with HDR to develop the scope and fee for final engineering which will lead to formal bid documents and a public solicitation for the construction phase. Staff expects the publicly bid the project in 2020 and construction to take upwards of 24-3 6 months. Public works staff would like to provide the BODR to AwAC and discuss a recommendation to Council on proceeding forward with the final engineering and construction phases at the June meeting. Water Capital Improvement Project (CIP) information along with project documentation can be found here: https://gs.ashland.or.us......... . 1.1-1.1 ...... ..... I .. ........... ..... 11/cipstory ok/ The storybook also includes other division projects (wastewater, storm drain, transportation, other). The CIP storybook projects are updated routinely to provide current project information and links to appropriate reference documentation and Council reports. GIS staff is currently working on updating the storybook to include the recently adopted CIP document, specifically projects detailed in the 6-year window. City staff dedicated to meet project needs include: Scott Fleury -Deputy Public works Director Michael Morrison -Public works Superintendent Kevin Caldwell -Senior Project Manager Greg Hunter -water Treatment Plant Supervisor Steve Walker -water Distribution System Supervisor Dave onka--water Treatment Plant operator Iv Alistar Andre -Water Treatment Plant operator III Uriah Jones -water Treatment Plant operator II Matt Reeder -water Treatment Plant operator I GApub-wrksleng2015 Project Yea A15-12 Water Master Plan Dpdate\Agendas\Memos\AWAG WTP Design Synopsis Memo 4-9-2019.doc