HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-08 Tree_MIN TREE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 8, 2022 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Commission Chair Chris John called the meeting to order at 6:02 via Zoom. Commissioners: Council Liaison: Christopher John Stephen Jensen Asa Cates Cat Gould Park Liaison Peter Baughman Members of the Public: Staff Present: Amy Gunter, Rogue Planning & Aaron Anderson, Associate Planner Development II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Tree Commission Regular Meeting of July 7, 2022. Commissioners John/Cates m/s to approve the minutes of July 7, 2022. Commissioner Gould abstained as she was not present at the previous meeting. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed 2-0. III. LIAISON REPORTS Council Liaison – Councilor Jensen provided a brief update on the potential reconfiguration of advisory commission framework and the pushback from Council and other stakeholders. The commission held a general discussion regarding the proposed changes. Topics addressed included: workflow, the specialty of particular commissions, the breadth of their mandate, impact on staff time, commissioner appointment process, public meetings law and transparency, and potential difficulties related to an irregular meeting schedule. It was noted that the Council will be revisiting this item at an upcoming study session. Parks & Recreation Liaison – Mr. Baughman reported a 41” Black Oak tree was lost at Glenwood Park, noting that 1/3 of the tree catastrophically failed. He also reported on the irrigation status of the Oak Knoll Golf Course. Community Development Liaison – Mr. Anderson noted the retirement of the Community Development Director. He also commented on the potential to return to in person meetings; general consensus was voiced for returning to in person meetings. IV. TYPE I REVIEWS PLANNING ACTION: PA-T1-2022-00189 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 783 Jaquelyn Street. APPLICANT/OWNER: Rogue Planning for Masanori & Noriko Kuwabara DESCRIPTION: A request for a Physical and Environmental (P&E) Constraints Review Permit to authorize the construction of a new detached residential unit on the property located at 783 Jaquelyn Street. The proposed construction is within the Ashland Modified Flood Plain, which covers over half of the property. One 12-inch DBH Pine tree is proposed for removal in concurrence with the P&E Permit. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-5; MAP: 39 1E 14 BC; TAX LOT: 1400. Staff presented a brief overview of the application and explained that the property owner had obtained a LOMA but that Ashland regulations required a Physical & Environmental Constraints Permit. Amy Gunter presented a site plan and showed the location of the single tree for removal. There was conversation about the other trees on the property. Commissioner Gould asked why there was so much detail regarding the flood zone, and it was explained that the flood zone was the trigger for the planning action, if not for the flood zone the tree would be an exempt removal. Commissioner Gould stated the property had significant canopy cover in the area. Commissioner Cates stated that of the two pines, the one proposed for removal is the less of the two. Commissioners John/Gould m/s to approve the application. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed 3-0. V. TYPE II & III REVIEWS PLANNING ACTION: PA-T3-2022-00004 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 1511 Highway 99 North APPLICANT/OWNER: Casita Developments, LLC for owner Linda Zare DESCRIPTION: A request for the Annexation of 16.86 acres located at 1511 Highway 99 North into the City of Ashland, along with 6.6 acres of adjacent Oregon Department of Transportation state highway right-of-way and 7.68 acres of California Oregon & Pacific railroad property. The property is currently located in Jackson County and zoned Rural Residential (RR-5); with Annexation these properties would be brought into the City as Low Density, Multi-Family Residential (R-2). Concurrent with Annexation, the application also requests: Outline Plan subdivision approval to create 12 lots; Site Design Review to construct 230 apartments in ten buildings including 37 affordable units; an Exception to the Street Design Standards; and Tree Removal Permits to remove two trees greater than six-inches in diameter at breast height. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Multi- Family Residential; ZONING: Existing – County RR-5 Rural Residential, Proposed – City R-2 Low Density Multi-Family Residential; ASSESSOR’S MAP: 38 1E 32; TAX LOT #’s: 1700 & 1702. Staff presented a brief history of the previous approval and appeal of this proposal. Amy Gunter presented a site plan and showed the location of the proposed trees for removal. Ms. Gunter detailed the proposed landscaping plan, street trees, and open areas. There was discussion about the type of housing (apartments) and number of affordable housing units. There were also questions about the traffic impact and if a traffic signal would be required. Ms. Gunter detailed the multimodal transportation opportunities. There was discussion regarding the alignment of the driveway. It was noted that if the driveway were to shift to the east, then two of the trees requested for removal may be able to be saved. There was discussion about the Billings Siphon which crosses the subject property. It was noted the two tree removals are proposed due to the existing driveway alignment, the grade, and the siphon. Commissioner Cates looked up the species proposed for removal and clarified it is a Texas Cedar Elm, not a Siberian Elm. She added the result of the landscaped environment will be a significant net gain. Commissioners Cates/Gould m/s to approve the application. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed 3-0. VI. STREET TREE REMOVAL PERMITS  B Street tree removal/Code Compliance case VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS Emerald Ash Borer In Oregon – ODF handout. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Next Meeting: October 6, 2022