HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-02-13 Hearings Board MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was caJled to order by Jenlfer Carr. Ns4) present were Barbara Jarvis and Ron Bass. Staff present were Knox, Madding and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes and Findings of the January 9, 1996 Hearings Board were approved. TYPE II PUBUC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 95-111 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS WITH THE REAR PARCEL BEING A FLAG LOT 242 W. HERSEY STREET APPMCANT: ARNOLD AND MARY LOU GROSS Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT There was an opportunity to share the driveway access with the adjacent property owner. Staff is hoping that when the applicant goes through the site review process, the driveways can be consolidated. With the exception of the driveways, the requirements have been met. Fix Condition 4 to length of the flag rather than width. PUBLIC HEARING ARNOLD GROSS had been told the driveway could go on the other side. Jarvis said it looks like the property to the east is owned by Arnold's ex-wife. Is that developed as much as it will be developed? Gross thought she had sold off both lots and he did not think there would be any driveways. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Jarvis moved to approve, Bass seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 95-129 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT TO BE LOCATED WITH THE EXISTING RESIDENCE NO EXTERIOR CHANGES ARE PROPOSED TO THE EXISTING RESIDENCE 442 HOLLY STREET APPECANT: HOLLIS GREENWOOD AND MARY PAT POWER Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT The applicant is requesting a CUP to make an already existing unit legal. The City feels the impacts of this unit are minimal. The application meets the criteria and Staff Is recommending approval. Some letters have been received from the neighbors objecting to this accessory residential unit. This unit has been used as an apartment since approximately 1992 and the City has received no complaints. PUBLIC HEARING HOLLIS GREENWOOD, 35 Los Palmos Drive, San Francisco, CA 94127, said they plan to rent out the upstairs unit and reserve the other unit for themselves when they come up to take care of the property. The decided they wanted to make this unit legal. A letter was submitted by Robert Paul and signed by other neighbors. ROBERT PAUL, 386 Guthrie Street, believes that Ashland is deviating from its zoning ordinance. He thought he was buying in a residential area and this does not appear to meet Webster's definition of "residence". This unit will put added stress on street and curbs. He objects to this application. Jarvis explained to Paul this use is allowed under the City's Land Use Ordinance as a Conditional Use Permit. The Affordable Housing Committee encouraged these types of applications. Is there anything Paul can site where the application does not meet the criteria? DON LEWIS, 410 Guthrie, said this is one more family to generate more traffic. This does not seem fair to property owners. They are asking the Commission to reverse the approval and keep single family. LARRY KELLOGG, 415 Merrill Circle, seconded Paul and Lewis' comments. He thought it would be good to reconsider the ordinance. ELLEN SCANNELL, Guthrie, believes it is dangerous to change zoning laws in an already established neighborhood. GREENWOOD, appreciated the courtesy of those in opposition, and said she would do nothing to harm Ashland. It seemed supportive of the City's policy to go through this process. She believes the application satisfies the criteria. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Bass explained this is not a multi-family zone with an exception allowed for small accessory units. Anyone who purchases one of the vacant lots could build a primary residence with an accessory unit. There is a difference between this and multi-family. The Council, through extensive hearings, decided to implement this ordinance. This type of housing is a little different than other communities because Ashland has seen a need for this type of housing. The Planning Commission cannot change the law. Their job is to make sure applications meet criteria. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1996 CARR RE-OPENED PUBLIC HEARING Carr explained that the applicants have come forward to legitimize an existing unit. There is no attempt on the part of the Planning Commission to change any rules or close anyone out. Those participating in a hearing have been asked to address the criteria. Madding gave the definition of a residence from the Land Use Ordinance. Does this application exceed the impacts of the single family residential zone? COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Carr moved to approve PA95-129 with the attached conditions as it meets the criteria for a Conditional Use Permit. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 96-023 882 B STREET ANNETI E PUGH This action has been postponed. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 96-003 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO RE-CONSTRUCT AND EXPAND A NON- CONFORMING BUILDING (SUBTERRANEAN GARAGE) 212 VISTA STREET APPUCANT: MARK REITINGER This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 96-019 REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL OF AN 18-LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION FOR THE PROPERTY 925 BELLVIEW STREET APPLICANT: HARLAN DEGROODT This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 96-020 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A 26-UNIT CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX 284 HERSEY STREET APPMCANT: EARL KING/AL TEITELBAUM This application was called up for a public hearing. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1996 3 PLANNING ACTION 96-022 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONVERT A RESIDENCE TO THREE APARTMENT UNITS 634 IOWA STREET APPUCANT: JONATHAN LANDES This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 96-024 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO TRANSFER THE OWNERSHIP OF A TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION 295 IDAHO STREET APPUCANT: DONALD POUTIS AND DEANA LYNN This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-133 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A ONE UNIT VACATION RENTAL (HOTEL) 391 AVERY STREET. APPUCANT: RANDY WARREN This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1996 4