HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-10 Water Advisory Committee MinutesCity of Ashland Ashland Water Advisory Committee Community Development Engineering Services Building 51 Winburn Way, Siskiyou Room Meeting Minutes 6/10/2010 L CALL TO ORDER: Meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Committee members present: Donna Mickley, Alex Amarotico, John Williams, Amy Patton, Lesley Adams, Pat Acklin, Donna Rhee, Don Morris, Councilor Carol Voisin and Councilor Kate Jackson Absent: Darrell Boldt Staff present: Mike Faught, Pieter Smeenk, Brenda Barker, Robbin Pearce Consultants Present: David Kraska and Nicki Pozos by teleconference, Rich Whitley Guest: Mayor John Stromberg IL OPENING REMARKS: Facilitator Rich Whitley reviewed agenda items including Level of Service Goals (LOS) presentation, Q & A, Selection of LOS goals, scheduling future meetings. The intent of the meeting is to complete the level of service goals presentation and make a decision on each LOS. III. PRESENTATION: Level of Service Goals (LOS) Presentation by Carollo: Carollo reviewed the importance of establishing LOS goals in the following areas: A. Water System Capacity B. Water System Reliability C. Water System Redundancy D. Regulatory requirements (Meet or exceed all current and anticipated regulatory requirements for water quality, water quantity and environmental quality.) IV. DISCUSSION AND DECISIONS: A. Water System Capacity: There are three levels of service goals to be decided upon. Have sufficient supply to meet projected demands that have been reduced based on a given additional conservation level. Three possible example levels are: • 15% (results in 21 % peak month reduction) • 10% (results in 14% peak month reduction) • 5% ( results in 7% peak month reduction) There is still room for additional conservation in indoor use. One year period is split close to 50150 from outdoor and indoor use. Outdoor use is concentrated for peak months of May through September. Over a one year period 75% savings would be the total savings for outdoor use. Pieter Smeenk will request the percentage saved last year during curtailment (2009 mandatory curtailment) for the group. Some of the questions the members asked were about citizen's participation in curtailment, how Page 1 of 4 G:\Pub-Wrks\Eng\08-54 Right Water Right Use\Adnm\AWAC\Meeting Minutes\Draft\6 10 10 AWAC Minutes.Doc curtailment was handled and what percentage of residents paid the surcharge for the additional water during that time. Vote on LOS goal #1 — Water System Capacity: Have sufficient supply to meet projected demands with additional conservation. The committee discussed having Nikki Pozos from Carollo work up what the choices would look like if the numbers were 5% and 15%. A decision on this LOS goal will be made at the July 19, 2010 meeting. B. Water System Reliability: The three levels are what curtailments % the community will accept during the 100- year drought. (GPCD is gallons per capita per day.) • Community will accept curtailments of up to 30% (105 gpcd for residential account) • 40% (90 gpcd for residential account) • 50% (75 gpcd for residential account) Consultant's calculations included government, residential and commercial accounts. A portion of the calculation includes unaccounted for water. This is water that is used to flush fire hydrants, meter leaks, meters not measuring usage accurately, large main line leaks, etc. Vote on LOS goal #2 — Water System Reliability: The committee couldn't decide between the 40% and 50% curtailment amounts during the 100-yr drought. The vote was split so it was decided to go with 45%. C. Water System Redundancy: The two choices for LOS are, • Maintain current level of water supply risk with no readily available backup supply - with a potential of many weeks with related risks. • Implement redundant supply project to restore fire protection and supply for indoor water use - able to occur shortly after a treatment plant outage. The two raw water sources of TID canal and Reeder Reservoir provide supply redundancy during summer months. With multiple reservoirs (Strawberry, Granite, Alsing and Crowson) pump stations, and pipelines, there is distribution redundancy. The single treatment plant limits water supply redundancy. Vote on LOS goal #3 — Water Supply Redundancy: For supply project, the committee prefers to think outside the box and consider other choices and not just TAP. The majority agreed to the second level of service goal for system redundancy. Implementing redundant supply project to restore fire protection and supply for indoor water use shortly after a treatment plant outage. D. Regulatory Requirements: Vote on LOS goal #4 — Regulatory Requirements: Page 2 of 4 G:\Pub-Wrks\Eng\08-54 Right Water Right Use\Adnm\AWAC\Meeting Minutes\Draft\6 10 10 AWAC Minutes.Doc Pat Acklin made motion to accept Carollo consultant's recommendations to comply with all state and federal laws and regulations. Carol Voisin seconded motion. Count: majority voted yes LOS goals choices will be revisited as needed. Not all questions can be answered at this meeting (i.e. costs). The committee is only providing guidance to LOS goals at this time. Other areas will be discussed in future meetings i.e. reliability, redundancy. V. NEXT MEETING / SUGGESTED TOPICS: Supply and capacity: a. 5110115% additional conservation for projected demands supply based on usage and includes maintenance of system b. How much can we conserve? Goal is an overall, approx reduction of 10% c. Rebate programs- home/ commercial audits, low flow toilets, drip systems 2. Conservation Goals: a. Are we open to more aggressive conservation as a supply alternative to be included? b. Community & behavior values to achieve goals c. Spending more, aggressive conservation programs d. To level increase of demands to 2060 need 30% reduction e. Tourism & irrigation demands more than twice as much in the peak summer period f. Governmental uses could be reduced and to demonstrate willingness, as well as demonstrate new/different conservation programs g. What can be achieved? During peak flow for irrigation, 30% additional effort to reach a 10% annual goal overall 3. Water Supply & Reliability: a. Level of curtailments acceptable above conservation if needed b. Reeder is too small to model accurate data — using a separate, smaller model c. Higher conservation percentage means no outdoor water use during drought d. Middle conservation percentage means very minimal indoor water use & not much restriction on outdoor use e. Conservation and curtailment during bad drought years f. Extra water amounts for fire suppression are not part of the LOS and not considered in this piece of the project— will be addressed at later meetings. Plan will not include fire conflagration. Proposed Meeting Schedule: July 19, 2010, 4 p.m. — 6 p.m. location to be determined September 8, 2010, 4 p.m. — 6 p.m. location to be determined October 21, 2010, 6 p.m. — 9 p.m. Open House, location to be determined Page 3 of 4 G:\Pub-Wrks\Eng\08-54 Right Water Right Use\Adnm\AWAC\Meeting Minutes\Draft\6 10 10 AWAC Minutes.Doc VI. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Page 4 of 4 G:\Pub-Wrks\Eng\08-54 Right Water Right Use\Adnm\AWAC\Meeting Minutes\Draft\6 10 10 AWAC Minutes.Doc