April 16, 1996
Mayor Golden called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilors Laws, Hauck, Hagen, Wheeldon and Thompson were present; Councilor Reid
was absent.
The minutes of the Regular meeting of April 2, 1996 were approved with the following
amendments: page 5, paragraph 3 first sentence should read "transportation criteria" rather
than traffic element; page 7, paragraph 3 should indicate "cycling" rather than recycling;
page 5, paragraph 2 Councilor Thompson "suggested" rather than requested.
1. Presentation of annual James M. Ragland "Volunteer Spirit" Community Service
Award by Betsy Ragland (daughter).
Mayor Golden presented to Barbara Jarvis and Terry Skibby the annual James M. Ragland
"Volunteer Spirit" Community Service Award.
Mayor Golden spoke on how these individuals represent the diversity in our community.
Both were commended on their service, dedication and the positive influence toward our
community. Barbara Jarvis voiced her appreciation for the award. Mayor commented on
the value of the historic photography that Terry Skibby has provided to the city.
Terry Skibby voiced his appreciation for the award.
2. Recognition of Police Department Employees of the Year.
Police Chief Gary Brown presented awards to employees in the following categories:
Dispatcher of the Year: Karen Greenstein; Employee of the Year: Jan Janssen; Volunteer of
the Year: Steven McClenan; Officer of the Year: Jim Alderman and Excellence in Continued
Service: Mel Clements.
3. Mayor's proclamation of week of May 12-18 as "National Historic Preservation
Mayor Golden presented proclamation "National Historic Preservation Week"; providing an
opportunity to recognize the value of Ashland's historic resources and encourages their
preservation for future generations.
Council Minutes 4-16-98 1
CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of boards, commissions, and committees.
2. Monthly departmental reports for February and March 1996.
3. City Administrator's Monthly Report for March 1996.
Councilors Hauck/Hagen m/s to approve consent agenda. Voice vote: an AYES. Motion
Zach Brombacher/640 Tolman Creek/Concerned with method currently being used for
LID's. He suggested that there be changes made in the forming of Local Improvement
District. Requested that the current Tolman Creek LID be stopped at this time and feels that
there are other ways to go about it. Feels that there are a number of people who are
disgruntled over the possible forming of the Tolman Creek Improvement District.
Mayor recognized the problems in the LID process. Wheeldon commented that the
classification of the streets may need to be revisited. It was noted that Council has taken
steps to enhance the LID procedure with the sidewalk matching program.
Brombacher commented also on the affordable housing issue.
Council suggested that the LID process be put on a study session agenda.
Councilor Laws commented on a letter to the editor that implied fraud by council which he
disputed and resented.
1. Request by Councilor Hagen to discuss annexation criteria.
Councilor Hagen voiced his frustration with the annexation criteria. He feels there is a need
to define what is meant by the terminology used in the current criteria, mainly adequate
transportation. He would also like to address the affordable issue further to determine if it is
getting what is desired.
Councilor Thompson commented that with the low density of Ashland there is not a need for
additional land to accommodate growth. He feels there should be a minimum density
standard before additional land is added to the city through annexation or expanding the
urban growth boundary. Feels land can be used more efficiently. Questions what constitutes
adequate transportation to and through a site.
Mayor Golden spoke on issues regarding the annexation criteria. Using the example of the
recent annexation of a wetland and a R2 piece of property. She commented that within the
city we change periodically environmental constraints so that we are not subject to any
takings litigation. The property owners are given compensation by means of density bonus
Coundl Minutes 4-16-98
points or density transfer points. She stated that when people are annexing into the city they
know what they are getting. This is not the same as if it were property inside the city limits
and a zone change was being done. She questioned whether an annexation should get the
same benefits as a property owner within the city limits and had a zoning change happen.
She requests that a look be given at environmental constraints in terms of transferring density
bonus in annexed property. Another area of concern, was with the affordable housing
component. She would like to have it changed to "you must meet all this criteria "and" have
a percentage that is affordable".
Golden also commented on the System Development Charges, her understanding of the
SDC's were to encourage affordable housing on expensive city land. It was not another
City Attorney Nolte was requested to explore the environmental constraints and the taking
Planning Director John McLaughlin commented that once a decision was made to annex
property it should be considered part of our overall city and used as efficiently as possible
with the density most appropriate. He does not believe that there should be a penalty
attached by down zoning or dropping units. If a decision is made, that it is appropriate to
annex, then regardless of environmental constraints, the property should be looked at for its
most efficient development pattern that will support transit, walking and mixed use within the
Councilor Laws suggested that affordable housing needs to be reduced for purposes of
Wheeldon commented that under the annexation criteria the words that have to do with all
the services including transportation are "can and will be provided". She feels there is a
window to create transportation amenities within the context of developing the project. She
would like to have it more clearly stated as to what we expect the developer to do in order to
allow adequate transportation to and through the site.
McLaughlin questioned if TPAC could take on the issue of defining adequate transportation
and address this at a development level. Council agreed to forward this to TPAC. He also
suggested that the Housing Commission address the affordable housing issue with the staff
taking on questions regarding the System Development Charges and bring back a
recommendation. Mayor concerned with the affordable housing component of the annexation
because the Affordable Housing committee may not be giving as much attention to creating
affordable opportunities for housing within the city limits because it is done there.
Council consensus to forward the adequate transportation to TPAC and the Housing
Commission would address the issues of affordable housing with recommendations brought
back to a June Council study session.
Council Minutes 4-16-98 3
Debbie Miller/Suggests that members of the Planning Commission and other interested
parties meet to bring a broader spectrum of the annexation criteria. Also asks that sub-
committees look at criteria from other cities.
2. Recommendations from Selection Committee regarding Wetlands Demonstration
Project consultant/contractor.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Coordinator Paula Brown presented recommendation to Council
that they accept the recommendation of the Request for Proposals Review Committee, and
authorize award of the Wetlands Demonstration Project to Cascade Earth Sciences, Inc.
(CES). It is also recommended that the Council authorize the Public Works Director to enter
into the agreement with CES after the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) makes
their determination on the timing of our spray irrigation activities, or no later than June 1,
1996, whichever occurs first.
It was unanimous decision of the review committee in recommending the CES team for the
demonstration wetlands project. The final cost of proposal was $439,515.00 which was
within the budget amount of $440,000.00.
Councilors Hagen/Laws m/s for approval of CES, authorize Public Works to enter into
an agreement with CES after discussion with DEQ. Voice vote: all AYES. Motion
1. Contract with Patricia Murphy for furnishing of Lithia water to property at 6th and
'A' Streets.
Patricia Murphy/159 N. Laurel/Was available for questions regarding contract with the city
for the furnishing of Lithia Water.
City Attorney Nolte noted a change to the contract which was in the last sentence in
paragraph 3.3; requiring Murphy to pay the connection charge. It has been agreed that she
would be charged for the actual cost.
Councilors Laws/Hagen m/s to approve contract. Voice vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
2. Agreement with ODOT and SOSC for realignment of Indiana and Wightman Streets
intersection with Siskiyou Boulevard.
City Administrator Brian Almquist spoke regarding the negotiations with SOSC and the
Highway Department regarding the realignment of Indiana and Wightman Streets to facilitate
the Arts East Complex. This will require relocation of the traffic signals, removal of
pavement and installation of some landscaping. The State has agreed to provide $50,000,
SOSC will provide $50,000 and the city will act as the contractor and do the work. He
Council Minutes 4-16-98 4
states that the budget is adequate to complete it within the amounts allocated. It was
budgeted in the current fiscal year for our portion.
Councilors Hauck/Wheeldon m/s to approve signing of agreement. Voice vote: all
AYES. Motion passed.
3.Resolution endorsing Brycen Woodley for his campaign for National DECA president.
DECA (Distributive Educational Clubs of America) is a student organization dedicated to
inspiring students to learn marketing, management, and entrepreneurial skills and abilities
that will prepare them to become skilled, employable workers in the field of marketing and
Councilor Laws/Hauck m/s to place item on agenda. Voice vote: all AYES. Motion
Councilor Hagen/Hauck m/s to approve Resolution//96-20. Roll call vote: Laws, Hauck,
Hagen, Wheeldon and Thompson; YES. Motion passed.
It was determined that there would be no study session this month as there was no items for
the agenda. Council agreed to place discussion regarding Bonneville Power Association
(BPA) and the Capitol Improvement Plan (CIP) in May with discussion continued on
annexation in June.
Mayor commented on a letter to the City Administrator from Mr. Crouse. She asked that
there be better clarification made regarding the acquisition of the Hillah Temple and the
possible use by Youth Works in the letter. That this is not going to be used exclusively for
this purpose but also for other city purposes at a later time.
Councilor Hauck complemented the City Recorder, Barbara Christensen on the preparation
of an City Elections Manual.
Meeting was adjoumed at 8:55 p.m.
Barbara Christensen, Recorder
Cat erine M. Golden, Mayor
Counc'd IW_mutes 4-16-98 5