May 7, 1996
Mayor Golden called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilors Laws, Reid, Hauck, Hagen and Wheeldon were present, Councilor Thompson
was absent.
The minutes of the Regular meeting of April 16, 1996 were approved as presented.
1. Mayor's proclamation of week of May 19-25 as "National Emergency Medical
Services Week."
Mayor read proclamation for "National Emergency Medical Services Week".
1. Minutes of boards, commitions, and committees.
2. Monthly departmental reports for March and April 1996.
3. City Administrator's Monthly Report for April 1996.
4. Quarterly Financial Report for period ending March 31, 1996.
5. Authorization for Mayor and Recorder to sign boundary adjustment for old Nevada
6. Approval of purchase from Richard C. Cottie and Mrs. A. PhiHips for park property
in Guthrie/Ashland Streets area.
7. Liquor license application for new business from Emile J. Amarotico dba Grizzly
Peak Brewing Company (located at 101 Oak Street).
8. Status on wildfire fuel reduction projects from Fire Chief Woodley.
Councilor Wheeldon requested that item #6 be removed; Councilor Reid requested that
item #8 be removed and Mayor Golden requested that item #5 be removed from
Consent Agenda and placed under new business.
Councilors Hagen/Hauck m/s to approve consent agenda items #1 through #4 and
Voice vote: all AYES; motion passed.
Council Meetlng 5-07-96 1
1. Continuation of public hearing on proposed formation of a Local Improvement
District on Toiman Creek Road from Siskiyou Boulevard to the CO&P Railroad.
Councilor Laws spoke regarding the problems with the LID process and a meeting that was
held with other Council members and staff. He stated that staff will be able to provide
council with some alternative suggestions for handling LID's in the future. Did not want to
continue with Tolman Creek Road LID process until this information was submitted to
council for review.
Councilors Laws/Wheeldon m/s to table Tolman Creek Road LID and direct staff to
come back to council with information and recommendations as to how to gather funds
and allocate funds that could be used to make up the difference between the cost of a
standard neighborhood street and streets that are designated as collectors or arterials.
This information would also include the cost difference between a standard
neighborhood street and streets that are designated as collectors or arterials.
Discussion: It was conf'wmed for Council that staff would bring back recommendations
to council and public input would be accepted at that time. Council strongly
encouraged written public input that would be constructive solutions for the LID
process. Voice vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
Council discussion regarding tabling of Tolman Creek Road LID for sixty days and
scheduling of public hearings. It was determined that if this were tabled this evening the
only time this could be discussed on the agenda would be during the 15 minutes of public
Waqidi Falicoff/2921 Nova Drive/Spoke regarding process of Local Improvement Districts.
Questions why there was no discussion on why the project was being done. Questions
constitutional rights. Stated that the city could be sued.
Mayor explained that the Council is committed as an elected official to bring important issues
to the public. One of the issues that has been brought forward is in getting sidewalks into
neighborhoods, of which there have been a number of ways this has been attempted. It was
also explained that there had been a previous public hearing on the Tolman Creek Road
where several citizens spoke both in favor and against. At that time it was determined that
the LID process would need to be looked at because of problems that were brought up at that
public heating. Explained that if a certain number of people have signed up for an LID and
someone asks the city within that neighborhood to do the LID, then the LID process is
initiated. This LID was requested by the school district to the city.
City Attorney Nolte advises council that the process they use for Local Improvement
Districts is legal.
couacn Mmlssa s-07-~ 2
Arthur Brayfield/400 Monte Vista/Submitted statement to council regarding future
objections to Local Improvement Districts. Recommended a Council resolution or action that
there be a one year postponement of all Council LID actions pursuant to the appointment of
and a report from a representative citizens group which shall examine the cluster of
considerations embodied in the current LID policies and practices and make
recommendations to Council.
Darci Holmes/758 Cappela/Spoke regarding proposed Tolman Crk Rd LID. Read statement
in opposition of this LID. Submitted surveys from neighborhood. Petition council to
postpone LID for 6 months.
James Dietz/815 Tolman/Feels that public input should happen right away, not completely
comfortable with sending back to staff for recommendations. Would like to see lots of
alternatives from recommendations by staff.
Council discussed and addressed public concern regarding accessibility of public input on the
LID process. It was explained that the council and staff would encourage as much public
input as was necessary to solve the LID problems. There was questions as to what happened
to the committee from the neighborhood that was formed from the last public hearing. It
was understood that this group would gather information that could be submitted to staff or
council outlining their perception of how the LID should be done. It was determined that the
group was unable to gather this information.
Malvina VandervaHe/980 Tolman Crk Rd/Read statement to council regarding her
opposition to the Tolman Crk Road Local Improvement District.
1. Item #5 from Consent Agenda. Authorization for Mayor and Recorder to sign
boundary adjustment for old Nevada substation.
Mayor requested from interim Public Works Director Jim Olson the location of this land
partition and if this would create a problem for the future possibility of connecting Nevada
Street to N. Mountain. Concerned that there may need to be something in writing from
owner that protects this future connection.
Olson explained that this would not be a future problem for getting Nevada Street through to
N. Mountain. Stated that this borders the fight-of-way of Nevada Street and is an adjustment
of the north and west boundaries of a parcel of land owned by the City Ashland and fronting
on Nevada Street.
Councilor Laws requested aerial maps for this type of action.
Councilors Hauck/Hagen m/s to approve item #5 from consent agenda. Voice vote: All
AYES. Motion passed.
Council Mee~ S-07-~6 3
2. Rem #6 from Consent Agenda. Approval of purchase from Richard C. Cottk and
Mrs. A. PhiHips for park properly in Guthrie/Ashland Streets area.
Councilor Wheeldon stated she would like to see a current list of land identified for
acquisition. City Administrator Almquist suggested that Wheeldon and himself meet with
Ken Mickelson, Parks Director to get an update of park land acquisitions.
Mayor Golden noted that this is an extraordinary piece of property for the city to acquire.
The property will protect the watershed and provide a neighborhood park and preserve open
space for the neighborhood.
Planning Director John McLaughlin recognized the help and cooperation of Dick Cottle and
Art Phillips on the acquisition of the property and the donation they made to the city on the
portion of the value of the property.
Mayor will send a letter of appreciation to those recognized.
Councilors Hauck/Wheeidon m/s to approve item #6 from consent agenda. Voice vote:
AH AYES. Motion passed.
3. Item #8 from Consent Agenda. Status on wildf'we fuel reduction projects from Fire
Chief Woodley.
Fire Chief Wooalley explained that this is the City's progress toward reducing the threat of
catastrophic wildfire in and near the Ashland Watershed. The burning of slash piles on the
5.5 acres of city-owned forest land is above the Morton Street neighborhood.
The profit from this project will be put back into the program.
1. First reading of "An Ordinance amending sections 14.02.030 and 14.02.040 of the
Utility Billing Ordinance regarding due date and delinquency of bills."
Council discussed the possibility of bulk mailing. Russ Chaddick, Accounting Utility
Supervisor explained that there is not enough mailing for bulk and that this process will
amount to around $300.00 to $400.00 savings.
City Administrator, Brian Almquist read ordinance in full for first reading.
Councilors Hagen/Reid m/s to approve f'wst reading and place on next agenda for
second reading. Roll Call vote: Laws, Reid, Hauck, Hagen and Wheeldon; YES.
Motion passed.
conhen Mee~g s-oT-96 4
First reading of "An Ordinance amending various chapters of the Ashland Municipal
Code to reduce the number of members on various commi~ious and repealing
Chapter 2.15."
Council discussion regarding the need to reduce the number of members to various
commissions. It was determined that seven positions would make it easier to get a quorum
of the commission, whereas it had been difficult with nine members. Also, there had not
been enough applications received to fill a nine member commission, but enough for a seven
member commission.
Councilor Hauck questioned the need to repeal the Economic Development Commission.
Mayor Golden explained that this may be more appropriate to move out of the government
sector and put into the chamber sector.
After general discussion, it was noted that there were additional changes needed for this
ordinance. Changes would be incorported into ordinance and presented at time of second
Councilors Hagen/Wheeidon m/s to approve f'wst reading and place on next agenda for
second reading. Roll Call vote: Reid, Hauck, Hagen, Wheeldon and Laws; YES.
Motion passed.
3. Reading by title only of "A Resolution amending Resolution No. 95-19 by changing
the membership of the Conservation Commition to seven (7) members."
No action taken by Council.
4. Reading by title only of "A Resolution updating the Forest Lands Commition
membership, quorum, powers and duties and repealing Resolution 93-06."
Councilors Hauck/Laws m/s to approve Resolution//96-21. Roll Call vote: Hagen,
Wheeldon, Laws, Reid and Hauck; YES. Motion passed.
5. Reading by title only of "A Resolution setting a public hearing on the proposal
withdrawal of annexed property from Jackson County Fire District No. 5 for June 4,
Councilors Laws/Reid m/s to approve Resolution P)6-22. Discussion: Council requested
better maps. Roll Call vote: Wheeldon, Laws, Reid, Hauck and Hagen; YES. Motion
coun~a Meea~ s-oT-ss 5
Councilor Reid informed the council of the adoption of ordinances by Jackson County and
the City of Phoenix in protecting streams. She would like to suggest that this issue be put on
a future agenda for council direction.
Councilor Wheeldon noted the attendance of a leadership conference on public input. Her
impression was that our city is doing a lot in terms of providing public input.
Councilor Wheeldon commented on the letter included in their packet from Robert Paul on
the subject of Planning Action #95-129 - Hollis Greenwood and Mary Pat Power applicants
and the subject of re-zoning. She would like to explore the topic of re-zoning and the
ramifications on property owners.
Councilor Reid commented that the letter dealt primarily with allowing secondary units in an
R1 zone.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder
Cat e ' e . Colden, Mayor
Council Meee~ S-07-~ 6