HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-05 Water Advisory Committee MinutesCity of Ashland Ashland Water Advisory Committee Public Open House Minutes May 5, 2010 Ashland High School Quad 210 S. Mountain Avenue L CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Chair Rich Whitley at 7:00 p.m. Committee members present: Councilor Kate Jackson, Darrell Boldt, Pat Acklin, Alex Amarotico, Amy Patton, Donna Rhee, Don Morris, Rich Whitley and Lesley Adams Absent: Councilor Carol Voisin and John Williams Staff present: Mike Faught and Pieter Smeenk, Consultants present: Nicki Pozos and Dave Kraska ( Carollo Engineers) II. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: None III. PRESENTATION: Water Conservation and Reuse Study and Comprehensive Water Master Plan Presented by Dave Kraska and Nicki Pozos, Carollo Engineers, a PowerPoint slideshow introduced the challenges and identified options, scope and schedule of the Ashland water supply system to adopt an integrated Water Master Plan. The first objective is to address long-term water supply, including climate change issues; security and redundancy; watershed and stream health; conservation and reuse. The Water Master Plan update will implement solutions for projected water needs aligning with regulatory requirements. IV. PUBLIC FORUM: As this was an Open House, the following are the notes in outline format from the listening session by table/group 1. Table 1 (Kate Jackson, Darrell Boldt, Pat Acklin) a. Conservation before supplementing the supply b. How much can the individual home owners ability to capture rainwater reduce demand c. Alternative sources for landscape irrigation d. Reducing expectations for how much water we use inside the home e. Mid 70s in San Francisco — 100 gpcd for more than a year (Kate) f How to maintain independence from other systems — including Medford (TAP) and TID g. Personal wells or grouping of homes looking at wells for their own irrigation supply h. Criteria i. Risk assessment around earthquake and fire fighting capabilities, fire ii. When combining multiple supplies —chemical interaction, algae Page 1 of 2 G:\Pub-Wrks\Eng\08-54 Right Water Right Use\Admn\AWAC\Meeting Minutes\Draft\5 5 10 AWAC Open House Minutes.Doe iii. Having a way for the general public to understand the costs for each of the options so that something could be boiled down to something that individual rate payers can understand 2. Table 2 (Gary Siskiyou, Alex Amarotico, Amy Patton, Mike Faught) a. Living within the supply we already have, conservation efficiency through education b. Perhaps goal of 30% reduction c. Stream health, land use ordinance and economics d. Keeping it within our watershed e. Look at land use and building codes as part of the water goals and make sure those are in synch with the water goals f. Bring in somebody from planning and somebody from each of the major water users to participate in the process — e.g., SOU, hospital 3. Table 3 (Donna Rhee, Don Morris, Lesley Adams) a. Based on cost, chemical, nutrient considerations b. Practical potable sources c. Conservation d. Purple pipe — TID, wastewater effluent considerations through purple pipe e. Rainwater catchment f. Criteria I. Cost ii. Reliability iii. Availability iv. Redundancy v. Quality vi. Watershed protection and management V. OPEN HOUSE ADJORNED: 9:00 p.m. Respec fully submitted for Nicki Pozos by Brenda Barker, Administrative Assistant Page 2 of 2 G:\Pub-Wrks\Eng\08-54 Right Water Right UseAAdmn\AWAC\Meeting Mltiutes\Draft\5 5 10 AWAC Open House Minutes.Doe