HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-128 Letter of Release - Donna Andrews Real EstateDonna Androws Real Estate 23 North t~arneburg, Madford, OR 541-608-2781 City of Ashland Ashiand, OR Sept. 44, 1999 Dear Mayor: This !otter is to col!ow ~p on the conversation we had in july prior to my leaving for SDain, regarding the new direction being taken on the Railroad District property near ~e~sey and Oak. As we have discussec~ throughout the changes in this application for the minor land ~artition/lot tire adjustment, this parcet of tand is very important to the City of Ashland as it is the last remaining large tract of development land close to the City cc~,ter. ,~or' that reason, each item discussed along the way has been examined with a /cry carefui eye and new requirements have been regularly assigned as the plans oroceed. The last ~uggestion was that a professional planner be hired to bring all of the loose atlas together and to expand the master plan in regard to transportation needs and ~oad connection~ for future development. This decision changed the scope of the ~i~ancia! commitment of the current owners/developers of this application. It generated a major expense toward the application and changed my personal position in regard to reoresenting the CiW of Ash!and as future purchasers. Since the master plan for the remaining parcel of rai}r'oad ~a,d is now part of the overall expense of this application, it ;s necessary for me tc *eraova myself from a position of representing the City as a 5uyer's Broker, and won'!. for t~e recovery of the initial investments for those who have Da,d the t~ilis. As we d~scussed, this does not alter the goals we have a~l worked toward from the beginching. i,~stead, it ma~,es it possible to incorporate the romaine/or of the land as pa~ of the entire process , ut!iiy~ing the talents of a group of local professionals. Tom S~ordanc, Giordano and Assoc., was hired in la~ July and is ready to submit the additions made to the original concept for City approval. A~er City appr~al has been given, myself and a consodium ~ professionals wil~ enter in~ a purchase agreement wlt~ L~o~ ~ac~f~c ~road to ~cqu~re the l~nd and ~roceed to ~evelop it according to the dmect~on apprQ/ed V~y the C~ty. This arrangement, i believe, ends up giving the CiW what t~-ey had hoped ~cr f~om the beginning, to be a pa~ of the development in the area of ~rectine what the overa}l design wouid ioo~ like but to be rem~ed from the fir~ancial obligation of ~unchas~ng the ~and. This cover letter and attached re}ease of representation ~etter wil) act as the officia) paper trail for the change in my position towar'ds the City. It in no way represents ~emovai of my persona~ commitment to work c~osely with the City to achieve what we nave developed a~ a common goa; for this parce! of !and. ~ look forward to an ongoing *-e!at~onshi,~ where the ideas and needs of the City are incorporated in this plan for the ~eneeit of a~!. ~Jnna Andrews, Broker 9onna Andrews Rea~ Estate cc. Paui Nolte cc. Mike Freeman cc. Sreg Scoles Zetter of Release of Responsibility L Donna Andrews, Broker of Donna Andrews Real Estate, remove myself as Buyers Broker for the Ci,tv of Ashland in the dealings with Union Pacific Railroad Acknowledged: