HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-11 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 1996 CALLTO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:40 p.m. by Jenifer Carr. Other Commissioners present were Giordano and Finkle. Staff present were Molnar, Knox, and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Giordano moved to approve the Minutes of the May 14, 1996 meeting, Finkle seconded the motion and the Minutes were approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 96-072 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A FIVE-UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF EUREKA STREET PARKING WILL BE ACCESSED FROM THE REAR ALLEY APPLICANT: A.P. GROUP Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT The proposal is to construct five condominiums on the property between Eureka and C Streets. The required parking is proposed to be located off the alley to the rear of the project. Paved access to the project has been proposed to be via the back alley with the alley being fully paved. Presently the alley is blocked from vehicular access about 75 feet short of C Street. Eureka and C are unpaved, but each of the five owners would be required to sign in favor of paving these streets. Currently there is no water or storm drain so the developer will have to extend services to the development. Staff has recommended approval with the seven attached conditions with a suggested eighth condition that prior to issuance of a building permit the City receives a copy of the CC&R's describing maintenance of the landscaping. The Tree Commission's comments are made part of the record. Molnar said only about 25 to 30 percent of the neighbors have signed in favor of future street improvements to Eureka. The applicant asked for the paved improvement through the alley. Based on Site Design requirements with paved parking off the rear, Staff felt the improvements of the entire alley would accommodate most of the traffic. Molnar explained that concerns have been raised by the neighbors that residents of units one and two may decide to park on Eureka because it is more convenient than the provided parking off the alley. Staff believes parking on Eureka may occur during the day but at night the cars will be parked in the rear. Eureka will probably be graded out, thereby accommodating a couple of parking spaces. The right-of-way on Eureka is 50 feet and can easily accommodate curbs, gutters, parking bays, sidewalks, etc. at some time in the future. Finkle asked why C Street in addition to Eureka Street be included in what the project signs on. Molnar said C Street was not specifically eliminated from consideration and could be discussed. Carr wondered about the 75 feet of the alley that is not open. Molnar explained the alley was blocked and the City proceeded in notifying the neighbors that the obstructions would need to be removed. The neighbors responded that this Issue had been discussed in 1977 and through looking at old documents, B. D. Greene requested the alley be open for access for parking at a project. The neighbors asked that the last 75 feet that he would not need for access be kept closed because a garden area was occupying that space. The Council approved it but the alley has not been vacated. This will be scheduled on the next available Council agenda item for review. Carr said the Certificate of Occupancy could not be issued if the alley has not been opened up and it does not seem fair the applicant would be penalized if there is not cooperation with the request. Knox said if the applicant could not get the alley open, it would require pushing everything forward to get enough back-up space. Molnar said some possible rewording could be done on Condition 3. PUBLIC HEARING PETER CIPES, A. P. Group, said his findings and drawings support his application. He would have preferred units one and two to park off Eureka with the rest of the parking off the alley, but has yielded to Staff's recommendation· Carr hoped Cipes understood that the opening up of the alley was in the hands of the Council not the Planning Commission· Cipes is hopeful it will be approved because he does not want to have five finished units and no one able to occupy them because of access. DIANNE ELLIS, 1023 East Main Street, #1, explained she is gardening the alley portion. She read a letter from the neighborhood into the record expressing safety and traffic concerns about improvement of the alley. If the alley is open it will create a through street. She gave the Commissioners minutes from the City Council in 1977. She would not object to opening the alley for pedestrians. She would not object to giving Cipes property for a turnaround. Giordano feels this street is being portrayed as a major thoroughfare and he has never seen that many cars on that portion of C Street. It would seem if the alley was paved it would cut down on dirt and dust. Ellis agreed it would be an improvement if the alley was paved. ROBERT ELLIS, 1023 East Main Street, #1, is concerned about safety in the alley. Young drivers use the alley as a speedway· This is not a normal alley situation. Ellis explained that even if the alley is paved, higher speeding cars will occur. DIANE SLY, 117 Eighth Street, said she is worried about traffic accidents in that area. She has been watching the increased traffic on Eighth Street because of the coffee shop. She has a strong feeling some people are going to want to turn right on C and continue down the alley and go down Emerick to get to East Main again. She supports making the alley accessible up to the point of the development and then having it blocked off. The one short section of C Street is the only access for some. Rebuttal Cipes would be in favor of speed bumps to slow traffic in the alley. In addition he would be willing to using signage such as "SLOW, Children at Play" in the alley. Giordano thought it is almost essential the neighbors have a paved alley· ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 1996 Molnar mentioned the policy of the Public Works Director in the past has discouraged the use of speed bumps in alleys for liability raasons. There may be some other ways to slow traffic in addition to signage. Giordano suggested a paved entrance at both ends of the alley with textured concrete to slow or discourage traffic. Finkle thought narrowing of the alley at C Street to the width of one car would slow traffic. Carr read comments from Julie Bums, 835 Fox Street, Herbert and Ines Finkel, 1031 East Main Street. HERBERT FINKEL noted that the alley is an extension of C Street and that makes it an unusual situation. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Giordano did not think there is a sufficient amount traffic to warrant the concern by the neighbors. can see the advantage to using the alley for access. He agrees there needs to be a traffic calming device at C and the alley. He Finkle can see from the neighbors' testimony that there is a potential problem with people driving straight through the alley from C. He would prefer to have the alley go through but implement some measures for traffic calming. Carr explained that since the opening of the alley is not within the purview of the Planning Commission, the alley should be paved as per Condition 3. Molnar said Condition 3 could be reworded to state that the applicant be responsible for the entire improvement of the alley. If the Council so chooses to put up bollards to keep the last part open, an improved surface would still work well for bicyclists and pedestrians even if the alley narrowed to six or eight feet. Molnar wondered how the Commission would feel if the Council chose not to open the alley whether or not the project should be approved. Cipes said he would prefer not to be held up another month and even if the alley could not be opened, he still has legal access to the project. Finkle moved to approve PA96-072 with access either (1) solely from Emerick Street or (2) with the alley having full access from both Emerick Street if the intersection of the alley with C Street incorporates strong calming measures such as a single lane entrance, speed bumps, or other equally effective measures. In addition, signage will be required. Add Condition 8 that prior to issue of a building permit, a copy of the CC&R's be provided describing assessments for the maintenance of landscaping and required parking areas. Also that the applicant sign in favor of street improvements of C Street if the alley goes through. Giordano seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 96-058 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT A FOUR-PLEX LOCATED OFF THE ALLEY AT 264 VAN NESS AVENUE. APPLICANT: DENNIS HOFER ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 1996 This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 96-059 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 702 CLAY STREET INTO TWO LOTS WITH THE REAR PARCEL BEING A FLAG LOT. A 31 FOOT WIDE DRIVEWAY EASEMENT PRESENTLY EXISTS FROM CLAY STREET; A 15 FOOT WIDE DRIVE WILL BE LOCATED WITHIN THIS EASEMENT TO ALLOW ACCESS TO THE NEW LOT. APPLICANT: DOUG NEUMAN This action has been postponed. PLANNING ACTION 96-066 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT AN EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDING INTO AN APARTMENT LOCATED AT 263 AVERY STREET. APPLICANT: BILL AND CATE YOCUM This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 96-069 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE THE PROPERTY INTO TWO LOTS LOCATED AT 1330 IOWA STREET. THE APPLICANTS PROPOSE A FIFTEEN FOOT EASEMENT FOR MUTUAL ACCESS (FLAG DRIVE) OFF BRIDGE STREET. JOHN J. FOX III AND CAROL S. FOX This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 96-071 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING NON- CONFORMING STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 248 EIGHTH STREET. THE APPLICANTS PROPOSE AN 88 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION ON THE MAIN FLOOR AND A 728 SQUARE FOOT UPPER FLOOR ADDITION, APPLICANT: JANET LARMORE AND TOM STRONG This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 96-073 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE THE PROPERTY INTO TWO PARCELS LOCATED AT 300 GRANDVIEW DRIVE. THE EXISTING DRIVEWAY OFF OF GRANDVIEW WILL BE USED TO ACCESS THE NEW LOT. THE PROPOSAL ALSO INCLUDES A BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT ON THE EAST PROPERTY LINE. APPLICANT: ALAN AND MYRA ERWlN This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 96-074 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OF A TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION LOCATED AT 2190 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 1996 APPLICANT: VERA HELNY AND INGRID AUGUSTA FORSMARK This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 96-075 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A NEW MUSIC BUILDING AT THE NORTH END OF BRISCOE SCHOOL, OFF MANZANITA STREET, LOCATED AT 265 NORTH MAIN STREET. ALSO REQUESTED IS A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK ALONG MANZANITA STREET FROM 10 FEET TO $ FEET, AND TO AM.OW A ROOF PROJECTION AT THE DOOR TO EXTEND WITHIN TWO FEET OF THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. APPLICANT: ASHLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT (BRISCOE SCHOOL) This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was approved at 3:20 p.m. ASHLAND '"PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES ,JUNE 11~ 1g~6