HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-05-09 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MAY 9, 1995 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Hal Cloer. Other Commissioners present were Jim Hibbert and Peter Finkle. Staff present were Molnar, Knox, Madding and Yates. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 95-031 REQUEST FOR A FINAL PLAN APPROVAL OF AN EIGHT LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTIONS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 575 ELIZABETH STREET APPLICANT: GERRY MANDELL Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT The history and details of this action are outlined in the Staff Report. The application was called up for a public hearing because of drainage problems to the west. During the past two weeks, meetings have occurred between the applicant, the neighbor and the City to resolve any issues regarding drainage and all three parties have agreed to provide a storm drain with each party bearing one-third of the cost. The storm drain meets the requirements of the Engineering Department. Knox said the agreement arrived at between the parties has made Condition 9 obsolete. He suggested deleting the words "...by an engineered dry well system..." and replacing the words "...through the easement in the rear...". Knox also asked to strike the word "completed" in Condition 12 and replace it with "installed". PUBLIC HEARING GERRY MANDELL, 1111 Strawberry Lane, was satisfied with the accuracy of the Staff Report. He questioned Condition 3, stating his understanding was that the system is clogged to the northwest and there is no easement on his title to anyone. He would rather not give easements where none exists already. The line is being rerouted. Molnar agreed the wording was redundant and should be stated: "That the existing irrigation line be relocated". Mandell asked for a further explanation of Condition 11 which asked for signage to indicate a road is to be built eventually. Finkle explained that the purpose of the sign is so there will not be any misunderstanding as to where the road will extend through. Molnar said it can be a small sign. DON COWAN, 1330 Oregon Street, owns two parcels of land to the west of the subject property. He needed clarification with regard to the irrigation line as he wants to make sure the line leading to John Billings property is not destroyed. Hibbert said that is covered in Condition 3 and the line will be rerouted so it follows a side property line. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Hibbert moved to approve PA95-031. Finkle seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 95-020 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN, FINAL PLAN AND SITE REVIEW APPROVAL FOR A FOUR-LOT, THREE-UNIT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT LOCATED AT 280 PALM AVENUE. THE EXISTING HOUSE ON LOT 1 WILL REMAIN. APPLICANT: LLOYD M. HAINES AND M. MICHAEL DOYLE Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT The history and description of this project are outlined in the Staff Report. Knox reported that the project designers presented a good plan to match what is existing in the neighborhood. The plans are somewhat incomplete so Conditions have been added to be sure certain features are met. Six foot minimum porches (Condition 10) was added because anything less than six feet would not be usable. The site plan shows encroachment of porches now, but the City Council is ready to adopt an ordinance amendment with regard to front porches. Balconies of six feet minimum width should be added to Condition 10 also. The applicant has obtained a solar waiver agreement with the northern property owner. The landscape and irrigation plans are inadequate at this time. Condition 16 should be added to read: 'q'hat the driveway serving Lot 2 be angled away from the existing tree as much as possible to avoid impacting the tree's root ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MAY 9, 1995 MINUTES sy~em. Finkle wondered if there was any reason to have four to six foot high fences along the pedestrian paths. Knox said the plans are not really clear, but if there is a fence, Staff wanted different heights to prevent a tunneling effect. Finkle asked why the applicant is being requested to pave the alley when in other cases it is not required. Molnar answered that part of the alley is already paved and the City has asked to continue the improvement. There have been drainage complaints with regard to the alley. Finkle felt at some point traffic calming in alleys needed to be addressed. Molnar felt that in this case, Staff was hopeful that the presence of a two-story building would have some traffic calming effects. PUBLIC HEARING MICHAEL DOYLE, 1109 Siskiyou Boulevard, agreed with the Conditions set forth by Staff. He is in the process of updating the landscaping plan using the suggestions from the Tree Commission. Doyle asked that under Condition 3, he have the option of downsizing the units; that the plans submitted were the maximum size. Molnar said as long as the design remains the same, downsizing would be permissible. Doyle explained he would have wood fences in the backyards and that the walkway fencing would be used more for effect and broken up with landscaping used in conjunction with the fencing. Hibbert thought changing the fence height from three to four feet maximum (instead of four to six feet), not to exceed fencing for more than 50 percent of the pathway would be appropriate. Molnar asked Doyle if he was going to have to break up the driveway to provide for undergrounding electric. Doyle had spoken with Lovrovich and was told the electric services would have to be run underground for Lot 1 (on the south side). CARALYN ElDMAN, 541 Fordyce, is opposed to overhead wiring because she has been hoping to get rid of the power pole. Knox said the electrical lines have been designated to go underground, however, they will be run off the existing pole. Staff Response Change the wording in Condition 15 so it reads: "In order not to create a tunneling effect, the fence along the pedestrian path have differentiating sections of three feet and four feet (maximum) or less in height. Fence shall not exceed 50 percent of the length of the path. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MAY 9, 1995 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Hibbert moved to approve with the added and amended conditions above. Finkle seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 95-027 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS LOCATED AT 541 FORDYCE. LOTS 2 AND 3 TO ACCESS OFF OF A FLAG DRIVE FROM FORDYCE STREET. NO ACCESS PROPOSED FROM ROMEO DRIVE OR MILLPOND ROAD. APPLICANT: CAROLYN J. ElDMAN This action has been postponed. PLANNING ACTION 95-037 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION AND BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS LOCATED AT 1405 TOLMAN CREEK ROAD. APPLICANT: SHERRY JOHNSTON This action has been postponed. PLANNING ACTION 95-042 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN, FINAL PLAN AND SITE REVIEW FOR A TWO LOT, FOUR-UNIT DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF TOLMAN CREEK ROAD AND SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. A VARIANCE IS ALSO BEING REQUESTED TO ALLOW FOR PORCHES TO ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK. APPLICANT: HARLAN DEGROODT Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT The history and description of this project is outlined in the Staff Report. Madding reported that two letters were received from Mullins and Buckner, 2500 Siskiyou Boulevard, objecting to the two-story units being built to the north. Molnar gave an explanation and sketch of how the solar is calculated. The applicant's property has one northern lot line and has been measured from the line along Siskiyou Boulevard. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MAY 9, 1995 MINUTES When the property is divided, the southern lot will lose the northern lot line along Siskiyou. PUBLIC HEARING TOM GIORDANO, 157 Morninglight Drive, said the biggest issue seems to be solar. It was his client's desire to divide the two properties, however, the line could be eliminated and it could be a three lot project. Giordano provided an aerial photograph of the site, explaining that with a 10-12 pitch roof, even in the worst case, the neighbor's pool is not shadowed on Dec. 21st. In December, the garden will be shaded. Cloer wondered about May and June, however, Giordano did not think it would shade the garden during that time. He felt the fence would shade it before the building would. HARLAN DEGROODT is willing to lower the roof pitch to make the project work. He would like a three lot ownership. Molnar still has concerns with solar even with the option presented by Giordano. If the project went to a three lot configuration, how would ownership of the three garages be done? The only thing Molnar could calculate is to continue using the far property line along Siskiyou Boulevard for the solar calculation and retain the apartment project on one lot or approve as a condominium where the airspace is being surveyed. Molnar does not have a problem with the design, however, the letters he received with regard to solar has muddled the record. Finkle questioned if there was a way to find out what the impact of the fence is at different times of the year. Giordano submitted photos of the fence. Finkle asked if measurements were needed. Staff Response Molnar thought the only approval acceptable today would be for a condominium project or just a site review for two duplex units on one lot. The alternatives presented are for three lots and owning the ground below. This would have to be presented to the City Attorney for his review. DeGroodt said he would accept Molnar's proposal rather than no approval and would accept wording to allow the City Attorney to investigate other options. Financing of condominiums is an issue with the four-unit condominium being the least favorable for financing. He is willing to work with Staff for a conditioned approval. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MAY 9, 1995 MINUTES 5 Molnar suggested adding a Condition 14: "That the proposal be approved as a condominium project only with an associated condominium survey, unless the City Attorney consider the current project to comply with the solar access ordinance." COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Hibbert thought the Commission should not be approving this and they need to look at the solar ordinance because there are other lots in Ashland with similar shapes that will create this type of problem in the future. This application should be directed to the Full Commission, denied, or modified heights submitted to meet the solar heights on the northern boundary to the south. Molnar suggested continuation to allow Staff time to sort the information presented. Finkle would be more willing to approve with a reduced roofline that would reduce the solar shadow but preferred continuing the hearing. Cloer favored continuation because he felt it should be clear as to what the neighbors are understanding. Knox suggested DeGroodt talk to the neighbors. Finkle moved to continue PA95-042 to the June meeting. and Finkle and Cloer voted "yes" with Hibbert abstaining. Cloer seconded the motion Hibbert reiterated that he felt there is a problem with the solar access ordinance and the line from which it is calculated in some circumstances. He would like this scrutinized by the Full Commission and would strongly recommend further discussion. Molnar said it could be a Study Session agenda item. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 95-039 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO STRUCTURALLY ALTER A NON-CONFORMING APARTMENT BUILDING, EXPANDING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS BY ONE LOCATED AT 1665 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: RONALD L. DELUCA This action was called up for a public hearing. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MAY 9, 19~5 MINUTES 6 PLANNING ACTION 95-040 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONVERSION OF AN EXISTING GUEST HOUSE TO AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT LOCATED AT 101 PINE STREET. APPLICANT: SUZANNE WILLOW This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-041 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS LOCATED AT 240 W. HERSEY STREET. APPLICANT: MARY LOU GROSS This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-043 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS LOCATED AT 938 OAK STREET. ACCESS TO PARCELS #2 AND #3 WILL BE BY WAY A FLAG DRIVE ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE. APPLICANT: CLEO M. SMITH This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-045 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A ONE-UNIT TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION LOCATED AT 635 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: LLOYD & SANDRA ERB This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-046 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A JUICE CART (TEMPORARY USE) AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LITHIA WAY AND PIONEER STREET (IN FRONT OF NATURALS). APPLICANT: STACY AND MEREDITH PAGE This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MAY 9, 1995 MINUTES