HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-06 Water Advisory Committee MinutesCity of Ashland Ashland Water Advisory Committee 51 Winburn Way, Siskiyou Room January 6, 2011 Minutes I. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chair Rich Whitley at 4:05 p.m. Committee Members Present: Pat Acklin, Alex Amarotico, Darrell Boldt, Kate Jackson, Donna Mickley, Donna Morris, Amy Patton, Councilor Carol Voisin, Rich Whitley (Chair) and John Williams Absent: Leslie Adams Staff Present: Brenda Barker, Terry Ellis, Mike Faught, Robbin Pearce, Nancy Slocum and Pieter Smeenk Consultants Present: Dave Kraska via teleconference Guest: Joe Brown II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Voisin moved to approve the minutes of April 15, May 5, June 2, June 10, July 19, August 12, September 8, October, 21 and November 10, 2010 with one correction to the minutes of June 10, 2010 which added detail to the motion concerning "Regulatory Requirements" (top of Page 3). The motion was changed to read "Pat Acklin made the motion to accept consultant's recommendations to comply with all state and federal laws and regulations and Carol Voisin seconded motion." Patton seconded the motion to approve the minutes and it passed unanimously. III. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Discussion items A and B would be reversed. The Public Forum would be deferred until after Discussion items. IV. DISCUSSION AND DECISIONS A. Ashland Town Hall presentation for January 12' Smeenk distributed a preliminary program outline for the Committee to review. He and Kraska (by teleconference) would do most of the presenting. Acklin volunteered to moderate the event, in place of Pam Lott. Williams suggested staff put together a study packet that included an agenda and mission statement to study before the meeting. Smeenk outlined the presentation: • An overview by Kraska • Water conservation discussion by Pearce and Smeenk • Context of water supply options including storm water, temperature problem and TID • Future opportunities for public input Page 1 of 3 C:AUsers\kerrick.gooden\Downloads\Ol 06 11 AWAC Minutes.doc Smeenk reported that the Medford Water Commission was also meeting January 19 to discuss wholesale water rates for non Medford users. The outcome may affect discussions regarding TAP and TID. Jackson thought the public must understand the options or their comments at the open house would not be valid. Patton thought it important to understand why options were needed. Whitley did not want to surprise citizens by not discussing all the potential options. Voisin invited Committee members to attend as audience members at the Town Hall to talk about issues or ask questions to help educate the public. Smeenk discussed visual props for the event. He would present portions of the 1997 flood video and Mt Ashland bowl area at the top and the Imperatice property. Aerial photography was suggested. Williams had Ashland Fire Resiliency footage to lend. The Parks Department had a 3' by 3' relief map of the watershed to use as reference. Committee asked to receive the final draft of the agenda. Smeenk asked the Committee to send in suggestions for questions to be asked during the Town Hall ahead of time for review. B. Open House Presentation Materials for January 19'h Whitley reviewed the format for the Open House. The first 45 minutes would be reserved for citizens to review charts, tables, maps, etc. with staff and Committee members available to answer questions. The next agenda item would be a listening session. Depending on the number of people there would be either one large group or several smaller groups each with a Committee or staff member. Members were asked to take notes listening especially for any information the Committee missed during its meetings. Whitley volunteered to record the findings on a flip chart. Mickley asked staff to provide talking points for the Committee members and educational handouts for the public. Whitley noted the importance of responding to citizen comments and questions after the Open House. Committee brainstormed ways to publicize the event including: • Directed emails (most effective) • Invite specific experts (e.g. Jeff Hegley, Greg Jones, Jim Pendleton, Steve Mason) • Invite those who potentially may oppose specific options • Agriculture / TID users • The Conservation Technical Advisory Group (CTAG) • JPR / Jefferson Exchange / KSKQ • Newspaper Articles and/or a paid ad • All City Commissions Williams volunteered to assist staff with marketing. Faught advised against targeting specific political groups to avoid the appearance of favoritism. Committee agreed. Page 2 of 3 C:AUsers\kerrick.gooden\Downloads\Ol 06 11 AWAC Minutes.doc Committee notes produced after the Open House should be forwarded to both Smeenk and Barker. C. Other Avenues for Public Participation Whitley noted that additional participation must be held within the next four to six weeks. Faught recommended presentations to the Rotary and Chamber of Commerce. He did one presentation to the Rotary that was well received. V. PUBLIC FORUM: Joe Brown, Ashland citizen, pointed out a typographic error in the draft Town Hall outline. He also asked the Committee what they would do if another option was discovered at this late date. Both Kraska and the Committee agreed that it would be considered. Patton asked if the TID and groundwater options had been researched. Smeenk said they would be researched thoroughly if and when one was chosen as the preferred option. VI. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING: The next Committee meeting was scheduled for February 3, 2011. The agenda would include debriefing both the Town Hall and Open House. At that time the number of future meetings could be decided as well as the approximate date for the Council presentation. VIL MEETING ADJOURNED: 5:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Brenda Barker, Administrative Assistant and Nancy Slocum, Accounting Clerk I Page 3 of 3 C:AUsers\kerrick.gooden\Downloads\Ol 06 11 AWAC Minutes.doc