HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-10 Water Advisory Committee MinutesCity of Ashland Ashland Water Advisory Committee Community Development 51 Winburn Way, Siskiyou Room Minutes 11/10/2010 I. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Rich Whitley at 5:00 p.m. Committee Members Present: Don Morris, Donna Rhee, Amy Patton, Darrell Boldt, Donna Mickley, Rich Whitley, John Williams, Councilor Kate Jackson and Pat Acklin Absent: Leslie Adams, Councilor Carol Voisin and Alex Amarotico Staff Present: Pieter Smeenk, Robbin Pearce, Terry Ellis and Mike Faught Consultants Present: Dave Kraska via teleconference Guest: Shari Safreno Cellini, Ashland Conservation Commission Liaison II. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: The financial impact will be discussed and the Committee will establish the format for Open House and brainstorm methods of increasing attendance. III. OPENING REMARKS: The rate impact for the water supply packages was discussed at the last meeting, but a decision by committee members had not been reached on how much information to be presented on the financial side of the packages. Consultants are soliciting suggestions as to alternatives and how much that could impact costs. IV. DISCUSSION AND DECISIONS Reschedule Open House: The Public Open House will need to be changed from Thursday, November 18th due to information that still needs to be reviewed by the committee. Establish Format for Open House: Commission decided to divide the open house into three parts in order to facilitate gathering public input. • First part — 45 minutes (approximately) will be for members of the community to review information (charts, tables, maps, etc.) provided by the City and Carollo. Staff will be available to help answer questions. Major items will be displayed showing the different supply packages and information behind each option. • Second part— Listening session. If there is a large enough turnout, citizens can be broken into smaller groups each with a committee or staff member. Someone will take note of key points. Otherwise, there could be one big discussion with questions and answers. The committee agreed to facilitate, but not advocate so the community can make their own concerns and interests known. The goal is to gain any information the committee has missed during its meetings. Page 1 of 2 G:Apub-wrks\eng\08-54 Right Water Right UseAAdmn\AWAC\Meeting Minutes\draft\l1 10 10 AWAC Minutes - for merge.doe Rich Whitley volunteered to record the findings on a flip chart and a member will be typing up notes on the computer. Brainstorm Methods of Increasing Attendance: • Gather information for final discussion. The committee members volunteered to pass the word within each individual network. Since the date has been changed, it is important to get the word out within the media. V. PUBLIC COMMENT: None VI. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING: Upcoming Meetings Schedule: Public Open House: January 12th or 19th, 2011 from 6:30 — 9:00 p.m. preferred. Location to be determined. January or February 2011: Report selected supply alternatives to City Council. There may be a need to educate new Council members. If so, the report could be pushed out to February 2011. VII. MEETING ADJOURNED: 6:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted via tape recording by Brenda Barker, Administrative Assistant Page 2 of 2 G:\pub-wrks\eng\08-54 Right Water Right Use\Adnul\AWAC\Meeting Minutes\draft\l 1 10 10 AWAC Minutes - for merge.doe