HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-17 Downtown Beautification Improvement Ad Hoc Committee Agenda PacketApril 17, 2014/Downtown Beautification Improvement Committee RFP language "The City of Ashland requests proposals for an Architectural Design or Landscape Design Firm to provide a plan for refreshing and improving the landscaping and furnishing in the Plaza in downtown Ashland, located at the confluence of North Main Street and East Main Street. The Plaza has historically served as the city's "sitting room" and a gathering place for impromptu performances (busking), protest rallies and community events." Expert from Council minutes, August 21, 2012 http://ashland.or.us/Agcndas.asp?Display=Minutes&AMID=5041 Covey Pardee originally intended the raised stage area as a gathering space with wide seating behind. Negative feedback from the public during the Public Input meetings and later from Council prompted them to remove it from the plan, reduce seating space, and create an implied venue space instead. Examples of Plaza Use • Martin Luther King — gathering and broadcast "I Have a Dream" • Ashland Independent Film Festival • Zimbabwe -style Marimbas and Xylophone youth and adult ensembles • Plant Sunday — gather at Plaza • Southern Oregon Women's Resource Center Take Back the Night — tally • Saxophone Quartet • Annual Zombie Walk • Palo Alto Youth Chamber Orchestra • Bucycle Safety Show • Kiwannis Children Cancer Program • Protect Mt. Ashland — rally • High School Band - holiday music • CERT Training • Jazz and Blues from 1920s, 30s • Hiroshima/Nagasake — vigil • Mountain Ashland Hill Climb • Siskiyou Challenge • Lighting of the Menorah • 4th of July parade • Halloween parade 0 Festival of Light parade DATE: June 26, 2012 `. I ., 0: Covey Pardee Landscape Architects FRCM: Ashland Planning Commission Melanie Mindlin, (Jwh RE": Plaza Redesign The Ashland Plann."ing Coniaiission submits the ["ollowing statement regardi ng the redesign, of the Ashland plaza: First arid foremost, the phvu,,a design, should support the basic Function ofilie place -- to serve as as lively, Well -Used C01111-1111114y gathering place for residents, (ol'all kirids) and visitors. 'I'he plaza is not apassive park, or should it be (as it is today) si.niply a thoroughl'are froni one cornniercial point to another, Rather it is (or should be) the central rneeting point ill downtown ..- as place where friends ineet tip, for coffee, fanaily inetnbers rep gr0Uj,,) after shopping, or individuals sit to read as newspaper or people watch. Sometimes it will be the site, of large gatherings or dernonstraliorls. With these I unctions iri mind, the design shot,ild include the tofiowing elenieats: • Minimal (if nny) turf. It's ,,,i plaza, not a park. Use planters (a I wlls, and/or pots) to provide greenery and, help define (Ile space. Potted trees can provide a wondel-furl, ful I Canopy. • A varict), of seating options. Walls, nioveable cafe tatfles and chairs, etc, l"urniture is key to function, • Trash and recycling containers. Well -designed and even beauliful containers don't have to be relegated to the outskirts ofthe site. Instead, ibey can help define the space. • Thoughtful site planning. A layout that provides a seilse ofprotection for peole at tables, but doesn't obstruct views into or out ofthe plaza. 'nie Planning Corrimission is very excited 1)y ffie opportUllities posed by the plaza redesign, We look Forward to helping in any way we can as the prqject moves Corward. PLANNING COMMISSION Tel: 541486-5305 A 51 Winbuirn Way Fax: 541,552-2050 P, Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY800-735-2900 Irl �.ashla�ndogs 2Lan pLjnc@ash1and,or.us _ _ The City of Ashland'si Tree Commission is extremely supportive of the efforts by Cove;yPardee to reinvigoratethei Plaza with site improvements. Ultimately we feel that that expanding the hardscape is critical to how the spaicei functioins, now and In the future. Bieiow are a few suggestions, the Tree Commiission has whifle I �ii 11 10 11 M M 1 FOR the tree roots. e Consult an arboristto, cleterimine which of the remaining trees are best Suited to survive construction, and have the greatest chance to perform well given their existing location. This may require altering, the hardscape pattern to accommodate the existing trees. a Explore the idea of contalnerizing a few trees to provide the greatest f lexi bi lity for the use of the space, i n addiition to preservi ng those h kely to survive, The number of trees on site should equa�l (approx 5) or exceed the number currently on -site. In compiliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need speciall assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1 -8001-73,5-29001). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make, reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35„ 104 ADA Tifle 1).