HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-09 Tree_MIN Ashland TreeCommission Minutes 01/09/2020 Audio Recording Call to Order Commission Chair Chris Johncalled the meeting to order at 6:00pm in the Siskiyou Room at the Community Development and Engineering Offices located at 51 Winburn Way,Ashland, Oregon, 97520. Commissioners Present:Council Liaison Christopher JohnStephen Jensen-Absent Asa Cates ParkLiaison Russell Neff Eric SimpsonPeter Baughman-Absent Cat Gould Staff Present: Aaron Anderson: Associate Planner Approval of Minutes CommissionersEric Simpson/Asa Cates m/s to approve the minutes ofDecember 5, 2019 as amended to reflect Cat Gould Absent. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed Public Forum Jim Falkenstien-gave a brief presentation of drone photographs that he has taken of pending application demonstrating the benefit of having dronephotos. He also spoke about a map that was created of fruit trees in public rights of way and advocated distributing maps sopeople can harvestthe fruit. Huelz Gutchin –spoke about CEAPand ‘counting carbons’ Liaison reports Council Liaison -None Parks & Recreation Liaison –None Community Development Liaison –AaronAnderson gave a briefupdate on TREE OF THE Year. TYPE I REVIEWS PLANNING ACTION:PA-TREE-2019-00091 SUBJECT PROPERTIES:1005 C St. OWNER/ APPLICANT:Micah Lieberman DESCRIPTION:This is a request for a tree removal permit to remove two trees that were previously identified for protection during planning action for additional development of threecottages (see file PA-T1-2018-00039). The two trees in question are a box elder and an apple tree. During the excavation process to form the foundation it was determined that the box elder, due to a drafting error, was not on the plan, andthat the location of the apple tree was erroneous. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Multi-Family Residential; ZONING: R-3MAP: 39 1E 09 AD;TAX LOT: 2000 \[Chris John Recused\]Staff presented a brief overview of the applicationand the development that has caused the damage to the trees that had been determined to be protected. Micah Lieberman was present to address the TC and explained the process that he went through during his planning action approval. He discussed the species selection and his desire to plant better trees.He is also requesting to remove to other box elders that are on the property along the fence line. The TC deliberated. Asa seemed to think that neither the apple or the box elder would die ultimately based on the damage that has been done. The applicant said that both trees (the box elder and apple) will conflict with the proposed development. Asa made a motion to allow the removal of the two large trees. Motion died. Cat suggested that the error was made in good faith and believed that approving theapplication Gould/NeffM/S to approve the application as submitted with the requirement that the final landscaping include at least two mitigation trees of superior species selection. 3-1 Gould, Neff, Simpson in favor; Asa Cates opposed; John recused. TYPE II REVIEWS PLANNING ACTION:PA-T2-2019-00012 SUBJECT PROPERTIES:945 Tolman Creek Road OWNER/APPLICANT:Sean Darrell/Rogue Planning & Development DESCRIPTION:The application is request for a three-unit/four-lot Outline and Final Plan subdivision approval and Site Design Review permit to allow the construction of a three-unit Cottage Housing Development for the property at 945 Tolman Creek Road. The existing structure is proposed to be divided into two units, and a third 400 square foot cottage unit is to be constructed at the rear of the property. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single FamilyResidential;ZONING: R-1-5; ASSESSOR’S MAP: 39 1E 14CA; TAX LOT: 800 Amy Gunter presented on behalf of the application along with Sean Darrell the property owner. She acknowledged that the existing trees would need to be pruned to comply with the wildfire ordinance but would like towait until the construction has been conducted. They are not requesting to remove either tree, but looking for the tree commission to approve the tree protection fencing John/CatesM/S to approve the application with the conditionsof approval that the pruning of the pine be conducted prior to C of O, and additional disclaimers regarding prohibited activities in the tree protection zone. 5-0 STREET TREE REMOVAL PERMITS PLANNING ACTION:PA-TREE-2019-00089 SUBJECT PROPERTY:537 Prim St. OWNER/APPLICANT:Scott Mowry DESCRIPTION:A request for Street Tree removal of two pines that are growing very close to a third tree. One of the two pines that is requested for removal has a significant lean over the roadway. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5; MAP: 39 1E 05 CA; TAX LOT: 905 Staff briefly presented the facts, summarizing the TC disposition from last months meeting and turned it over to the applicant. Scott showed some additional photos andreviewed the statement that was provided to him from his project arborist. It was the arborists opinion that the largest of the three pineswould be healthier with only the most mature. The applicant also alleged that the two smaller pines were depriving the larger pine from access to sunlight. The applicant made clear that he was willing to mitigate with appropriate trees. Following the presentation by the applicant the Tree commission deliberated. Chair John discussed the change in arborist orthodoxy regarding grouping of trees. John mentioned that the smallest of the pines which is leaning is not a healthy tree and felt that it was appropriate for removal. There was general agreement that the pine that was leaning ought to be removed. Gould/SimpsonM/S to approve the removal of the smaller pine that is leaning only. 5-1 PLANNING ACTION:PA-TREE-2019-00090 SUBJECT PROPERTY:642/644 E Main OWNER/APPLICANT:Ashland Condo Assoc. DESCRIPTION:A request for Street Tree removal of two dead maples. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Commercial;ZONING: C-1;MAP: 39 1E 09 AC;TAX LOT: 90000 There was no representation from the applicant. Staff briefly discussed the application and turned it over tothe TC for their deliberation. John/Cates M/S to approve the application as submittedwith the condition of approval that appropriate small stature tree(s) appropriate for below powerline be selected at the direction of the project arborist.5- 0 TYPE I continued PLANNING ACTION:PA-T1-2019-00085 SUBJECT PROPERTY:468 Helman Street APPLICANT:Kerry KenCairn, KenCairn Landscape Architecture OWNER:Lynne Scionti DESCRIPTION:A request for a Land Partition to create two lots from the property located at 468 Helman Street. The application also includes a request for Tree Removal Permits for the removal of four trees – a group of three Cedar trees (Trees #1-#3) at the outer edgeofthe Helman Street right-of-way, and a 30-inch diameter Oak tree (Tree #4) near the existing garage. The project landscape architect notes that the Cedars are in poor condition and overgrown and that the Oak is in poor condition and challenged by the impacts of previous construction and paving. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION:Single Family Residential; ZONING:R-1-5; ASSESSOR’S MAP:39 1E 04CA; TAX LOT:3600 There was no representation from the applicant. Staff briefly discussed the application and turned it over to the TC for deliberation. There was debate about the health of the cedar trees, and if they were appropriate to remove. The project arborist states that the three cedars are simultaneously overgrown and unhealth. Cates remarked that these trees have no impact on the proposed development. Gould/M/S to approve theremoval of the Oak only (and not the cedar trees), with the condition of approval that a mitigation tree be planted prior to the recording of the final plat. 4-1 (Simpson abstain) Discussion Items PLANNING ACTION:PA-A-2019-00088 SUBJECT PROPERTIES:The Ashland Village Subdivision OWNER/ APPLICANT:AVHHOA DESCRIPTION:The purpose of this ministerial planning action is to memorialize the current state of street trees in the Ashland Village Subdivision, to identify trees that need to be planted, and to reiterate that any future tree removals would be required to receive the appropriate permits. What we are hoping to achieve with this administrative acknowledgment is to document the current situation, while providing flexibility moving forward for any removals that may be required in the future and ensuring that appropriate species are selected for mitigation. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single-Family Residential; ZONING:R-1-5 MAP: 39 1E 09 AA;TAX LOT: 5600 & 5500 and MAP: 39 1E 09 BB;TAX LOT: 3700 thru 3746 Plant 3 trees… Conditions –remove root barrier Crab apple, black tupalow, selcova, maple, little leaf linden… At least one black birch cluster. Cut back any vines crawling Water bags shall be used in appropriate Adjournment:Meetingadjourned at8:11p.m. Next Meeting: February6, 2020 Respectfully submitted by Liz Hamilton