HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-06-13 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 13, 1995 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Jenifer Carr at 1:35 p.m.. Other Commissioners present were Cloer and Finkle. Staff present were Molnar, Madding, and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Cloer seconded Hibbert's idea to have a study session about the solar ordinance. Cloer moved that the Minutes of the May 9, 1995 meeting be approved. Finkle seconded and the Minutes were approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-037 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE AND FINAL PLAN APPROVAL OF A FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION LOCATED AT 1405 TOLMAN CREEK ROAD APPLICANT: SHERRY JOHNSTON Site Visits or Ex Parte Contacts All Commissioners had a site visit. STAFF REPORT Staff's concerns with this application are with zoning, the size of the parcel and the fact that the owner owns the two other parcels to the east. Ultimate development could be near 13 units and Staff wants to be certain that planning for the entire property be considered. A transparency showed future development. Staff has recommended approval of the application. The applicant has a concern that Condition 6 is open-ended regarding the shared cost of the bridge. The City Attorney agreed that the wording was vague and has recommended the Condition could be deleted because when the property to the east is developed, the improvement could be required at that time or an assessment district could be formed with the majority of the property owners agreeing to do the improvements. Finkle and Cloer would prefer to have the applicant sign in favor of the future pedestrian/bike connection so future property owners would be aware of an improvement cost. PUBLIC HEARING RON THURNER, 1170 Bellview, is assisting Mrs. Johnston in her application. He believed that by agreeing to Condition 6, in essence the applicant is signing a blank check. The applicant is willing to plat the easement. The development will not occur until lot 400 develops. By keeping Condition 6, the Commission would define which lots will pay for improvements. DAVID EDWARDS, 816 W. 8th, Medford, OR, reviewed each criteria of approval for Outline and Final Plan approval and discussed how each criteria has been met. Edwards said the owners of lot 3 will have some minimal maintenance of the riparian area. DON GREENE, 375 Normal Avenue, expressed his concern that this applicant and all applicants be required to sign in favor of future improvements, including in this case, the signing in favor of the formation of a local improvement district for the pedestrian area as this is a high priority of the City Council. Rebuttal THURNER & JOHNSTON, said that the lots in this application will not benefit from a pedestrian/bike path. Johnston does not want to sell the lots and tell the buyers that at some unknown time the buyers will be obligated to pay some unknown amount for a path. Finkle suggested adding to the end of Condition 5, after the word "crossing"..."at the time of development of lot 400". COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Finkle moved to approve PA95-037 with the deletion of Conditions 6 and 7, with the addition of wording on Condition 5. Cloer seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 95-039 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO STRUCTURALLY ALTER A NON-CONFORMING APARTMENT BUILDING AND EXPANDING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS BY ONE, LOCATED AT 1665 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: RONALD L. DELUCA ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 1995 Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT The applicant is asking to convert two existing storage spaces to a one-unit apartment and a laundry facility. Staff has worked with the applicant to bring the site into conformance by increasing the amount of landscaping along the street and eliminating a driveway area to make a circular entrance. The dumpster will be screened and additional bike parking will be provided. Staff has recommended approval with the five attached Conditions. Add Condition 6 that the property owners sign in favor of future street improvements to Siskiyou Boulevard. PUBLIC HEARING RICK VEZIE, 94 3rd Street, is representing DeLuca. He believes the applicant would be in favor of improvement along Siskiyou. There are no exterior changes to the building with the exception of screening in the dumpster and adding bike racks. DON GREENE, 375 Normal, favored the application. Greene owns the property across the street and stated that when he came into the office to see a copy of the Staff Report, none was available. He questioned what criteria were used for putting certain requirements on one property but not on another. On his property across the street, there were no changes made to the restaurant, however, they were required to obtain permits from ODOT, landscape the right-of-way area, and provide handicap parking and remove parking from the front yard setback at Bento's. Molnar explained the basis for conditioning a project. In DeLuca's application, Staff weighed 280 square feet being converted to an apartment as a reasonable means to bring the property into conformance with today's standards. In Greene's case, Bento's was involved in a project with 8,000 square feet of new building along with a zone change. Greene's changes were more formidable than DeLuca's. Greene did not feel projects are treated equally. He does not want to see signing in favor of future improvements missed on any projects as it has been so many times in the past. Carr wondered if the parking on DeLuca's project could be numbered to coincide with the apartment numbers so a handicapped renter could be assigned a particular space. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 1995 Rebuttal VEZIE said he appreciated the discretion Staff has used in balancing the improvements the applicant was requesting and those that the City required. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Cloer moved to approve PA95-039. Finkle seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 95-052 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS AT 708 CLAY STREET WITH THE REAR PARCEL BEING SERVED BY A FLAG DRIVE FROM CLAY STREET. APPLICANT: BOB L. BECKER This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-054 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A ONE-UNIT HOTEL/MOTEL LOCATED AT 675 E. MAIN STREET. APPLICANT: HARRY & PAT NICHOLSON This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-056 REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO CONVERT THE EXISTING "GARAGE-WORKSHOP" BUILDING TO A SECOND RESIDENCE AT 107 ALIDA STREET. APPLICANT: TED HOLDEN This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-059 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN 8,450 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING TO BE USED FOR SHEET METAL FABRICATION, LOCATED AT 3171 E. MAIN STREET. APPLICANT: MARTY JACOBSON/CRAIG LOOP ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 1995 This action was approved. There will be 11 parking spaces. PLANNING ACTION 95-061 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A LOT INTO TWO PARCELS LOCATED AT 348 IOWA STREET, WITH THE REAR PARCEL ACCESSING FROM THE ALLEY. APPLICANT: EVA COOLEY This application was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 95-063 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR THE ADDITION OF 16 MOBILE HOMES SPACES TO THE 85 EXISTING SPACES IN THE WINGSPREAD MOBILE HOME PARK LOCATED AT 321 CLAY STREET. APPLICANT: DARYN DAVIS This action was approved. Staff will obtain a bicycle easement. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 11, 1995