Joint Study Session with City Council and Planning Commission
August 21, 1996
Meeting called to order at 4:15 p.m.
Attendance: Councilors Hagen and Laws, Commissioners Jarvis, Bass and Giordano, City
Administrator Almquist, staff McLaughlin, Lovrovich, Turner, Scoles, Olson, Barlow, Paul,
Madding and local media.
Review and Discussion of Ashland's stakeholder involvement in transportation planning
ODOT. Guest, Monte Grove, ODOT Area Mana~,er and John Vial. ODOT.
Covered three topics: 1) Stakeholders involvement; 2) ODOT budgeting information and 3)
Jurisdictional exchange (N. Main).
Grove explained how the stakeholder group works with Jackson/Josephine Counties. Group
worldng with two strategic areas, Salem and Josephine/Jackson Counties.
Discussed what a stakeholder area group is and how it is engaged. Why ODOT is pursuing
this, the process to establish stakeholder area group, how does your group want to be
involved or engaged with this stakeholder group and what do they think?
What is Stakeholder area group?
Stakeholder area group focuses on input for ODOT, focus is at program level, 10-20 in size.
Area manager is responsive to this group with group representative of Josephine/Jackson
Counties. Role would be in where ODOT spends the available state revenues, in what gets
worked on with ODOT resources and advisory to Oregon Transportation Commission.
Why is ODO T doing this?
Critical that strong foundation is in place with customers and stakeholders. This is needed
for application of future re-engineering principles. It would provide for more consistent and
focused input, help surface partnering opportunities and improve customer/stakeholder
support for ODOT.
Process to establish Stakeholder area group.
Share and collect information from Cities, Counties, special interest groups, Council's of
Governments by latter part of August. Form one time "blue ribbon" x-jurisdictional team to
take above stakeholder data and form Stakeholder Group. Determine responsibility and 180
Day Work Plan by September 1 st. Get information back to stakeholders in September.
Presented slide that provided broad information on sources and uses of funds. Funds are
controlled by legislature. There is $202 million in field maintenance with $134 million in
project development and $665 million project implementation. The amount of funds
Council Study Session 8-21-96 I
budgeted for project implementation is established by the Oregon Transportation
Budget is funded to begin in 1998 and monies cannot be moved from project to project
without legislative approval.
Presented information on Regional Statewide Transportation and Improvement Plan and how
allocated. Allocations is determined by several points: land miles, population, revenue
collected through gas taxes and perceived need.
Question and discussion on if Region Three was getting its fair share of allocation. Grove
commented that Region Three is getting better than 1-2 % under what is collected.
Presented information on Maintenance and Performance Budget. There is $269,304 million
budgeted for Hwy 66, 15 to Talent to California and Hwy 99 to Talent on surface and
shoulders. The total budget for Maintenance is $1.5 million.
Presented preservation costs on Rt. 99 (N. Main) at $500,000. Process for Jurisdictional
exchanges for Rt. 99 (N. Main) are as follows: 1) Project maintenance costs on section for
20 year period; 2) Project preservation contract cost for 20 year period; 3) Any additional
costs beyond what is already programmed would have to compete with other are priorities.
Discussion on funding for improvement on Hwy 66 and Siskiyou Blvd and ways to find
alternative funding.
Meeting adjoumed at 5:20 p.m.
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder
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