HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-26 Citizen Advisory Committee Revitalize Downtown AshlandRevitalize Downtown Ashland -Citizen Advisory Committee MINUTES September 26, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Staff starts meeting at 4:00 pm. Committee Members Present: Marie Lange, Mike Gardiner, Gary Blake, Roy Laird, Dona Zimmerman, Ted Delong, Don Anway, Eli Katlin, Jackie Bachman, Kathryn Thalden Council Liaison: Stephen Jensen (absent) Ex-officio: Kelly Madding (absent) Staff present: Paula Brown PE, Public Works Director, Scott Fleury PE, Deputy Public Works Director ANNOUNCEMENTS None Old Business New Business A. Introductions Staff provides some background on the Transportation Growth and Management (TGM) grant received for the Revitalize Downtown Ashland Project. The plan is meant to develop a prioritized list of modal transportation enhancements in the downtown core (E. Main Street and Lithia Way). The City has received $118,900 in grant funding and will supply $16,300 in soft match staff time for the project. The City in conjunction with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) selected Jacobs as the consultant firm in charge of developing the plan. Committee members introduce themselves to the group and provide relevant background. introduces the project and attendees introduce themselves and their relevant background. The Committee discussed public input as part of the project and would like to see a form of enhanced input both via electronic submittals but also at meetings. Committee questions staff about the ability to capture public input during the public input portion of the agenda to ensure citizens remarks are accurately obtained. Staff will determine if this can be accomplished. Staff also informed the Committee the future meetings will be recorded in order to ensure remarks documented in minutes are accurate. Staff to work on creating a specific email address for citizens to use in order to submit input electronically. The Committee requested there be more public noticing and information provided to the public and businesses in the downtown core. All input will be tracked and provided to CAC and consultants during project development. B. CAC Roles and responsibilities Staff discussed roles and responsibilities for both the TAC and CAC for this project with the group. TAC: �evit s e Downtovm Pshlami itizi:1M Advisory 111;,rmrnittee � � f �' :)+;;;fie o'�o Revitalize Downtown Ashland -Citizen Advisory Committee MINUTES September 26, 2019 ➢ Provide technical advice based on standards. ➢ Provide technical advice based on your discipline. ➢ Provide clarity to the project management team on all aspects of the project. ➢ Vet issues at hand with a focus on safety for the traveling public within the downtown core. ➢ Assist with prioritization. ➢ Be open to new ideas. ➢ Voice opinions on all project matters regardless of your respective discipline. ➢ Consult other colleagues for varied input in order to develop potential out of the box solutions to known issues and deficiencies. ➢ Advocate for consensus. CAC: ➢ Provide a voice that represents the Ashland community to enhance the downtown core. ➢ Provide ideas that represent all community needs. ➢ Participate in robust discussions. ➢ Be open to new perspectives. ➢ Develop a prioritized list of implementable improvement projects that provide a safe, function multimodal transportation system. ➢ CAC members are urged to discuss ideas with friends, family, visitors and others in order to engage and understand the needs of others with differing perspectives. ➢ Recommend the final plan with a prioritized list of projects to the City Council. ➢ Advocate for the plan within the community. In order to prepare effectively for the project, the Committee would like to have access to background information from previous planning efforts to review and assist with their charge. Staff informs group the TAC requested similar information and staff will be posting previous documents on the City's website shortly and will provide each group with a link once complete. Brown offers Committee individualized time if needed to meet and discuss anything regarding the project. Brown also requests Committee members provide a "top five" list of items they would like to see improved and enhanced within the downtown core for discussion moving forward. C. Election of Chair and Vice Chair By consent of the Committee Mike Gardiner and Don Anway will act as Chair and Vice - Chair respectively for future meetings. D. Project schedule Staff reviews proposed project schedule. Project is slated for 12 months and staff expects to meet with the CAC every other month or more frequently as needed for project development. The consultant team is scheduled to meet with the CAC three times specifically during project development. �evitdi e nownt von Pshland Citizen Advisory Committee °e e of Revitalize Downtown Ashland -Citizen Advisory Committee MINUTES September 26, 2019 E. Technical Memorandum #1 Goals, Policy Review, Funding The first formal discussion with Jacobs will occur at the October 23, 2019 meeting and include discussion on Technical Memorandum #1, Goals, Policy Review and Funding. Staff is hopefully that Technical Memorandum #2, Existing and Future No -Build Conditions (traffic analysis) will be complete and available as well. F. Future CAC meeting time schedule (October 23ra, 2019 4-6) The next CAC meeting is scheduled for October 23rd, from 4-6 pm. The meeting is scheduled in the Siskiyou Room located in the Community Development Building. The group is concerned about adequate meeting space and would like to see the meetings remain in Council Chambers. Staff to investigate possibility of moving meeting to the Council Chambers for the 23ra G. Future Open House (November 6', 2019 TBD) The time and location of the open house still needs to be formally determined. The open house will be both in person and online. Staff to update CAC with details once more information is available and post specifics on the City's website. ADJOURNMENT: at 5:48 pm Respectfully submitted, Scott Fleury PE Deputy Public Works Director �e vitAi e +W';Y'nt ou'rn Pshland Citizen Advisory Committee &:Ve:r':ber :tit, 20 19 , "" ;'a o f ,;3