February 17, 2015
CALL TO ORDER: Carlos Reichenshammer called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. in the
Siskiyou Room, 51 Winburn Way.
Committee Members Present: Carlos Reichenshammer, Troy Brown Jr., Allen Douma,
Dan Jovick, Joe Graf (non voting member)
Committee Members Absent: Russ Silbiger, and Jac Nickels (non participating due to
having a project on the SDC list)
Staff Present: Bill Molnar, Mike Faught, and Tami De Mille-Campos
Consultant Present via phone: Ray Bartlett (Financial Analyst)
Bill handed out a revised memo to the committee (see attached).
R41/R44 – Bill pointed out he feels projects R41 & R44 are essentially one project. Currently
R44 involves realigning Tolman Creek as it comes into Mistletoe. Bill was suggesting
reducing that from 100% to 50% because there is some developer benefit & R41 be
increased to at least 50%. Each project could be constructed individually but for funding
and growth allocation purposes they should be looked at together.
Ray to make the change to 50% on projects R41 & R44.
X2 – Bill said originally he was speaking only to the railroad crossing in which it is listed as
18.4%. He said the only reason he thought it was put into the plan by Council was that it
showed a benefit to that are in terms of trying to get some south to north connections. It
wasn’t so much development driven as it was to make those connections. Mike pointed out
that right now it was shown at 18.4% and asked Bill if he was recommending an increase?
Bill stated he feels it should be more than 18.4%. Mike added that he though he and Bill
had previously discussed making all of the railroads crossings 50% and Bill agreed.
These minutes are pending approval by the Committee.
R45 – Bill said this project goes with X2 and is part of the block pattern that is largely
development driven. He thinks that could be reduced to 25%.
Troy thought the railroad crossings should be less attributed to development because if the
development doesn’t happen the City still benefits from the crossings.
The committee agrees all railroads should be at 100%. The current need of the railroad
projects is to move the traffic around, not necessarily for development purposes.
Mike reminded the committee that they could wrap this up with a motion or come back for
one more meeting to see the final proposal and then vote on it.
Mike informed the committee he would still like to send them a final summary before he
presents it to Council. Ray will put that together and get that sent out to the committee
Troy/Dan m/s to approve the proposed Transportation SDC with recommended
changes (see attached) for a total SDC of $2,112.00. Voice vote. All AYES. Motion
Carlos asked for a reminder of the final Water and Sewer SDC. Ray said he would like to
take the time to review everything and put together a final SDC list which can then be
distributed to the committee electronically along with the minutes from this meeting.
Mike added that the storm water SDC will be brought back to this committee when that is
ready, probably a year or so from now. The committee members stated they were willing to
remain on the committee. He also pointed out that he may come back to this committee
when the Downtown parking and muli-modal committee is finishes up.
Alan/Troy m/s to approve all previous meeting minutes. Which include: 3/4/14,
3/18/14, 4/15/14, 6/10/14, 7/8/14, 8/5/14 and 10/7/14. Voice Vote. All AYES. Motion
Carlos asked when these SDC’s would go into effect. Mike said he probably wouldn’t be
able to get in front of the Council until mid March or early April and he would like Carlos to
attend with him as Chair. Mike said he would need to talk with the Legal department
regarding the implementation timeline but he is thinking it would be July 1 so that it would
give people advance notice.
Meeting adjourned at 2:03 pm
Respectfully submitted, Tami De Mille-Campos, Administrative Assistant